985 resultados para Ni-Cr-Mo-Ti


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The electronic structure of modified chalcopyrite CuInS2 has been analyzed from first principles within the density functional theory. The host chalcopyrite has been modified by introducing atomic impurities M at substitutional sites in the lattice host with M = C, Si, Ge, Sn, Ti, V, Cr, Fe, Co, Ni, Rh, and Ir. Both substitutions M for In and M for Cu have been analyzed. The gap and ionization energies are obtained as a function of the M-S displacements. It is interesting for both spintronic and optoelectronic applications because it can provide significant information with respect to the pressure effect and the nonradiative recombination.


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El mercado de outsourcing ha estado creciendo en los últimos años y se prevé que lo siga haciendo en los próximos, pero este crecimiento ha estado limitado por el fracaso de muchos proyectos que, en algunos casos, han llevado a las organizaciones a asumir de nuevo esos servicios (insourcing). Estos fracasos se han debido en gran parte a los problemas con los proveedores: falta de experiencia, de capacidades para asumir los proyectos, dificultad en la comunicación,… A diferencia de lo que ocurre en otras disciplinas, no existe una metodología que ayude, tanto a los clientes como a los proveedores de servicios de outsourcing de TI, a gobernar y gestionar sus proyectos y conseguir los resultados buscados. En los últimos años han aparecido, al mismo tiempo que la expansión del outsourcing, algunos modelos y marcos de buenas prácticas para la gestión de los proyectos de outsourcing, pero generalmente sólo cubren algunos aspectos de la gestión. No se los puede considerar metodologías, porque no definen roles, responsabilidades ni entregables. Por lo general, son el resultado de la experiencia en la gestión de otros tipos de proyectos. Hay que considerar también que, excepto eSCM-SP, que es un modelo de buenas prácticas para mejorar la capacidad en la provisión de servicios, están todos orientados al cliente. El objetivo de esta tesis es, por un lado, demostrar la necesidad de contar con una metodología que guíe a los proveedores durante todo el ciclo de vida un proyecto de outsourcing y, por otro, proponer una metodología que contemple desde la fase inicial de la búsqueda de oportunidades de negocio, evaluación de las propuestas RFP, la decisión de hacer una oferta o no para la prestación de servicios, la participación en la due diligence, la firma del contrato, la transición y la entrega de servicios, hasta la finalización del contrato. La metodología se ha organizado en base a un ciclo de vida del outsourcing de cinco etapas, definiendo para cada una de ellas los roles que participan y las responsabilidades que deberán asumir, las actividades a realizar y los entregables que se deberán generar, y que servirán de elementos de control tanto para la gestión del proyecto como para la provisión del servicio. La validación de la metodología se ha realizado aplicándola en proyectos de provisión de servicios de TI de una mediana empresa española y comparando los resultados obtenidos con los conseguidos en proyectos anteriores. ABSTRACT The outsourcing market has been growing in recent years and it is expected to keep doing so in the coming years, but this growth has been limited by the failure of many projects that, in some cases, has led organizations to take back those services (insourcing). These failures have been due to a major degree to problems with providers: lack of experience and capacity to take on the projects, and difficulties of communication. Unlike what happens in other disciplines, there is no methodology for helping both customers and providers of outsourcing services. In recent years, some good practice frameworks have also appeared at the same time as the expansion of outsourcing. They are not methodologies because they have not defined any roles, responsibilities and deliverables. These frameworks aim to help organizations to be successful at managing and governing outsourcing projects. They are usually the result of their experience in managing other kinds of projects. In consequence, it is not appropriate to name them "methodologies" for managing outsourcing projects and much less "standards". It is also important to note that all existing good practice frameworks, except eSCM-SP, are client-oriented. The aim of this thesis is to state the need to propose a methodology that guides providers throughout the whole outsourcing life cycle and facilitates the provision of quality services and their management, and the proposal of a methodology in which the stages, activities, deliverables, roles and responsibilities are clearly defined. The proposed methodology cover all the stages of the outsourcing life cycle, from the early stage of searching for business opportunities, evaluation of the RFP proposals, the decision to bid or not to bid for the service provision, participation in the due diligence if necessary, the signing of the contract, the transition and delivery of service to the termination of the contract. For each activity, roles, responsibilities and deliverables have been defined. The validation of the methodology has been done by applying it in the provision of some outsourcing projects carried out by a Spanish IT medium company and comparing the results with those obtained in previous projects.


