991 resultados para Néstor Kirchner
Currently, there is a plethora of solutions regarding interconnectivity and interoperability for networked robots so that they will fulfill their purposes in a coordinated manner. In addition to that, middleware architectures are becoming increasingly popular due to the advantages that they are capable of guaranteeing (hardware abstraction, information homogenization, easy access for the applications above, etc.). However, there are still scarce contributions regarding the global state of the art in intermediation architectures for underwater robotics. As far as the area of robotics is concerned, this is a major issue that must be tackled in order to get a holistic view of the existing proposals. This challenge is addressed in this paper by studying the most compelling pieces of work for this kind of software development in the current literature. The studied works have been assessed according to their most prominent features and capabilities. Furthermore, by studying the individual pieces of work and classifying them several common weaknesses have been revealed and are highlighted. This provides a starting ground for the development of a middleware architecture for underwater robotics capable of dealing with these issues.
Esta pesquisa objetiva analisar o desenvolvimento da missão adventista na cidade de São Paulo em busca de um modelo missiológico para centros urbanos. São Paulo, uma das maiores metrópoles do mundo tem uma formação cultural plural, não apenas pelas forças atuantes da modernização, secularização, globalização e pós-modernidade. A composição da população da cidade possui uma gênese étnica plural. Além da matriz autóctone indígena, do colonizador branco europeu e dos escravos africanos, desde o início do século XIX chegaram outros imigrantes, europeus e asiáticos. Nas primeiras décadas do século XX, o Brasil foi o país que mais recebeu imigrantes em todo o mundo. Estima-se que nos anos de 1920, apenas um terço da população na cidade de São Paulo fosse de brasileiros, o restante era composto por imigrantes. A inserção do adventismo em São Paulo se deu por missionários imigrantes que trabalharam primeiro com outros imigrantes antes de evangelizar e desenvolver a missão adventista com os brasileiros nacionais. De alguma forma, esse início deixou marcas na missão adventista paulistana. São Paulo é hoje a cidade com o maior número total de adventistas no mundo e a única com Igrejas Adventistas étnicas que atendem cinco grupos étnicos distintos: japoneses, coreanos, judeus, árabes e bolivianos/peruanos. Esta pesquisa busca investigar a formação de uma sensibilidade cultural no adventismo paulistano que lhe permitiu dialogar com a pluralidade cultural da metrópole paulistana.
A presente dissertação analisa como o Partido Social Cristão (PSC), ao longo do tempo, se apropriou da identidade religiosa de seus atores políticos que na sua maioria são membros da Frente Parlamentar Evangélica, os quais defendem no espaço público a “família tradicional”, em detrimento da pluralidade de arranjos familiares na contemporaneidade. Para explicitar o objeto - “família tradicional” e PSC -, foi necessário retroceder no tempo e investigar na historiografia os primórdios da inserção dos evangélicos na política brasileira. Em vista disso, analisamos a participação dos evangélicos nos respectivos períodos do Brasil: Colônia, Império e República. A dificuldade da entrada de evangélicos na política partidária, dentre outros fatores, se deve àinfluência do catolicismo no Estado. Assim sendo, averiguamos em todas as Constituições (1824, 1891, 1934, 1937, 1946, 1967, 1969 e 1988) o que a mesma diz no que tange a proibição e a liberdade religiosa no país. Logo, verificamos entre as Eras Vargas e República Populista, que ocorreu com intensidade a transição do apoliticismo para o politicismo entre os evangélicos brasileiros, porém, eles não recebiam o apoio formal de suas igrejas. Em seguida, a participação dos evangélicos na arena política durante a ditadura militar foi investigada com destaque para o posicionamento de vanguarda da IECLB, através do Manifesto de Curitiba e, também com a presença de parlamentares evangélicos no Congresso Nacional. A politização pentecostal é ressaltada em nosso trabalho, através do pioneirismo de Manoel de Mello e, depois na Redemocratização quando as instituições evangélicas se organizaram para eleger seus candidatos à Assembleia Nacional Constituinte. E, com o fim do regime militar, o PSC surge como partido “nanico”, contudo, deixa o anonimato e ganha visibilidade midiática quando o pastor e deputado, Marco Feliciano, assume a presidência da Comissão de Direitos Humanos e Minorias, em 2013. Esse é o pano de fundo histórico que projetou o PSC e seus atores no pleito de 2014 com o mote “família tradicional”.
