926 resultados para Two-dimensional model


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Os dados geológicos e geofísicos escolhidos para o tema de estudo pertencem a Bacia do Amazonas, na região centro-norte do Brasil. A Bacia do Amazonas é uma bacia intracratônica com cerca de 500.000 km. A mesma está limitada ao norte pelo Escudo das Guianas e ao sul pelo Escudo Brasileiro. O limite oeste com a Bacia do Solimões é marcado pelo Arco de Purus, ao passo que o Arco de Gurupá constitui seu limite leste. Possui características inerentes a uma bacia intracratônica paleozóica, com uma longa história evolutiva, marcada por discordâncias expressivas e com uma cunha sedimentar relativamente rasa se comparada às bacias cretáceas brasileiras, o que levanta controvérsia a respeito da suficiência do soterramento para a eficiência de geração de hidrocarboneto. Podem ser reconhecidas nos 5000 m do preenchimento sedimentar da Bacia do Amazonas, duas seqüências de primeira ordem: uma paleozóica, intrudida por diques e soleiras de diabásio, na passagem do Triássico para o Jurássico, e uma mesozóica-cenozóica que representam um aspecto importante na evolução térmica da matéria orgânica que ocorre na primeira seqüência. Com relação à exploração de petróleo, apesar do fomento exploratório ocorrido nos últimos anos, a bacia ainda é considerada pouco explorada sendo sua maior reserva a da província de Urucu. Um dos fatores que dificultam bastante a exploração desta bacia assim como a bacia do Solimões a oeste é o acesso restrito, pois estão situadas em áreas remotas e florestadas, de difícil acesso, com muitas reservas indígenas e florestais, o que causa restrições logísticas, operacionais e legais. O efeito térmico das intrusões ígneas é considerado como o responsável pelo acréscimo de calor necessário à maturação da matéria orgânica e conseqüente geração de hidrocarbonetos. Este trabalho contribui com a reconstrução da história térmica desta bacia a partir da modelagem das variáveis termais e da história de soterramento. Para isso, foram utilizados modelos consagrados na literatura, que permitem, de forma simples, a estimativa do fluxo térmico através do embasamento e da seqüência sedimentar. Na análise da influência de intrusões ígneas na estrutura térmica da bacia, o modelo bidimensional desenvolvido pelo método de diferenças finitas se mostrou apropriado. Utilizou-se o fluxo térmico basal calculado nas condições de contorno da modelagem da influência térmica das ígneas. Como resultado obteve-se a estruturação térmica da bacia e a historia maturação de suas rochas geradoras


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Recently, a new numerical benchmark exercise for High Temperature Gas Cooled Reactor (HTGR) fuel depletion was defined. The purpose of this benchmark is to provide a comparison basis for different codes and methods applied to the burnup analysis of HTGRs. The benchmark specifications include three different models: (1) an infinite lattice of tristructural isotropic (TRISO) fuel particles, (2) an infinite lattice of fuel pebbles, and (3) a prismatic fuel including fuel and coolant channels. In this paper, we present the results of the third stage of the benchmark obtained with MCNP based depletion code BGCore and deterministic lattice code HELIOS 1.9. The depletion calculations were performed for three-dimensional model of prismatic fuel with explicitly described TRISO particles as well as for two-dimensional model, in which double heterogeneity of the TRISO particles was eliminated using reactivity equivalent physical transformation (RPT). Generally, good agreement in the results of the calculations obtained using different methods and codes was observed.


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Time-dependent thermal simulation of ridge-geometry InGaN laser diodes is carried out with a two-dimensional model. A high temperature in the waveguide layer and a large temperature step between the regions under and outside the ridge are generated due to the poor thermal conductivity of the sapphire substrate and the large threshold current and voltage. The temperature step is thought to have a strong influence on the characteristics of the laser diodes. Time-resolved measurements of light-current curves,spectra, and the far-field pattern of the InGaN laser diodes under pulsed operation are performed. The results show that the thermal lensing effect improves the confinement of the higher order modes and leads to a lower threshold current and a higher slope efficiency of the device while the high temperature in the active layer results in a drastic decrease in the slope efficiency.


