1000 resultados para Professores de dança - Formação
This work aims to study about the importance of cinema for cultural and professional training of teachers of Natural Sciences and Mathematics. The educational potential of cinema is emphasizing by different authors, which also reveal the teachers' training gap in this issue (media). In this study, we defend the audiovisual language of cinema as an integrating element of Arts and Science for cultural and professional training of teachers. This subject has been developed by different authors, in which the emphasis has been the importance of intelligent dialogue with the world. Specifically, the training of science teachers and mathematics, by the approach of Cinema in its formation, It envisions the possibility of minimizing the dichotomy between humanistic and scientific training, already much discussed by some researchers. Educational products contribute to an effective experience and reflection on the cultural and educational role of the Seventh Art. Considering the Cinema as a possible "bridge" between the two cultures (scientific culture and humanistic culture) and promoting ownership of audiovisual language in teacher training It was accomplished the I Exhibition - Cultural Spring: Cinema and Science Education in UFRN. The production of the booklet "Topics of History, Language and Art of Cinema for Science and Mathematics Teachers," and its application in a short course in the XXI National Symposium on Physics Teaching also aimed to contribute to the approximation of Science and Art in training teachers.
This essay aims to present and describe a proposal of insertion of Mathematics History into teachers undergraduation. Such addition proposal is expected to take place as curricular component to be taught on initial undergraduation for mathematics teachers. The selection of contents for the proposal has been based on the national Curriculum Guidelines (DCN, 2001, acronym in portugueses) for bachelor’s degree in Mathematics; the National Curricular Guidelines for Elementary School (PCNEF, 1998, acronym in Portuguese); and the National Curricular Guidelines for High School (PCNEM, 1999, acronym in Portuguese). The curricular component now presented is supposed to take a 60 hour workload, and includes the following topics: History of Ancient Numbering Systems, History of Trigonometriy and History of fuctions. For the sake of exemplification, the topic History of Ancient Numbering Systems is discussed and analysed in detail as practice for the new curricular component.
This study aims to reflect on the cultural and aesthetics formation of teacher, and how they act as a co-author in the virtual environment. The reflection permeates on topics such as: The Information Age and the challenges of the teacher in the twenty-first century; teacher professional development and the multiple personal identities; the importance of cultural repertoire for teaching practice and the role of the teacher as co-author in the informational network. In addition to the theoretical reflections were conducted two focus groups with the participation of teachers with different graduations and working in various levels of education to discuss the presented topics. It was proposed to create a website for the teacher to sail and collaborate with posts on many cultural artifacts. For the construction of the content for the site, it developed a “daily creation”, which is the search information storage from multiple sources, such as academic papers, songs, websites, magazines, comics, blogs, books, photographs, advertisements, finally everything that can increase imagination and serve for the production of content. Data analysis of the focus group showed that teachers recognize the varied cultural repertoire makes for a good professional aplomb, but cannot actively participate in the local culture. It was also found that the teacher has difficulty manipulating information technology and communication and therefore, distance themselves from an active production network. The focus group contributed to building a website and posts on cultural artifacts. Production can be accessed at www.digitaldoprofessor.com.
This research sought to understand the space training provided by Institutional Scholarship Program Initiation of Teaching to a group of students of Degree in Mathematics that had activities developed in the same public school. The goal is to qualify them for teaching practice for these basic institutions. We decided to conduct a qualitative study of type ethnographic case study. For a year and a half while we were at the meetings and activities of the Group, we did what we call as a participant observation. To obtain the data, we used different survey instruments: the researcher\'s field notes through his observation of everyday life of the group, photographs and filming of the activities, document analysis and database produced, physically and digitally, in addition to questionnaires and interviews with records written, which complemented each other and helped establish a triangulation of information collected. We analyze the trajectory of the group on three axes: on the first, we present and understand the paths taken by the Group in the process of setting up training spaces, and production of their professional training, in the second, we analyze how the space of PIBID is being integrated with others spaces of formations in the educational institution of the degree course in mathematics and, in the third axis, we understand the process of knowledge production of that group. The trajectory taken by the group was marked by a process of reflection and discussion systematic and collective, which favored the pursuit for be a better professional and also confirmed a possible path to be followed in initial teacher education.
