934 resultados para Obrigação político-criminal
Currently there are two car models that use electricity in their propulsion systems, the electric vehicle and the hybrid electric vehicle. The electric vehicles are classified as vehicles that use electric motors in their propulsion system and batteries as a power source, on the other hand, the hybrid vehicles are classified as vehicles that use both electric motors and internal combustion engines in their propulsion system, using both batteries and líquid fuels as a power source. The main goal of this work is to analyze the characteristics of electric and hybrid electric vehicles and demonstrate the unfeasibility of the electric vehicle in the current economic, political, energetic and environmental brazilian scenario, for this purpose it was realized a study about the current brazilian situation regarding to electricity generation, current conservation status of road network, lack of electrical infrastructure for charging batteries, national lithium reserves, environmental characteristics, tax incentives, economic scenario, oil market and political positioning related to the implantation of electric or hybrid electric fleets in nacional territory. The operational characteristics analysis of electric and hybrid electric vehicles in this current scenario leads to the conclusion that currently a growth of electric vehicles fleets on a national scale is totally impractical in the Brazil, Thus, the introduction of green vehicles probably will occur primarily with hybrid electric models, motivated mainly due the bigger autonomy of this models compared to electric models, lower cost of hybrid electric models compared to electric models, factors related to the lack of recharging infrastructure and also factors related to political positioning
We know that the Earth goes through natural cycles that influence its climate and the development of their societies. In recent decades, climate changes and nature began to call world attention to the unbridled exploitation that was carried by the current economic system, causing unrest among scientific, social, political and economic world. The theory that man causes a warming in global temperatures by the release of greenhouse gases made the headlines of major newspapers in the world. From there, it was only a matter of time before environmental concerns became ownership of capital by its excessive appropriation. The fear of nuclear threat by the bombs of Hiroshima and Nagasaki left in fanfare the world, which together with the devastating impact of the exploitation of man and nature gave birth to the Environmental Revolution, a way of trying to change the development patterns of the time and behavior of the population. However, based on the historical form of capitalist domination, this was another measure that was apossada the economic system being transformed into economic value and political exchange. The origin of the conventions, meetings, conferences, parliaments set up to discuss environmental issues, eventually became forums of political and economic talks focused on environmental governance, valuing an asset that is public and everyone. Environmental and climate issue now has a value, thus turning the agenda on the agenda of the United Nations (UN) for its political and economic regulation in the form of global agreement. Given the need for understanding the climate issue, was born the Conference of the Parties (COPs), a regulatory body for climate negotiations, surrounded interests, complexities, conflicts and disagreements between the parties countries, which becomes clear when we analyze their agreements...
Currently there are two car models that use electricity in their propulsion systems, the electric vehicle and the hybrid electric vehicle. The electric vehicles are classified as vehicles that use electric motors in their propulsion system and batteries as a power source, on the other hand, the hybrid vehicles are classified as vehicles that use both electric motors and internal combustion engines in their propulsion system, using both batteries and líquid fuels as a power source. The main goal of this work is to analyze the characteristics of electric and hybrid electric vehicles and demonstrate the unfeasibility of the electric vehicle in the current economic, political, energetic and environmental brazilian scenario, for this purpose it was realized a study about the current brazilian situation regarding to electricity generation, current conservation status of road network, lack of electrical infrastructure for charging batteries, national lithium reserves, environmental characteristics, tax incentives, economic scenario, oil market and political positioning related to the implantation of electric or hybrid electric fleets in nacional territory. The operational characteristics analysis of electric and hybrid electric vehicles in this current scenario leads to the conclusion that currently a growth of electric vehicles fleets on a national scale is totally impractical in the Brazil, Thus, the introduction of green vehicles probably will occur primarily with hybrid electric models, motivated mainly due the bigger autonomy of this models compared to electric models, lower cost of hybrid electric models compared to electric models, factors related to the lack of recharging infrastructure and also factors related to political positioning
We know that the Earth goes through natural cycles that influence its climate and the development of their societies. In recent decades, climate changes and nature began to call world attention to the unbridled exploitation that was carried by the current economic system, causing unrest among scientific, social, political and economic world. The theory that man causes a warming in global temperatures by the release of greenhouse gases made the headlines of major newspapers in the world. From there, it was only a matter of time before environmental concerns became ownership of capital by its excessive appropriation. The fear of nuclear threat by the bombs of Hiroshima and Nagasaki left in fanfare the world, which together with the devastating impact of the exploitation of man and nature gave birth to the Environmental Revolution, a way of trying to change the development patterns of the time and behavior of the population. However, based on the historical form of capitalist domination, this was another measure that was apossada the economic system being transformed into economic value and political exchange. The origin of the conventions, meetings, conferences, parliaments set up to discuss environmental issues, eventually became forums of political and economic talks focused on environmental governance, valuing an asset that is public and everyone. Environmental and climate issue now has a value, thus turning the agenda on the agenda of the United Nations (UN) for its political and economic regulation in the form of global agreement. Given the need for understanding the climate issue, was born the Conference of the Parties (COPs), a regulatory body for climate negotiations, surrounded interests, complexities, conflicts and disagreements between the parties countries, which becomes clear when we analyze their agreements...
