948 resultados para Sense developing way


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El registre escrit dels mitjans de comunicació presenta unes característiques particulars que el diferencien de la llengua estàndard en alguns aspectes. Amb aquest treball ens centrarem en les característiques específiques dels titulars dels diaris i estudiarem els fenòmens d'el·lipsi verbal, des d'un punt de vista gramatical, en aquest àmbit.


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Aquest projecte final de Pràcticum I de Psicologia de l'Educació explica totes les activitats que he dut a terme al llarg de la meva estada en practiques al centre Orienta. S'hi descriuen les característiques més rellevants del centre, així com els serveis que ofereix a la comunitat educativa, molt especialment els adreçats a ajudar els infants a millorar les seves capacitats d'aprenentatge, des d'un marc teòric cognitiu-conductual i sistèmic, tot emfatitzant el treball col·laboratiu que mantenen els professionals de l'educació amb les famílies dels nens. El projecte detalla les activitats de col·laboració en la intervenció que he realitzat des de l'àmbit educatiu de la Psicologia, la seva temporització i seguiment i finalment, les conclusions i prospectiva envers el treball realitzat, així com la valoració crítica que en faig de la meva estada en pràctiques.


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By analyzing three case studies (neutrinos, victimization survey and quality of mass media), our present issue is to figure out if underlying successive accommodations to new rhetorical situations will have an impact on the respective importance of logos, ethos and pathos. We would like to pinpoint the stakes of science's public dimensions considering the scientists' image, their expertise, and also the given results' implication. We will especially take into account scientific papers that may be or are potentially controversial in the political, media and civic spheres.


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This paper deals with both theoretical and empirical aspects of the link between corruption and decentralization in both developing and emerging countries. Only mixed results can be drawn from the literature. Decentralization can help discipline "predative" governments, but only under certain conditions. Indeed, it depends on fiscal arrangements and political features that are likely to be different between countries. The way incentives to local governments are designed by the central governments also plays an essential role.


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L'ètica ens ha d'ajudar a donar una resposta alternativa pel que fa a la millora educativa en els centres escolars: amb la tècnica i la llei no n'hi ha prou. L'educació és una acció constitutivament ètica, i això es pot concretar en la manera d'organitzar o de gestionar l'escola, i no tan sols l'aula.


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The development of open educational resources (OERs) is becoming a strategic priority for governments and education institutions around the world, in response to funding cuts and rising costs in educational provision. In the United Kingdom, a government-sponsored Pilot Programme on Open Educational Recourses (JISC/HEA, 2009) was launched in 2009 with an initial budget of £5.7m. This paper reviews the key sustainability issues identified by the projects including the different approaches and models that have been adopted in order to sustain the continuing development and release of OER once funding has ended. The analysis also considers the challenges relating to the development and implementation of policies and processes for sustainable OER practice within institutions and among academics. The paper concludes by drawing on the experiences from the wider United Kingdom and international OER communities to develop a sustainable OER ecosystem model that can facilitate discussions on future development of OER initiatives.


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Much of the initial work on Open Educational Resources (OER) has inevitably concentrated on how to produce the resources themselves and to establish the idea in the community. It is now eight years since the term OER was first used and more than ten years since the concept of open content was described and a greater focus is now emerging on the way in which OER can influence policy and change the way in which educational systems help people learn. The Open University UK and Carnegie Mellon University are working in partnership on the OLnet (Open Learning Network), funded by The William and Flora Hewlett Foundation with the aims to search out the evidence for use and reuse of OER and to establish a network for information sharing about research in the field. This means both gathering evidence and developing approaches for how to research and understand ways to learn in a more open world, particularly linked to OER, but also looking at other influences.


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To thrive, the Open Educational Resource (OER) movement, or a given initiative, must make sense of a complex, changing environment. Since "sustainability" is a desirable systemic capacity that our community should display, we consider a number of principles that sharpen the concept: resilience, sensemaking and complexity. We outline how these motivate the concept of collective intelligence (CI), we give examples of what OER-CI might look like, and we describe the emerging Cohere CI platform we are developing in response to these requirements.


