996 resultados para René Descartes


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This study aimed at implementing a Nested-polymerase chain reaction (Nested-PCR) for the molecular diagnosis of human T-cell lymphotropic virus type I/II (HTLV-I and HTLV-II) infections in peripheral blood mononuclear cells of infected subjects in Argentina. The sensitivity and specificity of the assay for the detection of regional strains were assessed by comparing them with the molecular assay of reference PCR-hybridization. The Nested-PCR detected 1 MT-2 cell (³ 8 proviral copies)/1x106 non-infected cells showing high sensitivity for provirus detection. While both molecular assays showed high specificity (100%) for HTLV-I and HTLV-II detection, the sensitivity values differed: 100% for Nested-PCR and 67% for PCR-hybridization assay. Moreover, this technique showed less sensitivity for the detection of DNA sequences of HTLV-II (33%) than for the detection of DNA sequences of HTLV-I (75%). The high sensitivity and specificity of the Nested-PCR for regional strains and its low costs indicate that this assay could replace the PCR-hybridization assay for the molecular diagnosis of HTLV-I/II infections. It will be interesting to assess the usefulness of this assay as a tool for the molecular diagnosis of HTLV-I/II infections in other developing countries. Other studies that include a greater number of samples should be conducted.


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Several species of the subgenus Psychodopygus Mangabeira, 1941 are known to be leishmaniosis vectors in Brazil. Some of them are morphologically similar, which makes their identification quite difficult concerning epidemiological studies. The aim of the current work is to study the morphology of adult specimens of the subgenus Psychodopygus, in accordance with the morphological similarity and still taking into account the epidemiological importance of some species. Thus 11 species have been studied, including four subspecies of adult specimens deposited in the phlebotomine collection of Centro de Pesquisas René Rachou-Fiocruz. Morphological characters found in the literature and new features observed in this study were recorded in a taxonomic discussion format. These characters make it easy to separate such species. Four taxa, previously considered as subspecies, were raised to the category of species.


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Nyssomyia intermedia (Lutz & Neiva 1912) and N. neivai (Pinto 1926) are possible vectors of tegumentary leishmaniasis in some regions of Brazil. Further, the latter was until recently, considered a junior synonym of the former. This study has the purpose of updating our knowledge of the geographical distribution of these species, based on specimens deposited at the collection of the Centro de Pesquisas René Rachou-Fiocruz, Faculdade de Saúde Pública-Universidade de São Paulo, and on data presented by literature as also to associate this distribution with the cutaneous leishmaniasis cases reported. It has been reported that N. intermedia occurs in the states of the Northeastern Region, in Rio de Janeiro, Espírito Santo, on the northern coast of São Paulo, in eastern Minas Gerais, Mato Grosso do Sul, and Goiás, close to the border with Minas Gerais and Bahia. N. neivai occurs in the Southern Region, southern coast and in western São Paulo, southern and western Minas Gerais, southern Goiás, and southern Pará, beyond Argentina, Bolivia, and Paraguay. It is important to highlight that N. intermedia and N. neivai occur in sympatry in Minas Gerais and São Paulo. N. intermedia or N. neivai are predominant or are captured abundantly in several cutaneous leishmaniasis foci in the Southeastern and Southern regions of Brazil.


