1000 resultados para Other nonperturbative calculations
Työssä selvitetään elintarviketehtaan sähköverkon kunto sen suurimpien sähkönsyöttöjen osalta ja lasketaan oikosulkuvirtojen suuruus, kaapeleiden kuormitettavuus ja jännitteenalenemat verkon eri osissa. Laskentatulosten analysoinnin jälkeen esitetään korjaavat toimenpiteet löydettyjen epäkohtien osalta. Lisäksi tarkastellaan tehtaan energiankulutusta ja suunniteltujen energiansäästöehdotuksien vaikutuksia sähköverkon toimintaan. Työssä arvioidaan myös verkon eri osienvikaantumisen vaikutusta tehtaan tuotantoon ja esitetään parannuskeinoja verkon luotettavuuden parantamiseksi. Lopuksi on esitelty suunnitelma sähköverkon laajentamiselle ja käyty läpi tulevien investointien sähköteknistä mitoitusta ja vaikutusta verkon tulevaan tilaan.
Tämä diplomityö on osa FCEP hankeen Lappeenrannan teknillisessä yliopistossa tehtävää tutkimusta polttomoottoreiden energiatehokkuuden parantamisesta. Työn tavoitteena on saada tutkimustietoa polttomoottoreiden hukkalämpövirtojen hyödyntämisestä sähköntuotannossa. Tavoitteena on kartoittaa polttomoottorin hukkalämpövirtojen sähköksi muunnon potentiaalia valituilla menetelmillä ja tekniikoilla. Työssä tarkasteltavaksi moottoriksi valittiin DF- monipolttoainemoottori. DF-moottorin polttoaineena voidaan käyttää joko kaasua tai polttoöljyä. Laskennat suoritettiin moottorin valmistajan antamien hukkalämpövirtojen arvojen ja moottorin lämpötaseen avulla. Laskennan perusperiaatteena oli vesihöyryprosessin ja ORC-prosessien vertailu pakokaasulämmön hyödyntämisessä sekä matalalämpöisten hukkalämpövirtojen hyödyntäminen ORC-prosesseilla. Lisäksi työssä tutkittiin korkealla painesuhteella ja korkealla hyötysuhteella toimivan turboahtimen vaikutusta hukkalämpövirroista saatavaan tehoon. Diplomityössä tarkasteltiin moottorin lämpötaseen mukaisten arvojen lisäksi moottorin parametrien muuttamisen vaikutusta hukkalämpövirroista saatavaan tehoon. Moottorin parametrien muuttamisen vaikutusta moottorin akselitehoon tai moottorin lämpötaseeseen ei kuitenkaan tämän tutkimuksen puitteissa tarkasteltu. Työssä saatiin arvokasta tietoa polttomoottoreiden hukkalämpövirtojen muuntamisesta sähköksi eri menetelmillä sekä moottorin energiatehokkuuden parantamisesta.
Transitional flow past a three-dimensional circular cylinder is a widely studied phenomenon since this problem is of interest with respect to many technical applications. In the present work, the numerical simulation of flow past a circular cylinder, performed by using a commercial CFD code (ANSYS Fluent 12.1) with large eddy simulation (LES) and RANS (κ - ε and Shear-Stress Transport (SST) κ - ω! model) approaches. The turbulent flow for ReD = 1000 & 3900 is simulated to investigate the force coefficient, Strouhal number, flow separation angle, pressure distribution on cylinder and the complex three dimensional vortex shedding of the cylinder wake region. The numerical results extracted from these simulations have good agreement with the experimental data (Zdravkovich, 1997). Moreover, grid refinement and time-step influence have been examined. Numerical calculations of turbulent cross-flow in a staggered tube bundle continues to attract interest due to its importance in the engineering application as well as the fact that this complex flow represents a challenging problem for CFD. In the present work a time dependent simulation using κ – ε, κ - ω! and SST models are performed in two dimensional for a subcritical flow through a staggered tube bundle. The predicted turbulence statistics (mean and r.m.s velocities) have good agreement with the experimental data (S. Balabani, 1996). Turbulent quantities such as turbulent kinetic energy and dissipation rate are predicted using RANS models and compared with each other. The sensitivity of grid and time-step size have been analyzed. Model constants sensitivity study have been carried out by adopting κ – ε model. It has been observed that model constants are very sensitive to turbulence statistics and turbulent quantities.
