Stable carbon and oxygen isotope ratios and age model of ODP Hole 182-1127B

Autoria(s): Andres, Miriam S; McKenzie, Judith A

LATITUDE: -33.357500 * LONGITUDE: 128.481280 * DATE/TIME START: 1998-10-30T21:30:00 * DATE/TIME END: 1998-11-03T01:45:00




The aim of this study was to evaluate the potential of constructing an oxygen and carbon isotope stratigraphy for the late Pleistocene succession from Hole 1127B drilled on the Great Australian Bight. Stable isotope analyses were performed on bulk- and fine-fraction (<38 µm) sediment samples. The oxygen isotope variations are generally smaller in magnitude than expected from global pelagic records. This is most likely due to the neriticly dominated sediment composition. Correlation of the oxygen isotope data with carbonate mineralogy and downhole logging data shows simultaneous variations and trends, which are particularly evident in the mid-Pleistocene sediments. Correlation of the oxygen isotope data with the classic SPECMAP curve is used to evaluate the stratigraphic potential of the Site 1127 sediments. This study indicates that an isotope stratigraphy based on planktonic and benthic foraminifers is needed to fully evaluate the response of cool-water carbonates deposited in a margin setting to global ice-volume fluctuations and, hence, the associated sea level variations.


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CC-BY: Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported

Access constraints: unrestricted


Supplement to: Andres, Miriam S; McKenzie, Judith A (2002): Data report: Late Pleistocene oxygen and carbon isotope stratigraphy in bulk- and fine-fraction carbonate from the Great Australian Bight, ODP Leg 182, Site 1127. In: Hine, AC; Feary, DA; Malone, MJ (eds.) Proceedings of the Ocean Drilling Program, Scientific Results, College Station, TX (Ocean Drilling Program), 182, 1-13, doi:10.2973/

Palavras-Chave #182-1127B; Age model; Age model, SPECMAP chronology, Imbrie et al (1984, in Berger et al, Reidel Pub); bulk sediment; bulk sediment; per mil PDB; d13C; d18O; delta 13C; delta 18O; Depth; DEPTH, sediment/rock; DRILL; Drilling/drill rig; fine fraction <38 µm; fine fraction <38 µm; per mil PDB; Great Australian Bight; Isotopic event; Joides Resolution; Label; Leg182; Mass spectrometer VG Prism; mbsf; Ocean Drilling Program; ODP; ODP sample designation; Sample code/label