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Résumé de la thèse : Babel heureuse. Pour lire la traduction Lire la traduction : telle est l'expérience que cette étude cherche à explorer. Pour ce faire, on a renoncé à un discours critique ou normatif qui subsumerait la question de l'expérience de lecture de la traduction à la question de ce que devrait être cette expérience. En effet, les exigences traditionnelles vis-à-vis de la traduction s'énoncent souvent en des termes comme « fidélité », « adéquation », « justesse » qui valorisent l'identification, l'assimilation de la traduction à l'original et donc son idéale indistinction. Les descriptions de la traduction en termes de « transport », de « passages », etc. tendent également à la considérer comme une médiation idéalement transparente et donc indifférente pour celui qui la lit. La théorie littéraire et la philosophie sont elles aussi en décalage par rapport à la question de la lecture de la traduction. Certes, la lecture y joue un rôle assez primordial, mais la traduction y est extrêmement marginalisée. Elle n'occupe généralement qu'une fonction documentaire, historique ou sociologique, mais la lecture des oeuvres littéraires et philosophiques reste largement le privilège de ceux qui les lisent dans l'original. En outre, les notions principales de la poétique - notamment la question de la voix, de l'auteur, du rapport entre littérature et langue - se trouvent élaborés comme si la traduction n'offrait aucune expérience spécifique. Le décentrement disciplinaire de cette recherche apparaît moins comme une difficulté, mais bien comme l'une de ses impulsions essentielles. Il permet, par un certain 'dehors', de rendre les discours sur la traduction et la littérature à rebours et partant d'en interroger les évidences. Il s'agit alors d'être sensible non seulement à la manière dont la lecture de la traduction emporte les textes, les dynamise et les transforme, mais aussi comment, en retour, cette performance amène à reconsidérer ce que nous appelons 'littérature' et 'traduction'. Lire la traduction, c'est donc aussi inquiéter le discours à partir duquel la traduction se donne à penser : une lecture fragile et souple qui soustrait la traduction à toute tentative d'appropriation et la laisse valoir comme événement d'une étrangeté. Pour explorer cette expérience, cette étude propose des lectures précises de plusieurs philosophes (notamment Descartes, Foucault, Gadamer, Benjamin et Derrida) en considérant à la fois ce qu'ils ont dit - ou parfois significativement passé sous silence - de la traduction et, réciproquement, la manière dont leur pensée procède par traduction. De plus, quatre chapitres sont consacrés à des lectures multilingues de Beckett et de Dürrenmatt permettant de poser certaines questions importantes : qui parle dans une traduction ? Quelle compréhension donne-t-elle à lire ? Quelle impulsion et quelle continuation constitue-t-elle pour l'écriture ? La traduction apparaît alors dans sa performance ouvrante, offrant une littérature encore à inventer.


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The sterile insect technique (SIT) is a promising pest control method in terms of efficacy and environmental compatibility. In this study, we determined the efficacy of thiotepa-sterilised males in reducing the target Aedes aegypti populations. Treated male pupae were released weekly into large laboratory cages at a constant ratio of either 5:1 or 2:1 sterile-to-fertile males. A two-to-one release ratio reduced the hatch rate of eggs laid in the cage by approximately a third and reduced the adult catch rate by approximately a quarter, but a 5:1 release drove the population to elimination after 15 weeks of release. These results indicate that thiotepa exposure is an effective means of sterilising Ae. aegypti and males thus treated are able to reduce the reproductive capacity of a stable population under laboratory conditions. Further testing of the method in semi-field enclosures is required to evaluate the mating competitiveness of sterile males when exposed to natural environmental conditions. If proven effective, SIT using thiotepa-sterilised males may be incorporated into an integrated programme of vector control to combat dengue in Cuba.


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Gene expression data from microarrays are being applied to predict preclinical and clinical endpoints, but the reliability of these predictions has not been established. In the MAQC-II project, 36 independent teams analyzed six microarray data sets to generate predictive models for classifying a sample with respect to one of 13 endpoints indicative of lung or liver toxicity in rodents, or of breast cancer, multiple myeloma or neuroblastoma in humans. In total, >30,000 models were built using many combinations of analytical methods. The teams generated predictive models without knowing the biological meaning of some of the endpoints and, to mimic clinical reality, tested the models on data that had not been used for training. We found that model performance depended largely on the endpoint and team proficiency and that different approaches generated models of similar performance. The conclusions and recommendations from MAQC-II should be useful for regulatory agencies, study committees and independent investigators that evaluate methods for global gene expression analysis.