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With the improving of mantle convection theory, the developing of computing method and increasing of the measurement data, we can numerically simulate more clearly about the effects on some geophysical observed phenomenons such as the global heat flow and global lithospheric stress field in the Earth's surface caused by mantle convection, which is the primary mechanism for the transport of heat from the Earth's deep interior to its surface and the underlying force mechanism of dynamics in the Earth.Chapter 1 reviews the historical background and present research state of mantle convection theory.In Chapter 2, the basic conception of thermal convection and the basic theory about mantle flow.The effects on generation and distribution of global lithospheric stres s field induced by mantle flow are the subject of Chapter 3. Mantle convection causes normal stress and tangential stresses at the bottom of the lithosphere, and then the sublithospheric stress field induces the lithospheric deformation as sixrface force and results in the stress field within the lithosphere. The simulation shows that the agreement between predictions and observations is good in most regions. Most of subduction zones and continental collisions are under compressive. While ocean ridges, such as the east Pacific ridge, the Atlantic ridge and the east African rift valley, are under tensile. And most of the hotspots preferentially occur in regions where calculated stress is tensile. The calculated directions of the most compressive principal horizontal stress are largely in accord with that of the observation except for some regions such as the NW-Pacifie subduction zone and Qinghai-Tibet Plateau, in which the directions of the most compressive principal horizontal stress are different. It shows that the mantel flow plays an important role in causing or affecting the large-scale stress field within the lithosphere.The global heat flow simulation based on a kinematic model of mantle convection is given in Chapter 4. Mantle convection velocities are calculated based on the internal loading theory at first, the velocity field is used as the input to solve the thermal problem. Results show that calculated depth derivatives of the near surface temperature are closely correlated to the observed surface heat flow pattern. Higher heat flow values around midocean ridge systems can be reproduced very well. The predicted average temperature as a function of function of depth reveals that there are two thermal boundary layers, one is close to the surface and another is close to the core-mantle boundary, the rest of the mantle is nearly isothermal. Although, in most of the mantle, advection dominates the heat transfer, the conductive heat transfer is still locally important in the boundary layers and plays an important role for the surface heat flow pattern. The existence of surface plates is responsible for the long wavelength surface heat flow pattern.In Chapter 5, the effects on present-day crustal movement in the China Mainland resulted from the mantle convection are introduced. Using a dynamic method, we present a quantitative model for the present-day crustal movement in China. We consider not only the effect of the India-Eurasia collision, the gravitational potential energy difference of the Tibet Plateau, but also the contribution of the shear traction on the bottom of the lithosphere induced by the global mantle convection. The comparison between our results and the velocity field obtained from the GPS observation shows that our model satisfactorily reproduces the general picture of crustal deformation in China. Numerical modeling results reveal that the stress field on the base of the lithosphere induced by the mantle flow is probably a considerable factor that causes the movement and deformation of the lithosphere in continental China with its eflfcet focuing on the Eastern China A numerical research on the small-scale convection with variable viscosity in the upper mantle is introduced in Chapter 6. Based on a two-dimensional model, small-scale convection in the mantle-lithosphere system with variable viscosity is researched by using of finite element method. Variation of viscosity in exponential form with temperature is considered in this paper The results show that if viscosity is strongly temperature-dependent, the upper part of the system does not take a share in the convection and a stagnant lid, which is identified as lithosphere, is formed on the top of system because of low temperature and high viscosity. The calculated surface heat flow, topography and gravity anomaly are associated well with the convection pattern, namely, the regions with high heat flow and uplift correspond to the upwelling flow, and vice versa.In Chapter 7, we give a brief of future research subject: The inversion of lateral density heterogeneity in the mantle by minimizing the viscous dissipation.


