953 resultados para Tibi reservoir


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Fatty acids have been used in marine biogeochemistry as food chain biomarkers, but in freshwater these studies are rare. In order to evaluate the fatty acid potential as biomarkers in freshwater, their profile was analyzed during vitellogenesis in two fish species, in both waterfall and reservoir environments of the Paraiba do Sul River Basin. Detrivorous Hypostomus affinis and omnivorous Geophagus brasiliensis seem to elongate and desaturate polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFA) and transfer them to the ovaries` phospholipids. Waterfall Geophagus brasiliensis have more highly unsaturated fatty acids in the liver, but in the reservoir, accumulation mainly occurs in muscle and ovary triglycerides, suggesting trophic opportunism and a plasticity during vitellogenesis. In Hypostomus affinis, PUFA alteration occurs only in the reservoir, suggesting a high phytoplankton occurrence. Eutrophication and water speed is reflected in Hypostomus affinis ovaries by higher PUFAn3 and bacterial fatty acids. As in marine environments, analysis of mono- and polyunsaturated fatty acids during vitellogenesis can be used as a tool in food chain studies in freshwater.


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Leaves comprise most of the vegetative body of tank bromeliads and are usually subjected to strong longitudinal gradients. For instance, while the leaf base is in contact with the water accumulated in the tank, the more light-exposed middle and upper leaf sections have no direct access to this water reservoir. Therefore, the present study attempted to investigate whether different leaf portions of Guzmania monostachia, a tank-forming C(3)-CAM bromeliad, play distinct physiological roles in response to water shortage, which is a major abiotic constraint in the epiphytic habitat. Internal and external morphological features, relative water content, pigment composition and the degree of CAM expression were evaluated in basal, middle and apical leaf portions in order to allow the establishment of correlations between the structure and the functional importance of each leaf region. Results indicated that besides marked structural differences, a high level of functional specialization is also present along the leaves of this bromeliad. When the tank water was depleted, the abundant hydrenchyma of basal leaf portions was the main reservoir for maintaining a stable water status in the photosynthetic tissues of the apical region. In contrast, the CAM pathway was intensified specifically in the upper leaf section, which is in agreement with the presence of features more suitable for the occurrence of photosynthesis at this portion. Gas exchange data indicated that internal recycling of respiratory CO(2) accounted for virtually all nighttime acid accumulation, characterizing a typical CAM-idling pathway in the drought-exposed plants. Altogether, these data reveal a remarkable physiological complexity along the leaves of G. monostachia, which might be a key adaptation to the intermittent water supply of the epiphytic niche. (C) 2009 Elsevier GmbH. All rights reserved.


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BACKGROUND: Ameloblastoma is a benign odontogenic tumor, exhibiting local invasiveness and high rate of recurrence. Metallothionein is a protein associated with tumorigenesis, serving as prognostic factor in different neoplasms. We are interested in mechanisms underlying ameloblastoma local invasiveness. Thus, we decided to analyze expression of metallothionein in this tumor. MATERIALS AND METHODS: An immunohistochemical evaluation of metallothionein in ameloblastoma was carried out. As control, we assessed expression of the same molecule in calcifying cystic odontogenic tumor (CCOT), a non-invasive odontogenic neoplasm with ameloblastomatous epithelium. RESULTS: We studied 12 cases of solid/multicystic ameloblastomas. Metallothionein was observed in all samples. This molecule was observed in columnar cells in the periphery and in central polyhedral cells. CCOT (four cases) also showed the presence of metallothionein. Morphometry of stained areas showed that expression of metallothionein in ameloblastoma was significantly higher compared to CCOT (P < 0.0001). CONCLUSIONS: This protein may have an impact on ameloblastoma behavior. Metallothionein would act as a zinc reservoir for important proteases related to ameloblastoma biology, such as MMPs. This protein could also display pro-mitotic and anti-apoptotic features in the tumor. J Oral Pathol Med (2011) 40: 516-519


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Current knowledge of the pathogenic hantavirus indicates that wild rodents are its primary natural reservoir. Specific primers to detect the presence of viral genomes were developed using an SYBR-Green-based real-time RT-PCR protocol. One hundred sixty-four rodents native to the Atlantic Forest biome were captured in So Paulo State, Brazil, and their tissues were tested. The presence of hantavirus RNA was detected in sixteen rodents: three specimens of Akodon montensis, three of Akodon cursor, two of Necromys lasiurus, one of Juliomys sp., one of Thaptomys nigrita, five of Oligoryzomys nigripes, and one of Oryzomys sp. This SYBR Green real-time RT-PCR method for detection of hantavirus may be useful for surveying hantaviruses in Brazil.