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The metallization stack Ti/Pd/Ag on n-type Si has been readily used in solar cells due to its low metal/semiconductor specific contact resistance, very high sheet conductance, bondability, long-term durability, and cost-effectiveness. In this study, the use of Ti/Pd/Ag metallization on n-type GaAs is examined, targeting electronic devices that need to handle high current densities and with grid-like contacts with limited surface coverage (i.e., solar cells, lasers, or light emitting diodes). Ti/Pd/Ag (50 nm/50 nm/1000 nm) metal layers were deposited on n-type GaAs by electron beam evaporation and the contact quality was assessed for different doping levels (from 1.3 × 1018 cm−3 to 1.6 × 1019 cm−3) and annealing temperatures (from 300°C to 750°C). The metal/semiconductor specific contact resistance, metal resistivity, and the morphology of the contacts were studied. The results show that samples doped in the range of 1018 cm−3 had Schottky-like I–V characteristics and only samples doped 1.6 × 1019 cm−3 exhibited ohmic behavior even before annealing. For the ohmic contacts, increasing annealing temperature causes a decrease in the specific contact resistance (ρ c,Ti/Pd/Ag ~ 5 × 10−4 Ω cm2). In regard to the metal resistivity, Ti/Pd/Ag metallization presents a very good metal conductivity for samples treated below 500°C (ρ M,Ti/Pd/Ag ~ 2.3 × 10−6 Ω cm); however, for samples treated at 750°C, metal resistivity is strongly degraded due to morphological degradation and contamination in the silver overlayer. As compared to the classic AuGe/Ni/Au metal system, the Ti/Pd/Ag system shows higher metal/semiconductor specific contact resistance and one order of magnitude lower metal resistivity.


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O objetivo dessa tese é aprofundar, a partir do discurso pós-colonial, uma crise na perspectiva teológica da libertação. Esta promoveu, na década de 1970, uma reviravolta nos estudos teológicos no terceiro mundo. Para tanto, leremos um conto de Gabriel García Márquez chamado “El ahogado más hermosodel mundo” (1968) analizando e avaliando as estratégias políticas e culturais ali inscritas. Para levar a frente tal avaliação é preciso ampliar o escopo de uma visão que divide o mundo em secular/religioso, ou em ideias/práticas religiosas e não religiosas, para dar passo a uma visão unificada que compreende a mundanalidade, tanto do que é catalogado como ‘religioso’ quanto do que se pretende ‘não religioso’. A teologia/ciências da religião, como discurso científico sobre a economia das trocas que lidam com visões, compreensões e práticas de mundo marcadas pelo reconhecimento do mistério que lhes é inerente, possuem um papel fundamental na compreensão, explicitação, articulação e disponibilização de tais forças culturais. A percepção de existirem elementos no conto que se relacionam com os símbolos sobre Jesus/Cristo nos ofereceu um vetor de análise; entretanto, não nos deixamos limitar pelos grilhões disciplinares que essa simbologia implica. Ao mesmo tempo, esse vínculo, compreendido desde a relação imperial/colonial inerente aos discursos e imagens sobre Jesus-Cristo, embora sem centralizar a análise, não poderia ficar intocado. Partimos para a construção de uma estrutura teórica que explicitasse os valores, gestos, e horizontes mundanos do conto, cristológicos e não-cristológicos, contribuindo assim para uma desestabilização dos quadros tradicionais a partir dos quais se concebem a teologia e as ciências da religião, a obra de García Márquez como literatura, e a geografia imperial/colonial que postula o realismo ficcional de territórios como “América Latina”. Abrimos, assim, um espaço de significação que lê o conto como uma “não-cristologia”, deslocando o aprisionamento disciplinar e classificatório dos elementos envolvidos na análise. O discurso crítico de Edward Said, Homi Bhabha e GayatriSpivak soma-se à prática teórica de teólogas críticas feministas da Ásia, da África e da América Latina para formular o cenário político emancipatório que denominaremos teologia crítica secular.


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We study the nature of spin excitations of individual transition metal atoms (Ti, V, Cr, Mn, Fe, Co, and Ni) deposited on a Cu2N/Cu(100) surface using both spin-polarized density functional theory (DFT) and exact diagonalization of an Anderson model derived from DFT. We use DFT to compare the structural, electronic, and magnetic properties of different transition metal adatoms on the surface. We find that the average occupation of the transition metal d shell, main contributor to the magnetic moment, is not quantized, in contrast with the quantized spin in the model Hamiltonians that successfully describe spin excitations in this system. In order to reconcile these two pictures, we build a zero bandwidth multi-orbital Anderson Hamiltonian for the d shell of the transition metal hybridized with the p orbitals of the adjacent nitrogen atoms, by means of maximally localized Wannier function representation of the DFT Hamiltonian. The exact solutions of this model have quantized total spin, without quantized charge at the d shell. We propose that the quantized spin of the models actually belongs to many-body states with two different charge configurations in the d shell, hybridized with the p orbital of the adjacent nitrogen atoms. This scenario implies that the measured spin excitations are not fully localized at the transition metal.


