998 resultados para Nitrite Oxidation


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At the U.S. DOE Oak Ridge Integrated Field Research Challenge (ORIFRC) site, the iron content of shallow subsurface materials (i.e. weathered saprolite) is relatively high (up to 5-6% as w/w), and therefore, the forms of the iron species present plays a critical role in the long-term sequestration of uranium. A long term pilot-scale study of the bioreduction and reoxidation of uranium conducted at the ORIFRC area 3 site, adjacent to the former S-3 disposal ponds (source zone), has provided us with the opportunity to study the impact of iron species on the sequestration of U(VI). The aqueous U(VI) concentrations at the site were decreased to below the EPA MCL through the intermittent injection of ethanol as the electron donor. Previous field tests indicated that both oxygen and nitrate could oxidize the bioreduced U(IV) and cause a short-term rebound of aqueous phase uranium concentration after the oxidative agents were delivered directly to the bioreduced zone.

A field test has been conducted to examine the long-term effect of exposure of bioreduced sediments to nitrate in contaminated groundwater for more than 1,380 days at the Area 3 site. Contaminated groundwater was allowed to invade the previously bioreduced zone via the natural groundwater gradient after an extended period in which reducing conditions were maintained and the bioreduced zone was protected from the influx of upgradient contaminated groundwater. The geochemical response to the invasion of contaminated groundwater was dependent on whether the monitoring location is in the middle or the fringe of the previously bioreduced zone. In general, the nitrate concentrations in the previously bioreduced area, increased gradually from near zero to ~50-300 mM within 200 days and then stabilized. The pH declined from bioreduced levels of 6.2-6.7 to below 5.0. Uranium concentrations rebounded in all monitoring wells but at different rates. At most locations U concentrations rebounded, declined and then rebounded again. Methane gas disappeared while a significant level (20,000 to 44,000 ppmv) N2O was found in the groundwater of monitoring wells after three years of reoxidization.

The U(IV) in sediments was mainly reoxidized to U(VI) species. Based on XANES analysis, the predominate uranium in all samples after re-oxidation was similar to a uranyl nitrate form. But the U content in the sediment remained as high as that determined after bioreduction activates were completed, indicating that much of the U is still sequestrated in situ. SEM observations of surged fine sediments revealed that clusters of colloidal-sized (200-500nm) U-containing precipitates appeared to have formed in situ, regardless from sample of FW106 in non-bioactivity control area or of pre-bioreduced FW101-2 and FW102-3. Additionally, SEM-EDS and microprobe analysis, showed that the U-containing precipitates (~1% U) in FW106 are notably higher in Fe, compared to the precipitates (~1-2.5% U) from FW101-2 and FW102-3. However, XRF analysis indicated that the U content was remained as high as 2180 and 1810 mg/kg with U/Fe ratio at 0.077 and 0.055 vs 0.037 g/g, respectively in pre-bioreduced FW101-2 and FW102-3, suggesting more U sequestrated by Fe in pre-bioreduced sediments.


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A mechanism of CO oxidation by a thin surface oxide of Rh supported on ceria is proposed: CO is oxidized by the Rh-oxide film, which is subsequently reoxidized by a ceria surface O atom. The proposed mechanism is supported by in situ Raman spectroscopic investigations.


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Heterogeneous catalytic oxidation of a series of thioethers (2-thiomethylpyrimidine, 2-thiomethyl-4,6-dimethyl-pyrimidine, 2-thiobenzylpyrimidine, 2-thiobenzyl-4,6-dimethylpyrimidine, thioanisole, and n-heptyl methyl sulfide) was performed in ionic liquids by using MCM-41 and UVM-type mesoporous catalysts containing Ti, or Ti and Ge. A range of triflate, tetrafluoroborate, trifluoroacetate, lactate and bis(trifluoromethanesulfonyl)imide-based ionic liquids were used. The oxidations were carried out by using anhydrous hydrogen peroxide or the urea-hydrogen peroxide adduct and showed that ionic liquids are very effective solvents, achieving greater reactivity and selectivity than reactions performed in dioxane. The effects of halide and acid impurities on the reactions were also investigated. Recycling experiments on catalysts were carried out in order to evaluate Ti leaching and its effect on activity and selectivity.


