977 resultados para Matrix metalloproteinase-9


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The present study aimed to investigate the effect of structure (design and porosity) on the matrix stiffness and osteogenic activity of stem cells cultured on poly(ester-urethane) (PEU) scaffolds. Different three-dimensional (3D) forms of scaffold were prepared from lysine-based PEU using traditional salt-leaching and advanced bioplotting techniques. The resulting scaffolds were characterized by differential scanning calorimetry (DSC), thermogravimetric analysis (TGA), scanning electron microscopy (SEM), mercury porosimetry and mechanical testing. The scaffolds had various pore sizes with different designs, and all were thermally stable up to 300â °C. In vitrotests, carried out using rat bone marrow stem cells (BMSCs) for bone tissue engineering, demonstrated better viability and higher cell proliferation on bioplotted scaffolds compared to salt-leached ones, most probably due to their larger and interconnected pores and stiffer nature, as shown by higher compressive moduli, which were measured by compression testing. Similarly, SEM, von Kossa staining and EDX analyses indicated higher amounts of calcium deposition on bioplotted scaffolds during cell culture. It was concluded that the design with larger interconnected porosity and stiffness has an effect on the osteogenic activity of the stem cells.


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Characterization, with emphasis on the rheological properties, of Cassia grandis seeds galactomannan gel containing immobilized Cramoll 1,4 is presented. The gels, with and without immobilized Cramoll 1,4, were evaluated along time by rheometry, pH, color, microbial contamination and lectin hemagglutinating activity (HA). Rheological determinations confirmed the gels to be very stable up to 30 days with variations occurring after this period. Rheological data also showed that the gel/Cramoll 1,4 immobilizing matrix loses its elastic modulus substantially after 60 days. Both gels presented no microbial contamination as well as a pH close to neutral. Colorimetric parameters demonstrated the gels transparency with occasional yellowness. The opacity of the galactomannan gel did not change significantly along the study; the same did not occur for the gel with immobilized Cramoll 1,4 as a statistically significant reduction of its opacity was observed. In what concerns immobilized Cramoll 1,4HA, up to 90% of its initial HA was maintained after 20 days, with a decrease to 60% after 60 days. These results combined with the thickening and stabilizing characteristics of the galactomannan gel make this gel a promising immobilizing matrix for Cramoll 1,4 that can be further exploited for clinical and cosmetic applications.


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In search to increase the offer of liquid, clean, renewable and sustainable energy in the world energy matrix, the use of lignocellulosic materials (LCMs) for bioethanol production arises as a valuable alternative. The objective of this work was to analyze and compare the performance of Saccharomyces cerevisiae, Pichia stipitis and Zymomonas mobilis in the production of bioethanol from coconut fibre mature (CFM) using different strategies: simultaneous saccharification and fermentation (SSF) and semi-simultaneous saccharification and fermentation (SSSF). The CFM was pretreated by hydrothermal pretreatment catalyzed with sodium hydroxide (HPCSH). The pretreated CFM was characterized by X-ray diffractometry and SEM, and the lignin recovered in the liquid phase by FTIR and TGA. After the HPCSH pretreatment (2.5% (v/v) sodium hydroxide at 180 °C for 30 min), the cellulose content was 56.44%, while the hemicellulose and lignin were reduced 69.04% and 89.13%, respectively. Following pretreatment, the obtained cellulosic fraction was submitted to SSF and SSSF. Pichia stipitis allowed for the highest ethanol yield 90.18% in SSSF, 91.17% and 91.03% were obtained with Saccharomyces cerevisiae and Zymomonas mobilis, respectively. It may be concluded that the selection of the most efficient microorganism for the obtention of high bioethanol production yields from cellulose pretreated by HPCSH depends on the operational strategy used and this pretreatment is an interesting alternative for add value of coconut fibre mature compounds (lignin, phenolics) being in accordance with the biorefinery concept.


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Biofilm formation has been pointed as a major concern in different industrial applications, namely on biomedical implants and surgical instruments, which has prompted the development of new strategies for production of efficient antimicrobial surfaces. In this work, nano âgalvanic couples were created to enhance the antibacterial properties of silver, by embedding it into amorphous carbon (a-C) matrix. The developed Ag/a-C nanocomposite coatings, deposited by magnetron sputtering, revealed an outstanding antibacterial activity against S.epidermidis, promoting a total reduction in biofilm formation with no bacteria counts in all dilution. The open circuit potential (OCP) tests in 0.9% NaCl confirmed that a-C shows a positive \OCP\ value, in contrast to Ag coating, thus enhancing the ionization of biocidal Ag+ due to the nano-galvanic couple activation. This result was confirmed by the inductively coupled plasma-optical emission spectroscopy (ICP-OES), which revealed a higher Ag ionization rate in the nanocomposite coating in comparison with the Ag coating. The surface of Ag/a-C and Ag coatings immersed in 0.9% NaCl were monitored by scanning electron microscopy (SEM) over a period of 24 hours, being found that the Ag ionization determined by ICP-OES was accompanied by an Ag nanoparticles coalescence and agglomeration in Ag/a-C coating.


