991 resultados para Síndrome da Apnéia e Hipopnéia Obstrutiva do Sono (SAHOS)


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[ES] El objetivo de este trabajo ha sido determinar el nivel de burnout en un grupo de tenistas de alto rendimiento y conocer la relación existente entre la orientación motivacional y los niveles de burnout, así como la influencia de las variables sociodemográficas.


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[ES] El objetivo fundamental de este trabajo es comparar dos instrumentos de medida del burnout en deportistas: el Inventario de Burnout en Deportistas-Revisado (IBD-R) y el Athlete Burnout Questionnaire (ABQ). Ambos modelos de medida asumen una composición tridimensional del síndrome existiendo supuestamente un paralelismo conceptual entre dimensiones. Los análisis de correlaciones realizados entre subescalas supuestamente equivalentes muestran, no obstante, que sólo existe un buen grado de convergencia entre una de las subescalas (Agotamiento Emocional del IBD-R y Agotamiento Físico y Emocional del ABQ). Otras dos subescalas que deberían converger (Reducida Realización Personal del IBD-R y Reducida Sensación de Logro del ABQ) muestran un grado de convergencia menor del esperado y las subescalas de Despersonalización del IBD-R y Devaluación de la Práctica Deportiva del ABQ apenas evidencian relación. Las disonancias teóricas y psicométricas observadas nos hacen reflexionar acerca de desarrollo de un nuevo modelo que integre los componentes del burnout no convergentes.


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Programa de doctorado: Actividad Física, Salud y Rendimiento Deportivo


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This paper studies relational goods as immaterial assets creating real effects in society. The work starts answering to this question: what kind of effects do relational goods produce? After an accurate literature examination we suppose relational goods are social relations of second order. In the hypotesis they come from the emergence of two distinct social relations: interpersonal and reflexive relations. We describe empirical evidences of these emergent assets in social life and we test the effects they produce with a model. In the work we focus on four targets. First of all we describe the emergence of relational goods through a mathematical model. Then we individualize social realities where relational goods show evident effects and we outline our scientific hypotesis. The following step consists in the formulation of empirical tests. At last we explain final results. Our aim is to set apart the constitutive structure of relational goods into a checkable model coherently with the empirical evidences shown in the research. In the study we use multi-variate analysis techniques to see relational goods in a new way and we use qualitative and quantitative strategies. Relational goods are analysed both as dependent and independent variable in order to consider causative factors acting in a black-box model. Moreover we analyse effects of relational goods inside social spheres, especially in third sector and capitalistic economy. Finally we attain to effective indexes of relational goods in order to compare them with some performance indexes.


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This dissertation is aimed at analysing deeply and thoroughly the most significant topics and features reflected in the Latin American literary work of Alberto Manzi. His almost thirty years of travelling and volunteering in the indigenous communities of South America formed a background of knowledge and experiences, which turned out to be crucial for the genesis of his Latin American trilogy. In the light of this, not only are ‘La luna nelle baracche’, ‘El loco’ and ‘E venne il sabato’ a speaking testimony of Manzi’s life and inner development, but they also offer a privileged perspective on the social, historical and religious situation of the people of Latin America. For a better understanding of the books, chapter one provides an extensive historical and economic commentary stretching over a century, from the collapse of the Spanish Empire to the rise of modern dictatorships in the late ‘70s, and the long democratic transition of the ‘80s. As far as the religious background is concerned, it is important to mention the influence of the liberation theology in the shaping of Manzi’s revolutionary thought. Indeed, chapter two identifies the precursors of the liberation theology, considers the effects of the Second Vatican Council on Latin America’s Catholic Church, and presents the methodology and the most powerful intuitions of the liberation theology. Finally, chapter three employs a critical analysis of Manzi’s Latin American trilogy, which focuses on his personal journal of his time in the austral continent, and Sonia and Giulia Manzi’s testimony published in a book entitled ‘Non è mai troppo tardi’. Chapter three provides an in-depth analysis of the evolution of the author’s revolutionary thought and plot dynamics; it discusses the psychological profile of the characters, the cultural features of the indigenous traditions, and the author’s urge to involve the readership in a permanent process of self-questioning.


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Questo elaborato ha lo scopo di presentare la “slam poetry”, una disciplina con la quale solo recentemente il pubblico italiano si è confrontato. Spiegherò di cosa si tratta, quando e perché si è originata, come si è evoluta e perché ha avuto così tanto successo con alcune categorie di persone. Non mancherà anche una riflessione generale sulla traduzione della poesia e verrà dato abbondante spazio alle propostedi traduzione di alcuni brani di slam poetry, scelti tra quelli partecipanti al concorso di Chicago del 2008, con relativo commento alla traduzione.