Introduction: Risk-taking behaviors, family criminality, poverty, and poor parenting have been frequently associated with an earlier onset of criminal activities and a longer criminal career among male convicts. Objective: This study aims to identify factors related to the onset and recurrence of criminal behavior among female robbers in the State of Sao Paulo - Brazil. Method: It was a cross-sectional study carried out inside a feminine penitentiary in Sao Paulo. From June 2006 to June 2010, 175 inmates convicted only for robbery were recruited to be evaluated about family antecedents of criminal conviction, alcohol and drug misuse, impulsiveness, depressive symptoms, and psychosocial features. Results: Having family antecedents of criminal conviction consistently predicted an earlier onset of criminal activities and a longer criminal career among female robbers. Drug use in youth and the severity of drug misuse were significantly related to the initiation and recurrence of criminal behavior, respectively. Discussion: Prisons must systematically screen detainees and provide treatments for those with health problems in general. Children of inmates should obtain help to modify the negative consequences of their parents' incarceration in order to mitigate the negative consequences of pursuing this 'static' factor.
De 1581 a 1585, Montaigne foi prefeito de Bordeaux. Foi acusado por detratores de não se ter aplicado o bastante e de não ter feito nada de marcante durante seus dois mandatos. Ao responder às acusações no ensaio "De poupar a própria vontade" (III, 10), o autor encontra a ocasião para uma crítica das paixões em geral e, em particular, das que pertencem ao contexto político. Isto porque ele visava, com sua aparente falta de aplicação aos deveres de prefeito, evitar a paixão que tantas vezes se oculta por trás do engajamento - a ambição, desejo de honras, glória, renome. Sobretudo, esperava evitar um duplo perigo, ao mesmo tempo ético e político: comprometer a própria liberdade numa busca servil da glória e subordinar o bem coletivo ao interesse pessoal. No presente estudo, procuraremos reconstituir a trama argumentativa do ensaio em questão, acompanhando de perto os argumentos que sustentam a crítica montaigniana das paixões, bem como a terapia muito particular a que o ensaísta as submete, a qual lhe permite fazer do episódio da Mairie de Bordeaux um modelo de conciliação entre o cuidado de si e o cumprimento dos deveres políticos.
Este artigo analisa a emergência e difusão da regra da responsabilidade criminal individual por violações de direitos humanos a partir da jurisprudência contenciosa da Corte Interamericana de Direitos Humanos. Tendo como referência as pesquisas de Kathryn Sikkink sobre justiça de transição, procura-se identificar a maneira como o Sistema Interamericano de Direitos Humanos vem expandindo o sentido da responsabilidade criminal individual e também sugerir a incompatibilidade com a proteção dos direitos humanos que esse novo modelo pode ter.
Este artigo busca analisar o princípio da insignificância em matéria penal, e refletir acerca da melhor forma de operacionalizá-lo dogmaticamente. Após uma introdução que trata brevemente do contexto do surgimento desse princípio, o texto apresenta as principais concepções utilizadas pela doutrina e pela jurisprudência nacionais para aplicá-lo, com o objetivo de refletir sobre as vantagens e desvantagens sistemáticas e político-criminais inscritas em cada uma delas. Nesse plano, o artigo problematiza a principal formulação defendida pela doutrina nacional - segundo a qual a insignificância constitui espécie de cláusula de exclusão da "tipicidade material" da conduta analisada -, sugerindo que essa concepção pode estar na base de sérios equívocos cometidos por nossos tribunais no momento de definir se uma conduta é ou não penalmente insignificante. Ao final, o texto aponta os contornos gerais de uma formulação dogmática mais adequada para esse princípio, visando suprir as diversas dificuldades advindas da adoção da concepção majoritária sobre a matéria no Brasil.
