987 resultados para OH^-


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The paper presents a simulation study of loose cylindrically shaped particles packed within a copper plate and aluminum fins. The model presented solves coupled heat and mass transfer equations using the finite volume method based on ANSY S FLUENT medium. Three different arrangements of cylindrical particles are considered. The model is validated with experimental data. It is found that the arrangements which represented monolayer configurations are only marginally better in heat transfer and uptake efficiency than the tri-layer configuration in the presence of fins. However, there is an appreciable difference in the uptake curve between monoand tri-layer configurations in the absence of fins. Finally, it is found that the fin pitch also plays an important role in determining the time constant for the adsorber design.


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The peptide N-benzyloxycarbonyl-L-valyl-L-tyrosine methyl ester or NCbz-Val-Tyr-OMe (where NCbz is N-benzyloxycarbonyl and OMe indicates the methyl ester), C23H28N2O6, has an extended backbone conformation. The aromatic rings of the Tyr residue and the NCbz group are involved in various attractive intra- and intermolecular aromatic - interactions which stabilize the conformation and packing in the crystal structure, in addition to NH...O and OH...O hydrogen bonds. The aromatic - interactions include parallel-displaced, perpendicular T-shaped, perpendicular L-shaped and inclined orientations.


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In this paper, we report the compositional variation-dependent phase stability of hydroxyapatite (Ca-10(PO4)(6)(OH)(2)) on doping with silver. The transformation of hydroxyapatite to (beta/alpha) tricalcium phosphate phases during sintering has been explored using Raman spectroscopy and X-ray diffraction techniques. The optical absorption spectroscopy analysis reveals the presence of Ag+ ions at low doping levels. As the doping increases, abundance of Ag particles is enhanced.


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Rechargeable batteries based on Li and Na ions have been growing leaps and bounds since their inception in the 1970s. They enjoy significant attention from both the fundamental science point of view and practical applications ranging from portable electronics to hybrid vehicles and grid storage. The steady demand for building better batteries calls for discovery, optimisation and implementation of novel positive insertion (cathode) materials. In this quest, chemists have tried to unravel many future cathode materials by taking into consideration their eco-friendly synthesis, material/process economy, high energy density, safety, easy handling and sustainability. Interestingly, sulfate-based cathodes offer a good combination of sustainable syntheses and high energy density owing to their high-voltage operation, stemming from electronegative SO42- units. This review delivers a sneak peak at the recent advances in the discovery and development of sulfate-containing cathode materials by focusing on their synthesis, crystal structure and electrochemical performance. Several family of cathodes are independently discussed. They are 1) fluorosulfates AMSO(4)F], 2) bihydrated fluorosulfates AMSO(4)F2H(2)O], 3) hydroxysulfate AMSO(4)OH], 4) bisulfates A(2)M(SO4)(2)], 5) hydrated bisulfates A(2)M(SO4)(2)nH(2)O], 6) oxysulfates Fe-2(SO4)(2)O] and 7) polysulfates A(2)M(2)(SO4)(3)]. A comparative study of these sulfate-based cathodes has been provided to offer an outlook on the future development of high-voltage polyanionic cathode materials for next-generation batteries.


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In this article, we have presented ultrafast charge transfer dynamics through halogen bonds following vertical ionization of representative halogen bonded clusters. Subsequent hole directed reactivity of the radical cations of halogen bonded clusters is also discussed. Furthermore, we have examined effect of the halogen bond strength on the electron-electron correlation-and relaxation-driven charge migration in halogen bonded complexes. For this study, we have selected A-Cl (A represents F, OH, CN, NH2, CF3, and COOH substituents) molecules paired with NH3 (referred as ACl:NH3 complex): these complexes exhibit halogen bonds. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first report on purely electron correlation-and relaxation-driven ultrafast (attosecond) charge migration dynamics through halogen bonds. Both density functional theory and complete active space self-consistent field theory with 6-31+G(d, p) basis set are employed for this work. Upon vertical ionization of NCCl center dot center dot center dot NH3 complex, the hole is predicted to migrate from the NH3-end to the ClCN-end of the NCCl center dot center dot center dot NH3 complex in approximately 0.5 fs on the D-0 cationic surface. This hole migration leads to structural rearrangement of the halogen bonded complex, yielding hydrogen bonding interaction stronger than the halogen bonding interaction on the same cationic surface. Other halogen bonded complexes, such as H2NCl:NH3, F3CCl:NH3, and HOOCCl:NH3, exhibit similar charge migration following vertical ionization. On the contrary, FCl:NH3 and HOCl:NH3 complexes do not exhibit any charge migration following vertical ionization to the D-0 cation state, pointing to interesting halogen bond strength-dependent charge migration. (C) 2015 AIP Publishing LLC.


