917 resultados para No Exit
The study of turbulence is also nowadays a problem that does not have solution from the mathematical point of view due to the lack of solution to link the mean part of the flow with the fluctuating one. To solve this problem, in the CICLoPE laboratory of Predappio, experiments on different type of jets are performed in order to derive a closure model able to close our mathematical model. One of the most interesting type of jet that could be studied is the planar turbulent free jet which is a two dimensional canonical jet characterized by the self-similarity condition of the velocity profiles. To study this particular jet, a new facility was built. The aim of this project is to characterize the jet at different distances from the nozzle exit, for different values of Reynolds number, to demonstrate that the self-similarity condition is respected. To do that, the evaluation of quantities such as spreading rate, centerline velocity decay and relation between fluctuations and mean part of the flow has to be obtain. All these parameters could be detected thanks to the use of single and X hot-wire anemometry with which it is possible to analyzed the fluctuating behaviour of the flow by associating to an electric signal a physical variable expressed in terms of velocity. To justify the data obtain by the measures, a comparison with results coming from the literature has to be shown.
The scope of this study is to design an automatic control system and create an automatic x-wire calibrator for a facility named Plane Air Tunnel; whose exit creates planar jet flow. The controlling power state as well as automatic speed adjustment of the inverter has been achieved. Thus, the wind tunnel can be run with respect to any desired speed and the x-wire can automatically be calibrated at that speed. To achieve that, VI programming using the LabView environment was learned, to acquire the pressure and temperature, and to calculate the velocity based on the acquisition data thanks to a pitot-static tube. Furthermore, communication with the inverter to give the commands for power on/off and speed control was also done using the LabView VI coding environment. The connection of the computer to the inverter was achieved by the proper cabling using DAQmx Analog/Digital (A/D) input/output (I/O). Moreover, the pressure profile along the streamwise direction of the plane air tunnel was studied. Pressure tappings and a multichannel pressure scanner were used to acquire the pressure values at different locations. Thanks to that, the aerodynamic efficiency of the contraction ratio was observed, and the pressure behavior was related to the velocity at the exit section. Furthermore, the control of the speed was accomplished by implementing a closed-loop PI controller on the LabView environment with and without using a pitot-static tube thanks to the pressure behavior information. The responses of the two controllers were analyzed and commented on by giving suggestions. In addition, hot wire experiments were performed to calibrate automatically and investigate the velocity profile of a turbulent planar jet. To be able to analyze the results, the physics of turbulent planar jet flow was studied. The fundamental terms, the methods used in the derivation of the equations, velocity profile, shear stress behavior, and the effect of vorticity were reviewed.