983 resultados para Proteins -- Analysis


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Plectin, a 500-kDa intermediate filament binding protein, has been proposed to provide mechanical strength to cells and tissues by acting as a cross-linking element of the cytoskeleton. To set the basis for future studies on gene regulation, tissue-specific expression, and pathological conditions involving this protein, we have cloned the human plectin gene, determined its coding sequence, and established its genomic organization. The coding sequence contains 32 exons that extend over 32 kb of the human genome. Most of the introns reside within a region encoding the globular N-terminal domain of the molecule, whereas the entire central rod domain and the entire C-terminal globular domain were found to be encoded by single exons of remarkable length, >3 kb and >6 kb, respectively. Overall, the organization of the human plectin gene was strikingly similar to that of human bullous pemphigoid antigen 1 (BPAG1), confirming that both proteins belong to the same gene family. Comparison of the deduced protein sequences for human and rat plectin revealed that they were 93% identical. By using fluorescence in situ hybridization, we have mapped the plectin gene to the long arm of chromosome 8 within the telomeric region. This gene locus (8q24) has previously been implicated in the human blistering skin disease epidermolysis bullosa simplex Ogna. Detailed knowledge of the structure of the plectin gene and its chromosome localization will aid in the elucidation of whether this or any other pathological conditions are linked to alterations in the plectin gene.


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The effects of free polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFA) on the binding of ligands to receptors on voltage-sensitive Na+ channels of neonatal rat cardiac myocytes were assessed. The radioligand was [benzoyl-2,5-(3)H] batrachotoxinin A 20alpha-benzoate ([(3)H]BTXB), a toxin that binds to the Na+ channel. The PUFA that have been shown to be antiarrhythmic, including eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA; C20:5n-3), docosahexaenoic acid (DHA; C22:6n-3), eicosatetraynoic acid (ETYA), linolenic acid (C18:3n-3), and linoleic acid (C18:2n-6), inhibited [(3)H]BTXB binding in a dose-dependent fashion with IC50 values of 28-35 microM, whereas those fatty acids that have no antiarrhythmic effects including saturated fatty acid (stearic acid, C18:0), monounsaturated fatty acid (oleic acid; C18:1n-9), and EPA methyl ester did not have a significant effect on [(3)H]BTXB binding. Enrichment of the myocyte membrane with cholesterol neither affected [(3)H]BTXB binding when compared with control cells nor altered the inhibitory effects of PUFA on [(3)H]BTXB binding. Scatchard analysis of [(3)H]BTXB binding showed that EPA reduced the maximal binding without altering the Kd for [(3)H]BTXB binding, indicating allosteric inhibition. The inhibition by EPA of [(3)H]BTXB binding was reversible (within 30 min) when delipidated bovine serum albumin was added. The binding of the PUFA to this site on the Na+ channel is reversible and structure-specific and occurs at concentrations close to those required for apparent antiarrhythmic effects and a blocking effect on the Na+ current, suggesting that binding of the PUFA at this site relates to their antiarrhythmic action.


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The closely related multidrug efflux pumps QacA and QacB, from the bacterial pathogen Staphylococcus aureus, both confer resistance to various toxic organic cations but differ in that QacB mediates lower levels of resistance to divalent cations. Cloning and nucleotide sequencing of the qacB gene revealed that qacB differs from qacA by only seven nucleotide substitutions. Random hydroxylamine mutagenesis of qacB was undertaken, selecting for variants that conferred increased resistance to divalent cations. Both QacA and the QacB mutants capable of conferring resistance to divalent cations contain an acidic residue at either amino acid 322 or 323, whereas QacB contains uncharged residues in these positions. Site-directed mutagenesis of qacA confirmed the importance of an acidic residue within this region of QacA in conferring resistance to divalent cations. Membrane topological analysis using alkaline phosphatase and beta-galactosidase fusions indicated that the QacA protein contains 14 transmembrane segments. Thus, QacA represents the first membrane transport protein shown to contain 14 transmembrane segments, and confirms that the major facilitator superfamily contains a family of proteins with 14 transmembrane segments.