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While the tetrahedral face of methane has an electron rich centre and can act as a hydrogen bond acceptor, substitution of one of its hydrogens with some electron withdrawing group (such as -F/OH) can make the opposite face electron deficient. Electrostatic potential calculations confirm this and high level quantum calculations show interactions between the positive face of methanol/methyl fluoride and electron rich centers of other molecules such as H2O. Analysis of the wave functions of atoms in molecules shows the presence of an unusual C···Y interaction, which could be called 'carbon bonding'. NBO analysis and vibrational frequency shifts confirm the presence of this interaction. Given the properties of alkyl groups bonded to electronegative elements in biological molecules, such interactions could play a significant role, which is yet to be recognized. This and similar interactions could give an enthalpic contribution to what is called the 'hydrophobic interactions'.


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Two dinuclear copper(II) complexes Li(H2O)(3)(CH3OH)](4)Cu2Br4]Cu-2(cpdp)(mu-O2CCH3)](4)(OH)(2) (1), Cu (H2O)(4)]Cu-2(cpdp)(mu-O2CC6H5)](2)Cl-2 center dot 5H(2)O (2), and a dinuclear zinc(II) complex Zn-2(cpdp)(mu-O2CCH3)] (3) have been synthesized using pyridine and benzoate functionality based new symmetrical dinucleating ligand, N, N'-Bis2-carboxybenzomethyl]-N, N'-Bis2-pyridylmethyl]-1,3-diaminopropan-2-ol (H(3)cpdp). Complexes 1, 2 and 3 have been synthesized by carrying out reaction of the ligand H3cpdp with stoichiometric amounts of Cu-2(O2CCH3)(4)(H2O)(2)], CuCl2 center dot 2H(2)O/C6H5COONa, and Zn(CH3COO)(2)center dot 2H(2)O, respectively, in methanol in the presence of NaOH at ambient temperature. Characterizations of the complexes have been done using various analytical techniques including single crystal X-ray structure determination. The X-ray crystal structure analyses reveal that the copper(II) ions in complexes 1 and 2 are in a distorted square pyramidal geometry with Cu-Cu separation of 3.455(8) angstrom and 3.492(1)angstrom, respectively. The DFT optimized structure of complex 3 indicates that two zinc(II) ions are in a distorted square pyramidal geometry with Zn-Zn separation of 3.492(8)angstrom. UV-Vis and mass spectrometric analyses of the complexes confirm their dimeric nature in solution. Furthermore, H-1 and C-13 NMR spectroscopic investigations authenticate the integrity of complex 3 in solution. Variable-temperature (2-300 K) magnetic susceptibility measurements show the presence of antiferromagnetic interactions between the copper centers, with J = -26.0 cm(-1) and -23.9 cm(-1) ((H) over cap = -2JS(1)S(2)) in complexes 1 and 2, respectively. In addition, glycosidase-like activity of the complexes has been investigated in aqueous solution at pH similar to 10.5 by UV-Vis spectrophotometric technique using p-nitrophenyl-alpha-D-glucopyranoside (4) and p-nitrophenyl-beta-D-glucopyranoside (5) as model substrates. (C) 2015 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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In this paper, we propose a technique for video object segmentation using patch seams across frames. Typically, seams, which are connected paths of low energy, are utilised for retargeting, where the primary aim is to reduce the image size while preserving the salient image contents. Here, we adapt the formulation of seams for temporal label propagation. The energy function associated with the proposed video seams provides temporal linking of patches across frames, to accurately segment the object. The proposed energy function takes into account the similarity of patches along the seam, temporal consistency of motion and spatial coherency of seams. Label propagation is achieved with high fidelity in the critical boundary regions, utilising the proposed patch seams. To achieve this without additional overheads, we curtail the error propagation by formulating boundary regions as rough-sets. The proposed approach out-perform state-of-the-art supervised and unsupervised algorithms, on benchmark datasets.


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Motivated by multi-distribution divergences, which originate in information theory, we propose a notion of `multipoint' kernels, and study their applications. We study a class of kernels based on Jensen type divergences and show that these can be extended to measure similarity among multiple points. We study tensor flattening methods and develop a multi-point (kernel) spectral clustering (MSC) method. We further emphasize on a special case of the proposed kernels, which is a multi-point extension of the linear (dot-product) kernel and show the existence of cubic time tensor flattening algorithm in this case. Finally, we illustrate the usefulness of our contributions using standard data sets and image segmentation tasks.


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In this paper we present a depth-guided photometric 3D reconstruction method that works solely with a depth camera like the Kinect. Existing methods that fuse depth with normal estimates use an external RGB camera to obtain photometric information and treat the depth camera as a black box that provides a low quality depth estimate. Our contribution to such methods are two fold. Firstly, instead of using an extra RGB camera, we use the infra-red (IR) camera of the depth camera system itself to directly obtain high resolution photometric information. We believe that ours is the first method to use an IR depth camera system in this manner. Secondly, photometric methods applied to complex objects result in numerous holes in the reconstructed surface due to shadows and self-occlusions. To mitigate this problem, we develop a simple and effective multiview reconstruction approach that fuses depth and normal information from multiple viewpoints to build a complete, consistent and accurate 3D surface representation. We demonstrate the efficacy of our method to generate high quality 3D surface reconstructions for some complex 3D figurines.


