952 resultados para Planejamento das necessidades de materiais
O trabalho foi realizado em um pomar comercial de pêssego da cultivar Aurora 2, de três anos de idade, conduzida em sistema de vaso moderno e espaçamento de 6 x 4 m. O delineamento experimental foi em blocos casualizados, utilizando-se de 15 tratamentos, 8 repetições e 16 frutos por tratamento. Os tratamentos foram os seguintes: T1 - Sacolas de TNT branco de 45 gramaturas por m² (45G/m², fechado; T2 - Sacolas de TNT branco de 45 gramaturas por m² (45G/m²) aberto; T3 - Sacolas de TNT branco de 20 gramaturas por m² (20G/m²) fechado; T4 - Sacolas de TNT branco de 20 gramaturas por m² (20G/m²) aberto; T5 - Sacolas de polipropileno microperfurado transparente (furos de 1mm) fechado; T6 - Sacolas de polipropileno microperfurado transparente (furos de 1mm) aberto; T7 - Sacolas de polipropileno microperfurado transparente (furos de 2mm) fechado; T8 - Sacolas de polipropileno microperfurado transparente (furos de 2mm) aberto; T9 - Sacolas de polietileno microperfurado leitoso (furos de 1mm) fechado; T10 Sacolas de polietileno microperfurado leitoso (furos de 1mm) aberto; T11 Sacolas de polietileno microperfurado leitoso (furos de 2mm) fechado; T12 - Sacolas de polietileno microperfurado leitoso (furos de 2mm) aberto; T13 - Sacolas de papel impermeável fechado; T14 - Sacolas de papel impermeável aberto; T15 - Testemunha (sem ensacamento). As sacolas de TNT (Tecido-não-Tecido) e as de papel impermeável tinham as dimensões de 11,5 x 15,0 cm, e as de polipropileno microperfurado, de 13,0 x 20,0 cm. Os resultados obtidos permitiram concluir que as embalagens de polipropileno transparentes podem ser empregadas para o ensacamento de frutos de pessegueiro, uma vez que as mesmas possibilitam a visualização da coloração dos frutos no momento da colheita, não comprometem o desenvolvimento da coloração dos mesmos e apresentam facilidade no manuseio.
Este trabalho apresenta o desenvolvimento de um método de coordenação e cooperação para uma frota de mini-robôs móveis. O escopo do desenvolvimento é o futebol de robôs. Trata-se de uma plataforma bem estruturada, dinâmica e desenvolvida no mundo inteiro. O futebol de robôs envolve diversos campos do conhecimento incluindo: visão computacional, teoria de controle, desenvolvimento de circuitos microcontrolados, planejamento cooperativo, entre outros. A título de organização os sistema foi dividido em cinco módulos: robô, visão, localização, planejamento e controle. O foco do trabalho se limita ao módulo de planejamento. Para auxiliar seu desenvolvimento um simulador do sistema foi implementado. O simulador funciona em tempo real e substitui os robôs reais. Dessa forma os outros módulos permanecem praticamente inalterados durante uma simulação ou execução com robôs reais. Para organizar o comportamento dos robôs e produzir a cooperação entre eles foi adotada uma arquitetura hierarquizada: no mais alto nível está a escolha do estilo de jogo do time; logo abaixo decide-se o papel que cada jogador deve assumir; associado ao papel temos uma ação específica e finalmente calcula-se a referência de movimento do robô. O papel de um robô dita o comportamento do robô na dada ocasião. Os papéis são alocados dinamicamente durante o jogo de forma que um mesmo robô pode assumir diferentes papéis no decorrer da partida
The objective of the dissertation was the realization of kinematic modeling of a robotic wheelchair using virtual chains, allowing the wheelchair modeling as a set of robotic manipulator arms forming a cooperative parallel kinematic chain. This document presents the development of a robotic wheelchair to transport people with special needs who overcomes obstacles like a street curb and barriers to accessibility in streets and avenues, including the study of assistive technology, parallel architecture, kinematics modeling, construction and assembly of the prototype robot with the completion of a checklist of problems and barriers to accessibility in several pathways, based on rules, ordinances and existing laws. As a result, simulations were performed on the chair in various states of operation to accomplish the task of going up and down stair with different measures, making the proportional control based on kinematics. To verify the simulated results we developed a prototype robotic wheelchair. This project was developed to provide a better quality of life for people with disabilities
An solar alternative system for water heating is presented. Is composed for one low cost alternative collector and alternative thermal reservoir for hot water storing. The collector of the system has box confectioned in composite material and use absorption coils formed for PVC tubes. The box of hot water storage was confectioned from a plastic polyethylene drum used for storage of water and garbage, coated for a cylinder confectioned in fiber glass. The principle of functioning of the system is the same of the conventionally. Its regimen of work is the thermosiphon for a volume of 250 liters water. The main characteristic of the system in considered study is its low cost, allowing a bigger socialization of the use of solar energy. It will be demonstrated the viabilities thermal, economic and of materials of the system of considered heating, and its competitiveness in relation to the available collectors commercially. Relative aspects will be boarded also the susceptibility the thermal degradation and for UV for the PVC tubes. It will be shown that such system of alternative heating, that has as main characteristic its low cost, presents viabilities thermal, economic and of materials
