999 resultados para Trials (Piracy)--Massachusetts--Boston
BACKGROUND: Prognostic models have been developed to predict survival of patients with newly diagnosed glioblastoma (GBM). To improve predictions, models should be updated with information at the recurrence. We performed a pooled analysis of European Organization for Research and Treatment of Cancer (EORTC) trials on recurrent glioblastoma to validate existing clinical prognostic factors, identify new markers, and derive new predictions for overall survival (OS) and progression free survival (PFS).¦METHODS: Data from 300 patients with recurrent GBM recruited in eight phase I or II trials conducted by the EORTC Brain Tumour Group were used to evaluate patient's age, sex, World Health Organisation (WHO) performance status (PS), presence of neurological deficits, disease history, use of steroids or anti-epileptics and disease characteristics to predict PFS and OS. Prognostic calculators were developed in patients initially treated by chemoradiation with temozolomide.¦RESULTS: Poor PS and more than one target lesion had a significant negative prognostic impact for both PFS and OS. Patients with large tumours measured by the maximum diameter of the largest lesion (⩾42mm) and treated with steroids at baseline had shorter OS. Tumours with predominant frontal location had better survival. Age and sex did not show independent prognostic values for PFS or OS.¦CONCLUSIONS: This analysis confirms performance status but not age as a major prognostic factor for PFS and OS in recurrent GBM. Patients with multiple and large lesions have an increased risk of death. With these data prognostic calculators with confidence intervals for both medians and fixed time probabilities of survival were derived.
Randomized, controlled trials have demonstrated efficacy for second-generation antipsychotics in the treatment of acute mania in bipolar disorder. Despite depression being considered the hallmark of bipolar disorder, there are no published systematic reviews or meta-analyses to evaluate the efficacy of modern atypical antipsychotics in bipolar depression. We systematically reviewed published or registered randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trials (RCTs) of modern antipsychotics in adult bipolar I and/or II depressive patients (DSM-IV criteria). Efficacy outcomes were assessed based on changes in the Montgomery-Asberg Depression Rating Scale (MADRS) during an 8-wk period. Data were combined through meta-analysis using risk ratio as an effect size with a 95% confidence interval (95% CI) and with a level of statistical significance of 5% (p<0.05). We identified five RCTs; four involved antipsychotic monotherapy and one addressed both monotherapy and combination with an antidepressant. The two quetiapine trials analysed the safety and efficacy of two doses: 300 and 600 mg/d. The only olanzapine trial assessed olanzapine monotherapy within a range of 5-20 mg/d and olanzapine-fluoxetine combination within a range of 5-20 mg/d and 6-12 mg/d, respectively. The two aripiprazole placebo-controlled trials assessed doses of 5-30 mg/d. Quetiapine and olanzapine trials (3/5, 60%) demonstrated superiority over placebo (p<0.001). Only 2/5 (40%) (both aripiprazole trials) failed in the primary efficacy measure after the first 6 wk. Some modern antipsychotics (quetiapine and olanzapine) have demonstrated efficacy in bipolar depressive patients from week 1 onwards. Rapid onset of action seems to be a common feature of atypical antipsychotics in bipolar depression. Comment in The following popper user interface control may not be accessible. Tab to the next button to revert the control to an accessible version.Destroy user interface controlEfficacy of modern antipsychotics in placebo-controlled trials in bipolar depression: a meta-analysis--results to be interpreted with caution.
Inhibition of tumor angiogenesis suppresses tumor growth and metastatic spreading in many experimental models, suggesting that anti-angiogenic drugs may be used to treat human cancer. During the past decade more than eighty molecules that showed anti-angiogenic activity in preclinical studies were tested in clinical cancer trials, but most of them failed to demonstrate any measurable anti-tumor activity and none have been approved for clinical use. Recent results stemming from trials with anti-VEGF antibodies, used alone or in combination with chemotherapy, suggest that systemic anti-angiogenic therapy may indeed have a measurable impact on cancer progression and patient survival. From the clinical studies it became nevertheless clear that the classical endpoints used in anti-cancer trials do not bring sufficient discriminative power to monitor the effects of anti-angiogenic drugs. It is therefore necessary to identify and validate molecular, cellular and functional surrogate markers of angiogenesis to monitor activity and efficacy of anti-angiogenic drugs in patients. Availability of such markers will be instrumental to re-evaluate the role of tumor angiogenesis in human cancer, to identify new molecular targets and drugs, and to improve planning, monitoring and interpretation of future studies. Future anti-angiogenesis trials integrating biological endpoints and surrogate markers or angiogenesis will require close collaboration between clinical investigators and laboratory-based researchers.
