955 resultados para Pharmacopoeias as Topic
[ES] Nuestro ensayo analiza la función y el sentido que adopta el tópico de la "grandeza de lo pequeño" en la obra gramatical de Antonio de Nebrija y un ejemplo en Erasmo.
(FR)Ce texte reprend la question de la compréhension de lecture et la faible note que nos étudiants du secondaire donnent à ce secteur, d’après PISA. De plus en plus de voix s’élèvent pour réclamer que la compréhension de lecture soit une des tâches de tous les professeurs et plus seulement des professeurs de langue et littérature. Lors de la préparation au métier d’enseignant, de plus en plus de cours sont organisés en rapport avec cette question de plus en plus préoccupante dans ce secteur. Les données sont celles-ci et toutes les tentatives pour résoudre ce problème semblent insuffisantes si on ne reprend pas la question au niveau du Curriculum et si on prépare les professeurs aux stratégies de lecture pour que les élèves parviennent à être des lecteurs compétents.
[ES] En este trabajo se estudia gár como marcador del discurso en un corpus del griego ático, el discurso Pro corona de Demóstenes. Gár introduce secciones informativas tanto en el nivel local como en el global. En el primero añade información complementaria, mientras que en el segundo indica la introducción de un nuevo tema como desarrollo de una información preliminar. La función común de gár en los dos casos es marcar la información que introduce como suplementaria.
Analisa se, no período 2003-2012, as MPs feriram a separação dos Poderes ao congestionar a atividade do Congresso Nacional, no período 2003-2012. Foi realizada pesquisa bibliográfica e análise de dados da produção legislativa e do trancamento das sessões do CN. Entre outros aspectos, a proporção de MPs em relação às proposições aprovadas pelo CN no período foi de uma em cinco. Concluiu-se que as MPs têm gerado significativo impacto no CN, mas ainda não arrisca a separação dos Poderes
[ES] El objetivo que se propone el presente trabajo es poner de manifiesto la influencia de la Comedia Atica en la Declamación XXVI de Libanio, una de las llamadas "declamaciones etopoéticas", que se centran en la descripción de caracteres. Estos se construyen a partir de los tipos fijados por la comedia, en el caso de la obra estudiada un δύσκολος y una mujer charlatana, personajes con una amplia tradición detrás de ellos. Por otra parte, se aborda desde un punto de vista "cómico" el tema del matrimonio, sobre el que tratan también, en un sentido muy diferente, los moralistas y los autores de epitalamios. Aflora además la influencia de la comedia ática en el uso de diversos elementos para la caracterización de los personajes (hipérboles, riqueza en imágenes y comparaciones), así como de ciertos recursos propios del género, principalmente el πνῖγος.
[ES] El fragmento 5 West de Ananio, un yambógrafo del siglo VI a.C., es probablemente el primer ejemplo de literatura gastronómica en Grecia. En él se mencionan diversos alimentos indicando el mejor momento del año para su consumo, lo que lo convierte en un verdadero calendario gastronómico. Este tema será después particularmente importante en la medicina dietética, reapareciendo también en el personaje del cocinero-médico en la comedia.
A literature review was conducted to locate information on the flow of energy from primary producers to the fishery stocks of the Puerto Rican-Virgin Islands insular shelf. This report uses site-specific information to describe the major ecological subsystems, or habitats, of the region, to identify the more common species and the subsystems in which they occur, to quantify productivity and biomass, and to outline trophic relationships. Discussions on each topic and subsystem vary in substance and detail, being limited by the availability and accessibility of information. (PDF contains 189 pages) Seven distinct subsystems are described: mangrove estuary, seagrass bed, coral reef, algal plain, sand/mud bottom, shelf break, and overlying pelagic. Over 50 tables provide lists of species found in each habitat on various surveys dating back to 1956. Estimates of density, relative abundance, and productivity are provided when possible. We evaluated whether sufficient information exists to support an analysis of the energy basis of fishery production in the area, beginning with the design and development of an ecosystem model. Data needs in three categories - species lists, biomass, and trophic relations - were examined for each subsystem and for each of three species groups - primary producers, invertebrates, and fish. We concluded that adequate data, sufficient for modeling purposes, are available in 16 (25%) of 64 categories; limited data, those requiring greater extrapolation, are available in 35 (55%) categories; and no data are available in 13 (20%) categories. The best-studied subsystems are seagrass beds and coral reefs, with at least limited data in all categories. Invertebrates, the intermediate link in the food web between primary producers and fishes, are the least quantified group in the region. Primary production and fishes, however, are relatively well-studied, providing sufficient data to support an ecosystem-level analysis and to initiate a modeling effort.
