951 resultados para Surface Plasmon, Impedance Spectroscopy


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Acceptor-doped ceria has been recognized as a promising intermediate temperature solid oxide fuel cell electrode/electrolyte material. For practical implementation of ceria as a fuel cell electrolyte and for designing model experiments for electrochemical activity, it is necessary to fabricate thin films of ceria. Here, metal-organic chemical vapor deposition was carried out in a homemade reactor to grow ceria films for further electrical, electrochemical, and optical characterization. Doped/undoped ceria films are grown on single crystalline oxide wafers with/without Pt line pattern or Pt solid layer. Deposition conditions were varied to see the effect on the resultant film property. Recently, proton conduction in nanograined polycrystalline pellets of ceria drew much interest. Thickness-mode (through-plane, z-direction) electrical measurements were made to confirm the existence of proton conductivity and investigate the nature of the conduction pathway: exposed grain surfaces and parallel grain boundaries. Columnar structure presumably favors proton conduction, and we have found measurable proton conductivity enhancement. Electrochemical property of gas-columnar ceria interface on the hydrogen electrooxidation is studied by AC impedance spectroscopy. Isothermal gas composition dependence of the electrode resistance was studied to elucidate Sm doping level effect and microstructure effect. Significantly, preferred orientation is shown to affect the gas dependence and performance of the fuel cell anode. A hypothesis is proposed to explain the origin of this behavior. Lastly, an optical transmittance based methodology was developed to obtain reference refractive index and microstructural parameters (thickness, roughness, porosity) of ceria films via subsequent fitting procedure.


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Superprotonic phase transitions and thermal behaviors of three complex solid acid systems are presented, namely Rb3H(SO4)2-RbHSO4 system, Rb3H(SeO4)2-Cs3H(SeO4)2 solid solution system, and Cs6(H2SO4)3(H1.5PO4)4. These material systems present a rich set of phase transition characteristics that set them apart from other, simpler solid acids. A.C. impedance spectroscopy, high-temperature X-ray powder diffraction, and thermal analysis, as well as other characterization techniques, were employed to investigate the phase behavior of these systems.

Rb3H(SO4)2 is an atypical member of the M3H(XO4)2 class of compounds (M = alkali metal or NH4+ and X = S or Se) in that a transition to a high-conductivity state involves disproportionation into two phases rather than a simple polymorphic transition [1]. In the present work, investigations of the Rb3H(SO4)2-RbHSO4 system have revealed the disproportionation products to be Rb2SO4 and the previously unknown compound Rb5H3(SO4)4. The new compound becomes stable at a temperature between 25 and 140 °C and is isostructural to a recently reported trigonal phase with space group P3̅m of Cs5H3(SO4)4 [2]. At 185 °C the compound undergoes an apparently polymorphic transformation with a heat of transition of 23.8 kJ/mol and a slight additional increase in conductivity.

The compounds Rb3H(SeO4)2 and Cs3H(SeO4)2, though not isomorphous at ambient temperatures, are quintessential examples of superprotonic materials. Both adopt monoclinic structures at ambient temperatures and ultimately transform to a trigonal (R3̅m) superprotonic structure at slightly elevated temperatures, 178 and 183 °C, respectively. The compounds are completely miscible above the superprotonic transition and show extensive solubility below it. Beyond a careful determination of the phase boundaries, we find a remarkable 40-fold increase in the superprotonic conductivity in intermediate compositions rich in Rb as compared to either end-member.

The compound Cs6(H2SO4)3(H1.5PO4)4 is unusual amongst solid acid compounds in that it has a complex cubic structure at ambient temperature and apparently transforms to a simpler cubic structure of the CsCl-type (isostructural with CsH2PO4) at its transition temperature of 100-120 °C [3]. Here it is found that, depending on the level of humidification, the superprotonic transition of this material is superimposed with a decomposition reaction, which involves both exsolution of (liquid) acid and loss of H2O. This reaction can be suppressed by application of sufficiently high humidity, in which case Cs6(H2SO4)3(H1.5PO4)4 undergoes a true superprotonic transition. It is proposed that, under conditions of low humidity, the decomposition/dehydration reaction transforms the compound to Cs6(H2-0.5xSO4)3(H1.5PO4)4-x, also of the CsCl structure type at the temperatures of interest, but with a smaller unit cell. With increasing temperature, the decomposition/dehydration proceeds to greater and greater extent and unit cell of the solid phase decreases. This is identified to be the source of the apparent negative thermal expansion behavior.


[1] L.A. Cowan, R.M. Morcos, N. Hatada, A. Navrotsky, S.M. Haile, Solid State Ionics 179 (2008) (9-10) 305.

[2] M. Sakashita, H. Fujihisa, K.I. Suzuki, S. Hayashi, K. Honda, Solid State Ionics 178 (2007) (21-22) 1262.

[3] C.R.I. Chisholm, Superprotonic Phase Transitions in Solid Acids: Parameters affecting the presence and stability of superprotonic transitions in the MHnXO4 family of compounds (X=S, Se, P, As; M=Li, Na, K, NH4, Rb, Cs), Materials Science, California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, California (2003).