The production of the red pottery brick, made traditionally with clay, is a technique that is already stabled. However, in spite of the little complexity that involves the conventional process of these bricks production, it are exposed to many problems that begin in the fase of exploration of the mines, the problems get worse because of the lack of the clay's characterization, and they continue through the steps of the dough preparation, conformation of the products, the drying and the burning process. The wastefulness is shown and so is the low quality of the material produced. Among other factors, the high use of energy in the burning makes the cost of this material inaccessible to the low income consumer. Besides this, the destruction of the environment around the mines and the use of native vegetation to produce wood - the most used fuel in the pottery industry - make serious environmental damage. The production technique of a new type of simple brick (adobe), that has low cost and no environmental damage, can be the viable altemative to lower the cost of this part of the civil construction, and, consequently, in the building of cheaper houses. In this paper, the results of the mechanical resistance of the adobe brick are shown, using in its composition, clay, natural vegetable fibers, cement and plaster in a process that is completely handcrafted and manual. It is intented to make clear that are possible alternatives to be put in practice, with the simple process, using "raw earth" that has been used in the construction of houses in thousands of years, trying to solve these severe problems. Analysis and tests were performed to find results that could prove the possibility of the utilization of this kind of material. Other studies are in progress, and the new researches are necessary to enrich this work, but it stays the certainty that there is potential to produce bricks from adobe, as an alternative that has low cost to civil construction
The manufacture of prostheses for lower limb amputees (transfemural and transtibial) requires the preparation of a cartridge with appropriate and custom fit to the profile of each patient. The traditional process to the patients, mainly in public hospitals in Brazil, begins with the completion of a form where types of equipment, plugins, measures, levels of amputation etc. are identified. Currently, such work is carried out manually using a common metric tape and caliper of wood to take the measures of the stump, featuring a very rudimentary, and with a high degree of uncertainty geometry of the final product. To address this problem, it was necessary to act in two simultaneously and correlated directions. Originally, it was developed an integrated tool for viewing 3D CAD for transfemoral types of prostheses and transtibial called OrtoCAD I. At the same time, it was necessary to design and build a reader Mechanical equipment (sort of three-dimensional scanner simplified) able to obtain, automatically and with accuracy, the geometric information of either of the stump or the healthy leg. The methodology includes the application of concepts of reverse engineering to computationally generate the representation of the stump and/or the reverse image of the healthy member. The materials used in the manufacturing of prostheses nor always obey to a technical scientific criteria, because, if by one way it meets the criteria of resistance, by the other, it brings serious problems mainly due to excess of weight. This causes to the user various disorders due to lack of conformity. That problem was addressed with the creation of a hybrid composite material for the manufacture of cartridges of prostheses. Using the Reader Fitter and OrtoCAD, the new composite material, which aggregates the mechanical properties of strength and rigidity on important parameters such as low weight and low cost, it can be defined in its better way. Besides, it brings a reduction of up steps in the current processes of manufacturing or even the feasibility of using new processes, in the industries, in order to obtain the prostheses. In this sense, the hybridization of the composite with the combination of natural and synthetic fibers can be a viable solution to the challenges offered above
A housing unit was built to study the thermal performance, and of material using a composite made of gypsum and EPS ground. We used two techniques of construction, using blocks, and filling on the spot. Two compositions of the composite were studied. The blocks were fixed using conventional mortar. In the technical of filling on the spot were used PET bottles up inside the walls to provide mechanical and thermal resistance. Compression tests were realized according to the ABNT standard of sealing bricks. It is going to be shown an analysis of the thermal comfort through the use of thermocouples placed on the walls of the building, internally and externally. The manufacturing viability of houses, using recyclable materials, through the use of composite materials proposed will be demonstrated. The constructive aspects showing the advantages and disadvantages of the technique used also will be broached. The block used presents structural functions and thermal insulating, is low cost and represents an alternative to the use of EPS and PET bottles which are materials that end up occupying much space in the landfills, giving than an ecologically correct use. The results of thermal analysis shows the thermal comfort provided by the composite by the obtainment of a difference between the internal and external surfaces of the walls more exposed to the sun around 7º C. The average temperature of the air inside the building, around 28.0 º C was below the zone of thermal comfort recommended for countries with hot weather
