995 resultados para Medieval pottery
La filologia, tret de rares excepcions, acostuma a prestar poc interès a la bibliofília. Potser perquè es considera que un text acurat i fiable està renyit amb un llibre imprès en bon paper Japó o de fil, del amb una tipografia impecable, sovint il·lustrat i a un preu que sol ser alt, com correspon a un desplegament artesanal d’aquesta mena. Filologia i bibliofília, en una paraula, tenen vies diferents de difusió. I, amb tot, l’univers de la bibliofília custodia secrets molt ben guardats de la nostra història lingüística i literària, tan singular i plena de sotracs de diversa mena. Secrets que criden poderosament l’atenció del filòleg. El cens i descripció de testimonis del tractadet eròtic medieval conegut com a Speculum al foder, per exemple, amaga un curiós enigma bibliogràfic: un imprès en tipografia gòtica i sense peu editorial, un veritable incunable modern, fruit rar del mateix impuls que cent anys enrere es va ensenyorir de les arts plàstiques i constructives d’aquest país per omplir-lo de magnífiques fantasies medievalitzants. És d’aquest misteriós exemplar d’infern que s’ocupa el treballet que segueix
This volume is the result of a collective desire to pay homage to Neil Forsyth, whose work has significantly contributed to scholarship on Satan. This volume is "after" Satan in more ways than one, tracing the afterlife of both the satanic figure in literature and of Neil Forsyth's contribution to the field, particularly in his major books The Old Enemy: Satan and the Combat Myth (Princeton University Press, 1987, revised 1990) and The Satanic Epic (Princeton University Press, 2003). The essays in this volume draw on Forsyth's work as a focus for their analyses of literary encounters with evil or with the Devil himself, reflecting the richness and variety of contemporary approaches to the age-old question of how to represent evil. All the contributors acknowledge Neil Forsyth's influence in the study of both the Satan-figure and Milton's Paradise Lost. But beyond simply paying homage to Neil Forsyth, the articles collected here trace the lineage of the Satan figure through literary history, showing how evil can function as a necessary other against which a community may define itself. They chart the demonised other through biblical history and medieval chronicle, Shakespeare and Milton, to nineteenth-century fiction and the contemporary novel. Many of the contributors find that literary evil is mediated through the lens of the Satan of Paradise Lost, and their articles address the notion, raised by Neil Forsyth in The Satanic Epic, that the literary Devil-figures under consideration are particularly interested in linguistic ambivalence and the twisted texture of literary works themselves. The multiple responses to evil and the continuous reinvention of the devil figure through the centuries all reaffirm the textual presence of the Devil, his changing forms necessarily inscribed in the shifting history of western literary culture. These essays are a tribute to the work of Neil Forsyth, whose scholarship has illuminated and guided the study of the Devil in English and other literatures.
Mauno Jokipii
Simo Knuuttila
Aquesta ponència reflexiona sobre el concepte i l'evolució de la recerca i el desenvolupament (R+D) en investigació literària als territoris de llengua i cultura catalanes. Des de punts de vista quantitatius i qualitatius, s'examinen els agents de recerca involucrats (universitats, instituts i grups de recerca, fundacions, etc.) i els recursos invertits (humans, econòmics i materials), així com els resultats obtinguts (monografies i capítols, revistes i articles, tesis doctorals, comunicacions de congressos, etc.). Les dades s'han obtingut de diverses fonts d'informació, fet que evidencia els importants problemes metodològics en la seva recollida (manca de reculls objectius i sistemàtics, treball manual per recopilar i organitzar la informació adient, etc.). Sempre que és possible, la informació s'estudia segons les diferents àrees geogràfiques i àmbits d'especialització (literatura contemporània; literatura moderna; literatura medieval; i, finalment, estudis transversals i de teoria de la literatura i literatura comparada). Per acabar, s'extreuen algunes conclusions sobre la R+D literària i les seves perspectives de futur.
Bringing together experts from linguistics, medieval and modern literary studies, this volume offers a transhistorical look at the language and cultural work of emotion in a variety of written, oral and visual texts. Contributors engage with the recent so-called affective turn, but also examine the language and use of emotion from a variety of perspectives, touching on issues such as Romantic and Modernist aesthetics, the history of emotions, melodramatic and the Gothic, reception aesthetics, rudeness, and medicine.
A prior long-term and complex evaluation of the already available data on the geophysical prospecting during the first season work carried out at 2006, at the archaeological site of Tchinguiz Tepe of Termez, took place to decide the strategy to follow during the campaign of 2007. This previous evaluation of the information, on one hand, leaded to the decision to increase the geophysical prospecting at Tchinguiz Tepe, on the other hand, to decide the exact location of areas where the archaeological interventions.would carry out. The main objective at the beginning of this new season was to crosscheck the reliabilityof the measurements and, at the same time, to establish the unknown up to the present archaeologicaland chronological sequence of Tchinguiz Tepe. Meanwhile, the geophysical prospecting also wasextended to the outskirts of the city were the localisation of an unknown up to now Buddhist Monasterywas possible.
The International Pluridisciplinary Archaeological Expedition in Bactria (IPAEB) was created in 2006.The name underlines the international character of the team (which includes Uzbeks, Spanish, French, British and Greek members), the presence of specialists from various fields apart from archaeology and the fame of Bactria1.
This year the development of our project can be divided into two main clearly different parts, on one hand the laboratory work, where the sampled ceramic individuals has been prepared and analyzed and the elaboration of the data obtained during the excavation of 2007 has been finished and, on the other hand, the field work developed at the archaeological site during this specific year (2008).In the mark of the analytical work a significant number of ceramic individuals (144) from the different stratigraphical units from various areas of the excavation of Termez and Tchinguiz Tepe sampled duringthe new and previous field works has been archaeometrically characterized. This specific material includedindividuals dated into the Hellenistic and Sassanian period, which has been confirmed by C14dating upon organic samples.At the same time, in the mark of the field work of 2008 the archaeological record, already started tobe under study during the excavation of 2007, has been completed and two new archaeological recordshave been registered on of which is located in the area of Tchinguiz Tepe. For the archeological studythe information of the previous geophysical prospecting has been indisputably taken into considerationand the same methodology has been applied to crosscheck the latter archaeological results.
Institute of Archaeology & Institute of Fine Arts. Academy of Science of the Republic of Uzbekistan- Universitat de Barcelona- Ministerio de Cultura (Gobierno de España)- Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación (Gobierno de España)
La literatura llatina, la medieval, totes les literatures modernes, ham acudit, alguna, moltes vegades, a la litertura grega. [. . .]
L'objectiu d'aquest article és mostrar com els trets fonamentals de la misogínia grega, que és a la base de la secular misoginia occidental -i que no és només un llegat judeucristià- perviu en un text medieval del segle XIII com ara el De amore d'Andreas Capellanus. L'autor assenyala igualment les vies de transmissió més versemblants des de la Grècia Antiga fins al món medieval.
El objetivo de este artículo es mostrar cómo los rasgos esenciales de la misoginia griega, que está en la base de la secular misoginia occidental -y que no es sólo un legado judeocristiano- pervive en un texto medieval del siglo XIII como el De amore de Andreas Capellanus. El autor señala igualmente las vías de transmisión más verosímiles des de la Grecia Antigua hasta el mundo medieval