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Three types of tephra deposits were recovered on Leg 65 of the Deep Sea Drilling Project (DSDP) from three drill sites at the mouth of the Gulf of California: (1) a series of white ash layers at Sites 483, 484, and 485; (2) a layer of plagioclase- phyric sideromelane shards at Site 483; and (3) an indurated, cross-bedded hyaloclastite in Hole 483B. The ash layers in (1) are composed of colorless, fresh rhyolitic glass shards with minor dacitic and rare basaltic shards. These are thought to be derived from explosive volcanoes on the Mexican mainland. Most of the shards in (2) are fresh, but some show marginal to complete alteration to palagonite. The composition of the glass is that of a MORB-type tholeiite, low in Fe and moderately high in Ti, and possibly erupted from off-axis seamounts. Basaltic glass shards occurring in silt about 45 meters above the basement at Site 484 A in the Tamayo Fracture Zone show a distinctly alkalic composition similar to that of the single basement basalt specimen drilled at this site. The hyaloclastite in (3) is made up chiefly of angular sideromelane shards altered to smectite and zeolites (mainly phillipsite) and minor admixtures of terrigenous silt. A very high K and Ba content indicates significant uptake of at least these elements from seawater. Nevertheless, the unusual chemical composition of the underlying massive basalt flow is believed to be reflected in that of the hyaloclastite. This is a powerful argument for interpreting the massive basalt as a surface flow rather than an intrusion. Glass alteration is different in the glassy margins of flows than in thicker glassy pillow rinds. Also, it appears to proceed faster in coarse- than fine-grained sediments.


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Mineralogy and geochemistry of low-temperature hydrothermal manifestations occurring on the surface of basalts and in their cracks within a submarine volcano in the north-eastern part of the Kuril deep-sea basin have been studied. The following order of isolation of mineral phases has been found out: Fe-rich sulphides (pyrite) - Fe-rich layered silicates (hydromica of celadonite-nontronite type) - amorphous silica (opal) - Fe-oxyhydroxides (goethite) - Mn-oxyhydroxides (vernadite). Sulphide mineralization is of the phenocryst-stockwork type. Finding of pure barite fragments does not exclude presence of hydrothermal exhalations (smokers) on this volcanic structure.


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A detailed study of the Fe-Ti oxides in four basalt samples-one from each of the four holes drilled into basement on Ocean Drilling Program Leg 115 (Sites 706, 707, 713, and 715) has been performed. Ilmenite is present only in samples from Sites 706 and 715. In the sample from Site 715, Ti-magnetite intergrowths are characteristic of subaerial (?) high-temperature oxy-exsolution; Ti-magnetite in the other three samples has experienced pervasive low-temperature oxidation to Ti-maghemite, as evidenced by the double-humped, irreversible, saturation magnetization vs. temperature (Js/T) curves. The bulk susceptibility of these samples, which are similar in terms of major element chemistry, varies by a factor of ~20 and correlates semiquantitatively with the modal abundance of Fe-Ti spinel, as determined by image analysis with an electron microprobe. The variation in Fe-Ti oxide abundance correlates with average grain size: fine-grained samples contain less Fe-Ti oxide. This prompts the speculation that the crystallization rate may also influence Fe-Ti oxide abundance.


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In summer 2006 integrated geological, geochemical, hydrological, and hydrochemical studies were carried out in the relict anoxic Mogil'noe Lake (down to 16 m depths) located in the Kil'din Island in the Barents Sea. Chemical and grain size compositions of bottom sediments from the lake (permanently anoxic basin) and from the Baltic Sea deeps (periodically anoxic basins) were compared. Vertical location of the hydrogen sulfide layer boundary in the lake (9-11 m depths) was practically the same from 1974 up to now. Concentrations of suspended matter in the lake in June and July 2006 appeared to be close to its summer concentrations in seawater of the open Baltic Sea. Muds from the Mogil'noe Lake compared to those of the Baltic Sea deeps are characterized by fluid and flake consistency and by pronounced admixtures of sandy and silty fractions (probably of eolic origin). Lacustrine mud contains much plant remains; iron sulfides and vivianite were also found. Concentrations of 22 elements determined in lacustrine bottom sediments were of the same levels as those found here 33 years ago. Concentrations also appeared to be close to those in corresponding grain size types of bottom sediments in the Baltic Sea. Low C_org/N values (aver. 5.0) in muds of the Mogil'noe Lake compared to ones for muds of the Baltic Sea deeps (aver. 10) evidence considerable planktogenic component in organic matter composition of the lacustrine muds. No indications were reveled for anthropogenic contaminations of the lacustrine bottom sediments with toxic metals.