Pharmacological treatment of hypertension represents a cost-effective way for preventing cardiovascular and renal complications. To benefit maximally from antihypertensive treatment blood pressure (BP) should be brought to below 140/90 mmHg in every hypertensive patient, and even lower (< 130/80 mmHg) if diabetes or renal disease co-exists. Most of the time such targets cannot be reached using monotherapies. This is especially true in patients who exhibit a high cardiovascular risk. The co-administration of two agents acting by different mechanisms considerably increases BP control. Such preparations are not only efficacious, but also well tolerated, and some fixed low-dose combinations have a tolerability profile similar to placebo. This is for instance the case for the preparation containing the angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitor perindopril (2 mg) and the diuretic indapamide (0.625 mg), a fixed low-dose combination that has recently been shown in controlled interventional trials to be more effective than monotherapies in reducing albuminuria, regressing cardiac hypertrophy and improving macrovascular stiffness. Fixed-dose combinations are becoming more and more popular and are even proposed by current hypertension guidelines as a first-line option to treat hypertensive patients.
Introduction: The pharmaceutical aspects of drug administration in clinical trials receive poor consideration compared with the important attention devoted to the analytical and mathematical aspects of biological sample exploitation. During PK calculations, many researchers merely use for dose the nominal amount declared, overlooking the noticeable biases that may result in the assessment of PK parameters. The aim of this work was to evaluate the biases related to doses injected of a biosimilar drug in 2 Phase I clinical trials. Patients (or Materials) and Methods: In trial A, 12 healthy volunteers received different doses of a biosimilar of interferon beta-1a by either subcutaneous (SC) or intravenous (IV) injection. The doses were prepared by partially emptying 0.5-mL syringes supplied by the manufacturer (drop count procedure). In trial B, 12 healthy volunteers received 3 different formulations of the drug by IV injection (biosimilar without albumin [HSA], biosimilar with HSA and original brand [Rebif®]) and 2 different formulations as multiple SC injections (biosimilar HSA-free and original brand). In both trials, the actual dose administered was calculated as: D = C·V - losses. The product titer C was assessed by ELISA. The volume administered IV was assessed by weighting. Losses were evaluated by in vitro experiments. Finally, the binding of 125I-interferon to HSA was evaluated by counting the free and HSA complexed molecule fractions separated by gel filtration. Results: Interferon was not significantly adsorbed onto the lines used for its IV administration. In trial A, the titer was very close to the one declared (96 ± 7%). In trial B, it differed significantly (156 ± 10% for biosimilar with/without HSA and 123 ± 5% for original formulation). In trial A, the dose actually administered showed a large variability. The real injected volume could be biased up to 75% compared with the theoretical volume (for the lower dose administered [ie, 0.03 mL]). This was mainly attributed to a partial re-aspiration of the drug solution before withdrawing the syringe needle. A strict procedure was therefore applied in trial B to avoid these inaccuracies. Finally, in trial B, 125I-Interferon beta-1a binding to HSA appeared time dependent and slow, reaching 50% after 16-hour incubation, which is close to steady state reported for the comparator Rebif®. Conclusion: These practical examples (especially biases on actual titer and volume injected) illustrate that actual dose assessment deserves attention to ensure accuracy for estimates of clearance and distribution volume in the scientific literature and for registration purposes, especially for bioequivalence studies.
The antihypertensive effects of the beta-blocking agent betaxolol and the calcium entry blocker verapamil were compared in a crossover single-blind trial. Seventeen patients with uncomplicated essential hypertension took either betaxolol or a slow-release formulation of verapamil for two consecutive 6-week periods. The sequence of treatment phases was randomly allocated and a 2-week washout period preceded each treatment. The antihypertensive effect of the test drugs was assessed both at the physician's office and during everyday activities using a portable blood pressure recorder. The crossover design of the trial made it possible to evaluate the antihypertensive efficacy of betaxolol and verapamil both in the group as a whole and in the individual patient. The individual patient response to one of these agents was not a reliable indicator of the same patient's response to the alternative agent. Betaxolol brought both office and ambulatory recorded blood pressures under control in a larger fraction of patients than verapamil, although the magnitude of the blood pressure fall in the responders was equal for each drug. These observations stress the need for an individualized approach to the evaluation of antihypertensive therapy. The present results also demonstrate that optimal antihypertensive therapy is still a matter of trial and error. The precise methodology that ought to characterize crossover trials may make it possible to improve the therapeutic approach to hypertensive patients.
Factors modifying drug and placebo responses in randomized trials for bipolar mania. Yildiz A, Vieta E, Tohen M, Baldessarini RJ. Source Department of Psychiatry, Dokuz Eylül University, Izmir, Turkey. agul_yildiz@hotmail.com Abstract Randomized placebo-controlled trials (RCTs) are standard for assessing efficacy and safety of treatments. We pursued preliminary indications that some factors are associated differentially with responses to placebo or drugs in RCTs for bipolar mania. We meta-analysed data from RCTs to assess influences of study-site count, subjects' age, sex distribution, diagnostic subgroups, clinical features, trial-completion rates, and publication year on mean difference (MD) in mania ratings between intake and final assessments. In 38 RCTs involving 3812 placebo-treated and 6988 drug-treated patients, symptomatic improvement was similar in placebo arms of trials of effective (6.77, 95% CI 5.77-7.76) and ineffective (7.61, 95% CI 5.47-8.75) drugs. Lesser placebo responses (MD) and greater drug-placebo differences (Hedges' g) were associated with fewer study sites, younger patients' age, and male sex. More patients with initial psychotic features and more trial completion in drug arms were associated with greater drug-associated improvement (MD) and drug-placebo contrast (Hedges' g), whereas more mixed-state diagnoses decreased both measures. Identifying modifying factors can support more efficient and cost-effective designs of therapeutic trials. In trials for mania, fewer sites may limit placebo response and enhance drug-placebo contrasts.
