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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Reproductive rate is an important component of economic success in livestock production. Parturition interval (IEP) is a direct measure of the productivity of the animal. Long IEP reduce the number of calves produced per year. The objective this study was to determine the distribution of parturitions across month and to evaluate factors affecting IEP. The data included 7,588 parturitions of Murrah, Mediterranean and Carabobo buffalo from 10 herds in Southern and South-eastern Brazil. The analysis of distribution of parturitions evaluated the effects of month, year and their interaction on birth date of calves by using a Chi-Square test in SAS PROC FREQ (SAS Institute, Cary, NC, USA). Parturition intervals (n = 2,630) were evaluated using analysis of variance in SAS PROC GLM. The model for IEP included the fixed effects of season (December to May = 1, June to November = 2), year, season x year, sex of the preceding parturition, age of weaning of the previous calf, and herd. All sources of variation were significant (P<0.0001) except sex of the preceding parturition (P <0.85). The mean IEP was 446.7 +/- 10.4 days, for seasons 1 and 2 IEP were 419.8 +/- 11.3 and 473.6 +/- 40.7 days, respectively, a difference of 54 days. As weaning age increased there was a lengthening of IEP. Buffalo in Brazil showed seasonal parturition with calving concentrated from January to April, although the frequency by month differed across years (P<0.0001). These months also had the lowest calving interval.


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The buffalo is a domestic animal species of growing world-wide importance. Research to improve genetic improvement programs is important to maintain the productivity of buffalo. The objective this research was to evaluate the growth of Brazilian buffalo to two years of age with different growth curves. Growth curves consolidate the information contained in the weight-age data into three or four biologically meaningful parameters. The data included 31,452 weights at birth and 120, 205, 365, 550 and 730 days of buffalo (n = 5,178) raised on pasture without supplementation. Logistic, Gompertz, quadratic logarithmic, and linear hyperbolic curves (designated L, G, QL, and LH, respectively) were fitted to the data by using proc NUN of SAS (SAS Institute, Inc., Cary, NC, USA). The parameters estimates for L [WT= A * (((1 + exp (-k * AGE)))**-m)] were A = 865.1 +/- 5.42; k= 0.0028 +/- 0.00002; M= 3.808 +/- 0.007; R(2) = 0.95. For G [WT= A * exp (-b * exp (-k * age)] the parameters estimates were A= 967.6 +/- 7.23; k = 0.00217 +/- 0.000015; b = -2.8152 +/- 0.00532. For QL [WT= A + b*age + k*(age*age) + m*log (age)] parameters estimates were A= 37.41 +/- 0.48; k= 0.00019 +/- 6.4E(-6); b= 0.539 +/- 0.006; m= 2.32 +/- 0.23; R(2)=0.96. For LH [WT= A + b*AGE + k*(1/AGE)] the parameters estimates were A= 23.15 +/- 0.44; k=15.16 +/- 0.66; b= 0.707 +/- 0.001; R(2)= 0.96. Each of these curves fit these data equally well and could be used for characterizing growth to two years in beef buffalo.


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The buffalo population in Brazil increased about 12.9% between 1998 and 2003, to 2.8 million head, evidencing the importance of this species for the country. The objective this work was evaluation of animal growth using multivariate analysis. The data were from 2,944 water buffalo from 10 herds raised in pasture conditions in Brazil. Principal components and genetic distances were estimated using proc PRINCOMP and proc CANDISC in SAS (SAS Inst. Inc. Cary, NC, USA). Variables analyzed were birth weight (BW), age at weaning (AW), weaning weight (WT), weight adjusted to 205 d (W205), total gain between BW and WT (TG), daily gain between BW and WT (DG), weight adjusted to 365 d (W365), total gain between WT and W365 (TG3), daily gain between WT and W365 (TGD3), weight adjusted to 550 d (W550) and weight adjusted to 730 d (W730). Means and standard deviations for each variable were 39.4 +/- 3.2 kg, 225.6 +/- 38.8 d, 209.4 +/- 39.4 kg, 195.4 +/- 30.2 kg, 157.4 +/- 32.0 kg, 0.77 +/- 0.16 kg/d, 282.0 +/- 43.5 kg, 73.9 +/- 33.9 kg, 0.53 +/- 0.21 kg/d, 406.8 +/- 67.9 kg, and 468.2 +/- 70.6 kg, respectively. The eigenvalues to four first principal components were 5.29, 2.54, 1.66, 1.01, and justify 48%, 23%, 15% and 9%, respectively, with a total cumulative 95%. We created an index using the first principal component which is Y. 0.0552 BW + 0.0438 AW + 0.3142 WT + 0.3549 W205 + 0.3426 TG + 0.3426 DG + 0.4070 W365- 0.1531 TG3 - 0.2059 TGD3 - 0.3833 W550 - 0.3966 W730. This index accounted for 48% the variation in the correlation matrix. This principal component emphasizes early growth of the animal. Estimates the pair-wise squared distances between herds, D2(i vertical bar j)= ((x) over bar (i)-(x) over bar (j))' cov(-1)((x) over bar (i)-(x) over bar (j)), using with basis the average of weight of animals, showed the largest distance between herds eight (Murrah: DF) and seven (Murrah: Amazon) and the closest distance between herds one (Mediterranean - RS) and five (Jafarabadi - SP).