Although ambient (background) noise in the ocean is a topic that has been widely studied since pre-World War II, the effects of noise on marine organisms has only been a focus of concern for the last 25 years. The main point of concern has been the potential of noise to affect the health and behavior of marine mammals. The Stellwagen Bank National Marine Sanctuary (SBNMS) is a site where the degradation of habitat due to increasing noise levels is a concern because it is a feeding ground and summer haven for numerous species of marine mammals. Ambient noise in the ocean is defined as “the part of the total noise background observed with an omnidirectional hydrophone.” It is an inherent characteristic of the medium having no specific point source. Ambient noise is comprised of a number of components that contribute to the “noise level” in varying degrees depending on where the noise is being measured. This report describes the current understanding of ambient noise and existing levels in the Stellwagen Bank National Marine Sanctuary. (PDF contains 32 pages.)
This report compares the legal status of research data in the four KE partner countries. The report also addresses where European copyright and database law poses flaws and obstacles to the access to research data and singles out pre-conditions for openly available data. Background of the study Intellectual property right regulations regarding primary research data are a recurrent topic in the discussion on the improvement of access to research data. In fact in the final report of the High Level Expert Group on Scientific Data ‘Riding the Wave’ creating clarity on this was considered very important in improving awareness for all parties involved. According to the recommendations of the report legal issues should be “worked out so that they encourage, and not impede, global data sharing” http://cordis.europa.eu/fp7/ict/e-infrastructure/docs/hlg-sdi-report.pdf. While open access to research data is a widely recognised goal, achieving it remains a challenge. As European national laws still diverge and sometimes remain unclear it can be difficult for interested parties to fully comprehend in which ways open access to research data can be legally obtained. Based on these discussions the Knowledge Exchange working group on primary research data has commissioned a comparative report on the legal status of research data in the four KE partner countries. The study has been conducted by the Centre for Intellectual Property Law (CIER) at Utrecht University. The report aims at informing Knowledge Exchange and associated stakeholders on the state of the law concerning access to research data in the KE partner countries (Germany, Denmark, the Netherlands, and the United Kingdom) and to give an insight in how these laws work in practice. This is explained in several characteristic situations pertaining to open access to research data. The purpose of the report is to identify flaws and obstacles to the access to research data and to single out pre-conditions for openly available data. This is in view of the current discussions concerning open access to research data, especially those originating from publicly funded research. The report intends to be both a description of the status quo of the legislation and a practical instrument to prepare further activities in raising awareness on the potential benefit of improved access to research data, and developing means to support the improved access for research purposes
The microgravity research, as a branch of the advanced sciences and a spe- cialized field of high technology, has been made in China since the late 1980's. The research group investigating microgravity fluid physics consisted of our col- leagues and the authors in the Institute of Mechanics of the Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS), and we pay special attention to the floating zone convection as our first research priority. Now, the research group has expanded and is a part of the National Microgravity Laboratory of the CAS, and the research fields have been extended to include more subjects related to microgravity science. Howev- er, the floating zone convection is still an important topic that greatly holds our research interests.
1.1 floating-zone crystal growth
1.2 physical model
1.3 hydrodynamic model
1.4 mathematical model
2. basic features of floating zone convection
2.1 equations and boundary conditions
2.2 simple solutions of fz convection
2.3 solution for two-layers flow
2.4 numerical simulation
2.5 onset of oscillation
3. experimental method of fz convection
3.1 ground-based simulation experiments for pr≥1
3.2 temperature and velocity oscillations
3.3 optical diagnostics of free surface oscillation
3.4 critical parameters
3.5 microgravity experiments
3.6 ground-based simulation experiment for pr《1
4. mechanism on the onset of oscillatory convection
4.1 order of magnitude analysis
4.2 mechanism of hydrothermal instability
4.3 linear stability analysis
4.4 energy instability of thermocapillary convection
4.5 unsteady numerical simulation of 2d and 3d
4.6 two bifurcation transitions in the case of small pr number fluid
4.7 two bifurcation transitions in the case of large pr number fluid
4.8 transition to turbulence
5. liquid bridge volume as a critical geometrical parameter
5.1 critical geometrical parameters
5.2 ground-based and mierogravity experiments
5.3 instability analyses of a large prandtl number (pr≥1)fluid
5.4 instability analyses of a small prandtl number (pr《1)fluid
5.5 numerical simulation on two bifurcation process
6. theoretical model of crystal growth by the floating zone method
6.1 concentration distribution in a pure diffusion process
6.2 solutal capillary convection and diffusion
6.3 coupling with phase change convection
6.4 engineering model of floating zone technique
7. influence of applied magnetic field on the fz convection
7.1 striation due to the time-dependent convection
7.2 applied steady magnetic field and rotational magnetic field
7.3 magnetic field design for floating half zone
7.4 influence of magnetic field on segregation
8. influence of residual acceleration and g-jitter
8.1 residual acceleration in microgravity experiments
8.2 order of magnitude analyses (oma)
8.3 rayleigh instability due to residual acceleration
8.4 ground-based experiment affected by a vibration field
8.5 numerical simulation of a low frequency g-jitter
8.6 numerical simulation of a high frequency g-jitter
The text transcript for a Jisc podcast on the assessment and feedback lifecycle. One of a series on the topic of the electronic management of assessment (EMA).