The intervention research proposed was based on the Cultural-Historical Theory based on the laws and logic of materialism historical-dialectical. Therefore, we tried to design a research process that involved all as responsible for the process. In the field of continuous teacher's training usually has been found dualistic relationship / paradoxical processes as a result of the adopted training models which are characterized by individualist human processes. The teacher training work sought to overcome this dualism, to promote the unveiling of the contradictions with regard to teaching models. As a hypothesis, we imagined that immersed in this process, teachers recognize such contradictions, and this recognition would make the contradictions become the driving force of change in teaching practice, realizing the teaching-learning-development triad as the basis of praxis. Aiming to develop a process of continuing education to bring results to the professional teachers development looking for answer the following research question: How and what the changes of teachers who participated in the Didactic-Formative Intervention process raised the quality of their teaching practices? In this context, the objective of the research was to develop a process of Didactic-Formative Intervention from the perspective of Cultural-Historical Theory with high school teachers in order to theorize about the changes in pedagogical practices of teachers and learn aspects that transform the essence teaching practice. The research involved two high school teachers of a public school in Uberlândia-MG. The training meetings took place at the school through a collective study group between the years 2013 and 2015. As procedures were used two interconnected aspects: classes observations, and a theoretical and methodological training, both for diagnosis and for the process evaluation, the second aspect has a formative dimension, and a didactic dimension (double meaning) to form didactically the teacher and to elaborate didactic procedures. The collected data were analyzed by observing the assumptions of the method, analysis by units and the processuality. As results teachers showed changes in their teaching practices regarding the organization of the pedagogical work and also centered their design educational actions based on learning and development of the students. The presence of continuous diagnosis during the classes, work with a systems of concepts and their conceptual links, problematization as a teaching method can be pointed as meaningful changes in their praxis. Regarding the training activities that emerged from the analysis of the compiled materials and analyzed throughout the process can be emphasized: forming a collective group of school teachers continuous training, diagnostics, development of practical activities, increase relationships among participants, the choice of scientific material used should have direct relation to the needs of the participants, promoting conditions that enable the emergence of contradictions between the pedagogical practice of teachers and teaching based on the perspective of the Cultural-Historical Theory. This research craved to develop and design a teachers' training processes that increase the quality of teachers life and ways of teaching in the Brazilian public school.
The Course “Light and Life”, which is a product of the present research, is a mediator in helping Science Teachers on how to deal with the Physics classes in secondary school. The aim of the present study was to propose a course which can help Science Teachers with their difficulties in the teaching of Physics in the later years of secondary school, mainly about topics related to the theme Light. The elaboration of the product of this research involved structuring and applying a course of continued formation through the “Fun with Science and Art Museum-DICA, under the theme Light, to Science Teachers of the later years of secondary school, in order to promote an environment of dialogue and problem raising as means of disseminating and discussing the teaching of topics related to Light in the teaching of Sciences. The formation course presented a flexible structure in order to widen the relation between the researcher and the teachers participating in the course, aiming to give an answer to the formative needs of the teachers in relation to the theme proposed. In order to know and discuss the problems and challenges of the teaching of Physics in the Science classes, an approach of insertion and integration of concepts related to the theme Light was conducted, mainly on topics relating to the contents of Physics, Chemistry and Biology, according to the curriculum and the abilities of Sciences worked on in class, through the approach of concepts and practice which approximate the practical and theoretical reality of the formative needs of the teachers involved in this study. This work aimed to understand the relation of Science Teachers with the theme Light and comprehend the relation of the teachers with the present proposal of continued formation promoted by the Museum DICA. The methodological option of this research remained in the domains of qualitative research whose analysis was based on the content analysis. The data collection was carried out through questionnaires and group discussions recorded in audio, besides the participative observation of the researcher. As the research product, the structuring and application of a course of continued formation of Science Teachers of secondary school was proposed, under the thematic Light, and a later restructuring of the course under the same thematic based on the data collected after the application of the referred course, which will be later promoted by the Museum DICA.
Esta investigação pretende encontrar pistas para reflexão, num contexto restrito, sobre uma questão premente: Qual o impacto da Formação Contínua em TIC (nível 1 e nível 2) na profissão docente, no âmbito dos procedimentos administrativos da Escola? Auscultámos uma amostra que nos forneceu informação para levarmos a cabo o nosso estudo de caso. Ao inserirmos a nossa pesquisa num paradigma quantitativo, procedemos a um estudo descritivo, baseado em inquéritos. Difundimos o nosso questionário por Internet e tratamos a informação recolhida, recorrendo à análise estatística.