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In previous experiments, the homeodomain proteins even-skipped and fushi-tarazu were found to UV cross-link to a surprisingly wide array of DNA sites in living Drosophila embryos. We now show that UV cross-linking gives a highly accurate measure of DNA binding by these proteins. In addition, the binding of even-skipped and fushi-tarazu proteins has been measured in vitro to the same DNA fragments that were examined in vivo. This analysis shows that these proteins have broad DNA recognition properties in vitro that are likely to be important determinants of their distribution on DNA in vivo, but it also shows that in vitro DNA binding specificity alone is not sufficient to explain the distribution of these proteins in embryos.


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Antibody-cytokine fusion proteins combine the unique targeting ability of antibodies with the multifunctional activity of cytokines. Here, we demonstrate the therapeutic efficacy of such constructs for the treatment of hepatic and pulmonary metastases of different melanoma cell lines. Two antibody-interleukin 2 (IL-2) fusion proteins, ch225-IL2 and ch14.18-IL2, constructed by fusion of a synthetic sequence coding for human IL-2 to the carboxyl end of the Cgamma1 gene of the corresponding antibodies, were tested for their therapeutic efficacy against xenografted human melanoma in vivo. Tumor-specific fusion proteins completely inhibited the growth of hepatic and pulmonary metastases in C.B-17 scid/scid mice previously reconstituted with human lymphokine-activated killer cells, whereas treatment with combinations of the corresponding antibodies plus recombinant IL-2 only reduced the tumor load. Even when treatment with fusion proteins was delayed up to 8 days after inoculation of tumor cells, it still resulted in complete eradication of micrometastases that were established at that time point. Selection of tumor cell lines expressing or lacking the targeted antigen of the administered fusion protein proved the specificity of the observed antitumor effect. Biodistribution analysis demonstrated that the tumor-specific fusion protein accumulated not only in subcutaneous tumors but also in lungs and livers affected with micrometastases. Survival times of animals treated with the fusion protein were more than doubled as compared to those treated with the combination of the corresponding antibody plus IL-2. Our data demonstrate that an immunotherapeutic approach using cytokines targeted by antibodies to tumor sites has potent effects against disseminated human melanoma.


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Studies on circulating T cells and antibodies in newly diagnosed type 1 diabetic patients and rodent models of autoimmune diabetes suggest that beta-cell membrane proteins of 38 kDa may be important molecular targets of autoimmune attack. Biochemical approaches to the isolation and identification of the 38-kDa autoantigen have been hampered by the restricted availability of islet tissue and the low abundance of the protein. A procedure of epitope analysis for CD4+ T cells using subtracted expression libraries (TEASEL) was developed and used to clone a 70-amino acid pancreatic beta-cell peptide incorporating an epitope recognized by a 38-kDa-reactive CD4+ T-cell clone (1C6) isolated from a human diabetic patient. The minimal epitope was mapped to a 10-amino acid synthetic peptide containing a DR1 consensus binding motif. Data base searches did not reveal the identity of the protein, though a weak homology to the bacterial superantigens SEA (Streptococcus pyogenes exotoxin A) and SEB (Staphylococcus aureus enterotoxin B) (23% identity) was evident. The TEASEL procedure might be used to identify epitopes of other autoantigens recognized by CD4+ T cells in diabetes as well as be more generally applicable to the study low-abundance autoantigens in other tissue-specific autoimmune diseases.


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The Tat-responsive region (TAR) element is a critical RNA regulatory element in the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) long terminal repeat, which is required for activation of gene expression by the transactivator protein Tat. Recently, we demonstrated by gel-retardation analysis that RNA polymerase II binds to TAR RNA and that Tat prevents this binding even when Tat does not bind to TAR RNA. These results suggested that direct interactions between Tat and RNA polymerase II may prevent RNA polymerase II pausing and lead to Tat-mediated increases in transcriptional elongation. To test this possibility, we performed protein interaction studies with RNA polymerase II and both the HIV-1 and the closely related HIV-2 Tat protein. These studies indicated that both the HIV-1 and HIV-2 Tat proteins could specifically interact with RNA polymerase II. Mutagenesis of both HIV-1 and HIV-2 Tat demonstrated that the basic domains of both the HIV-1 and HIV-2 Tat proteins were required for this interaction. Furthermore, "far Western" analysis suggested that the largest subunit of RNA polymerase II was the site for interaction with Tat. The interactions between Tat and RNA polymerase II were of similar magnitude to those detected between RNA polymerase II and the cellular transcription factor RAP30, which stably associates with RNA polymerase II during transcriptional elongation. These studies are consistent with the model that RNA polymerase II is a cellular target for Tat resulting in Tat-mediated increases in transcriptional elongation from the HIV long terminal repeat.