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Oxidative dehydrogenation of ethane was performed under conventional microreactor and TAP reactor conditions over a Pt/Al2O3 catalyst between 100 and 600 degreesC. During TAP studies, no ethene was produced whereas under flow conditions small but significant ethene formation was observed. This is consistent with a mechanism involving the gas-phase production of ethene rather than via a surface reaction. In comparison, both hydrogen and methane formation were found under TAP conditions and the trends with temperature and surface oxide composition are interpreted in terms of successive dehydrogenation steps on the catalyst surface. It is further observed that periodic introduction of the reactants can minimize deactivation processes. (C) 2003 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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Electrochemically modified ethylene oxidation over a PI film supported on the Na+ ion conductor beta '' alumina has been studied over a range of conditions encompassing both promotion and poisoning, The system exhibits reversible behavior, and the data are interpreted in terms of (i) Na-enhanced oxygen chemisorption and (ii) poisoning of the surface by accumulation of Na compounds. At low Na coverages the first effect results in increased competitive adsorption of oxygen at the expense of ethylene, resulting in an increased rate, At very negative catalyst potentials (high Na coverage) both effects operate to poison the system: the increased strength of the Pt-O bond and coverage of the catalytic surface by compounds of Na strongly suppress the rate, Kinetic and spectroscopic results for ethylene oxidation over a Pt(111)-Na model catalyst shed light on important aspects of the electrochemically controlled system, Low levels of Na promote the reaction and high levels poison it, mirroring the behavior observed under electrochemical control and strongly suggesting that sodium pumped from the solid electrolyte is the key species, XP and Auger spectra show that under reaction conditions, the sodium exists as a surface carbonate. Post-reaction TPD spectra and the use of (CO)-C-13 demonstrate that CO is formed as a stable reaction intermediate, The observed activation energy (56 +/- 3 kJ/mol) is similar to that measured for CO oxidation under comparable conditions, suggesting that the rate limiting step is CO oxidation. (C) 1996 Academic Press, Inc.


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Photo-oxidation of amorphous GeS2 films illuminated by band-gap radiation drastically alters the growth mode and reactivity of subsequently deposited Ag. In the former case (monolayer/simultaneous multilayer growth) the Ag reacts with both Ge and S sites. In the latter case (Stranski-Krastanov growth) Ge sites are selectively oxidized and film growth proceeds by Ag nucleation at the unoxidized S sites. The behaviour is very different from that reported earlier for Zn deposition on GeS2, where photo-oxidation results in very large changes in metal sticking probability. XPS, XAES and EXAFS data provide the basis for understanding both this phenomenon and the very different photodiffusion behaviour of Zn and Ag in GeS2.


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Cranberries, high in polyphenols, have been associated with several cardiovascular health benefits, although limited clinical trials have been reported to validate these findings. We tested the hypothesis that commercially available low-energy cranberry juice (Ocean Spray Cranberries, Inc, Lakeville-Middleboro, Mass) will decrease surrogate risk factors of cardiovascular disease, such as lipid oxidation, inflammation, and dyslipidemia, in subjects with metabolic syndrome. In a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial, participants identified with metabolic syndrome (n = 15-16/group) were assigned to 1 of 2 groups: cranberry juice (480 mL/day) or placebo (480 mL/day) for 8 weeks. Anthropometrics, blood pressure measurements, dietary analyses, and fasting blood draws were conducted at screen and 8 weeks of the study. Cranberry juice significantly increased plasma antioxidant capacity (1.5 ± 0.6 to 2.2 ± 0.4 µmol/L [means ± SD], P <.05) and decreased oxidized low-density lipoprotein and malondialdehyde (120.4 ± 31.0 to 80.4 ± 34.6 U/L and 3.4 ± 1.1 to 1.7 ± 0.7 µmol/L, respectively [means ± SD], P <.05) at 8 weeks vs placebo. However, cranberry juice consumption caused no significant improvements in blood pressure, glucose and lipid profiles, C-reactive protein, and interleukin-6. No changes in these parameters were noted in the placebo group. In conclusion, low-energy cranberry juice (2 cups/day) significantly reduces lipid oxidation and increases plasma antioxidant capacity in women with metabolic syndrome.


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Purpose: The pathogenesis of diabetic retinopathy (DR) is not fully understood. Clinical studies suggest that dyslipidemia is associated with the initiation and progression of DR. However, no direct evidence supports this theory.

Methods: Immunostaining of apolipoprotein B100 (ApoB100, a marker of low-density lipoprotein [LDL]), macrophages, and oxidized LDL was performed in retinal sections from four different groups of subjects: nondiabetic, type 2 diabetic without clinical retinopathy, diabetic with moderate nonproliferative diabetic retinopathy (NPDR), and diabetic with proliferative diabetic retinopathy (PDR). Apoptosis was characterized using the TUNEL assay. In addition, in cell culture studies using in vitro-modi?ed LDL, the induction of apoptosis by heavily oxidized-glycated LDL (HOG-LDL) in human retinal capillary
pericytes (HRCPs) was assessed.

Results: Intraretinal immuno?uorescence of ApoB100 increased with the severity of DR. Macrophages were prominent only in sections from diabetic patients with PDR. Merged images revealed that ApoB100 partially colocalized with macrophages. Intraretinal oxidized LDL was absent in nondiabetic subjects but present in all three diabetic groups, increasing with the severity of DR. TUNEL-positive cells were present in retinas from diabetic subjects but absent in those from nondiabetic subjects. In cell culture, HOG-LDL induced the activation of caspase, mitochondrial dysfunction, and apoptosis in

Conclusions: These ?ndings suggest a potentially important role for extravasated, modi?ed LDL in promoting DR by promoting apoptotic pericyte loss.


