994 resultados para Rural conflicts


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Direct payments are cash payments made to individuals eligible for social care services which allow them to manage and pay for their own social care rather than receiving it directly from their Local Authority. Research suggests that direct payments can enable people with dementia to stay in their own home for longer, and experience greater choice, flexibility and an improved social life. However, uptake of direct payments is currently low. People living in rural communities may particularly benefit from the additional flexibility offered by direct payments; however they may face difficulties accessing appropriate services. The aim of Phase 1 of the research is to explore the reasons why people with dementia who live in rural communities do or do not gain access to direct payments. This will be achieved through analysis of direct payment uptake data, focus groups with social workers, examination of online discussions about direct payments, and interviews with people with dementia, carers and social workers. Findings will inform Phase 2 of the research: the building and pilot testing of an intervention which can be utilised in rural communities to maximise access to direct payments by people with dementia.


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Direct payments are cash payments made to individuals eligible for social care services which allow them to manage their own social care. Research suggests that direct payments can enable people with dementia to stay in their own home for longer and experience greater choice, flexibility and an improved social life. However uptake of direct payments is currently low. The first objective of this research was to explore the experiences of people with dementia living in rural communities, in relation to their access to direct payments. 26 semi-structured interviews were conducted with people with dementia in receipt of social care services in the community, and their carers and social workers. Focus groups were carried out with two community social work teams. Direct payments appeared to afford particular benefits to people with dementia and to those living in rural communities in terms of flexibility, continuity of care and access to local facilities. However it was found that many service users were daunted by the thought of managing their own social care budget. The second objective of the research was to design and pilot test an intervention aimed at increasing uptake of direct payments by people with dementia. This comprised a session delivered to a team of social workers, aimed at encouraging them to offer combined direct payments to service users as a potentially less daunting alternative to full direct payments. Combined direct payments enable service users to receive part of their social care budget as a direct payment while the remainder is retained and managed by the Local Authority. In order to evaluate the intervention direct payment uptake will be examined for the six-month period before and after the intervention session, and social workers in the intervention team will be interviewed about their experiences of offering combined direct payments to service users.


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Direct payments are cash payments made to individuals eligible for social care services which allow them to manage their own social care. Research suggests that direct payments can enable people with dementia to stay in their own home for longer and experience greater choice, flexibility and an improved social life. However uptake of direct payments is currently low. There is a lack of research to date in this area which addresses the factors of dementia, ageing and rurality in unison. Therefore the objective of this research was to explore the experiences of people with dementia living in rural communities, in relation to their access to direct payments. 26 semi-structured interviews were conducted with people with dementia in receipt of social care services in the community, and their carers and social workers. Focus groups were carried out with two community social work teams, and existing online discussions regarding direct payments were examined. It was found that direct payments tended to be seen as a fall back option, for example as the only alternative to residential care, or as a potential solution to problems experienced by existing social care service users. Direct payments appeared to afford particular benefits to people with dementia and to those living in rural communities in terms of flexibility, continuity of care and access to local facilities. It is therefore important that this group are enabled to access direct payments; ensuring direct payments are viewed as a positive option by all stakeholders is key to this.


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Direct payments are cash payments made to individuals eligible for social care services which allow them to manage their own social care. Research suggests that direct payments can enable people with dementia to stay in their own home for longer and experience greater choice, flexibility and an improved social life. However uptake of direct payments is currently low. There is a lack of research to date in this area which addresses the factors of dementia, ageing and rurality in unison. Therefore the objective of this research was to explore the experiences of people with dementia living in rural communities, in relation to their access to direct payments. 26 semi-structured interviews were conducted with people with dementia in receipt of social care services in the community, and their carers and social workers. Focus groups were carried out with two community social work teams, and existing online discussions regarding direct payments were examined. It was found that direct payments tended to be seen as a fall back option, for example as the only alternative to residential care, or as a potential solution to problems experienced by existing social care service users. Direct payments appeared to afford particular benefits to people with dementia and to those living in rural communities in terms of flexibility, continuity of care and access to local facilities. It is therefore important that this group are enabled to access direct payments; ensuring direct payments are viewed as a positive option by all stakeholders is key to this.


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Direct payments are cash payments made to individuals eligible for social care services which allow them to manage and pay for their own social care rather than receiving it directly from their Local Authority. Research suggests that direct payments can enable people with dementia to stay in their own home for longer and experience greater choice, flexibility and an improved social life. However uptake of direct payments is currently low, particularly amongst people with dementia. Those living in rural communities may experience additional barriers to direct payments, such as transport issues and difficulty recruiting carers. There is a lack of research to date in this area which addresses the factors of dementia, ageing and rurality in unison. Therefore the objective of this research was to explore the experiences of people with dementia living in rural communities, in relation to their access to and use of direct payments. 26 semi-structured interviews were conducted with people with dementia in receipt of social care services in the community, and their carers and social workers. Focus groups were carried out with two community social work teams, and existing online discussions about direct payments contributed to by social care staff, people with dementia and their carers were examined. It was found that direct payments tended to be seen as a fall back option, for example as the only alternative to residential care, or as a potential solution to problems experienced by existing social care service users. Direct payments appeared to afford particular benefits to people with dementia and to those living in rural communities in terms of flexibility, continuity of care and access to local facilities. It is therefore important that this group are enabled to access direct payments; ensuring direct payments are viewed as a positive option by all stakeholders is key to this.