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One way to restore physiological blood flow to occluded arteries involves the deformation of plaque using an intravascular balloon and preventing elastic recoil using a stent. Angioplasty and stent implantation cause unphysiological loading of the arterial tissue, which may lead to tissue in-growth and reblockage; termed “restenosis.” In this paper, a computational methodology for predicting the time-course of restenosis is presented. Stress-induced damage, computed using a remaining life approach, stimulates inflammation (production of matrix degrading factors and growth stimuli). This, in turn, induces a change in smooth muscle cell phenotype from contractile (as exists in the quiescent tissue) to synthetic (as exists in the growing tissue). In this paper, smooth muscle cell activity (migration, proliferation, and differentiation) is simulated in a lattice using a stochastic approach to model individual cell activity. The inflammation equations are examined under simplified loading cases. The mechanobiological parameters of the model were estimated by calibrating the model response to the results of a balloon angioplasty study in humans. The simulation method was then used to simulate restenosis in a two dimensional model of a stented artery. Cell activity predictions were similar to those observed during neointimal hyperplasia, culminating in the growth of restenosis. Similar to experiment, the amount of neointima produced increased with the degree of expansion of the stent, and this relationship was found to be highly dependant on the prescribed inflammatory response. It was found that the duration of inflammation affected the amount of restenosis produced, and that this effect was most pronounced with large stent expansions. In conclusion, the paper shows that the arterial tissue response to mechanical stimulation can be predicted using a stochastic cell modeling approach, and that the simulation captures features of restenosis development observed with real stents. The modeling approach is proposed for application in three dimensional models of cardiovascular stenting procedures.


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The effects of module shape, module design, three dimensional flow field generated by modules, and partition of primary nozzle on the performance of an infinite array linear clustered plug nozzle are discussed. The module shape is a critical element for nozzle performance and the partition of the primary nozzle with round-to square modules causes a vacuum thrust reduction with respect to two-dimensional model. The performance analysis of different module configuration allows weighing separately the role of clustering and the role of module design. In operating conditions characterized by turned off modules the performance loss is larger, but the difference due to the module shape are smaller and mostly due to the module contribution. The performance of the plug nozzle can be improved by module design, which reduces the module exit flow nonuniformity.


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In the research of the microstructural influence on dynamic compression, an assumption that the α and the β phases in titanium alloys were linearly strengthened was proposed, and a two-dimensional model using ANSYS (ANSYS, Inc., Canonsburg, PA) focusing on the role of microgeometrical structure was developed. By comparing the stress and strain distributions of different microstructures, the roles of cracks and phase boundaries in titanium compression were studied.