The modern technology of materials and structural integrity of pipelines requests the use of inspection tools named inspection pigs to detect, localize and measure the length, width and depth dimensions of the thickness losses of walls of buried and underwater pipelines in service. These tools run them internally, performing and recording measurements, with performance that varies according to the pig s technology. It has been developed recently an instrumented pig technology, called feller pig. This work aims to indicate factors that influence the feller pig technology performance in the detection and in the accuracy of measurement of the length, width and depth dimensions of the thickness losses on the internal surface of an oil pipeline wall under normal conditions of oil pipe inspection with pig. In this work, is made a collection of factors and an analyses of the technology based on the available literature, as well as an experiment to observe the technology and the factors operating. In the experiment, a feeler pig is used in a pipeline built in carbon steel and in operation that flows petroleum, in witch are observed areas with internal thickness losses occurred naturally. Some of these areas and their dimensions taken by automated ultra-sound scanner are compared with the ones indicated by the feller pig. Based on the data collection, on the analysis and on the experiment, the influence of factors object of this research is discussed. It is concluded that, among these, there are factors related to pipe fabrication tolerances, to wear of pig components, to internal adhesive wear of pipeline, to other pipeline damages and to technology characteristics. Finally, actions are suggested to know better, improve and define the applicability of this technology
The static and cyclic assays are common to test materials in structures.. For cycling assays to assess the fatigue behavior of the material and thereby obtain the S-N curves and these are used to construct the diagrams of living constant. However, these diagrams, when constructed with small amounts of S-N curves underestimate or overestimate the actual behavior of the composite, there is increasing need for more testing to obtain more accurate results. Therewith, , a way of reducing costs is the statistical analysis of the fatigue behavior. The aim of this research was evaluate the probabilistic fatigue behavior of composite materials. The research was conducted in three parts. The first part consists of associating the equation of probability Weilbull equations commonly used in modeling of composite materials S-N curve, namely the exponential equation and power law and their generalizations. The second part was used the results obtained by the equation which best represents the S-N curves of probability and trained a network to the modular 5% failure. In the third part, we carried out a comparative study of the results obtained using the nonlinear model by parts (PNL) with the results of a modular network architecture (MN) in the analysis of fatigue behavior. For this we used a database of ten materials obtained from the literature to assess the ability of generalization of the modular network as well as its robustness. From the results it was found that the power law of probability generalized probabilistic behavior better represents the fatigue and composites that although the generalization ability of the MN that was not robust training with 5% failure rate, but for values mean the MN showed more accurate results than the PNL model
We built an experimental house on an UFRN´s land using blocks made by a composite consisting of cement, plaster, EPS, crushed rubber and sand. Several blocks were made from various compositions and we made preliminary tests of mechanical and thermal resistance, choosing the most appropriate proportion. PET bottles were used inside the block to provide thermal resistance. In this work, a second function was given to the bottles: to serve as a docking between the blocks, because the ends of the cylinders came out of each block on top as well as at the bottom, with the bottom cut, allowing to fit of the extremities of the upper cylinder of a block in the lower holes of the other one, which were formed by the cutting already mentioned. Minimum compression tests were performed according to ABNT standards for walls closing blocks (fence). With that house built, we did studies of thermal performance in order to ascertain conditions of comfort, checking external and internal temperatures in the walls and in the ambient, among other variables, such as wind speed and relative humidity. The resulting blocks provided adequate thermal insulation to the environment, where the walls presented differences up to 11.7 ºC between the outer and inner faces, getting the maximum temperature inside the house around 31 °C, within the so-called thermal comfort zone for warm climates. At the end of the experiments it was evident the effectiveness of that construction in order to provide thermal comfort in the internal environment of the house, as well as we could confirm the viability of building houses from recyclable materials, reducing the constructive costs, becoming a suitable alternative for low- incoming families. Moreover, besides the low cost, the proposal represents an alternative use of various recyclable materials, therefore considered an ecological solution
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