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An action is typically composed of different parts of the object moving in particular sequences. The presence of different motions (represented as a 1D histogram) has been used in the traditional bag-of-words (BoW) approach for recognizing actions. However the interactions among the motions also form a crucial part of an action. Different object-parts have varying degrees of interactions with the other parts during an action cycle. It is these interactions we want to quantify in order to bring in additional information about the actions. In this paper we propose a causality based approach for quantifying the interactions to aid action classification. Granger causality is used to compute the cause and effect relationships for pairs of motion trajectories of a video. A 2D histogram descriptor for the video is constructed using these pairwise measures. Our proposed method of obtaining pairwise measures for videos is also applicable for large datasets. We have conducted experiments on challenging action recognition databases such as HMDB51 and UCF50 and shown that our causality descriptor helps in encoding additional information regarding the actions and performs on par with the state-of-the art approaches. Due to the complementary nature, a further increase in performance can be observed by combining our approach with state-of-the-art approaches.


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Beneficial effects of carbon grafting into the iron active material for rechargeable alkaline-iron-electrodes with and without Bi2S3 additive is probed by in situ X-ray diffraction in conjunction with Extended X-ray Absorption Fine Structure (EXAFS) and electrochemistry. EXAFS data unravel that the composition of pristine active material (PAM) for iron electrodes comprises 87% of magnetite and 13% of alpha-iron while carbon-grafted active material comprises 60% of magnetite and 40% of alpha-iron. In situ XRD patterns are recorded using a specially designed electrochemical cell. XRD data reflect that magnetite present in PAM iron electrode, without bismuth sulfide additive, is not reduced during charging while PAM iron electrode with bismuth sulfide additive is partially reduced to alpha-Fe/Fe(OH)(2). Interestingly, carbon-grafted-iron electrodes with bismuth sulfide exhibit complete conversion of active material to alpha-Fe/Fe(OH)2. The ameliorating effect of carbon grafting is substantiated by kinetic parameters obtained from steady-state potentiostatic polarization and Tafel plots. The mechanism for iron-electrode charge - discharge reactions are discussed in the light of the potential - pH diagrams for Fe - H2O, S - H2O and FeSads - H2O systems and it is surmised that carbon grafting into iron active material promotes its electrochemical utilization. (C) The Author(s) 2015. Published by ECS. All rights reserved.


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Pd2Ge nanoparticles were synthesized by superhydride reduction of K2PdCl4 and GeCl4. The syntheses were performed using a solvothermal method in the absence of surfactants, and the size of the nanoparticles was controlled by varying the reaction time. The powder X-ray diffraction (PXRD) and transmission electron microscopy data suggest that Pd2Ge nanoparticles were formed as an ordered intermetallic phase. In the crystal structure, Pd and Ge atoms occupy two different crystallographic positions with a vacancy in one of the Ge sites, which was proved by PXRD and energy-dispersive X-ray analysis. The catalyst is highly efficient for the electrochemical oxidation of ethanol and is stable up to the 250th cycle in alkaline medium. The electrochemical active surface area and current density values obtained, 1.41 cm(2) and 4.1 mA cm(-2), respectively, are superior to those of the commercial Pd on carbon. The experimentally observed data were interpreted in terms of the combined effect of adsorption energies of CH3CO and OH radical, d-band center model, and work function of the corresponding catalyst surfaces.


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A study on self-assembly of anisotropically substituted penta-aryl fullerenes in water has been reported. The penta-phenol-substituted amphiphilic fullerene derivative C60Ph5(OH)(5)],exhibited self-assembled vesicular nanostructures in water under the experimental conditions. The size of the vesicles Was observed to depend upon the kinetics of self-assembly and could be varied from similar to 300 to similar to 70 nm. Our mechanistic study indicated that the self-assembly of C60Ph5(OH)(5) is driven by extensive intermolecular as well as water-mediated hydrogen :bonding along with fullerene-fullerene hydrophobic interaction in water. The cumulative effect of these interactions is responsible for the stability of vesicular structures even on the removal of solvent. The substitution of phenol with anisole resulted in different packing and interaction of the fullerene derivative, as Indicated in the molecular dynamics studies, thus resulting in different self-assembled nanostructures. The hollow vesicles were further encapsulated with a hydrophobic conjugated polymer and water-soluble dye as guest molecules. Such confinement of pi-conjugated polymers in fullerene has significance in bulk heterojunction devices for efficient exciton diffusion.


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Pt(cur)(NH3)(2)](NO3) (1), a curcumin-bound cis-diammineplatinum(II) complex, nicknamed Platicur, as a novel photoactivated chemotherapeutic agent releases photoactive curcumin and an active platinum(II) species upon irradiation with visible light. The hydrolytic instability of free curcumin reduces upon binding to platinum(II). Interactions of 1 with 5'-GMP and ct-DNA indicated formation of platinum-bound DNA adducts upon exposure to visible light (lambda = 400-700 nm). It showed apoptotic photocytotoxicity in cancer cells (IC50 approximate to 15 mu M), thus forming (OH)-O-center dot, while remaining passive in the darkness (IC50 > 200 mu M). A comet assay and platinum estimation suggest Pt-DNA crosslink formation. The fluorescence microscopic images showed cytosolic localization of curcumin, thus implying possibility of dual action as a chemo-and phototherapeutic agent.