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In this Letter we deal with a nonlinear Schrodinger equation with chaotic, random, and nonperiodic cubic nonlinearity. Our goal is to study the soliton evolution, with the strength of the nonlinearity perturbed in the space and time coordinates and to check its robustness under these conditions. Here we show that the chaotic perturbation is more effective in destroying the soliton behavior, when compared with random or nonperiodic perturbation. For a real system, the perturbation can be related to, e.g., impurities in crystalline structures, or coupling to a thermal reservoir which, on the average, enhances the nonlinearity. We also discuss the relevance of such random perturbations to the dynamics of Bose-Einstein condensates and their collective excitations and transport. (C) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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In this paper we extend the results presented in (de Ponte, Mizrahi and Moussa 2007 Phys. Rev. A 76 032101) to treat quantitatively the effects of reservoirs at finite temperature in a bosonic dissipative network: a chain of coupled harmonic oscillators whatever its topology, i.e., whichever the way the oscillators are coupled together, the strength of their couplings and their natural frequencies. Starting with the case where distinct reservoirs are considered, each one coupled to a corresponding oscillator, we also analyze the case where a common reservoir is assigned to the whole network. Master equations are derived for both situations and both regimes of weak and strong coupling strengths between the network oscillators. Solutions of these master equations are presented through the normal ordered characteristic function. These solutions are shown to be significantly involved when temperature effects are considered, making difficult the analysis of collective decoherence and dispersion in dissipative bosonic networks. To circumvent these difficulties, we turn to the Wigner distribution function which enables us to present a technique to estimate the decoherence time of network states. Our technique proceeds by computing separately the effects of dispersion and the attenuation of the interference terms of the Wigner function. A detailed analysis of the dispersion mechanism is also presented through the evolution of the Wigner function. The interesting collective dispersion effects are discussed and applied to the analysis of decoherence of a class of network states. Finally, the entropy and the entanglement of a pure bipartite system are discussed.


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Based only on the parallel-transport condition, we present a general method to compute Abelian or non-Abelian geometric phases acquired by the basis states of pure or mixed density operators, which also holds for nonadiabatic and noncyclic evolution. Two interesting features of the non-Abelian geometric phase obtained by our method stand out: i) it is a generalization of Wilczek and Zee`s non-Abelian holonomy, in that it describes nonadiabatic evolution where the basis states are parallelly transported between distinct degenerate subspaces, and ii) the non-Abelian character of our geometric phase relies on the transitional evolution of the basis states, even in the nondegenerate case. We apply our formalism to a two-level system evolving nonadiabatically under spontaneous decay to emphasize the non- Abelian nature of the geometric phase induced by the reservoir. We also show, through the generalized invariant theory, that our general approach encompasses previous results in the literature. Copyright (c) EPLA, 2008.


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In this work, we identify the set of time-dependent pure states building the statistical mixture to which a system, initially in a pure state, is driven by the reservoir. This set of time-dependent pure states, composing what we term a pure basis, are those that diagonalize the reduced density operator of the system. Next, we show that the evolution of the pure-basis states reveals an interesting phenomenon as the system, after decoherence, evolves toward the equilibrium: the spontaneous recoherence of quantum states. Around our defined recoherence time, the statistical mixture associated with a special kind of initial states termed even-symmetric, spontaneously undergoes a recoherence process, by which the initial state of the system emerges from the mixture except for its reduced excitation drained into the reservoir. This phenomenon reveals that the reservoir only shuffle the original information carried out by the initial state of the system instead of erasing it. Moreover, as the spontaneously recohered state occurs only for asymptotic time, we also present a protocol to extract it from the mixture through specific projective measurements. The password to retrieve the original information stems is the knowledge of both the initial state itself and the associated pure basis. A definition of the decoherence time of an N-state superposition is also presented.


