940 resultados para San Francisco (Calif.). Superintendent of Public Schools
State law requires that for school years 2014-15 and 2015-16 the EOC will not rate schools or districts but will instead report on student academic performance. The Education Oversight Committee must use the results of these assessments in school years 2014-2015 and 2015-2016 to report on student academic performance in each school and district pursuant to Section 59-18-900. The state report card for school year 2015-16 will include assessment information and measurements that address the Profile of the South Carolina Graduate.
ANTECEDENTES.- Las infecciones urinarias representan un grave problema de salud que afecta a la población en general. En El Tambo representan una de las principales causas de consulta externa y hospitalización. OBJETIVO.- Identificar la prevalencia de infecciones de vías urinarias, agente etiológico, sensibilidad a los antimicrobianos y factores asociados en los habitantes de la comunidad de San Francisco de Cuchocorral, El Tambo 2015. METODOLOGÍA.- El estudio fue descriptivo de corte transversal. El universo fue de 208 habitantes y la muestra de 160 personas de la comunidad. Se realizó el examen elemental y microscópico de orina, el urocultivo y el antibiograma. Previo a la recolección de las muestras, los participantes firmaron el consentimiento o asentimiento informado y llenaron una encuesta. Se analizaron las muestras en el laboratorio de Microbiología de la Facultad de Ciencias Médicas. Para relacionar los resultados obtenidos y las variables de estudio se utilizó el programa SPSS V22 y Excel para la estadística descriptiva. RESULTADOS.- La prevalencia de infección urinaria fue del 10%, siendo el 100% de personas con infección del sexo femenino y de ellas el 44% mujeres de 19 – 45 años. Escherichia coli fue el microorganismo más frecuente con el 87,5% y mostró resistencia para Trimetoprim sulfametoxazol y Gentamicina en un 28,6%. Proteus y Klebsiella presentaron resistencia para Ampicilina sulbactam y Fosfomicina en un 100%. CONCLUSIÓN.- Contribuimos con datos epidemiológicos sobre prevalencia de infecciones de vías urinarias, agente etiológico y sensibilidad a los antimicrobianos en los habitantes de la comunidad de San Francisco de Cuchocorral
À partir de la décennie 1970, on voit surgir dans la plupart des métropoles en Occident des quartiers comprenant une grande concentration de ménages gays et d’établissements commerciaux destinés à cette clientèle. Les recherches menées sur le phénomène ont négligé de se pencher sur la façon dont la trajectoire de la communauté homosexuelle locale s’articule au parcours historique, politique et urbain de la ville où le quartier est situé. Ce travail vise à combler cette lacune et à éclairer la trajectoire qui a mené la population gay à s’approprier un espace urbain. Il dresse d’abord un panorama des quartiers étant devenus le secteur homosexuel de la ville et de la vie de ses habitants dans les métropoles de San Francisco, Paris et Montréal, à partir de sources secondaires sur l’urbanisation du quartier et sur la communauté gay locale depuis 1900 jusqu’à nos jours. Ensuite, il compare leur évolution selon une périodisation comportant deux axes principaux : l’époque où les homosexuels avaient un vécu clandestin dans la ville et la période où les gays cherchaient à vivre leur sexualité dans la sphère publique. Le résultat montre une trajectoire similaire où la sortie de la clandestinité aboutisse à un quartier ouvert, gentryfié et touristique qui passe par une formation de ghetto liée au contexte économique et politique national, mais aussi au cadre urbain de la ville. En identifiant les facteurs déterminants, il était possible de concevoir l’existence de figures types de quartier gay rendant possible la vie communautaire : le quartier gay portuaire et militant, le quartier symbole d’une culture et le quartier bastion ethnique.