By alloying metals with other materials, one can modify the metal’s characteristics or compose an alloy which has certain desired characteristics that no pure metal has. The field is vast and complex, and phenomena that govern the behaviour of alloys are numerous. Theories cannot penetrate such complexity, and the scope of experiments is also limited. This is why the relatively new field of ab initio computational methods has much to give to this field. With these methods, one can extend the understanding given by theories, predict how some systems might behave, and be able to obtain information that is not there to see in physical experiments. This thesis pursues to contribute to the collective knowledge of this field in the light of two cases. The first part examines the oxidation of Ag/Cu, namely, the adsorption dynamics and oxygen induced segregation of the surface. Our results demonstrate that the presence of Ag on the Cu(100) surface layer strongly inhibits dissociative adsorption. Our results also confirmed that surface reconstruction does happen, as experiments predicted. Our studies indicate that 0.25 ML of oxygen is enough for Ag to diffuse towards the bulk, under the copper oxide layer. The other part elucidates the complex interplay of various energy and entropy contributions to the phase stability of paramagnetic duplex steel alloys. We were able to produce a phase stability map from first principles, and it agrees with experiments rather well. Our results also show that entropy contributions play a very important role on defining the phase stability. This is, to the author’s knowledge, the first ab initio study upon this subject.
The purpose of this master’s thesis was to analyze a case company’s distribution and its elements. With different distribution structure options a customer can be served with different ways. However, cost elements and service elements create different trade-offs. In this work the case company’s distribution’s present state was analyzed and conclusions were made. Based on these conclusions different alternatives for distribution were created. These different alternatives were analyzed through simulations and with more traditional calculations to compose the total operative costs of each alternative. Also other aspects were considered, such as required organizational changes and the possible better customer service. With the suggested 3-stock distribution structure shorter delivery times and possibly more punctual deliveries for products kept in stock could be achieved with the same operative costs as in current direct delivery model. Also, similar benefits could be achieved with other products with the 3-stock model.
The aim of this thesis was to find out how the carbon footprint calculations can be utilized in the company’s external environmental communication, what is the demand for carbon footprint from the market, and how the other actors in the forest industry have approached the issue. The aim was to recognize the best practises to communicate carbon footprints and to find possibilities to extend the UPM-Kymmene Wood Oy’s mill specific carbon footprints. This research included a literature review, an inquiry to the UPM-Kymmene Wood Oy’s sales offices, and Internet survey concerning the external environmental communication in the forest industry and three small case studies based on mill specific parameters. The inquiry to the sales offices showed that the carbon footprint is not yet a common demand from the customers in the wood product sector. In addition, the Internet survey showed that generally in the forest industry, not much has been done concerning carbon footprint communication so far. The biggest challenge in carbon footprint communication is the variation in the knowledge level of the receivers. In addition btob and btoc communication situations demand a different approach to the issue. Carbon profile brochures developed in the company can be seen as suitable for btob communication situations. Case studies have shown that the contribution of final product transport to the overall carbon footprint was significant. It was recommended to include post mill transport in the carbon footprint information supplied to the btob customers. When discussing environmental communication on a general level it can be stated that a good external environmental communication is based on facts, is open and proactive and takes into account the needs of the receiver. However, the openness and the quality of external environmental communication are essentially strategic decisions. The significance of internal communication as well as the knowhow in the communication and marketing networks play a major role in achieving success in external environmental communication. Carbon footprints are only one part of good balanced external environmental communication. One specific environmental feature like carbon footprint should not be over emphasized to the detriment of other important environmental aspects.