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Haematobia irritans is a hematophagous parasite of cattle that causes significant economic losses in many parts of the world, including Brazil. In the present work, one American and four Brazilian populations of this species were studied by Random Amplified Polymorpht DNA (RAPD) to assess basically genetic variability within and between populations. Ten different decamer random primers were employed in the genomic DNA amplification, yielding 117 fragments in the five H.. irritans populations. In Drosophila prosaltans, used as an outgroup, 81 fragments were produced. Forty-three of these fragments were shared by both species. Among the H. irritans samples, that from Rio Branco (Acre State, Brazil) produced the smallest numbers of fragments and polymorphic bands. This high genetic homogenity may be ascribed to its geographic origin (in the Northwest of Brazil), which causes high isolation and low gene flow, unlike the other Brazilian populations, from the South Central region, in which cattle trade is very intensive. Marker fragments (exclusive bands) detected in every sample enabled the population origin to be characterized, but they are also potentially useful for further approaches such as the putative origin of Brazilian populations from North America. Similarity indices [Nei & Li, 1979, Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 76: 5269-5273] and phylogenetic trees, rooted by using the outgroup and produced by the Phylogenetic Analysis using Parsimony (PAUP 4.0-Swofford, 2001) program showed the closest relationships between flies from Sao Jose do Rio Preto and Turiuba (both from São Paulo State, Brazil) while flies from the geographically distant Rio Branco showed the greatest differentiation relative to the others.


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The hadronic correlation among particle-antiparticle pairs was highlighted in the late 1990's, culminating with the demonstration that it should exist if the masses of the hadrons were modified in the hot and dense medium formed in high energy heavy ion collisions. They were called Back-to-Back Correlations (BBC) of particle-antiparticle pairs, also known as squeezed correlations. However, even though they are well-established theoretically, such hadronic correlations have not yet been experimentally discovered. Expecting to compel the experimentalists to search for this effect, we suggest here a clear way to look for the BBC signal, by constructing the squeezed correlation function of phi phi and K(+)K(-) pairs at RHIC energies, plotted in terms of the average momentum of the pair, K(12)=1/2(k(1) + k(2)), inspired by procedures adopted in Hanbury-Brown & Twiss (HBT) correlations.


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Let us consider M a closed smooth connected m-manifold, N a smooth ( 2m-2)-manifold and f: M -> N a continuous map, with m equivalent to 1( 4). We prove that if f*: H(1)(M; Z(2)) -> H(1)(f(M); Z(2)) is injective, then f is homotopic to an immersion. Also we give conditions to a map between manifolds of codimension one to be homotopic to an immersion. This work complements some results of Biasi et al. (Manu. Math. 104, 97-110, 2001; Koschorke in The singularity method and immersions of m-manifolds into manifolds of dimensions 2m-2, 2m-3 and 2m-4. Lecture Notes in Mathematics, vol. 1350. Springer, Heidelberg, 1988; Li and Li in Math. Proc. Camb. Phil. Soc. 112, 281-285, 1992).


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The purpose of this work is to obtain spherical particles YIG from micrometric to nanometric scales. The spherical particles were obtained from cation hydrolysis in acid medium by adding urea or ammonia in order to carry out a homogeneous nucleation process up to 90 degrees C. Different composition and morphology were achieved by changing reactant concentrations, precipitation agent and stabilizing agent. X-ray diffractometry, electrophoretic mobility, transmission and scanning electron microscopies were carried out on these particles to investigate the phase identification, mobility, morphology and particle size. Crystalline YIG, with spherical characteristics, was obtained. The surface potential presented different characteristics for different dispersion media.


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Conduziu-se este estudo, com o objetivo de avaliar o retorno ao estro pós-parto de ovelhas submetidas a diferentes manejos de mamada. Foram utilizados 56 ovelhas Santa Inês e Bergamácia, 71 cordeiros e 3 rufiões. Os manejos de mamada (MM) foram: 1: contínua; 2: duas mamadas diárias; 3: mamada durante a noite. O período experimental foi dos 15 dias pós-parto até o desmame aos 60 dias. Até os 15, dias de idade os cordeiros permaneceram com suas mães em período integral. No MM 1, as ovelhas permaneceram com seus cordeiros em uma baia, em período integral. No MM 2, as ovelhas passaram a noite em uma baia e o dia em pastagem, momento em que não possuíam contato físico e visual com as crias. Seus cordeiros permaneceram em outra baia em período integral, para onde as ovelhas eram encaminhadas no momento da amamentação. No MM 3, as ovelhas passaram o dia em pastagem e a noite com seus cordeiros em uma baia, na qual os cordeiros permaneceram em período integral. Todas as ovelhas e todos os cordeiros receberam alimentação nas baias. Para identificação das ovelhas em estro foram utilizados rufiões, os quais permaneceram com elas em período integral. Os dados foram submetidos à análise de variância (PROC GLM, Sas®), e as médias comparadas por contrastes. O MM 2 possibilitou retorno ao estro pós-parto precoce quando comparado ao MM 3 e ao MM 1. Houve pouca ou nenhuma influência do anestro lactacional, pois 80% das ovelhas apresentaram estro durante a amamentação.