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It has been suggested that low-density lipoprotein (LDL) modified by glycation may be more susceptible to oxidation and thus, enhance its atherogenicity. Using affinity chromatography, LDL glycated in vivo (G-LDL) and relatively nonglycated. (N-LDL) subfractions can be isolated from the same individual. The extent of and susceptibility to oxidation of N-LDL compared with G-LDL was determined in 15 type 1 diabetic patients. Total LDL was isolated and separated by boronate affinity chromatography into relatively glycated (G-) and nonglycated (N-) subfractions. The extent of glycation, glycoxidation, and lipoxidation, lipid soluble antioxidant content, susceptibility to in vitro oxidation, and nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR)-determined particle size and subclass distribution were determined for each subfraction. Glycation, (fructose-lysine) was higher in G-LDL versus N-LDL, (0.28 +/- 0.08 v 0.13 +/- 0.04 mmol/mol lysine, P <.0001). However, levels of glycoxidation/lipoxidation products and of antioxidants were similar or lower in G-LDL compared with N-LDL and were inversely correlated with fructose-lysine (FL) concentrations in G-LDL, but positively correlated in N-LDL. In vitro LDL (CuCl2) oxidation demonstrated a longer lag time for oxidation of G-LDL than N-LDL (50 +/- 0.16 v 37 +/- 0.15 min, P <.01), but there was no difference in the rate or extent of lipid oxidation, nor in any aspect of protein oxidation. Mean LDL particle size and subclass distribution did not differ between G-LDL and N-LDL. Thus, G-LDL from well-controlled type 1 diabetic patients is not more modified by oxidation, more susceptible to oxidation, or smaller than relatively N-LDL, suggesting alternative factors may contribute to the atherogenicity of LDL from type 1 diabetic patients.


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Reactions involving glycation and oxidation of proteins and lipids are believed to contribute to atherogenesis. Glycation, the nonenzymatic binding of glucose to protein molecules, can increase the atherogenic potential of certain plasma constituents, including low-density lipoprotein (LDL). Glycation of LDL is significantly increased in diabetic patients compared with normal subjects, even in the presence of good glycemic control. Metabolic abnormalities associated with glycation of LDL include diminished recognition of LDL by the classic LDL receptor; increased covalent binding of LDL in vessel walls; enhanced uptake of LDL by macrophages, thus stimulating foam cell formation; increased platelet aggregation; formation of LDL-immune complexes; and generation of oxygen free radicals, resulting in oxidative damage to both the lipid and protein components of LDL and to any nearby macromolecules. Oxidized lipoproteins are characterized by cytotoxicity, potent stimulation of foam cell formation by macrophages, and procoagulant effects. Combined glycation and oxidation, "glycoxidation," occurs when oxidative reactions affect the initial products of glycation, and results in irreversible structural alterations of proteins. Glycoxidation is of greatest significance in long-lived proteins such as collagen. In these proteins, glycoxidation products, believed to be atherogenic, accumulate with advancing age: in diabetes, their rate of accumulation is accelerated. Inhibition of glycation, oxidation, and glycoxidation may form the basis of future antiatherogenic strategies in both diabetic and nondiabetic individuals.


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Modifications of extant plasma proteins, structural proteins,and other macromolecules are enhanced in diabetes because of increased glycation (secondary to increased glucose concentrations) and perhaps because of increased oxidative stress, Increased glycation is present from the time of onset of diabetes, but the relation between diabetes and oxidative stress is less clear: increased oxidative stress may occur later in the course of disease, as vascular damage becomes established, or it may be a feature of uncomplicated diabetes, The combined effects of protein modification by glycation and oxidation may contribute to the development of accelerated atherosclerosis in diabetes and to the development of microvascular complications, Thus, even if not increased by diabetes, variations in oxidative stress may modulate the consequences of hyperglycemia in individual diabetic patients, In this review, the close interaction between glycation and oxidative processes is discussed, and the theme is developed that the most significant modifications of proteins are the result of interactions with reactive carbonyl groups, While glucose itself contains a carbonyl group that is involved in the initial glycation reaction, the most important and reactive carbonyls are formed by free radical-oxidation reactions damaging either carbohydrates (including glucose itself) or lipids, The resulting carbonyl-containing intermediate products then modify proteins, yielding "glycoxidation" and "lipoxidation" products, respectively, This common pathway for glucose and lipid-mediated stress, which may contribute to diabetic complications, is the basis for the carbonyl stress hypothesis for the development of diabetic complications.