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Over 20 lamprophyre dykes, varying in width between a few centimeters and several meters, have been identified in central Sierra Norte - Eastern Pampean Ranges, Cordoba, Argentina. Their mineralogy and chemistry indicate that they are part of the calc-alkaline lamprophyres clan (CAL). They contain phenocrysts of magnesiohomblende +/- augite set in a groundmass of magnesiohornblende, calcic-plagioclase, alkali feldspar, and opaque minerals, which designate them as spessartite-type lamprophyres. Alteration products include chlorite, calcite and iron oxides after malfic phenocrysts, though some are partially replaced by actinolite. Feldspars are replaced by carbonate and clay minerals. The dykes are relatively primitive, and show restricted major element variation (SiO(2) 51.1-55.3 wt.%, Al(2)O(3) 12-16.6 wt.%, total alkalies 1.5-4.7 wt.%), high Mg# (55-77), high Cr contents (27-988 ppm) and moderate to high Ni contents (60-190 ppm). Lamprophyre LILE (e.g. Rb averages 110 ppm, Sr 211-387 ppm, Ba 203-452 ppm) are high relative to HFSE (e.g., Ta 0.2-1.6 ppm, Nb 4-11 ppm, Y 17-21 ppm), and are enriched in LREE (30-70 times chondrite). They are characterized by relatively high (208)Pb/(204)Pb (38.8-39.9), (207)Pb/(204)Pb(similar to 15.7), and (206)Pb/(204)Pb (18.7-20.1), combined with low (epsilon)epsilon(Nd) (-4.69 to -1.52) and a relative moderately high ((87)Sr/(86)Sr)(i) of 0.7055-0.7074. The Rb-Sr whole rock isochron indicates an Early Ordovician age of 485 +/- 25 Ma. The calculated T(DM) (1.7 Ga) suggests that these rocks appear to have originated from a reservoir that was created during a mantle metasomatism event related to the Pampean orogeny. The Sierra Norte lamprophyres show affinities with a subduction-related magma in an active continental margin. Their geochemical and isotopic features suggest a multicomponent source, composed of enriched mantle material variably contaminated by crustal components. The lamprophyric suite emplacement occurred at the dawning stage of the Pampean orogeny, in a regional post-collisional extensional setting developed in the Sierra Norte-Ambargasta batholith (SNAB) in Early Ordovician times. (C) 2008 Published by Elsevier Ltd.


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The Araes gold deposit, located in eastern Mato Grosso State, central Brazil, is hosted in Neoproterozoic volcanosedimentary rocks of the Paraguay belt, which formed during collision of the Amazonian craton and the Rio Apa block. Ar-40/Ar-39 geochronology and Pb and S isotopic analyses constrain the timing and sources of mineralization. Three biotite flakes from two samples of metavolcanic host rock yield Ar-40/Ar-39 plateau ages between 5941 and 531 Ma, interpreted as cooling ages following regional metamorphism. Clay minerals from a hydrothermal alteration zone yield an Ar-40/Ar-39 integrated age of 503 +/- 3 Ma. Galena grains from ore-bearing veins yield values of Pb-206/(204)pb from 17.952 to 18.383, Pb-207/Pb-204 from 15.156 to 15.811, and Pb-208/Pb-204 from 38.072 to 39.681. Pyrite grains from ore-bearing veins yield values of Pb-206/Pb-204 from 18.037 to 18.202, Pb-207/Pb-204 from 15.744 to 15.901., and Pb-208/(204)pb from 38.338 to 38.800. Pb isotope variations may be explained in terms of mixing a less radiogenic lead component (mu similar to 8.4) from mafic and ultramafic basement host-rocks (Nova Xavantina metavolcanosedimentary rocks) and a more radiogenic lead component (mu similar to 9.2) probably derived from supracrustal rocks (Cuiaba sedimentary groups). Sulfur isotope compositions are homogeneous, with delta S-34 values ranging from -1.1 parts per thousand to 0.9 parts per thousand (galena) and -0.7 parts per thousand to 0.9 parts per thousand (pyrite), suggesting a mantle-derived reservoir for the mineralizing solutions. Based on the Ar, Pb, and S isotope data, we suggest that the precious metals were remobilized from metavolcanic host rocks by hydrothermal solutions during Brasilide-Panafrican regional metamorphism. The Arabs gold deposit probably formed during a late stage of the orogeny, coeval with other mineralization events in the Paraguay Belt.