O trabalho tem a proposta de analisar os desdobramentos do teatro musical brasileiro desde a primeira encenação em território nacional de adaptações de espetáculos do Teatro de Revista, gênero originário da França, até as superproduções musicais realizadas nos últimos 16 anos de adaptações de espetáculos americanos. O panorama histórico e analítico será estudado, com ênfase no teatro musical que se utiliza de elementos midiatizados para estar inserido em uma sociedade em que a produção cultural é vista como internacionalizada e mercantilizada. Como forma de marketing, os produtores utilizam-se da notoriedade midiática presente em formatos estrangeiros já consagrados, adaptações renomadas e bem aceitas pelo público, além da fama de celebridades que são escaladas para os musicais. Tudo para a conquista de um patrocinador que, por sua vez, acaba fazendo exigências que interferem de maneira decisiva na montagem dos espetáculos. Em meio a um processo onde são tantos os direcionamentos pré-estabelecidos por patrocinadores, onde se encontra o genuíno teatro musical brasileiro? A pesquisa abrange o ineditismo da presença de temáticas nacionais em formatos estrangeiros e agrega o conjunto de fatores que possibilitam que um roteiro de musical saia do papel e adentre os palcos, tais como as políticas públicas de incentivos fiscais; a ligação de empresas patrocinadoras e suas marcas a musicais; o fato de que, mesmo as produções sendo pagas por dinheiro público, possuírem ingressos que não são a preços populares. Para auxiliar nas conjecturas a serem formadas, será utilizada uma metodologia histórico-descritiva com foco na relação do tema com elementos notórios na mídia, como os artistas e obras a serem adaptadas no palco.
Components of cellular stress responses can be identified by correlating changes in stress tolerance with gain or loss of function of defined genes. Previous work has shown that yeast cells deficient in Ppz1 protein phosphatase or overexpressing Hal3p, a novel regulatory protein of unknown function, exhibit increased resistance to sodium and lithium, whereas cells lacking Hal3p display increased sensitivity. These effects are largely a result of changes in expression of ENA1, encoding the major cation extrusion pump of yeast cells. Disruption or overexpression of HAL3 (also known as SIS2) has no effect on salt tolerance in the absence of PPZ1, suggesting that Hal3p might function upstream of Ppz1p in a novel signal transduction pathway. Hal3p is recovered from crude yeast homogenates by using immobilized, bacterially expressed Ppz1p fused to glutathione S-transferase, and it also copurifies with affinity-purified glutathione S-transferase-Ppz1p from yeast extracts. In both cases, the interaction is stronger when only the carboxyl-terminal catalytic phosphatase domain of Ppz1p is expressed. In vitro experiments reveal that the protein phosphatase activity of Ppz1p is inhibited by Hal3p. Overexpression of Hal3p suppresses the reduced growth rate because of the overexpression of Ppz1p and aggravates the lytic phenotype of a slt2/mpk1 mitogen-activated protein kinase mutant (thus mimicking the deletion of PPZ1). Therefore, Hal3p might modulate diverse physiological functions of the Ppz1 phosphatase, such as salt stress tolerance and cell cycle progression, by acting as a inhibitory subunit.
We describe a method for cloning nucleic acid molecules onto the surfaces of 5-μm microbeads rather than in biological hosts. A unique tag sequence is attached to each molecule, and the tagged library is amplified. Unique tagging of the molecules is achieved by sampling a small fraction (1%) of a very large repertoire of tag sequences. The resulting library is hybridized to microbeads that each carry ≈106 strands complementary to one of the tags. About 105 copies of each molecule are collected on each microbead. Because such clones are segregated on microbeads, they can be operated on simultaneously and then assayed separately. To demonstrate the utility of this approach, we show how to label and extract microbeads bearing clones differentially expressed between two libraries by using a fluorescence-activated cell sorter (FACS). Because no prior information about the cloned molecules is required, this process is obviously useful where sequence databases are incomplete or nonexistent. More importantly, the process also permits the isolation of clones that are expressed only in given tissues or that are differentially expressed between normal and diseased states. Such clones then may be spotted on much more cost-effective, tissue- or disease-directed, low-density planar microarrays.