Resumen El artículo pretende determinar el peso de lo material y lo cultural como factores fundamentales del levantamiento rural en la región de Chalco, México. Entre 1760 y 1920 se producen una serie de cambios en la estructura económica y social de esa región que revelan la ofensiva de la hacienda comercial en detrimento de los recursos comunales de los pueblos. Esto genera una serie de conflictos agrarios de los cuales este artículo analiza uno, el de 1868, ya que su análisis permite considerar y discutir la naturaleza esencial del movimiento social, ponderando el componente anarquista con la dimensión ambientalista del mismo. El autor se encuentra un discurso reivindicativo de los recursos naturales que considera ?ambientalista? por ser una defensa del modo de vida de los pueblos y no sólo de un recurso ?ambiental?, mismo que inserta en la reflexión global sobre la encrucijada entre conflicto y negociación en la región de Chalco. Abstract This essay analyzes material and cultural explanations of rural rebellions in Chalco, Mexico between 1760 and 1920. In that period, several social and economic changes took place which reveal the consolidation of the commercial hacienda against pueblos communal resources. This situation produced several agrarian conflicts; this paper analyses one of those conflicts: that of 1868. The study of that conflict discloses the composition of the rural movement in its anarchist and environmental dimensions. This paper argues that the pueblos defended their natural resources and consequently their way of life by using an ?environmentalist? discourse. Such a discourse was inserted at a crossroads of conflict and negotiation in Chalco.
Social Interests, The Public Good and Contemporary Individualised Discourses of Public Organisations
PPPs are held to be a powerful way of mobilising private finance and resources to deliver public infrastructure. Theoretically, research into procurement has begun to acknowledge difficulties with the classification and assessment of different types of procurement, particularly those which do not sufficiently acknowledge variety within specific types of procurement methods. This paper advances a theoretical framework based on an evolutionary economic conceptualisation of a routine, which can accommodate the variety evident in procurement projects, in particular PPPs. The paper tests how the various elements of a PPP, as advanced in the theoretical framework, affect performance across 10 case studies. It concludes, that a limited number of elements of a PPP affect their performance, and provides strong evidence for the theoretical model advanced in this paper.
Public private partnerships (PPP) have been widely used as a method for public infrastructure project delivery not only locally and internationally, however the adoption of PPPs in social infrastructure procurement has still been very limited. The objective of this paper is to investigate the potential of implementation of current PPP framework in social affordable housing projects in South East Queensland. Data were collected from 22 interviewees with rich experiences in the industry. The findings of this study show that affordable housing investment have been considered by the industry practitioners as a risky business in comparison to other private rental housing investment. The main determents of the adoption of PPPs in social infrastructure project are the tenant-related factors, such as the inability of paying rent and the inability of caring the property. The study also suggests the importance of seeking strategic partnership with community-based organisation that has experiences in managing similar tenants’ profiles. Current PPP guideline is also viewed as inappropriate for the affordable housing projects, but the principle of VFM framework and risk allocation in PPPs still be applied to the affordable housing projects. This study helps to understand the viability of PPP in social housing procurement projects, and point out the importance of developing guideline for multi-stakeholder partnership and the expansion of the current VFM and PPPs guidelines.
Networks are increasingly recognised as advantageous when creating and embedding cultural change within organisations. This paper explores andproblematises ideas around networks for education for sustainability (EfS), Australian Sustainable Schools Initiative (AuSSI), a national, whole-school approach to EfS. In three Australian states - New South Wales, Victoria and Queensland – AuSSI has been implemented in different ways. In examining the use of products, facilitators and networks to embed initiatives such as AuSSI in Australian schools, we propose a “continuum of cultural change strategies” as a framework for thinking about each of these approaches to creating organisational and cultural change for sustainability. We anticipate that such a framework may assist where choices need to be made in relation to the kinds of capacity building processes that might best achieve “deep and wide” change within schools hoping to engender significant cultural change.
This thesis presents a case study of the Special Broadcasting Service documenting the broadcasting challenges posed by user-generated content initiatives and the work-place approach to strategies for participation. Using the action research method, the project findings reveal that limitations to resources and funding determined the scope for innovation and that the practice of executive editorial control over content was considered fundamental to fulfilling the responsibilities of the public service mandate. Media workers were overwhelmingly positive about the enhanced productive capabilities of the audience and willing to facilitate moderated interactions, however the effectiveness of these initiatives differed according to the level of skills required. This thesis demonstrates how participatory initiatives can enhance aspects of the public service remit relating to cultural diversity, the servicing of niche interests, and broader social representation, and help reinvigorate the relevance of public service broadcasting in the digitalised media sphere.