Despite its wide acceptance in other fisheries, limited access remains a controversial topic among Pacific coast groundfish fishermen and fishery managers. It is controversial because it immediately opens a wide array of public policy issues. How should the public conserve fish stocks, and who should benefit from harvesting those fish? What are the costs and benefits to the public, the taxpayer, the fishing industry, and the coastal communities supporting the groundfish industry? Should the government push the industry to be economically efficient in harvesting; or should it discourage technical efficiency to conserve fish stocks? Should management preserve the economic status quo by protecting existing harvest shares? These are the broad issues occupying the discussions of policy makers and academic writers concerned with resource management. The goal of this introductory section is to define limited access, to dispel some basic misunderstandings about limited access, to clarify the optional forms oflimited access, and to review the various resource management objectives addressed. This should set the stage for the following more lengthy discussions. By reducing the scope of needless misunderstandings, it should also help to make future discussions of limited access more productive. (PDF file contains 52 pages.)
[ES]La tesis doctoral analiza las experiencias amorosas de pareja de mujeres encarceladas, con el doble objetivo de visibilizar a las mujeres presas en el ámbito de las ciencias sociales y de introducir las especificidades de las mujeres encarceladas en los debates sociológicos y feministas acerca del amor. Las escasas aproximaciones al amor entre las mujeres presas han tendido a explicar sus relaciones de pareja desde el concepto de “dependencia emocional”, que, como se muestra en la tesis, presenta dos debilidades básicas, de un lado la tendencia a la psicologización y patologización de cuestiones de claro sustrato social; de otro la homogeneización de experiencias que presentan gran diversidad. Otra debilidad de ciertos análisis sobre las mujeres presas y aquellas excluidas socialmente, es que se han basado en concepciones sexistas acerca de las mujeres transgresoras como “malas mujeres”, por considerar que no cumplen con las expectativas culturales y sociales asociadas a los supuestos atributos de género. Esta tesis doctoral adopta una epistemología basada en la crítica feminista que busca modelos analíticos alejados de los estereotipos y la estigmatización de las mujeres transgresoras. Desde una perspectiva metodológica cualitativa, el trabajo de campo fue desarrollado en la cárcel de Nanclares de Oca (País Vasco) durante el 2008. Desarrollé un trabajo etnográfico de observación participante y entrevistas en profundidad semiestructuradas que elaboraban información sobre aspectos relativos a sus trayectorias de vida (familia de origen, vivienda, empleo, nivel educativo, situación penal y penitenciaria, estado de salud, etc.) y sus experiencias amorosas de pareja. En mi análisis, he rastreado la diversidad y variabilidad de las experiencias amorosas de las mujeres presas, el impacto del encarcelamiento en sus trayectorias amorosas y en la configuración de su intimidad, los elementos que hacen para estas mujeres del amor un “cautiverio”, y al mismo tiempo, las estrategias “liberadoras” que despliegan en sus desarrollos afectivos. El amor puede constituir un cautiverio para las mujeres ya que favorece la acomodación a unos roles de género que definen a las mujeres como dependientes y carentes de libertad. Al mismo tiempo, el amor se puede entender como una “estrategia emocional”, una forma de superar las consecuencias del encierro y de lograr ciertos estándares de “normalización” social, en un contexto en que se encuentran excluidas socialmente y fuertemente estigmatizadas.
Since the early years of the 21st century, and in particular since 2007, the U.S. has been awakening rapidly to the fact that climate change is underway and that even if stringent efforts are undertaken to mitigate greenhouse gas emissions, adaptation to the unavoidable impacts from the existing commitment to climate change is still needed and needs to be begun now. This report provides an historical overview of the public, political, and scientific concern with adaptation in the United States. It begins by briefly distinguishing ongoing, historical adaptation to environmental circumstances from deliberate adaptation to human‐induced climate change. It then describes the shift from the early concerns with climate change and adaptation to the more recent awakening to the need for a comprehensive approach to managing the risks from climate change. Ranging from the treatment of the topic in the news media to the drafting of bills in Congress, to state and local government activities with considerable engagement of NGOs, scientists and consultants, it is apparent that adaptation has finally, and explosively, emerged on the political agenda as a legitimate and needed subject for debate. At the same time, the current policy rush is not underlain by widespread public engagement and mobilization nor does it rest on a solid research foundation. Funding for vulnerability and adaptation research, establishing adequate decision support institutions, as well as the building of the necessary capacity in science, the consulting world, and in government agencies, lags far behind the need. (PDF contains 42 pages)
380 p. : il., gráf.