We have developed a novel allele-specific primer elongation protocol using a DNA polymerase on oligonucleotide chips. Oligonucleotide primers carrying polymorphic sites at their free 3́end were covalently bound to glass slides. The generation of single-stranded targets of genomic DNA containing single nuclotide polymorphisms (SNPs) to be typed was achieved by an asymmetric PCR reaction or exonuclease treatment of phosphothioate (PTO)-modified PCR products. In the presence of DNA polymerase and all four dNTPs, with Cy3-dUTP replacing dTTP, allele-specific extension of the immobilized primers took place along a stretch of target DNA sequence. The yield of elongated products was increased by repeated reaction cycles. We performed multiplexed assays with many small DNA targets, or used single targets of up to 4.4 kb mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) sequence to detect multiple SNPs in one reaction. The latter approach greatly simplifies preamplification of SNP-containing regions, thereby providing a framework for typing hundreds of mtDNA polymorphisms.
Contiene: INQUISITIONES. INQUIRIÇÕES GERAIS DE D. DINIS: 1284. José Augusto de Sotto Mayor Pizarro (ed.) Lisboa, Academia das Ciências de Lisboa, 2007. (Portugaliae Monumenta Historica: a saeculo octavo post Christum usque ad quintum decimum, Nova Série, vol. 3). ISBN 978-972-623-101-1. 133 páginas / Inés Calderón Medina ; EL BAILE GENERAL DE ARAGÓN DURANTE EL REINADO DE PEDRO IV EL CEREMONIOSO (1336-1387). Luís Blanco Domingo. La fiscalidad regia. Institución “Fernando el Católico” (C.S.I.C.). Zaragoza. 2009. 253. I.S.B.N.: 978-84-9911-018-9 / Héctor García López ; LA ENCOMIENDA DE MARTOS DE LA ORDEN DE CALATRAVA (SIGLOS XIII-XV). Francisco Luis Ruiz Fúnez (Ed. Ayuntamiento de Martos. Martos, 2010. 164 págs. + fotos y planos) ISBN: 978-84-923864-2-0 / José Carlos Gutiérrez Pérez ; LA FRONTERA SEFARDÍ. LA RECONQUISTA Y LA COMUNIDAD JUDÍA EN LA ESPAÑA MEDIEVAL. Jonathan Ray. Alianza Editorial, Madrid, 2009, 302 p. I.S.B.N.: 978-84-206-8395-9 / Jorge Maíz Chacón ; BATTAGLIE E PROTAGONISTI DELLA SARDEGNA MEDIOEVALE. Alessandra Cioppi. AMD Edizioni, Cagliari, 2008. ISBN: 978-88-95462-15-8. 434 Págs. / Esther Martí ; LIBRO DE LA BAILÍA DE CANTAVIEJA (1428-1470). Germán Navarro Espinach y Concepción Villanueva Morte. Departamento de Historia Medieval, Ciencias y Técnicas Historiográficas y Estudios Árabes e Islámicos de la Universidad de Zaragoza, Instituto de Estudios Turolenses y Grupo de investigación CEMA, Zaragoza, 2009, 374 páginas. / Francisco Vicente Navarro ; LA NOBLEZA SEÑORIAL EN LA CORONA DE CASTILLA. Mª Concepción Quintanilla Raso. Universidad de Granada, Granada, 2008. ISSN: 978-84-338-4854-3. 357 págs. / Santiago Ponsoda López de Atalaya ; TESTAMENTI ECLESIAE PORTUGALIAE (1071-1325), COLECÇÃO HISTÓRIA RELIGIOSA: FONTES E SUBSIDIOS 6. Maria do Rosario Barbosa Morujão (coord.) Centro de estudios de Historia Religiosa da Universidade Católica Portuguesa, Lisboa, 2010. ISBN: 978-972-8361-31-0. 767 Páginas, 39 imágenes / Néstor Vigil Montes.
