936 resultados para Medicine, Greek and Roman


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This study used participatory action research to describe and analyse the elements of building health promotion capacity in a primary health care workforce in an urban community health setting, reinforcing the importance of provider informed evidence. It presents an integrated model for health promotion and capacity building in the workforce.


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This thesis is set in Ecological Systems Theory and found that direct experience with people who have a disability, rather than constructed scenarios, is the key to positive attitude change. Future research should utilize the powerful role stereotyped groups themselves have in attitude change through their own development and interaction with the environment.


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The experiments reported in this thesis investigated the visual information used by observers to judge the time-to-contact (TTC) of approaching objects. The results provide support for the proposition that TTC judgements are based on retinal image expansion rate and observers' prior experience with the objects.


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These studies indicate that obesity levels, best measured by weight not the Body Mass Index, are high among people with an intellectual disability. Poor knowledge of nutrition and exercise, together with a body image that says "I'm OK", and carers' tolerance for overweight, are indicators of obesity in this population.


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The Introducing Me program was developed as a recovery-oriented intervention program for people with mental illness. Program trials revealed improvements in self-concept, self-esteem, reduced social anxiety, and overall positive feedback. This novel and innovative program has important implications for the treatment and wellbeing of persons with a severe mental illness. The Professional Portfolio discusses issues relating to the assessment and diagnosis of depression in adolescents and factors determining appropriate treatment recommendations. Four case studies are presented.


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This thesis explored the factors relevant to decision-making when the defence of mental impairment is raised in Victoria. Findings indicate that disorder type, crime outcome, and the relationship between victim and offender were significantly associated with verdict decisions, while offender gender did not play a significant role in responsibility decisions. The portfolio discusses the role of co-morbid psychopathology in the assessment and treatment of veterans with chronic PTSD by presenting four case histories.


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Thesis: Depression among older adults is a significant health concern. Research involved development and implementation of psychological intervention among older adults living in residential care. Poor participation was encountered amongst residential care facilities and older adults. The research identified barriers impeding provision of care for older adults with mental health concerns. The portfolio presents case studies demonstrating the flow-on effects of negative childhood experiences into adult relationships. The analyses illustrate how difficulties in childhood are associated with the development of depression and anxiety in later life.


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Employment is important in the reintegration of people with a criminal record. This thesis investigated the attitudes of four stakeholder groups towards the employability of ex-offenders. While the study found negative and stereotypical perceptions of the employability of ex-offenders, it also found significant differences in people's attitudes. To explain these differences an ecological systems model is proposed.


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Responding to families with a critically ill relative is difficult for emergency department clinicians. This innovative research program used best evidence, integrated with perspectives from families and clinicians, to develop context specific guidelines and sensitive tools to assist emergency department clinicians provide quality psychosocial care to meet multidimensional family needs.


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General practitioners fall into three categories in their pursuit of dietary counselling: little involvement, or provider of referrals, or they have strong involvement. The barriers to dietary counselling are inadequate partnerships with dietitians, patients suffering multiple medical conditions and the view that HMG-CoA-reductase-inhibitors (statins) reduce the need for dietary change.


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The research for the thesis examined cancer survivors' reasons for providing peer support to cancer patients, and the impact of this type of helping behaviour has on cancer survivors' quality of life. Results revealed six prominent reasons for providing peer support, and that helping others did not increase survivors' already high quality of life. The portfolio presents the content, facilitator perceptions, participant evaluations and outcomes of four group programs which targeted specific groups of participants.


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This thesis involved the development and evaluation of "Rekindle", an internet-based cognitive behaviour therapy (CBT) for erectile dysfunction (ED). For highly motivated couples, "Rekindle" was more effective than no treatment for improving sexual function and relationships. Most men who completed "Rekindle" had maintained treatment gains at 3-month follow-up. The professional portfolio presented 4 case studies which demonstrate that barriers to recovery from early psychosis are often complex and challenging issues, and that effective strategies need to be implemented to overcome these issues during treatment. When insufficient intervention is provided to address these barriers, the likelihood of successful outcome following early psychosis is significantly reduced.


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This thesis develops and evaluates the effectiveness of a peer-focused cognitive-behavioural depression prevention program (Kool Kids Program [KKP]) for preadolescent children. It was demonstrated that the KKP was partially effective at reducing depressive symptoms and improving the psychosocial functioning of preadolescent children up to 6 months following intervention. The professional portfolio discusses the unique role of clinical psychologists within multidisciplinary teams and the contribution they make to interdisciplinary collaboration. Four case studies are presented.


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Toddlers were observed as they freely explored different 'falling-off' places on a visual cliff. Toddlers played extensively with wet / non-rigid surfaces (e.g. water) and briefly explored dry / rigid surfaces. Edges were crossed intentionally and unintentionally, either as an extension or consequence of edge engagement, by a sub-group of toddlers. The findings have implications for drowning / injury prevention.


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This thesis examined what makes schools want to embrace the Asthma Friendly Schools program. It also investigated the limitations and barriers of the Asthma Friendly Schools program and explored it's uptake by schools and the implications of the findings for the redesign of the program.