Selostus: Kauran trikotekeenipitoisuus virallisissa lajikekokeissa sekä typpilannoitus- ja luomulajikekokeissa
Selostus: Kauran ytimen β-glukaanipitoisuus
The age of erythrocyte concentrates (EC) in transfusion medicine and the adverse outcomes when transfusing long-term-stored EC are highly controversial issues. Whereas the definition of a short-term-stored EC or a long-term-stored EC is unclear in clinical trials, data based on in vitro storage assays can help defining a limit in addition of the expiration date. The present review merges together these data in order to highlight an EC age cut-off and points out potential misleading consideration. The analysis of in vitro data highlights the presence of reversible and irreversible storage lesions and demonstrates that red blood cells (RBC) exhibit two limits during storage: one around 2 weeks and another one around 4 weeks of storage. Of particular importance, the first lesions to appear, i.e. the reversible ones, are per se reversible once transfused, whereas the irreversible lesions are not. In clinical trials, the EC age cut-off for short-term storage is in general fewer than 14 days (11 ± 4 days) and more disperse for long-term-stored EC (17 ± 13 days), regardless the clinical outcomes. Taking together, EC age cut-off in clinical trials does not totally fall into line of in vitro aging data, whereas it is the key criteria in clinical studies. Long-term-stored EC considered in clinical trials are not probably old enough to answer the question: "Does transfusion of long-term-stored EC (older than 4 weeks) result in worse clinical outcomes?" Depending on ethical concerns and clinical practices, older EC than currently assayed in clinical trials should have to be considered. These two worlds trying to understand the aging of erythrocytes and the impact on patients do not seem to speak the same language.
BACKGROUND: Infliximab (IFX) has been used for over a decade worldwide. Less is known about the natural history of IFX use beyond a few years and which patients are more likely to sustain benefits. METHODS: Patients with Crohn's disease (CD) exposed to IFX from Massachusetts General Hospital, Boston, Saint-Antoine Hospital, Paris, and the Swiss IBD Cohort Study were identified through retrospective and prospective data collection, complemented by chart abstraction of electronic medical records. We compared long-term users of IFX (>5 yr of treatment, long-term users of infliximab [LTUI]), with non-LTUI patients to identify prognostic factors. RESULTS: We pooled data on 1014 patients with CD from 3 different databases, of whom 250 were defined as LTUI. The comparison group comprised 290 patients with CD who discontinued IFX: 48 primary nonresponses, 95 loss of responses, and 147 adverse events. Factors associated with LTUI were colonic involvements and an earlier age at the start of IFX. The prevalence of active smokers and obese patients differed markedly, but inversely, between American and European centers but did not impact outcome. The discontinuation rate was stable around 3% to 6%, each year from years 3 to 10. CONCLUSIONS: Young age at start of IFX and colonic CD are factors associated with a beneficial long-term use of IFX. After 5 years of IFX, there is still a 3% to 5% discontinuation rate annually. Several factors associated with a good initial response such as nonsmoker and shorter disease duration at IFX initiation do not seem associated with a longer term response.
NlmCategory="UNASSIGNED">This Perspective discusses the pertinence of variable dosing regimens with anti-vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) for neovascular age-related macular degeneration (nAMD) with regard to real-life requirements. After the initial pivotal trials of anti-VEGF therapy, the variable dosing regimens pro re nata (PRN), Treat-and-Extend, and Observe-and-Plan, a recently introduced regimen, aimed to optimize the anti-VEGF treatment strategy for nAMD. The PRN regimen showed good visual results but requires monthly monitoring visits and can therefore be difficult to implement. Moreover, application of the PRN regimen revealed inferior results in real-life circumstances due to problems with resource allocation. The Treat-and-Extend regimen uses an interval based approach and has become widely accepted for its ease of preplanning and the reduced number of office visits required. The parallel development of the Observe-and-Plan regimen demonstrated that the future need for retreatment (interval) could be reliably predicted. Studies investigating the observe-and-plan regimen also showed that this could be used in individualized fixed treatment plans, allowing for dramatically reduced clinical burden and good outcomes, thus meeting the real life requirements. This progressive development of variable dosing regimens is a response to the real-life circumstances of limited human, technical, and financial resources. This includes an individualized treatment approach, optimization of the number of retreatments, a minimal number of monitoring visits, and ease of planning ahead. The Observe-and-Plan regimen achieves this goal with good functional results. Translational Relevance: This perspective reviews the process from the pivotal clinical trials to the development of treatment regimens which are adjusted to real life requirements. The article discusses this translational process which- although not the classical interpretation of translation from fundamental to clinical research, but a subsequent process after the pivotal clinical trials - represents an important translational step from the clinical proof of efficacy to optimization in terms of patients' and clinics' needs. The related scientific procedure includes the exploration of the concept, evaluation of security, and finally proof of efficacy.