Heavy metal-based quantum dots (QDs) have demonstrated to behave as efficient sensitizers in QD-sensitized solar cells (QDSSCs), as attested by the countless works and encouraging efficiencies reported so far. However, their intrinsic toxicity has arisen as a major issue for the prospects of commercialization. Here, we examine the potential of environmentally friendly zinc copper indium sulfide (ZCIS) QDs for the fabrication of liquid-junction QDSSCs by means of photoelectrochemical measurements. A straightforward approach to directly adsorb ZCIS QDs on TiO2 from a colloidal dispersion is presented. Incident photon-to-current efficiency (IPCE) spectra of sensitized photoanodes show a marked dependence on the adsorption time, with longer times leading to poorer performances. Cyclic voltammograms point to a blockage of the channels of the mesoporous TiO2 film by the agglomeration of QDs as the main reason for the decrease in efficiency. Photoanodes were also submitted to the ZnS treatment. Its effects on electron recombination with the electrolyte are analyzed through electrochemical impedance spectroscopy and photopotential measurements. The corresponding results bring out the role of the ZnS coating as a barrier layer preventing electron leakage toward the electrolyte, as argued in other QD-sensitized systems. The beneficial effect of the ZnS coating is ultimately reflected on the power conversion efficiency of complete devices, reaching values of 2 %. In a more general vein, through these findings, we aim to call the attention to the potentiality of this quaternary alloy, virtually unexplored as a light harvester for sensitized devices.
Colors of special-effect coatings have strong dependence on illumination/viewing geometry and an appealing appearance. An open question is to ask about the minimum number of measurement geometries required to completely characterize their observed color shift. A recently published principal components analysis (PCA)-based procedure to estimate the color of special-effect coatings at any geometry from measurements at a reduced set of geometries was tested in this work by using the measurement geometries of commercial portable multiangle spectrophotometers X-Rite MA98, Datacolor FX10, and BYK-mac as reduced sets. The performance of the proposed PCA procedure for the color-shift estimation for these commercial geometries has been examined for 15 special-effect coatings. Our results suggest that for rendering the color appearance of 3D objects covered with special-effect coatings, the color accuracy obtained with this procedure may be sufficient. This is the case especially if geometries of X-Rite MA98 or Datacolor FX10 are used.
For suitable illumination and observation conditions, sparkles may be observed in metallic coatings. The visibility of these sparkles depends critically on their intensity, and on the paint medium surrounding the metallic flakes. Based on previous perception studies from other disciplines, we derive equations for the threshold for sparkles to be visible. The resulting equations show how the visibility of sparkles varies with the luminosity and distance of the light source, the diameter of the metallic flakes, and the reflection properties of the paint medium. The predictions are confirmed by common observations on metallic sparkle. For example, under appropriate conditions even metallic flakes as small as 1 μm diameter may be visible as sparkle, whereas under intense spot light the finer grades of metallic coatings do not show sparkle. We show that in direct sunlight, dark coarse metallic coatings show sparkles that are brighter than the brightest stars and planets in the night sky. Finally, we give equations to predict the number of visually distinguishable flake intensities, depending on local conditions. These equations are confirmed by previous results. Several practical examples for applying the equations derived in this article are provided.
The influence of metal loading and support surface functional groups (SFG) on methane dry reforming (MDR) over Ni catalysts supported on pine-sawdust derived activated carbon were studied. Using pine sawdust as the catalyst support precursor, the smallest variety and lowest concentration of SFG led to best Ni dispersion and highest catalytic activity, which increased with Ni loading up to 3 Ni atoms nm-2. At higher Ni loading, the formation of large metal aggregates was observed, consistent with a lower "apparen" surface area and a decrease in catalytic activity. The H2/CO ratio rose with increasing reaction temperature, indicating that increasingly important side reactions were taking place in addition to MDR.
Pd nanoparticles have been synthesized over carbon nanotubes (CNT) and graphite oxide (GO) by reduction with ethylene glycol and by conventional impregnation method. The catalysts were tested on the chemoselective hydrogenation of p-chloronitrobenzene and the effect of the synthesis method and surface chemistry on their catalytic performance was evaluated. The catalysts were characterized by N2 adsorption/desorption isotherms at 77 K, TEM, powder X-ray diffraction, thermogravimetry, infrared and X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy and ICP-OES. It was observed that the synthesis of Pd nanoparticles employing ethylene glycol resulted in metallic palladium particles of smaller size compared to those prepared by the impregnation method and similar for both supports. The presence of oxygen groups on the support surface favored the activity and diminished the selectivity. It seems that ethylene glycol reacted with the surface groups of GO, this favoring the selectivity. The activity was higher over the CNT-based catalysts and both catalysts prepared by reduction in ethylene glycol were quite stable upon recycling.