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Parents of children with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) frequently report that their children have a poor sense of time. Several studies looking at the perception of time mentioned a form of temporal myopia. The present study investigates the sense of time in children with ADHD. Twenty-two French-speaking Swiss children with ADHD and 22 controls between the ages of 6 and 13 years were tested using a conventional time knowledge questionnaire and two Piagetian time conservation tasks. Parents were asked to complete the "It's about time" questionnaire. Better performance was observed in matched control group children than in children with ADHD on a conventional time knowledge questionnaire. For children under 10 years of age, the two Piagetian time conservation tasks were able to differentiate children with and without ADHD. Parents of ADHD children reported more frequently that their children had time-related difficulties in daily activities. This study suggests that children with ADHD take longer to develop several time-related abilities.


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La idea subjacent al Projecte de Recerca i Desenvolupament COINE és permetre a la gent contar les seves pròpies històries. COINE pretén proporcionar les eines necessàries per crear estructuradament, un entorn basat en el World Wide Web, que permeti compartir continguts. Els resultats del Projecte ajudaran al desenvolupament d'estàndards per a la implantació i la recuperació estructurades de recursos digitals en entorns en xarxa distribuïda. El Projecte de COINE s'inicià el març de 2002 i finalitzà l'agost de 2004. Avui en dia estem al WorkPackage 5 on estem construint el Sistema, el programari i les interfícies. COINE pretén cobrir la gamma més àmplia possible d'usuaris potencials, des d'organitzacions de patrimoni cultural i institucions de qualsevol mida (principalment biblioteques, arxius i museus) fins a individus de qualsevol edat sense habilitats en l'ús de les TIC, o a grups petits de ciutadans. Els usuaris no utilitzaran només COINE com a eina de cerca, sinó que contribuiran amb el seu propi contingut.


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Next-generation sequencing offers an unprecedented opportunity to jointly analyze cellular and viral transcriptional activity without prerequisite knowledge of the nature of the transcripts. SupT1 cells were infected with a vesicular stomatitis virus G envelope protein (VSV-G)-pseudotyped HIV vector. At 24 h postinfection, both cellular and viral transcriptomes were analyzed by serial analysis of gene expression followed by high-throughput sequencing (SAGE-Seq). Read mapping resulted in 33 to 44 million tags aligning with the human transcriptome and 0.23 to 0.25 million tags aligning with the genome of the HIV-1 vector. Thus, at peak infection, 1 transcript in 143 is of viral origin (0.7%), including a small component of antisense viral transcription. Of the detected cellular transcripts, 826 (2.3%) were differentially expressed between mock- and HIV-infected samples. The approach also assessed whether HIV-1 infection modulates the expression of repetitive elements or endogenous retroviruses. We observed very active transcription of these elements, with 1 transcript in 237 being of such origin, corresponding on average to 123,123 reads in mock-infected samples (0.40%) and 129,149 reads in HIV-1-infected samples (0.45%) mapping to the genomic Repbase repository. This analysis highlights key details in the generation and interpretation of high-throughput data in the setting of HIV-1 cellular infection.


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El préstec de documents és un dels pilars fonamentals de la biblioteca per donar suport a l'estudi, docència i recerca. A la Biblioteca de la Universitat Oberta de Catalunya, la diferència principal respecte a altres biblioteques universitàries, és el nou concepte virtual sense parets, i aquest concepte s'estén també a aquest servei de préstec. Els usuaris no han d'accedir necessàriament a un espai físic per consultar les fonts d'informació disponibles, ni per endur-se documents en préstec. Des de casa, i de manera remota, poden demanar els documents en els que estiguin interessats, des del mateix catàleg i sense cap tipus d'intermediari gràcies al desenvolupament d'un nou servei de préstec de documents, que genera alhora un nou model dins d'un campus virtual.


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This presentation aims to make understandable the use and application context of two Webometrics techniques, the logs analysis and Google Analytics, which currently coexist in the Virtual Library of the UOC. In this sense, first of all it is provided a comprehensive introduction to webometrics and then it is analysed the case of the UOC's Virtual Library focusing on the assimilation of these techniques and the considerations underlying their use, and covering in a holistic way the process of gathering, processing and data exploitation. Finally there are also provided guidelines for the interpretation of the metric variables obtained.