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With the size of transistors approaching the sub-nanometer scale and Si-based photonics pinned at the micrometer scale due to the diffraction limit of light, we are unable to easily integrate the high transfer speeds of this comparably bulky technology with the increasingly smaller architecture of state-of-the-art processors. However, we find that we can bridge the gap between these two technologies by directly coupling electrons to photons through the use of dispersive metals in optics. Doing so allows us to access the surface electromagnetic wave excitations that arise at a metal/dielectric interface, a feature which both confines and enhances light in subwavelength dimensions - two promising characteristics for the development of integrated chip technology. This platform is known as plasmonics, and it allows us to design a broad range of complex metal/dielectric systems, all having different nanophotonic responses, but all originating from our ability to engineer the system surface plasmon resonances and interactions. In this thesis, we demonstrate how plasmonics can be used to develop coupled metal-dielectric systems to function as tunable plasmonic hole array color filters for CMOS image sensing, visible metamaterials composed of coupled negative-index plasmonic coaxial waveguides, and programmable plasmonic waveguide network systems to serve as color routers and logic devices at telecommunication wavelengths.


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Ag nanoparticle embedded NaYF4:0.05Tb center dot chi Ce/ PVP (PVP stands for poly(vinyl pyrrolidone)) composite nanofibers have been prepared by electrospinning. A field emission scanning electron microscope and x-ray diffraction have been utilized to characterize the size, morphology and structure of the as-prepared electrospun nanofibers. Obvious photoluminescence (PL) of NaYF4:0.05Tb center dot 0.05Ce/PVP electrospun nanofibers due to the efficient energy transfer from Ce3+ to Tb3+ ions is observed. The PL intensity of the electrospun nanofibers decreases gradually with the addition of Ag nanoparticles. No obvious surface plasmon resonance enhanced luminescence is observed. The reasons for the weakening of the emission intensity with the addition of Ag nanoparticles have also been discussed in this work.


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The work in this thesis develops two types of microimplants for the application of cardiovascular in vivo biomedical sensing, one for short-term diagnosis and the other for long-term monitoring.

Despite advances in diagnosis and therapy, atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease remains the leading cause of morbidity and mortality in the Western world. Predicting metabolically active atherosclerotic plaques has remained an unmet clinical need. A stretchable impedance sensor manifested as a pair of quasi-concentric microelectrodes was developed to detect unstable intravascular. By integrating the impedance sensor with a cardiac catheter, high-resolution Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy (EIS) measurements can be conducted during cardiac catheterization. An inflatable silicone balloon is added to the sensor to secure a well-controlled contact with the plaque under test in vivo. By deploying the device to the explants of NZW rabbit aorta and live animals, distinct EIS measurements were observed for unstable atherosclerotic plaques that harbored active lipids and inflammatory cells.

On the other hand, zebrafish (Danio rerio) is an emerging genetic model for heart regenerative medicine. In humans, myocardial infarction results in the irreversible loss of cardiomyocytes. Zebrafish hearts can fully regenerate after two months with 20% ventricular resection. Long-term electrocardiogram (ECG) recording can characterize the heart regeneration in a functional dimension. A flexible microelectrode membrane was developed to be percutaneously implanted onto a zebrafish heart and record epicardial ECG signals from specific regions on it. Region-specific aberrant cardiac signals were obtained from injured and regenerated hearts. Following that, in order to achieve continuous and wireless recording from non-sedated and non-restricted small animal models, a wireless ECG recording system was designed for the microelectrode membrane, prototyped on a printed circuit board and demonstrated on a one-day-old neonatal mouse. Furthermore, a flexible and compact parylene C printed circuit membrane was used as the integration platform for the wireless ECG recording electronics. A substantially miniature wireless ECG recording system was achieved.


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Huntington’s disease (HD) is a fatal autosomal dominant neurodegenerative disease. HD has no cure, and patients pass away 10-20 years after the onset of symptoms. The causal mutation for HD is a trinucleotide repeat expansion in exon 1 of the huntingtin gene that leads to a polyglutamine (polyQ) repeat expansion in the N-terminal region of the huntingtin protein. Interestingly, there is a threshold of 37 polyQ repeats under which little or no disease exists; and above which, patients invariably show symptoms of HD. The huntingtin protein is a 350 kDa protein with unclear function. As the polyQ stretch expands, its propensity to aggregate increases with polyQ length. Models for polyQ toxicity include formation of aggregates that recruit and sequester essential cellular proteins, or altered function producing improper interactions between mutant huntingtin and other proteins. In both models, soluble expanded polyQ may be an intermediate state that can be targeted by potential therapeutics.