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Thesis (Master's)--University of Washington, 2013


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Christoph Franz of Lufthansa recently identified Ryanair, easyJet, Air Berlin and Emirates as the company’s main competitors – gone are the days when it could benchmark itself against BA or Air France-KLM! This paper probes behind the headlines to assess the extent to which different airlines are in competition, using evidence from the UK and mainland European markets. The issue of route versus network competition is addressed. Many regulators have put an emphasis on the former whereas the latter, although less obvious, can be more relevant. For example, BA and American will cease to compete between London and Dallas Fort Worth if their alliance obtains anti-trust immunity but 80% of the passengers on this route are connecting at one or both ends and hence arguably belong to different markets (e.g. London-San Francisco, Zurich-Dallas, Edinburgh-New Orleans) which may be highly contested. The remaining 20% of local traffic is actually insufficient to support a single point to point service in its own right. Estimates are made of the seat capacity major airlines are offering to the local market as distinct from feeding other routes. On a sector such as Manchester–Amsterdam, 60% of KLM’s passengers are transferring at Schiphol as against only 1% of bmibaby’s. Thus although KLM operates 5 flights and 630 seats per day against bmibaby’s 2 flights and 298 seats, in the point to point market bmibaby offers more seats than KLM. The growth of the Low Cost Carriers (LCCs) means that competition increasingly needs to be viewed on city pair markets (e.g. London-Rome) rather than airport pair markets (e.g. Heathrow-Fiumicino). As the stronger LCCs drive out weaker rivals and mainline carriers retrench to their major hubs, some markets now have fewer direct options than existed prior to the low cost boom. Timings and frequencies are considered, in particular the extent to which services are a true alternative especially for business travellers. LCCs typically offer lower frequencies and more unsociable timings (e.g. late evening arrivals at remote airports) as they are more focused on providing the cheapest service rather than the most convenient schedule. Interesting findings on ‘monopoly’ services are presented (including alliances) - certain airlines have many more of these than others. Lufthansa has a significant number of sectors to itself whereas at the other extreme British Airways has direct competition on almost every route in its network. Ryanair and flybe have a higher proportion of monopoly routes than easyJet or Air Berlin. In the domestic US market it has become apparent since deregulation that better financial returns can come from dominating a large number of smaller markets rather than being heavily exposed in the major markets - which are hotly fought over. Regional niches that appear too thin for Ryanair to serve (with its all 189 seat 737-800 fleet) are identified. Fare comparisons in contrasting markets provide some insights to marketing and pricing strategies. Data sources used include OAG (schedules and capacity), AEA (traditional European airlines traffic by region), the UK CAA (airport, airline and route traffic plus survey information of passenger types) and ICAO (international route traffic and capacity by carrier). It is concluded that airlines often have different competitors depending on the context but in surprisingly many cases there are actually few or no direct substitutes. The competitive process set in train by deregulation of European air services in the 1990s is leading back to one of natural monopolies and oblique alternatives. It is the names of the main participants that have changed however!


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The study examines the relationship between law, technology and water conflicts from colonial days to the present in traditional (water) tank systems in the south Indian state of Tamil Nadu. Tanks are man-made water systems developed for irrigation and many other purposes in semi-arid areas. The thesis adopts a historical approach to study the development of law, particularly property rights, and takes an empirical approach to investigate the tank conflicts. Archival documents on irrigation development, Case laws, Focus Group Discussions, Open ended Interviews and Field visits to selected tank chains are used as source material for the discussion. Case studies of conflicts are described and analyzed at three levels - Vaigai river basin for a macro level, Kothai Anicut system in Cauvery basin for a meso level, and twenty other interconnected tanks for a micro-level. The thesis deviates from the conventional understanding that tanks as traditional systems as simple and local technologies but considers them to be complex. It argues that the use of commonly held systems such as tanks within the colonial and post colonial laws as state ownership has been the source of many conflicts. In particular, it finds most tank conflicts are a product of progressive and absolute state control over water and the systems established using colonial land revenue administrative law. The law continues to treat tanks as pieces of landed property held by state and the individuals rather than as technology systems that presupposed the regime of property rights introduced after the colonial times. The modern interventions in water including the reservoir building, and altering the hydraulics of rivers and streams aggravate tank conflicts and lead to their further detriment. The study brings the focus to ground realities, and offers new perspectives on understanding tank systems in dynamic ways.


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This paper aims to specify the meaning of gentrification in rapidly peri-urbanising metropolitan regions in the context of Indonesia’s rapid transition to decentralisation and democracy. It discusses a case study of conflict over an environmental revitalisation project in a peri-urban area of Bandung City. The analysis focuses on the political processes, tactics and strategies supporting and opposing peri-urban gentrification and their consequences. The analysis illustrates how these political dynamics mediate the interaction between the movement of capital and the spatial reorganisation of social classes. It is argued that in the context of a peri-urbanising metropolis, gentrification needs to be narrated less in terms of class-based neighbourhood succession and more in terms of competing cross-class coalitions emerging at local and regional levels.


