940 resultados para Stable imputation


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Geomagnetic excursions are recognized as intrinsic features of the Earth's magnetic field. High-resolution records of field behaviour, captured in marine sedimentary cores, present an opportunity to determine the temporal and geometric character of the field during geomagnetic excursions and provide constraints on the mechanisms producing field variability. We present here the highest resolution record yet published of the Blake geomagnetic excursion (~125 ka) measured in three cores from Ocean Drilling Program (ODP) Site 1062 on the Blake-Bahama Outer Ridge. The Blake excursion has a controversial structure and timing but these cores have a sufficiently high sedimentation rate (~10cm/ka) to allow detailed reconstruction of the field behaviour at this site during the excursion. Palaeomagnetic measurements of the cores reveal rapid transitions (<500 yr) between the contemporary stable normal polarity and a completely reversed state of long duration which spans a stratigraphic interval of 0.7 m. We determine the duration of the reversed state during the Blake excursion using oxygen isotope stratigraphy, combined with 230Th excess measurements to assess variations in the sedimentation rates through the sections of interest. This provides an age and duration for the Blake excursion with greater accuracy and with constrained uncertainty. We date the directional excursion as falling between 129 and 122 ka with a duration for the deviation of 6.5±1.3 kyr. The long duration of this interval and the fully reversed field suggest the existence of a pseudo-stable, reversed dipole field component during the excursion and challenge the idea that excursions are always of short duration.


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The aim of this study was to evaluate the potential of constructing an oxygen and carbon isotope stratigraphy for the late Pleistocene succession from Hole 1127B drilled on the Great Australian Bight. Stable isotope analyses were performed on bulk- and fine-fraction (<38 µm) sediment samples. The oxygen isotope variations are generally smaller in magnitude than expected from global pelagic records. This is most likely due to the neriticly dominated sediment composition. Correlation of the oxygen isotope data with carbonate mineralogy and downhole logging data shows simultaneous variations and trends, which are particularly evident in the mid-Pleistocene sediments. Correlation of the oxygen isotope data with the classic SPECMAP curve is used to evaluate the stratigraphic potential of the Site 1127 sediments. This study indicates that an isotope stratigraphy based on planktonic and benthic foraminifers is needed to fully evaluate the response of cool-water carbonates deposited in a margin setting to global ice-volume fluctuations and, hence, the associated sea level variations.


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Fluctuations in the abundance of selected foraminiferal indicator species and diversity allowed the reconstruction of changes in deepwater oxygenation and monsoon-driven organic matter fluxes in the deep western Arabian Sea during the last 190 kyr. Times of maximum surface production coincide with periods of intensified SW monsoon as shown by the abundance of Globigerina bulloides and enhanced carbonate corrosion. Benthic ecosystem variability in the deep Arabian Sea is not exclusively driven by variations in monsoonal upwelling and related organic matter supply to the seafloor but also by changes in deepwater ventilation. Deepening of the base of the oxygen minimum zone (OMZ) below 1800 m water depth is strongly coherent on the precessional band but lags proxies of SW monsoon strength by 4 to 6 kyr. The "out-of-phase" relationship between OMZ deepening and maximum SW monsoon strength is explained by temporal changes in the advection of oxygen-rich deepwater masses of North Atlantic and Antarctic origin. This process affected the remineralization and burial efficiency of organic matter in the deep Arabian Sea, resulting in the observed phase lag between maximum monsoon strength and organic carbon preservation.


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A stable oxygen and carbon isotope stratigraphy is established for a Late Weichselian/Holocene glaciomarine/marine seguence in Andfjorden and Malangsdjupet on the continental shelf off Troms, Northern Norway. The stratigraphy demonstrates that the global signals, Termination I B and possibly also I A (upper parts), are present and radiocarbon date to 10.3-9.7 kyr B.P. and >14-13.5 kyr B.P., respectively. A temperature increase of 5°-6°C and possibly a small salinity increase occurred during Term. I. A near-glacial environment between 13 and 14 kyr B.P. was characterized by poorly ventilated bottom waters followed by a meltwater pulse at circa 13 kyr B.P. During the beginning intrusion of Atlantic Water between 13 and 10 kyr B.P., the bottom water was characterized by somewhat fluctuating temperatures and salinities. Temperatures close to those of the present were established around 9.7 kyr B.P. and seem to have been rather stable since.