Jäänmurtajien ja jäänmurtopalveluiden kehittymisen myötä Suomen teollisuus ja ulkomaankauppa on voinut tukeutua ympärivuotisiin merikuljetuksiin. Vuodesta 1889 lähtien, yli sadan vuoden ajan, jäänmurto oli valtion virkamiesten hoitamaa palvelua. Viimeisen seitsemän vuoden aikana jäänmurtajat ja palveluntuotanto on siirtynyt liikelaitoksen kautta valtion omistamalle osakeyhtiölle. Tarkoituksena on ollut monien muiden palveluiden tapaan saada myös jäänmurto kilpailutuksen piiriin. Tämän diplomityön tarkoituksena oli selvittää jäänmurto -liiketoiminnan kannattavuutta kilpailuun mahdollisesti osallistuvien yritysten näkökulmasta. Kannattavuutta selvitettiin kolmen tutkimuskokonaisuuden avulla. Tutkittavat osa-alueet olivat jäänmurron sopimukset, kustannusrakenne sekä muu mahdollinen jäänmurtajalla avovesikaudella suoritettava liiketoiminta. Tutkimus toteutettiin haastattelututkimuksena. Haastateltavina oli sekä jäänmurrossa mukana olevia ja siitä kiinnostuneita varustamoita että muita merenkulun sidosryhmiä, joiden toiminta vaikuttaa liiketoiminnan kannattavuuteen. Lisäksi tehtiin laskelmia kilpailutekijöiden selventämiseksi. Työn tuloksena ei pyritty saamaan ehdotonta tulosta kannattavuudesta, vaan tuloksina esiteltiin yritysten ja sidosryhmien näkemyksiä siitä, miten jäänmurron kilpailutusta voisi kehittää. Erityisesti haluttiin tuoda esille ne seikat, mitkä varustamot näkivät tärkeänä ja mitkä tukisivat heidän osallistumistaan mahdolliseen kilpailuun.
Book review.
Persistent luminescence materials can store energy from solar radiation or artificial lighting and release it over a period of several hours without a continuous excitation source. These materials are widely used to improve human safety in emergency and traffic signalization. They can also be utilized in novel applications including solar cells, medical diagnostics, radiation detectors and structural damage sensors. The development of these materials is currently based on methods based on trial and error. The tailoring of new materials is also hindered by the lack of knowledge on the role of their intrinsic and extrinsic lattice defects in the appropriate mechanisms. The goal of this work was to clarify the persistent luminescence mechanisms by combining ab initio density functional theory (DFT) calculations with selected experimental methods. The DFT approach enables a full control of both the nature of the defects and their locations in the host lattice. The materials studied in the present work, the distrontium magnesium disilicate (Sr2MgSi2O7) and strontium aluminate (SrAl2O4) are among the most efficient persistent luminescence hosts when doped with divalent europium Eu2+ and co-doped with trivalent rare earth ions R3+ (R: Y, La-Nd, Sm, Gd-Lu). The polycrystalline materials were prepared with the solid state method and their structural and phase purity was confirmed by X-ray powder diffraction. Their local crystal structure was studied by high-resolution transmission electron microscopy. The crystal and electronic structure of the nondoped as well as Eu2+, R2+/3+ and other defect containing materials were studied using DFT calculations. The experimental trap depths were obtained using thermoluminescence (TL) spectroscopy. The emission and excitation of Sr2MgSi2O7:Eu2+,Dy3+ were also studied. Significant modifications in the local crystal structure due to the Eu2+ ion and lattice defects were found by the experimental and DFT methods. The charge compensation effects induced by the R3+ co-doping further increased the number of defects and distortions in the host lattice. As for the electronic structure of Sr2MgSi2O7 and SrAl2O4, the experimental band gap energy of the host materials was well reproduced by the calculations. The DFT calculated Eu2+ and R2+/3+ 4fn as well as 4fn-15d1 ground states in the Sr2MgSi2O7 band structure provide an independent verification for an empirical model which is constructed using rather sparse experimental data for the R3+ and especially the R2+ ions. The intrinsic and defect induced electron traps were found to act together as energy storage sites contributing to the materials’ efficient persistent luminescence. The calculated trap energy range agreed with the trap structure of Sr2MgSi2O7 obtained using TL measurements. More experimental studies should be carried out for SrAl2O4 to compare with the DFT calculations. The calculated and experimental results show that the electron traps created by both the rare earth ions and vacancies are modified due to the defect aggregation and charge compensation effects. The relationships between this modification and the energy storage properties of the solid state materials are discussed.