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An enzyme that reduces methionine sulfoxide [Met(O)] residues in proteins [peptide Met(O) reductase (MsrA), EC; originally identified in Escherichia coli] was purified from bovine liver, and the cDNA encoding this enzyme was cloned and sequenced. The mammalian homologue of E. coli msrA (also called pmsR) cDNA encodes a protein of 255 amino acids with a calculated molecular mass of 25,846 Da. This protein has 61% identity with the E. coli MsrA throughout a region encompassing a 199-amino acid overlap. The protein has been overexpressed in E. coli and purified to homogeneity. The mammalian recombinant MsrA can use as substrate, proteins containing Met(O) as well as other organic compounds that contain an alkyl sulfoxide group such as N-acetylMet(O), Met(O), and dimethyl sulfoxide. Northern analysis of rat tissue extracts showed that rat msrA mRNA is present in a variety of organs with the highest level found in kidney. This is consistent with the observation that kidney extracts also contained the highest level of enzyme activity.


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Using a cell-free system for UV mutagenesis, we have previously demonstrated the existence of a mutagenic pathway associated with nucleotide-excision repair gaps. Here, we report that this pathway can be reconstituted by using six purified proteins: UvrA, UvrB, UvrC, DNA helicase II, DNA polymerase III core, and DNA ligase. This establishes the minimal requirements for repair-gap UV mutagenesis. DNA polymerase II could replace DNA polymerase III, although less effectively, whereas DNA polymerase I, the major repair polymerase, could not. DNA sequence analysis of mutations generated in the in vitro reaction revealed a spectrum typical of mutations targeted to UV lesions. These observations suggest that repair-gap UV mutagenesis is performed by DNA polymerase III, and to a lesser extent by DNA polymerase II, by filling-in of a rare class of excision gaps that contain UV lesions.


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The consequences of Helicobacter pylori attachment to human gastric cells were examined by transmission electron microscopy and immunofluorescence microscopy. H. pylori attachment resulted in (i) effacement of microvilli at the site of attachment, (ii) cytoskeletal rearrangement directly beneath the bacterium, and (iii) cup/pedestal formation at the site of attachment. Double-immunofluorescence studies revealed that the cytoskeletal components actin, alpha-actinin, and talin are involved in the process. Immunoblot analysis showed that binding of H. pylori to AGS cells induced tyrosine phosphorylation of two host cell proteins of 145 and 105 kDa. These results indicate that attachment of H. pylori to gastric epithelial cells resembles that of enteropathogenic Escherichia coli. Coccoid H. pylori, which are thought to be terminally differentiated bacterial forms, are capable of binding and inducing cellular changes of the same sort as spiral H. pylori, including tyrosine phosphorylation of host proteins.


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In hunting for unknown genes on the human X chromosome, we identified a cDNA in Xq28 encoding a transmembrane protein (SEX) of 1871 amino acids. SEX shares significant homology with the extracellular domain of the receptors encoded by the oncogenes MET, RON, and SEA [hepatocyte growth factor (HGF) receptor family]. Further screenings of cDNA libraries identified three additional sequences closely related to SEX: these were named SEP, OCT, and NOV and were located on human chromosomes 3p, 1, and 3q, respectively. The proteins encoded by these genes contain large cytoplasmic domains characterized by a distinctive highly conserved sequence (SEX domain). Northern blot analysis revealed different expression of the SEX family of genes in fetal tissues, with SEX, OCT, and NOV predominantly expressed in brain, and SEP expressed at highest levels in kidney. In situ hybridization analysis revealed that SEX has a distinctive pattern of expression in the developing nervous system of the mouse, where it is found in postmitotic neurons from the first stages of neuronal differentiation (9.5 day postcoitus). The SEX protein (220 kDa) is glycosylated and exposed at the cell surface. Unlike the receptors of the HGF family, p220SEX, a MET-SEX chimera or a constitutively dimerized TPR-SEX does not show tyrosine kinase activity. These data define a gene family (SEX family) involved in the development of neural and epithelial tissues, which encodes putative receptors with unexpected enzymatic or binding properties.