O presente artigo pretende sublinhar a necessidade de se atentar para a historicidade do conceito de democracia. Para tanto, após indicar o fato de que tal conceito recobre significados díspares e, por vezes, contraditórios, contrasta-se as perspectivas de Norberto Bobbio e de Jacques Rancière para ilustrar essa equivocidade. Diante disso, é feita uma breve incursão pela história conceitual de Reinhart Koselleck para indicar que a equivocidade do conceito de democracia decorre da sedimentação que nele há de múltiplas experiências históricas. Finalmente, após essa incursão pela história conceitual são mobilizadas algumas análises atuais acerca do conceito de democracia para ressaltar sua indeterminação e complexidade.
Programa de Doctorado en Prehistoria y Arqueología
[ES] El propósito de esta charla es analizar las circunstancias que dieron lugar al accidente de la Central Nuclear de Chernobil y la reacción que se suscitó como consecuencia del mismo. ¿Estaban la sociedad preparada para ello? ¿Había medidas tomadas para el caso de un accidente de esa envergadura? ¿Podría repetirse un accidente como ese? Para dar respuesta a estas cuestiones se hará un breve repaso sobre el concepto de la contaminación transfronteriza a larga distancia, las medidas de protección radiológica existentes, el accidente: ¿cómo se produjo?, ¿por qué?, para finalizar con las medidas que hubo que poner en marcha después del mismo tanto provisionales como definitivas.
Doctorado en Gestión en la Nueva Economía
One of the ways by which the legal system has responded to different sets of problems is the blurring of the traditional boundaries of criminal law, both procedural and substantive. This study aims to explore under what conditions does this trend lead to the improvement of society's welfare by focusing on two distinguishing sanctions in criminal law, incarceration and social stigma. In analyzing how incarceration affects the incentive to an individual to violate a legal standard, we considered the crucial role of the time constraint. This aspect has not been fully explored in the literature on law and economics, especially with respect to the analysis of the beneficiality of imposing either a fine or a prison term. We observed that that when individuals are heterogeneous with respect to wealth and wage income, and when the level of activity can be considered a normal good, only the middle wage and middle income groups can be adequately deterred by a fixed fines alone regime. The existing literature only considers the case of the very poor, deemed as judgment proof. However, since imprisonment is a socially costly way to deprive individuals of their time, other alternatives may be sought such as the imposition of discriminatory monetary fine, partial incapacitation and other alternative sanctions. According to traditional legal theory, the reason why criminal law is obeyed is not mainly due to the monetary sanctions but to the stigma arising from the community’s moral condemnation that accompanies conviction or merely suspicion. However, it is not sufficiently clear whether social stigma always accompanies a criminal conviction. We addressed this issue by identifying the circumstances wherein a criminal conviction carries an additional social stigma. Our results show that social stigma is seen to accompany a conviction under the following conditions: first, when the law coincides with the society's social norms; and second, when the prohibited act provides information on an unobservable attribute or trait of an individual -- crucial in establishing or maintaining social relationships beyond mere economic relationships. Thus, even if the social planner does not impose the social sanction directly, the impact of social stigma can still be influenced by the probability of conviction and the level of the monetary fine imposed as well as the varying degree of correlation between the legal standard violated and the social traits or attributes of the individual. In this respect, criminal law serves as an institution that facilitates cognitive efficiency in the process of imposing the social sanction to the extent that the rest of society is boundedly rational and use judgment heuristics. Paradoxically, using criminal law in order to invoke stigma for the violation of a legal standard may also serve to undermine its strength. To sum, the results of our analysis reveal that the scope of criminal law is narrow both for the purposes of deterrence and cognitive efficiency. While there are certain conditions where the enforcement of criminal law may lead to an increase in social welfare, particularly with respect to incarceration and stigma, we have also identified the channels through which they could affect behavior. Since such mechanisms can be replicated in less costly ways, society should first try or seek to employ these legal institutions before turning to criminal law as a last resort.