Este estudo, desenvolvido através de uma investigação-ação, busca aprofundar a compreensão sobre o papel da poesia e de sua abordagem associado à integração curricular e ao trabalho colaborativo, em programas de formação de professores, inicial e continuada, visando à mudança de uma prática docente solitária para uma prática mais reflexiva e solidária. Esta investigação desenvolveu-se em uma escola pública de São Paulo - Brasil, com professores de diferentes disciplinas, coordenação pedagógica e estagiários do curso de Letras de duas universidades privadas. Com o propósito de contribuir para o debate, associamos o estudo teórico à investigação empírica, numa investigação-ação, recorrendo à observação participante e às entrevistas semiestruturadas. Elegemos para este trabalho três grandes eixos e suas respectivas referências teóricas: i) formação de professores; ii) currículo e desenvolvimento curricular; e iii) poesia e abordadem da poesia. Com base nesses eixos, elaboramos e desenvolvemos o estudo empírico que nos mostrou sua relevância através dos resultados obtidos: viabilidade de construção e implementação de projetos interdisciplinares nas escolas da rede pública; importância da interação entre professores e restante comunidade escolar; humanização do ambiente escolar; protagonismo de professores e alunos. Mostrou-nos também algumas limitações, especialmente o pouco investimento e apoio das equipes de gestão ao desenvolvimento de projetos integrados, assim como a falta de tempo necessário à construção de ambiente propício à criação da cultura de colaboração docente. Esperamos ter contribuído, através deste projeto, para que um novo olhar seja lançado aos programas de formação, inicial e continuada, de professores, menos tecnicista, mais crítico e reflexivo, mais solidário e integrado, mais humanizado e democrático, bem como à potencialidade da poesia/abordagem da poesia nesses contextos.
Relatório Final de Estágio apresentado à Escola Superior de Dança, com vista à obtenção do grau de Mestre em Ensino de Dança.
Acompanha: Teachers thinking together: novas tecnologias aplicadas à formação continuada de professores de língua inglesa
Visando analisar a Formação Inicial de Professores (FIP) do Ensino Básico em Moçambique, no intuito de captar como concorre para a construção da representação de profissionalidade na atividade docente, este estudo descritivo e interpretativo estrutura-se em duas dimensões complementares (extensiva e intensiva). Através dessas duas dimensões procurou-se explicitar os pontos críticos do objeto de estudo e produzir conhecimento sobre o mesmo. E, nessa linha, nas conclusões do estudo ficarão disponíveis possíveis contributos para a melhoria da sustentação e eficácia da formação inicial. Na dimensão extensiva, em função de descritores de profissionalidade associados ao reconhecimento social de uma atividade como profissional, definidos na literatura investigativa da sociologia das profissões e da educação, analisou-se a noção de profissionalidade que norteia a FIP. Essa análise foi desenvolvida com recurso ao estudo de documentos legais e curriculares, inquéritos por questionário a 289 formadores e por entrevista a 7 agentes-chave da formação de professores (gestores, académicos e formadores de professores). Na dimensão intensiva, concretizada num estudo multicaso (4 estudos de caso) envolvendo, essencialmente, 16 formadores de 4 instituições de formação de professores (polos), aprofundou-se a compreensão da visão de formadores de professores sobre profissionalidade, com recurso à observação de atividade docente e respetiva planificação, entrevistas semi-estruturadas a 4 gestores da Prática Pedagógica e estágio nesses polos, à luz do quadro teórico fundamentador dos caraterizadores de profissionalidade referenciais do estudo e dos resultados obtidos na dimensão extensiva. Os resultados do estudo denotam falta de sintonia entre o conceito de ensinar patenteado nos documentos e discursos dos agentes-chave da Formação de Professores (a indicar que ensinar é fazer aprender) e a prática letiva dos formadores, a denunciar que ensinar é entendido como expôr conteúdos/transmitir conhecimentos. Quanto aos caraterizadores de profissionalidade, discursivamente destacam-se como atributos reconhecidos ao professor: ser educador e profissional; possuir conhecimento específico para ensinar; ter a função e a responsabilidade de ensinar; ser inovador e investigador; e agir de acordo com o quadro deontológico associado à profissão. No entanto, estas representações entram em choque com a realidade, marcada por falta de poder dos professores sobre o currículo e sobre o conhecimento profissional, que não produzem nem controlam; baixas qualificações (possuem nível correspondente à 10ª classe); inexistência de um quadro deontológico específico e por uma prática docente dos formadores inscrita na racionalidade técnica e mais alinhada com uma dinâmica de funcionarização do que de profissionalização. Na esteira do isomorfismo pedagógico, da chamada naturalização das práticas de ensino, e da força da gramática escolar, o tipo de prática docente que marca a ação dos formadores tenderá a ser replicada pelos formandos quando professores. Aliás, os documentos curriculares parecem resumir o ser profissional ao facto de se possuir formação para professores. O estudo fundamenta a possibilidade de, nas políticas, se reforçar uma maior coerência entre discursos e práticas na visão de profissionalidade construída na FIP, aprofundar os pontos de descontinuidade detetados no estudo ou outros relevantes e trabalhar no sentido da clarificação do conceito de profissionalidade pretendida na Formação de Professores do Ensino Básico em Moçambique.