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Propôs-se avaliar os parâmetros de qualidade pH, cor, perda de peso por cozimento (PPC) e força de cisalhamento (FC) no músculo Longissimus dorsi (LD) e Semimembranosus (SM) de 13 cordeiros machos e 14 fêmeas Santa Inês puro (SI x SI) e o mesmo número de animais Texel x Santa Inês (T x SI), abatidos com 15, 25, 35 e 45 kg PV. A carcaça foi resfriada por 24 horas a 2ºC, realizando-se, durante este período, as medidas de pH. Retiraram-se os músculos LD e SM para as análises de cor, PPC e FC. Utilizou-se um DIC, fatorial 2x2x4, e as médias foram analisadas pelo Proc GLM do programa estatístico SAS. As medidas de pH foram analisadas em parcela subdividida. A queda do pH no LD e SM foi mais acentuada para os animais mais leves. A carne das fêmeas T x SI apresentou pH final maior que a dos machos e cordeiros SI x SI. A luminosidade diminuiu e a intensidade da cor vermelha elevou-se com o aumento do peso de abate. A carne dos machos e dos cordeiros SI x SI apresentou coloração mais vermelha e menos luminosa no LD e SM. A PPC foi menor na carne dos cordeiros mais pesados; no músculo LD, dos machos houve menor perda de água que nos das fêmeas. Os machos tiveram carne mais dura e, com o aumento do peso de abate, houve diminuição de FC, sendo maior para o T x SI para o músculo LD e Santa Inês puro para o músculo SM.


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Objetivou-se avaliar a composição centesimal da carne de cordeiros da raça Santa Inês (SI x SI) e de seus mestiços com Texel (T x SI), abatidos com diferentes pesos vivos. O músculo biceps femoris foi utilizado para as análises de umidade, de proteína bruta (PB), de extrato etéreo (EE) e de cinzas. O delineamento foi inteiramente casualizado, com 16 tratamentos, em esquema fatorial 2x2x4, com dois grupos genéticos, dois sexos (14 machos e 13 fêmeas em cada grupo) e quatro pesos de abate (15, 25, 35 e 45 kg PV), sendo os dados analisados com auxílio Proc GLM do programa estatístico SAS. A umidade diminuiu com o peso de abate, variando de 76,09 a 74,31%, e os machos apresentaram valores maiores em relação às fêmeas. A PB teve comportamento quadrático, variando de 20,27 a 21,36%. Com o aumento do peso de abate, o teor de EE elevou, variando de 0,95 a 3,78%, sendo que SI x SI tiveram maior teor de EE. Os machos, de ambos os grupamentos genéticos, tiveram menor teor de extrato etéreo. Houve declínio do teor de cinzas com o avanço do peso, e as fêmeas apresentaram os maiores valores. Conclui-se que o peso de abate alterou a composição centesimal da carne de cordeiros, de modo que os animais mais pesados apresentaram menor teor de umidade e de cinzas e maior teor de EE. O sexo e o grupo genético influenciaram o teor de EE, indicando a possibilidade de abate em pesos diferentes, conforme o sexo e a raça.


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Superconductor films of the BSCCO system have been grown by dip coating technique with good success. The chemical method allows us to grow high temperature superconductor thin films to get better control of stoichiometry, large areas and is cheaper than other methods. There is a great technological interest in growth oriented superconductor films due anisotropic characteristics of superconductor materials of high critical temperature, specifically the cuprates, as we know that the orientation may increase the electrical transport properties. Based on this, the polymeric precursor method has been used to obtain thin films of the BSCCO system. In this work we have applied that method together with the deposition technique known as dip coating to obtain Bi-based superconductor thin films, specifically, Bi1.6Pb0.4Sr2.0C2.0Cu3.0Ox+8, also known as 2223 phase with a critical temperature around 110 K. The films with multilayers have been grown on crystalline substrates of LaAlO3 and orientated (100) after being heat treated around 790 degrees C - 820 degrees C in lapse time of 1 hour in a controlled atmosphere. XRD measurements have shown the presence of a crystalline phase 2212 with a critical temperature around 85 K with (001) orientation, as well as a small fraction of 2223 phase. SEM has shown a low uniformity and some cracks that maybe related to the applied heat treatment. WDS has also been used to study the films composition. Different heat treatments have been used with the aim to increase the percentage of 2223 phase. Measurements of resistivity confirmed the presence of at least two crystalline phases, 2212 and 2223, with T-c around 85 K and 110 K, respectively.