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Este estudo, de natureza qualitativa, visa em primeiro lugar a identificação de necessidades de formação contínua de docentes do 1º ciclo do ensino básico, decorrentes da inclusão de alunos com necessidades educativas especiais (N.E.E.) em escolas de meio rural. Pretende ainda criar linhas orientadoras para a construção de um dispositivo de formação contínua que possa contribuir para o desenvolvimento de capacidades, atitudes e conhecimentos relacionados com a inclusão de alunos com N.E.E. Utilizámos a entrevista semi - directiva, de forma a conhecer a percepção que os professores têm sobre as suas necessidades formativas e recorremos a observações naturalistas, de modo a identificar necessidades decorrentes da prática, através da análise de situações reais de aprendizagem em salas de aula inclusivas. Foram entrevistados 8 professores, tendo sido observadas as aulas de dois desses professores. A partir do cruzamento dos dados obtidos por ambas as técnicas, identificámos um conjunto de preocupações, dificuldades, aspirações/desejos relacionados com a inclusão e ainda carências formativas relacionadas com as N.E.E. As entrevistas permitiram-nos explorar, de uma forma geral, a percepção que os professores tinham das suas necessidades, ou seja as necessidades percebidas, enquanto que as observações nos possibilitaram a identificação das necessidades da prática, necessidades inferidas. No presente estudo, foi possível concluir que as observações constituem um meio privilegiado para a identificação de necessidades de formação, ao nível da prática pedagógica de uma sala de aula, na medida em que os professores, nas entrevistas, não expressaram algumas das dificuldades observadas e não identificaram um conjunto de carências formativas que a análise da observação sugere. Partindo dos resultados obtidos, foi possível enumerar as principais necessidades de formação contínua decorrentes da inclusão e propor um dispositivo de formação contínua, apoiado na observação e supervisão, que julgamos poder dar resposta às necessidades formativas dos professores encontradas no presente estudo.


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Dissertação de Mestrado, Gestão de Empresas (MBA), 2 de Outubro de 2015, Universidade dos Açores.


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Trabalho Final de Mestrado para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Engenharia com a Especialidade em Energia, Climatização e Refrigeração


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In a real world multiagent system, where the agents are faced with partial, incomplete and intrinsically dynamic knowledge, conflicts are inevitable. Frequently, different agents have goals or beliefs that cannot hold simultaneously. Conflict resolution methodologies have to be adopted to overcome such undesirable occurrences. In this paper we investigate the application of distributed belief revision techniques as the support for conflict resolution in the analysis of the validity of the candidate beams to be produced in the CERN particle accelerators. This CERN multiagent system contains a higher hierarchy agent, the Specialist agent, which makes use of meta-knowledge (on how the con- flicting beliefs have been produced by the other agents) in order to detect which beliefs should be abandoned. Upon solving a conflict, the Specialist instructs the involved agents to revise their beliefs accordingly. Conflicts in the problem domain are mapped into conflicting beliefs of the distributed belief revision system, where they can be handled by proven formal methods. This technique builds on well established concepts and combines them in a new way to solve important problems. We find this approach generally applicable in several domains.


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Os combustíveis fósseis, como o carvão, o petróleo e o gás, constituem fontes de energia que em breve se esgotarão e que são demasiado caras para serem desperdiçadas pelas centrais elétricas na produção de electricidade. Para além desse facto, existem outros argumentos (sobretudo económicos) que inviabilizam a utilização destas fontes de energia em algumas regiões, abrindo caminho a fontes de energia alternativas (e.g. solar, eólica, biomassa, mini-hídricas, geotérmicas, etc) e preferencialmente com contornos locais. No caso particular de Moçambique, tem-se verificado um interesse crescente por parte do governo e de várias ONGs na promoção do uso de energias alternativas para as zonas onde a energia convencional não chega e não chegará, devido aos custos muito elevados que esse processo acarretaria. Esta dissertação apresenta um estudo aprofundado do dimensionamento dum sistema híbrido de geração de energia elétrica envolvendo gerador FV e grupo eletrogéneo de emergência para a Escola Rural da Nangade, situada no Distrito de Nangade, na Província do Cabo Delgado. São também descritos os diversos componentes e as tecnologias associadas a um sistema deste género, com a inclusão de sistemas inteligentes de controlo de energia com a utilização de inversores bidireccionais (inversores de bateria e carregadores) para sistemas isolados. Os resultados são apresentados de forma a facilitar a aplicação e montagem deste tipo de sistemas in loco. Espera-se que esta dissertação possa servir de base no futuro próximo, para a implementação deste tipo de sistemas para permitir a melhoria da qualidade de ensino através de melhores infraestruturas, democratizando desta forma o acesso à educação para as crianças das zonas rurais das várias províncias de Moçambique. Como as energias renováveis são parte integrante do Sistema Elétrico Nacional, apresenta-se resumidamente, no anexo 17, o “Plano de Desenvolvimento na Área de Energia de Moçambique”.