We present two models of blocks made of composite material obtained from the use of cement, plaster, EPS crushed, shredded tire, mud, sand and water, for the construction of popular housing. Were made metal molds for the manufacture of blocks to be used in the construction of a residence for low-income families. Performed tests of compressive strength of the composite for various formulations that met the specific standard for blocks used in construction. To study the thermal conductivity of the composite for further study of thermal comfort generated in a residence built with the proposed composite. We also determined the mass-specific and water absorption for each formulation studied. Using a home already built with another composite material, made up the closing of a window with the building blocks and found the thermal insulation, measuring external and internal temperatures of the blocks. The blocks had made good thermal insulation of the environment, resulting in differences of up to 12.6°C between the outer and inner faces. It will be shown the feasibility of using composite for the end proposed and chosen the most appropriate wording
Materials denominated technical textiles can be defined as structures designed and developed with function to fulfill specific functional requirements of various industrial sectors as are the cases of the automotive and aerospace industries. In this aspect the technical textiles are distinguished from conventional textile materials, in which the aesthetic and of comfort needs are of primordial importance. Based on these considerations, the subject of this dissertation was established having as its main focus the study of development of textile structures from aramid and glass fibers and acting in order to develop the manufacture of composite materials that combine properties of two different structures, manufactured in an identical operation, where each structure contributes to improving the properties of the resulting composite material. Therefore were created in laboratory scale, textile structures with low weight and different composition: aramid (100%), glass (100%) and aramid /glass (65/35%), in order to use them as a reinforcing element in composite materials with polyester matrix. These composites were tested in tension and its fracture surface, evaluated by MEV. Based on the analysis of mechanical properties of the developed composites, the efficiency of the structures prepared as reinforcing element were testified by reason of that the resistance values of the composites are far superior to the polyester matrix. It was also observed that hybridization in tissue structure was efficient, since the best results obtained were for hybrid composites, where strength to the rupture was similar to the steel 1020, reaching values on the order of 340 MPa
Os fungos fitopatogênicos habitantes do solo podem sobreviver por vários anos nesse ambiente por meio de estruturas de resistência, causando perdas em muitas culturas, por vezes, inviabilizando o pleno aproveitamento de vastas áreas agrícolas. O uso de materiais orgânicos no solo consorciado com a técnica de solarização propicia a retenção de compostos voláteis fungitóxicos emanados da rápida degradação dos materiais e que são letais a vários fitopatógenos. O objetivo deste experimento foi à prospecção de novos materiais orgânicos que produzissem voláteis fungitóxicos capazes de controlar fungos fitopatogênicos habitantes do solo, em condições de associação com a simulação da técnica de solarização (microcosmo). Portanto, o presente trabalho consistiu de seis tratamentos (Solarizado; Solarizado+Brócolos; Solarizado+Eucalipto; Solarizado+Mamona; Solarizado+Mandioca e Laboratório) e cinco períodos (0, 7, 14, 21 e 28 dias) para avaliar a sobrevivência de quatro fungos de solo (Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. lycopersici Raça 2; Macrophomina phaseolina; Rhizoctonia solani AG-4 HGI e Sclerotium rolfsii). em cada uma das duas câmaras de vidro (microcosmo) por dia avaliado continha uma bolsa de náilon contendo as estruturas de resistência de cada fitopatógeno. Estruturas dos fitopatógenos foram mantidas também em condições de laboratório como referencial de controle. Todos os materiais quando associados à simulação da solarização propiciaram o controle de todos os fitopatógenos estudados, entretanto, foi observado variação no controle dos fungos. O tratamento que apenas simulou a solarização não controlou nenhum fitopatógeno.
The technique of ion nitriding, despite being fully consolidated in the industry, has great limitations when applied to the treatment of small parts. This is because effects that occur due to non-uniformity of the electric field, generate localized heating in parts, damaging the uniformity of nitrided layer. In addition, because the samples are treated static parts thereof are untreated. To expand the use of plasma nitriding, this work presents the development, assembly and testing of a prototype plasma reactor with rotatory cathodic cage [patent pending], able to meet these needs, giving the material a uniform treatment and opening doors to industrial scale production. The samples tested with hexagonal nuts are 6.0 mm in diameter, made of stainless steel AISI 304 nitrided at a pressure of 1 mbar in an atmosphere of 20% H2 + 80% N2 for 1 h. After treatment, testing visual inspection, optical microscopy and microhardness were carried out to check the effectiveness of the process for uniformity and hardness of the parts. All samples exhibited uniform color, and matte brownish, unlike the untreated samples, silver color and gloss. The hardness of the surface (top and sides) was 65% and even higher than the original hardness. The nitrided layer showed great uniformity in microstructure and thickness. It is concluded, therefore, that the unit was effective constructed for the purposes for which it was designed