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Ocean Drilling Program Site 1119 is ideally located to intercept discharges of sediment from the mid-latitude glaciers of the New Zealand Southern Alps. The natural gamma ray signal from the site's sediment core contains a history of the South Island mountain ice cap since 3.9 million years ago (Ma). The younger record, to 0.37 Ma, resembles the climatic history of Antarctica as manifested by the Vostok ice core. Beyond, and back to the late Pliocene, the record may serve as a proxy for both mid-latitude and Antarctic polar plateau air temperature. The gamma ray signal, which is atmospheric, also resembles the ocean climate history represented by oxygen isotope time series.


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Stable carbon and nitrogen isotopic compositions as well as organic carbon and total nitrogen contents are reported for Site 645 in Baffin Bay and Sites 646 and 647 in the Labrador Sea. Both low-resolution analyses (1 sample/section) and high-resolution results (up to 7 samples/section) are presented. These records indicate that large-scale changes in productivity since the middle Miocene have occurred in Baffin Bay. Such changes are not evident in samples from the Labrador Sea. Isotopic records of all the sites are influenced strongly by rapidly changing influxes that combine terrigenous debris with planktonic production. In parts of the cores, relationships to other phenomena, such as ice stages, are present. However, these correlations are not common and indicate that these events were masked by the dynamic changes in sources of organic matter occurring in this complex system.


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Deep-sea sediment Ba* (Ba/Al2O3(sample) * 15% - Ba(aluminosilicate) records show increasing values synchronous with the evolution of the late Paleocene global d13C maximum, reflecting an increase in marine surface primary production and biogenic barite formation at this time. At two oligotrophic locations, Deep Sea Drilling Project (DSDP) Sites 384 and 527 in the North and South Atlantic, respectively, Ba* increases from 160-360 ppm in the early Paleocene to 1100-3000 ppm during the d13C maximum. At equatorial DSDP Site 577, positioned within or near the high-productivity zone, Ba* increases from ~15,500 ppm in the early Paleocene to ~25,400 ppm in conjunction with late Paleocene maximum d13C values. Linear fitted correlation plots of sediment Ba* content versus surface water d13C in all three regions support barite originating in the euphotic zone. The early to late Paleocene relative increase in Ba* illustrates how burial rates of Corg (relative to Al2O3) accelerated by a factor of ~1.8 and ~6.0 in the eutrophic and oligotrophic areas, respectively. A tentative estimate, weighing our result for the entire ocean, suggests that accumulation rates of organic carbon increased by a factor of 2 during the late Paleocene d13C maximum.


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Interstitial water and sediment samples of the Integrated Ocean Drilling Program (IODP) expedition 313 "New Jersey Shallow Shelf" were analyzed for chemical composition and stable isotope ratios. A total of 222 water samples were collected from the cores by Rhizon samplers and squeezing of fresh core material. Water was analyzed for its stable oxygen and hydrogen isotope geochemistry (d2H and d18O) at sites M0027A and M0029A, and the carbon isotope composition of the dissolved inorganic carbon (d13CDIC) (all sites). In addition, organic material (Corg) and inorganic carbonates from sediments were analyzed for their carbon ratios (d13Corg and d13Ccarb), and in case of the carbonates also for oxygen (d18Ocarb). Carbon isotopes were also analyzed in samples containing enough methane gas (d13Cmeth). Pore fluids from site M0027A were analyzed for the sulfur isotope composition of dissolved sulfate (d34S). The combination of isotope analyses of all phases (interstitial water, sediment, and gas) with pore water chemistry is expected to enable a better understanding of processes in the sediment and will help to identify the origin of fluids under the New Jersey shelf.


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This study investigates the d18O of pore waters from Sites 1003 through 1007, drilled along the western margin of the Great Bahama Bank during Leg 166 of the Ocean Drilling Program. These pore waters generally show a positive correlation between d18O and the concentration of chloride. The exception to this trend is Site 1006, where the pore waters exhibit nonlinear behavior with respect to chloride. The correlation between the concentration of Cl- and d18O at most of the sites appears to be a coincidence because although the increase in Cl- is a result of diffusion from an underlying source, the increases in d18O result from the recrystallization of metastable carbonates in the presence of a geothermal gradient. The difference in behavior in the d18O of the pore water at Site 1006 is probably a result of the relative reduced rate of carbonate recrystallization at this site. The d18O of the pore waters in the upper portion of the cores shows a pattern similar to the concentration of chloride in that there is an interval of 30-50 m in which neither the d18O nor the concentration of Cl- changes. This interval is consistent with either an interval of very rapid deposition of sediment or the advection of fluid through the platform. Both the d18O and the concentration of Cl- increase toward the platform, suggesting an input of saline and isotopically heavy water from the platform surface.