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This study reports a systematic state-of-the-art characterization of new sulfur-chlorine species on the [H, S(2), Cl] potential energy surface. Coupled cluster theory singles and doubles with perturbative contributions of connected triples, using the series of correlation consistent basis sets with extrapolations to the complete basis set limit (CBS), were employed to quantify the energetic quantities involved in the isomerization processes on this surface. The structures and vibrational frequencies are unique for some species and represent the most accurate investigation to date. These molecules are potentially a new route of coupling the sulfur and chlorine chemistries in the atmosphere, and conditions of high concentration of H(2)S (HS) like in volcanic eruptions might contribute to their formation. Also an assessment of the MP2/CBS approach relative to CCSD(T)/CBS provides insights on the expected performance of MP2/CBS on the characterization of polysulfides, and also of more complex systems containing disulfide bridges. (C) 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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This work reports a state-of-the-art theoretical characterization of four new sulfur-bromine species and five transition states on the [H, S(2), Br] potential energy surface. Our highest level theoretical approach employed the method coupled cluster singles and doubles with perturbative contributions of connected triples, CCSD(T), along with the series of correlation-consistent basis sets and with extrapolation to the complete basis set (CBS) limit in the optimization of the geometrical parameters and to quantify the energetic quantities. The structural and vibrational frequencies here reported are unique and represent the most accurate investigation to date of these species. The global minimum corresponds to a skewed structure HSSBr with a disulfide bond; this is followed by a pyramidal-like structure, SSHBr, 18.85 kcal/mol above the minimum. Much higher in energy, we found another skewed structure, HSBrS (50.29 kcal/mol), with one S-Br dative-type bond, and another pyramidal-like one, HBrSS (109.80 kcal/mol), with two S-Br dative-type bonds. The interconversion of HSSBr into SSHBr can occur via a transfer of either the hydrogen or the bromine atom but involves a very high barrier of about 43 kcal/mol. These molecules are potentially a new route of coupling the sulfur and bromine chemistry in the atmosphere, and conditions of high concentration of H(2)S like in volcanic eruptions might contribute to their formation. We note that HSSBr can act as a reservoir molecule for the reaction between the radicals HSS and Br. Also, an assessment of the methods DFT/B3LYP/CBS and MP2/CBS relative to CCSD(T)/CBS provides insights on the expected performance of these methods on the characterization of polysulfides and also of more complex systems containing disulfide bridges.


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Denna kandidatuppsats avhandlar tre stycken analyser av tre stycken filmscener från filmerna A Clockwork Orange, Reservoir Dogs och Watchmen, tre stycken exempel på scener där så kallad anempathetic music används. Denna form av musik kan beskrivas som att den distanserar sig från vad som händer i den rörliga bilden genom att förmedla den motsatta känslan, till exempel om musiken är glad och lättsam medan en våldtäkt sker i bild. Denna uppsats analyserar i dessa tre analysexempel vad sådan filmmusik kan bidra med för berättarfunktioner och meningspotential i filmexemplens narrativ. Resultaten från analysen visade på att musiken i de tre valda analysexemplen bidrar till ökad reflektion hos publiken och hur detta möjliggör för att anempathetic music kan ses som empathetic mot publiken och deras tolkning av filmscenernas narrativ.


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A three-dimensional time-dependent hydrodynamic and heat transport model of Lake Binaba, a shallow and small dam reservoir in Ghana, emphasizing the simulation of dynamics and thermal structure has been developed. Most numerical studies of temperature dynamics in reservoirs are based on one- or two-dimensional models. These models are not applicable for reservoirs characterized with complex flow pattern and unsteady heat exchange between the atmosphere and water surface. Continuity, momentum and temperature transport equations have been solved. Proper assignment of boundary conditions, especially surface heat fluxes, has been found crucial in simulating the lake’s hydrothermal dynamics. This model is based on the Reynolds Average Navier-Stokes equations, using a Boussinesq approach, with a standard k − ε turbulence closure to solve the flow field. The thermal model includes a heat source term, which takes into account the short wave radiation and also heat convection at the free surface, which is function of air temperatures, wind velocity and stability conditions of atmospheric boundary layer over the water surface. The governing equations of the model have been solved by OpenFOAM; an open source, freely available CFD toolbox. As its core, OpenFOAM has a set of efficient C++ modules that are used to build solvers. It uses collocated, polyhedral numerics that can be applied on unstructured meshes and can be easily extended to run in parallel. A new solver has been developed to solve the hydrothermal model of lake. The simulated temperature was compared against a 15 days field data set. Simulated and measured temperature profiles in the probe locations show reasonable agreement. The model might be able to compute total heat storage of water bodies to estimate evaporation from water surface.


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In the field of operational water management, Model Predictive Control (MPC) has gained popularity owing to its versatility and flexibility. The MPC controller, which takes predictions, time delay and uncertainties into account, can be designed for multi-objective management problems and for large-scale systems. Nonetheless, a critical obstacle, which needs to be overcome in MPC, is the large computational burden when a large-scale system is considered or a long prediction horizon is involved. In order to solve this problem, we use an adaptive prediction accuracy (APA) approach that can reduce the computational burden almost by half. The proposed MPC scheme with this scheme is tested on the northern Dutch water system, which comprises Lake IJssel, Lake Marker, the River IJssel and the North Sea Canal. The simulation results show that by using the MPC-APA scheme, the computational time can be reduced to a large extent and a flood protection problem over longer prediction horizons can be well solved.