Seasonally inundated native forest fragments ("ipucas") located in natural landform depression swales of the Araguaian Plain are currently under land use pressure. Their composition needs to be better understood to guarantee their protection. This comparative study of fragments under different land use conditions was carried out at Lago Verde Farm, Lagoa da Confusão,Tocantins, Brazil. The location coordinates are UTM 643586 and 644060 East and 8792795 and 8799167 North. This study aimed to first analyze and compare the floristic composition of two seasonally inundated forest fragments of approximately one hectare each. The first is located in an intact (without human intervention) Gramineous-Woody Savanna region and the second in a rice cultivation region. The floristic composition of both fragments was then compared to that of other wetland forests located in the Northern, Central Western and Southeastern regions of Brazil.All the floristic compositions are affected by seasonal flooding and soil water saturation. The floristic inventory used a census method that sampled all trees and shrubs with perimeter at 1.30 m from soil (PAP) = 15cm; 665 individuals, 33 families and 49 species were recorded for the intact region and 807 individuals, 35 families and 70 species for the altered region fragment. The values of H' = 0.806 (Shannon-Weaver) and J = 3.44 nats /individual (equability) for the fragment in the region affected by rice cultivation are considered high compared to the intact region fragment values (H' = 0.761 and J = 2.97). Families contributing to floristic richness in the altered region fragment were Fabaceae (9 species), Vochysiaceae (6) and Annonaceae (4). In the intact region fragment, Fabaceae also presented the largest number of species (8) followed by Arecaceae, Chrysobalanaceae and Vochysiaceae (3 each). When comparing the forests from various regions in Brazil, floristic similarity was found to be small. Greater similarity was found when indices for the two Lagoa da Confusão fragments were compared to riparian forests located in the Federal District of Brasilia.
Although the functions of the element Boron (B) in plants have not been sufficiently clarified, several hypotheses have been raised. Some of the functions attributed to this element are synthesis and transport of carbohydrates. To evaluate the effect of B on the synthesis of some polyols and sugars in Eucalyptus grandis and hybrids "urograndis", these species were submitted to situations of supply and restriction of B. The experiment was carried out in a greenhouse, arranged in a randomized block design in a 2 x 2 factorial scheme, with 5 replicates of each genotype. The B levels were provided in the form of nutrient solution. No significant difference was observed in the content of mannitol, sorbitol, myo-inositol and scyllo-inositol and sugars α-glucose and β-glucose between E. grandis and hybrids. Arabinose was the only one to present a higher content in E. grandis on restriction of B. The effect of the presence of B was very expressive, but regarding B supply, the plants showed significant increase in the synthesis of the compounds evaluated.