The theme of teacher education has always been rich in discussion and presents an abundant literature on the subject. Historically this topic has generated concerns in both development bodies and universities / schools where these people learn or are engaged in professional work. Training teachers is complex and these elements of complexity make necessary a review of paradigms of initial and continuing education. Despite the efforts of the past decades, the lack of teachers in some areas of knowledge is still a big concern, and it can become even worse in the future, what reinforces the importance of new decisions and new directions in order to change this situation. Therefore, the university-school relationship is of fundamental importance, linking and articulating theory and school practice, contextualizing knowledge, renewing and adapting curricula to current times and spaces in order to be able to improve and recover the social and professional value of teachers. From this perspective the education public policies should turn to the encouragement and the rescue of values and principles in quality teacher training. In the course comes the Institutional Teaching Initiation Scholarships Program - PIBID as an innovative program of teacher education working and adding essential factors to the university-school to reinforce good teaching practices taking up the role of co-developer schools. This research is aimed at analyzing the factors that PIBID inserts in the university-school relationship within IFPR Campus Palmas. The theoretical route was marked by authors as Edgar Morin (2003, 2010a, 2010b, 2012), Enrique Leff (2002a, 2002b, 2003, 2010), Boaventura Sousa Santos (1988, 2010a, 2010b, 2013) Menga Lüdke (2005, 2013), Demerval Saviani (2000, 2013), Paulo Freire (2011), among others, among them official documents of PIBID were used in this research too. The methodological approach with exploratory approach, descriptive explanatory was of fundamental importance through data collected by the documentary analysis (BRAZIL, 2007, 2009, 2013) and in the focus groups activities (GATTI, 2012). The focus groups interlocutors constituted of three groups: Area Coordinators, supervisors and teaching initiation scholarships. The categories were defined a priori from the Programme's objectives and emerging categories identified from the analysis process. After both documentary and interlocutors analysis, it was possible to identify that PIBID inserts the following factors in the university-school relationship: the Recognition of the Profession; Innovative Program and Dialogues of Knowledge. For the recognition of the profession mainly because it is an initial and continuing education program; it approximates theory and practice; upgrades the role of the teacher at school and motivates methodological innovations. This Innovative Program promotes the role of co-educational school and it also approximates knowledge of the school reality and promotes the continuous training. The third emerging category university-school relationship promotes dialogs of knowledge; bringing together theory and practice; it allows information exchange and opens new perspectives for teacher training. Finally, it is possible to realize that besides being a new program, PIBID has promoted visible changes through the actions carried out by all subprojects in partnerships between universities and schools, restoring and giving new meanings to the pedagogical practices.
As iniciativas de ativismo orientadas para a resolução de problemas na sociedade oferecem oportunidades de aprendizagem ao longo da vida e permitem aos alunos aprender sobre a ciência, a tecnologia, a sociedade e o ambiente. No contexto atual marcado por mudanças constantes e complexas, a formação de cidadãos mais responsáveis e cientificamente informados constitui-se como fundamental. Assim, esta investigação-ação pretendeu: a) dotar os futuros professores de competências na conceção, implementação e avaliação de atividades orientadas para a ação sociopolítica sobre temas CTSA; b) identificar as dificuldades e potencialidades deste tipo de iniciativas; e c) promover valores de cidadania e de consciência ambiental. Os participantes foram futuros professores, alunos de um curso de Licenciatura, a frequentar uma disciplina de Ambiente. As narrativas elaboradas pelos futuros professores permitiram verificar que desenvolveram competências de planeamento e de intervenção na comunidade recorrendo a diferentes tipos de iniciativas.
Este texto parte del presupuesto ideológico y educativo de que la escuela pública debería, de manera consciente e intencional, contribuir, dentro de sus posibilidades, a la formación cívica y democrática de las nuevas generaciones. Todas las sociedades y regímenes políticos, con sistemas educativos formalmente constituidos, utilizaron la escuela para realizar lo que en lenguaje durkheimiano podríamos designar como «(...) socialización metódica de cada generación» (Durkheim, 1972, p. 82). Probablemente ese trabajo ideológico sea más visible en los regímenes dictatoriales, de índole autoritaria o incluso totalitaria. En una democracia pluralista, el respeto por diferentes visiones del mundo y de la sociedad y por las diferentes formas de estar en la vida, puede sugerir la imposibilidad o difi cultad de realizar un trabajo educativo centrado en valores. No obstante, la principal conclusión de nuestra investigación es que los profesores se muestran disponibles para participar en un emprendimiento educativo que ayude a formar a los jóvenes en ideas y valores democráticos y humanistas