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A representative collection of hydrothermal manifestations was sampled practically from all hydrothermal mounds of the Broken Spur hydrothermal vent field with use of the Mir manned submersibles during three cruises of R/V Akademik Mstislav Keldysh. Mineral associations characteristic for different morphological types of sulfide ores from hydrothermal pipes, plates, and diffusers are assessed. Particular attention is paid to distribution of minor elements and their distribution patterns determined by mineralogical zonation. Measured isotopic composition of sulfur in sulfide minerals varies from 0.4 to 5.2 per mil that indicates their similarity with ores from the Snake Pit vent field and is related to dilution of hot ore-bearing solutions by seawater and reduction of water sulfate ions to H2S with heavy isotopic composition.


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At Site 462 in the Nauru Basin, western Pacific Ocean, 56 lithologic units have been recovered from an extensive flood basalt province. Fossil evidence suggests that the lavas were emplaced during the interval 100-115 Ma, some 30 m.y. after formation of the underlying Jurassic ocean crust. The lithologic units can be broadly divided into three chemical units, the lowermost two of which are chemically monotonous, suggesting rapid eruption of basalt from a compositionally homogeneous magma chamber. All the basalts are hypersthene- (hy-) rich tholeiites, with approximately chondritic La/Sm, La/Yb, Zr/Nb, La/Ta, and Th/Hf ratios. Chemically they resemble, in part, "transitional" mid-ocean ridge basalts (MORB) from areas such as the Reykjanes Ridge, although Rb, Ba, and K contents are very low and similar to those of "normal" MORB. Their 87Sr/86Sr ratios are higher than in N-type MORB (Fujii et al., 1981). The chemistry of the Nauru basalts differs from that of continental flood basalts, which tend to be strongly enriched in large-ion lithophile (LIL) elements, although the extent to which the differences result from sialic contamination or source variability is not clear.


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The compositions of chrome spinels of Costa Rica Rift basalts from Deep Sea Drilling Project Site 505 vary depending on their occurrences as (1) inclusions in olivine crystals, (2) inclusions in Plagioclase crystals, and (3) isolated crystals in variolitic or glassy samples. The variations are a consequence of (1) changes of melt compositions as crystallization proceeds, and (2) contrasting behavior of olivine and Plagioclase in competition with spinels for Al and Mg. Some spinels have skeletal rims compositionally less magnesian than mineral cores; however, the cores do not appear to be xenocrysts, unlike some texturally similar spinels in Mid-Atlantic Ridge basalts.


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We measured major and trace element concentrations in the operationally defined, chemically extracted, residual aluminosilicate component of sediment from Ocean Drilling Program Sites 1215 and 1256 in the central and eastern equatorial Pacific Ocean and found that this residual component contains volcanogenic and authigenic aluminosilicates in addition to inferred eolian material. While the residual component younger than 20 Ma from the central Pacific (ODP Site 1215) is similar compositionally to upper continental crust and suggests an increase in the delivery of Asian dust material since 20 Ma, the residual in sediment older than 20 Ma indicates significant amounts of volcanogenic and authigenic materials. Volcanogenic debris comprises as much as ~ 40% of the residual between 23-40 Ma, which coincides with the mid-Tertiary "ignimbrite flare-up" that occurred in much of western North America. The residual component extracted from the 50 Ma biogenic sediment reflects authigenic signatures (seawater-like negative cerium anomalies and elevated Fe/Si ratios). The previously interpreted increase in an andesitic detrital source in North Pacific locations may instead be authigenic material, presenting significant challenges for many paleoclimate proxies. Additionally, in the eastern Pacific (ODP Site 1256), the residual component contains ~70% of volcanogenic material, most likely originating from Central America, and also includes refractory barite. The ability to separately identify eolian, volcanogenic, and authigenic materials in the aluminosilicate component of pelagic sediment allows resolution, respectively, of the climatic, geologic, and chemical processes contributing to the paleoceanographic archive in this critical oceanic region.


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The processes of formation of iron-manganese nodules and crusts have been studied on an example of the Eningi-Lampi lake, Central Karelia, where the relationships between the source of the ore, sedimentary materials and areas of their accumulation prove relatively simple and apparent. Nodules and crusts are composed mostly by birnessite, amorphous hydrous ferric oxides and hydro-goethite. They occur, as a rule, on the surface of relatively coarse-grained sediments, at the ground-water interface. Considerably in a lesser extent are found the nodules in the upper part (0ó5 cm) of the red-brown flooded watery mud covering dark-green, black muds. The nucleus of nodules, or the basis of crusts of iron-manganese hydroxides are various, frequently altered, fragments of rocks, sometimes pieces of wood. Distribution of Mn and Fe in sediments and waters of the lake is considered. It is shown that the Mn/Fe ratio decreases considerably in waters, sediments and nodules of the lake while moving off a distance from the source. The main role in the process of formation of iron-manganese nodules belongs to the selective chemosorption interaction (with auto-catalytic oxidation) of component-bearing solutions with active surfaces.