In the first study described herein, the conformation of soluble, expanded polyQ was determined to be linear and extended using equilibrium gel filtration and small-angle X-ray scattering. While attempts to purify and crystallize domains of the huntingtin protein were unsuccessful, the aggregation of huntingtin exon 1 was investigated using other biochemical techniques including dynamic light scattering, turbidity analysis, Congo red staining, and thioflavin T fluorescence. Chapter 4 describes crystallization experiments sent to the International Space Station and determination of the X-ray crystal structure of the anti-polyQ Fab MW1. In the final study, multimeric fibronectin type III (FN3) domain proteins were engineered to bind with high avidity to expanded polyQ tracts in mutant huntingtin exon 1. Surface plasmon resonance was used to observe binding of monomeric and multimeric FN3 proteins with huntingtin.


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The field of plasmonics exploits the unique optical properties of metallic nanostructures to concentrate and manipulate light at subwavelength length scales. Metallic nanostructures get their unique properties from their ability to support surface plasmons– coherent wave-like oscillations of the free electrons at the interface between a conductive and dielectric medium. Recent advancements in the ability to fabricate metallic nanostructures with subwavelength length scales have created new possibilities in technology and research in a broad range of applications.

In the first part of this thesis, we present two investigations of the relationship between the charge state and optical state of plasmonic metal nanoparticles. Using experimental bias-dependent extinction measurements, we derive a potential- dependent dielectric function for Au nanoparticles that accounts for changes in the physical properties due to an applied bias that contribute to the optical extinction. We also present theory and experiment for the reverse effect– the manipulation of the carrier density of Au nanoparticles via controlled optical excitation. This plasmoelectric effect takes advantage of the strong resonant properties of plasmonic materials and the relationship between charge state and optical properties to eluci- date a new avenue for conversion of optical power to electrical potential.

The second topic of this thesis is the non-radiative decay of plasmons to a hot-carrier distribution, and the distribution’s subsequent relaxation. We present first-principles calculations that capture all of the significant microscopic mechanisms underlying surface plasmon decay and predict the initial excited carrier distributions so generated. We also preform ab initio calculations of the electron-temperature dependent heat capacities and electron-phonon coupling coefficients of plasmonic metals. We extend these first-principle methods to calculate the electron-temperature dependent dielectric response of hot electrons in plasmonic metals, including direct interband and phonon-assisted intraband transitions. Finally, we combine these first-principles calculations of carrier dynamics and optical response to produce a complete theoretical description of ultrafast pump-probe measurements, free of any fitting parameters that are typical in previous analyses.


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We present a nondestructive technique to predict the refractive index profiles of isotropic planar waveguides, on which a thin gold film is deposited to as the cladding. The negative dielectric constant of the metal results in significant differences of effective indices between TE and TM modes. The two polarized modes and a surface plasmon resonance (SPR) with abundant information of the surface index can be used to construct the refractive index profiles of single-mode and two-mode waveguides at a fixed wavelength. (c) 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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采用有损耗介质和色散介质的二维时域有限差分方法,数值模拟了以光波长514.5 nm的p偏振基模高斯光束为入射光源,激发Kretschmann型表面等离子体共振,并通过探针的局域场增强效应实现纳米光刻的新方法——探针诱导表面等离子体共振耦合纳米光刻.分别就探针与记录层的间距以及探针针尖大小,模拟分析了不同情况下探针的局域场增强效应和记录层表面的相对电场强度振幅分布.结果表明,探针工作在接触模式时,探针的局域场增强效应最明显,记录层表面的相对电场强度振幅的对比度最大;当探针针尖距记录层5 nm时,针尖下方记录层表面的相对电场强度振幅大于光刻临界值的分布宽度与针尖尺寸相近.


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An acoustic plasmon is predicted to occur, in addition to the conventional two-dimensional (2D) plasmon, as the collective motion of a system of two types of electronic carriers coexisting in the same 2D band of extrinsic (doped or gated) graphene. The origin of this novel mode stems from the anisotropy present in the graphene band structure near the Dirac points K and K'. This anisotropy allows for the coexistence of carriers moving with two distinct Fermi velocities along the Gamma K and Gamma K' directions, which leads to two modes of collective oscillation: one mode in which the two types of carriers oscillate in phase with one another (this is the conventional 2D graphene plasmon, which at long wavelengths (q -> 0) has the same dispersion, q(1/2), as the conventional 2D plasmon of a 2D free electron gas), and the other mode found here corresponds to a low-frequency acoustic oscillation (whose energy exhibits at long-wavelengths a linear dependence on the 2D wavenumber q) in which the two types of carriers oscillate out of phase. This prediction represents a realization of acoustic


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The full retarded electromagnetic force experienced by swift electrons moving parallel to planar boundaries is revisited, for both metallic and dielectric targets, with special emphasis on the consequences in electron microscopy experiments. The focus is placed on the sign of the transverse force experienced by the electron beam as a function of the impact parameter. For point probes, the force is found to be always attractive. The contribution of the induced magnetic field and the causality requirements of the target dielectric response, given by the Kramers-Kronig (K-K) relations, prove to be crucial issues at small impact parameters. For spatially extended probes, repulsive forces are predicted for close trajectories, in agreement with previous works. The force experienced by the target is also explored, with the finding that in insulators, the momentum associated to Cherenkov radiation (CR) is relevant at large impact parameters.