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Résumé Le premier article de la thèse se veut une revue systématique des données empiriques mettant en lumière les antécédents à la base de l’émergence du leadership narcissique dans les organisations, ses composantes psychologiques ainsi que ses incidences tant pour les organisations que pour leurs membres. Conséquemment, cette étude brosse initialement une recension détaillée des principaux facteurs idiosyncrasiques, culturels, environnementaux et structurels participant à la manifestation du leadership narcissique dans les organisations. Par la suite, elle en sonde la teneur en isolant l’existence de cinq composantes psychologiques, soit le charisme, l’influence intéressée, la motivation fallacieuse, l’inhibition intellectuelle et la considération simulée. Enfin, elle souligne les conséquences négatives de son actualisation dont les principales sont : la production de prises de décisions volatiles et risquées; la création d’un climat organisationnel toxique; la destruction de la confiance des subordonnés; la détérioration de l’efficacité organisationnelle; l’émergence d’une gestion dysfonctionnelle; et la manifestation de comportements non-éthiques. Le deuxième article s’avère une analyse comparative de deux types de leadership se révélant, de prime abord, trompeusement analogues. Ces deux types sont le leadership transformationnel et le leadership narcissique. Quoique se situant aux antipodes en matière de satisfaction de besoins (influence idéalisée versus influence intéressée), de promotion de visions (motivation inspirationnelle versus motivation fallacieuse), de réceptivité à la rétroaction d’autrui (stimulation intellectuelle versus inhibition intellectuelle) et de traitement des relations interpersonnelles (considération individualisée versus considération simulée), les leaderships transformationnel et narcissique partagent entre eux un élément commun : le charisme du leader. C’est précisément cette dernière caractéristique, conférant à son détenteur un puissant halo magnétisant, qui se révèle le creuset de la spéciosité du leadership narcissique opérant essentiellement lors des tout premiers contacts avec le leader. En fait, le charisme du leader narcissique sert en quelque sorte de fard, composé de charme et de fascination, masquant une décevante réalité psychologique et dont les propriétés captieuses s’étiolent rapidement. Le troisième article de la thèse est une étude conceptuelle examinant la structuration idiosyncrasique des criminels en col blanc ayant commis des fraudes financières se chiffrant à plusieurs dizaines de millions de dollars. Exploitant le croisement des deux dimensions fondamentales de l’agression, soit sa fonction (proactive ou réactive) et sa forme (directe ou indirecte), cette étude propose une taxonomie archétypique de différents types de psychopathie susceptible de mieux cerner la psychologie du criminel en col blanc d’envergure. L’agression est dite proactive lorsqu’elle est motivée par des impératifs de prédation indépendants de l’état émotionnel de l’individu. L’action de l’individu prédateur est intentionnelle et instrumentale. Elle vise l’atteinte d’objectifs préétablis avant l’actualisation de l’agression. Par contre, elle est considérée réactive lorsque la préservation de l’intégrité physique ou psychologique de l’individu est l’objet d’une menace émergeant de son environnement externe immédiat. Dans ce cas, la réaction agressive de l’individu est émotionnellement conditionnée. Par ailleurs, nonobstant la nature de sa fonction, l’agression peut s’exprimer directement ou indirectement. Elle est considérée directe lorsqu’elle a pour cible l’agressé en tant que tel. La forme physique d’agression peut être physique (sévices corporels) ou verbale (menaces et insultes). Par contre, lorsqu’elle emprunte des modes d’expression plus subtils, tels les rumeurs, l’humour malicieux et la tromperie, l’agression est dite indirecte. Le pairage des deux dimensions fondamentales de l’agression permet la construction d’un modèle d’analyse bidimensionnelle englobant quatre types de psychopathie, à savoir les psychopathies parasitique (préservation indirecte), colérique (préservation directe), cynégétique (prédation directe) et sympathique (prédation indirecte). C’est précisément cette dernière forme de psychopathie, le type sympathique caractérisé par un étaiement idiosyncrasique narcissico-machiavélique, qui traduit le mieux la psychologie des criminels en col blanc d’envergure. Enfin, le quatrième et dernier article de la présente thèse se propose d’explorer une problématique de recherche n’ayant reçu que très peu d’attention de la part des membres de la communauté scientifique, à savoir l’examen de l’adéquation d’un modèle dimensionnel du narcissisme pathologique inspiré du modèle développé par Roche, Pincus, Lukowitsky, Ménard et Conroy (2013). Au moyen d’une étude de cas exploratoire, il a été possible d’associer la vulnérabilité narcissique au segment décompensatoire (échec des stratégies inadaptées d’agrandissement de soi) du modèle théorique inspiré de celui de Roche et al. (2013) et ce, conformément à ses prescriptions. En effet, la comparaison des résultats de l’un des deux participants de l’étude, madame H, obtenus lors des deux saisies de données espacées d’un intervalle d’une année, indique une diminution de la vulnérabilité narcissique lors de la période de re-compensation. En outre, cette diminution est accompagnée de celle de la grandiosité narcissique. En somme, la relation positive entre les deux dimensions du narcissisme pathologique se révèle, sur un plan longitudinal, constante dans les deux segments – compensatoire (recours à des stratégies inadaptées d’agrandissement de soi) et décompensatoire – du modèle théorique inspiré de celui de Roche et al. (2013). Par ailleurs, les résultats obtenus auprès des deux participants à l’étude de cas, monsieur B et de madame H, s’avèrent éclairants eu égard à la prépondérance respective de chacune des dimensions (grandiosité et vulnérabilité) narcissiques en fonction des segments compensatoire et décompensatoire du modèle théorique inspiré de celui de Roche et al. (2013). Se trouvant en mode de compensation narcissique lors des deux saisies de données, monsieur B affiche une grandiosité narcissique supérieure à sa vulnérabilité narcissique. Cette constatation respecte en tous points les prescriptions théoriques du modèle. Quant à madame H, qu’elle soit en mode de compensation ou de décompensation narcissique (postulat non démontré eu égard aux prescriptions du modèle théorique utilisé), sa vulnérabilité narcissique demeure constamment plus élevée que sa grandiosité narcissique. Théoriquement, selon les prescriptions du modèle, la prépondérance devrait être observée chez la dimension « grandiosité narcissique » en période de compensation. De toute évidence, les données obtenues auprès de madame H s’écartent de ces prescriptions.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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We present the results of a comparative study on thermally stratified tanks for hot storage. A two-dimensional model is employed. A numerical solution was obtained using the control-volume technique due to Patankar. The two-dimensional model was simplified for the pure conduction case. Results from the two models were compared with each other and with available numerical and experimental results. (C) 1997 Elsevier B.V. Ltd.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)