Tämän työn päätavoitteena oli selvittää, onko Toikansuon kaatopaikkakaasun hyödyntäminen kaukolämmöntuotantoon Lappeenrannan Energialle taloudellisesti kannattavaa. Kaatopaikkakaasulla voitaisiin korvata kaukolämmöntuotannossa puuta ja maakaasua, mistä aiheutuisi säästöä. Kaukolämmöntuotantoa varten olisi hankittava lämpökeskus ja rakennettava tarvittava infrastruktuuri, mistä aiheutuisi taas toisaalta kustannuksia. Paroc hyödyntää nykyisin Toikansuon kaatopaikkakaasun. Paroc ei hyödynnä kaasua niin paljon kuin olisi mahdollista, ja tulevaisuudessa Paroc ei välttämättä pysty hyödyntämään kaasua ollenkaan. Työssä arvioitiin Toikansuon kaatopaikkakaasupotentiaali, jonka perusteella pyydettiin toimittajilta tarjous kohteeseen soveltuvasta lämpökeskuksesta. Lämpökeskukselle etsittiin lisäksi sijoituspaikka sekä arvioitiin tarvittavan infrastruktuurin rakentamisesta aiheutuvat kustannukset ja lämpökeskuksen käytönaikaiset kustannukset. Aiheutuvia kustannuksia verrattiin vaihtoehtoisten kaukolämmöntuotantotapojen polttoainekustannuksissa saavutettuun säästöön nykyarvomenetelmän avulla. Investoinnin nykyarvo esitettiin eri kaatopaikkakaasun hinnoilla, sillä kaatopaikkakaasusta maksettava hinta on Lappeenrannan Energian ja Lappeenrannan kaupungin välinen neuvottelukysymys. Työn tulosten perusteella Toikansuon kaatopaikkakaasua pystyttäisiin hyödyntämään kaukolämmöntuotantoon noin 15 vuotta. Investointi on Lappeenrannan Energialle kannattava, kunhan kaatopaikkakaasusta maksettava hinta on riittävän alhainen ja laskelmiin valitut lähtöarvot pitävät riittävän hyvin paikkansa. Investointiin sisältyy kuitenkin riskinsä, sillä laskelmat sisältävät useita tulevaisuudessa muuttuvia tekijöitä, joiden kehitystä on vaikea arvioida tarkasti. Investointia tulisi harkita, jos Paroc ei pysty tulevaisuudessa hyödyntämään kaasua ollenkaan tai tavoitteena on minimoida kasvihuonekaasupäästöt. Pelkkää taloudellisen tuoton tavoittelua ajatellen investointi on liian epävarma.
In the last few years, precision agriculture has become commonly used with many crops, particularly cereals, and there is also interest in precision horticulture. Pear is a seasonal fruit and well appreciated by Brazilian people, although it is mostly imported. Brazilian farmers are nowadays trying to increase pear production. Thus, this research aimed at mapping the yield of pear trees in order to study the spatial variability of yield as well as its comparison with spatial variability of soil and plant attributes. The experimental field had 146 pear trees, variety 'Pêra d'água', distributed on a 1.24 ha. Four harvests were performed according to the fruit ripening and from each tree; only the ripe fruits were harvested. In each harvest, all the fruits were weighed and the total yield was obtained based on the sum of each harvest. The soil attributes analyzed were P, K, Ca, Mg, pH in CaCl2, C, Cu, Zn, Fe, Mn and base saturation, and the plant attributes were fruit length, diameter and yield. Yield had low correlation with soil and plant attributes. An index of spatial variability was suggested in this study and helped in classifying levels of spatial dependence of the various soil and plant attributes: very low (fruit length); low (P, fruit diameter), medium (Mg, pH, Cu, Zn, Fe), high (Ca, K, base saturation and yield), and very high (Mn and C).
The objective of this master's thesis was to develop a process to increase the value of residual fungal biomass as an animal feed. The increase in value is achieved by enriching the protein content in the biomass and potentially isolating other valuable fractions for productisation. In the literature part of this thesis the composition of fungal biomass and fungal cell wall and the factors affecting them during cultivation are presented. The possible processing options are also presented and evaluated. The soy protein and single cell protein product manufacturing processes are used as examples due to the lack of fungal biomass fractionation processes found in published literature. The second part of this thesis was performed by making laboratory experiments on the developed process, which consisted of acid hydrolysis with subsequent ethanol extraction. Chitin was precipitated from the acid hydrolysate filtrate. The experiments were conducted with three different hydrolysis temperatures and three different acid concentrations. The optimal hydrolysis conditions were 60 °C with 10 %-vol acid concentration. Optimal conditions in hydrolysis resulted in 30 % increase in protein content in the final biomass. The conceptual process was modelled to scale of 10 000 t/a biomass feed. The mass and energy balances were based on the laboratory experiments. Economic calculations were performed to determine the maximal capital expense while achieving 10 % internal rate of return for the investment. For the basic case the capital expense threshold was 25.8 M€. Four optional cases and parameter sensitivity analysis were performed to determine the effects of changes in the process. The chitin sales had the greatest impact of the individual parameters.