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The structure of the human major histocompatibility complex (MHC) class II molecule HLA-DR1 derived from the human lymphoblastoid cell line LG-2 has been determined in a complex with the Staphylococcus aureus enterotoxin B superantigen. The HLA-DR1 molecule contains a mixture of endogenous peptides derived from cellular or serum proteins bound in the antigen-binding site, which copurify with the class II molecule. Continuous electron density for 13 amino acid residues is observed in the MHC peptide-binding site, suggesting that this is the core length of peptide that forms common interactions with the MHC molecule. Electron density is also observed for side chains of the endogenous peptides. The electron density corresponding to peptide side chains that interact with the DR1-binding site is more clearly defined than the electron density that extends out of the binding site. The regions of the endogenous peptides that interact with DRI are therefore either more restricted in conformation or sequence than the peptide side chains or amino acids that project out of the peptide-binding site. The hydrogen-bond interactions and conformation of a peptide model built into the electron density are similar to other HLA-DR-peptide structures. The bound peptides assume a regular conformation that is similar to a polyproline type II helix. The side-chain pockets and conserved asparagine residues of the DR1 molecule are well-positioned to interact with peptides in the polyproline type II conformation and may restrict the range of acceptable peptide conformations.


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The ALLI gene, located at chromosome band 11q23, is involved in acute leukemia through a series of chromosome translocations and fusion to a variety of genes, most frequently to A4 and AF9. The fused genes encode chimeric proteins proteins. Because the Drosophila homologue of ALL1, trithorax, is a positive regulator of homeotic genes and acts at the level of transcription, it is conceivable that alterations in ALL1 transcriptional activity may underlie its action in malignant transformation. To begin studying this, we examined the All1, AF4, AF9, and AF17 proteins for the presence of potential transcriptional regulatory domains. This was done by fusing regions of the proteins to the yeast GAL4 DNA binding domain and assaying their effect on transcription of a reporter gene. A domain of 55 residues positioned at amino acids 2829-2883 of ALL1 was identified as a very strong activator. Further analysis of this domain by in vitro mutagenesis pointed to a core of hydrophobic and acidic residues as critical for the activity. An ALL1 domain that repressed transcription of the reporter gene coincided with the sequence homologous to a segment of DNA methyltransferase. An AF4 polypeptide containing residues 480-560 showed strong activation potential. The C-terminal segment of AF9 spanning amino acids 478-568 transactivated transcription of the reporter gene in HeLa but not in NIH 3T3 cells. These results suggest that ALL1, AF4, and probably AF9 interact with the transcriptional machinery of the cell.


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Point mutations were selectively introduced into a cDNA for guinea pig estrogen sulfotransferase (gpEST); each construct was then expressed in Chinese hamster ovary K1 cells. The molecular site chosen for study is a conserved GXXGXXK sequence that resembles the P-loop-type nucleotide-binding motif for ATP- and GTP-binding proteins and is located near the C terminus of all steroid and phenol(aryl) sulfotransferases for which the primary structures are known. Preliminary experiments demonstrated that the GXXGXXK motif is essential for binding the activated sulfonate donor 3'-phosphoadenosine 5'-phosphosulfate (PAPS). The present study was undertaken to ascertain the relative importance of each individual residue of the motif. While the mutation of a single motif residue had little effect on the interaction between gpEST and PAPS as determined by kinetic analysis and photoaffinity labeling, the mutation of any two residues in concert resulted in an approximate 10-fold increase in the Km for PAPS and reduced photoaffinity labeling. The mutation of all three motif residues resulted in an inactive enzyme and complete loss of photoaffinity labeling. Interestingly, several mutants also displayed a striking effect on the Km for the steroid substrate; double mutants, again, demonstrated greater perturbations (8- to 28-fold increase) than did single mutants. Unexpectedly, whereas the mutation of nonmotif residues had a negligible effect on the Km for PAPS, a marked increase in the Km for the estrogen substrate ( > 30-fold) was noted. On the basis of these findings, it is concluded that the sequence GISGDWKN within the C-terminal domain of gpEST represents a critical component of the active site.


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Changes in the secondary structure of some dozen different proteins upon lyophilization of their aqueous solutions have been investigated by means of Fourier-transform infrared spectroscopy in the amide III band region. Dehydration markedly (but reversibly) alters the secondary structure of all the proteins studied, as revealed by both the quantitative analysis of the second derivative spectra and the Gaussian curve fitting of the original infrared spectra. Lyophilization substantially increases the beta-sheet content and lowers the alpha-helix content of all proteins. In all but one case, proteins become more ordered upon lyophilization.