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Relatório de estágio de mestrado em Ensino de Matemática no 3.º ciclo do Ensino Básico e no Ensino Secundário


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OBJECTIVE: To verify the results after the performance of primary coronary angioplasty in Brazil in the last 4 years. METHODS: During the first 24 hours of acute myocardial infarction onset, 9,434 (12.2%) patients underwent primary PTCA. We analyzed the success and occurrence of major in-hospital events, comparing them over the 4-year period. RESULTS: Primary PTCA use increased compared with that of all percutaneous interventions (1996=10.6% vs. 2000=13.1%; p<0.001). Coronary stent implantation increased (1996=20% vs. 2000=71.9%; p<0.001). Success was greater (1998=89.5% vs. 1999=92.5%; p<0.001). Reinfarction decreased (1998=3.9% vs. 99=2.4% vs. 2000=1.5%; p<0.001) as did emergency bypass surgery (1996=0.5% vs. 2000=0.2%; p=0.01). In-hospital deaths remained unchanged (1996=5.7% vs. 2000=5.1%, p=0.53). Balloon PTCA was one of the independent predictors of a higher rate of unsuccessful procedures (odds ratio 12.01 [CI=95%] 1.58-22.94), and stent implantation of lower mortality rates (odds ratio 4.62 [CI=95%] 3.19-6.08). CONCLUSION: The success rate has become progressively higher with a significant reduction in reinfarction and urgent bypass surgery, but in-hospital death remains nearly unchanged. Coronary stenting was a predictor of a lower death rate, and balloon PTCA was associated with greater procedural failure.


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OBJECTIVE: To assess the effect of the inhibition of the angiotensin-converting enzyme on the collagen matrix (CM) of the heart of newborn spontaneously hypertensive rats (SHR) during embryonic development. METHODS: The study comprised the 2 following groups of SHR (n=5 each): treated group - rats conceived from SHR females treated with enalapril maleate (15 mg. kg-1.day-1) during gestation; and nontreated group - offspring of nontreated females. The newborns were euthanized within the first 24 hours after birth and their hearts were removed and processed for histological study. Three fields per animal were considered for computer-assisted digital analysis and determination of the volume densities (Vv) of the nuclei and CM. The images were segmented with the aid of Image Pro Plus® 4.5.029 software (Media Cybernetics). RESULTS: No difference was observed between the treated and nontreated groups in regard to body mass, cardiac mass, and the relation between cardiac and body mass. A significant reduction in the Vv[matrix] and a concomitant increase in the Vv[nuclei] were observed in the treated group as compared with those in the nontreated group. CONCLUSION: The treatment with enalapril of hypertensive rats during pregnancy alters the collagen content and structure of the myocardium of newborns.


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OBJETIVO: Análise comparativa dos resultados hospitalares em pacientes infartados reperfundidos por meio de uma intervenção coronariana percutânea de resgate ou primária. MÉTODOS: Selecionados pacientes consecutivos, submetidos a uma intervenção percutânea no infarto do miocárdio (< 24h), entre 1997 e 2000, incluídos no registro nacional multicêntrico CENIC, comparando os resultados hospitalares, entre aqueles submetidos ao procedimento de resgate (n=840) ou primário (n=8.531). RESULTADOS: Os pacientes que realizaram intervenção de resgate eram significativamente mais jovens, com infarto anterior, associado à presença de disfunção ventricular, porém com menor porcentual de doença coronariana multiarterial, comparados aos primários. As taxas de implante de stents foram similares (56,9% vs. 54,9%; p=0,283), mas o sucesso do procedimento foi menor nos casos de resgate (88,1% vs. 91,2%; p<0,001), cursando com maior mortalidade (7,4% vs. 5,6%; p=0,034), comparado à intervenção primária; nova revascularização (< 0,5%), cirurgia de emergência (< 0,3%) e reinfarto (< 2,6%) foram similares. A análise multivariada identificou o procedimento de resgate como preditor de mortalidade ao final da fase hospitalar [RC (IC=95%) = 1,60 (1,17-2,19); p=0,003]. CONCLUSÃO: Neste registro nacional, a intervenção de resgate apresentou uma maior mortalidade hospitalar, comparada ao procedimento primário.


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Aproximadamente una de cada cinco personas en el mundo mueren de cáncer. A pesar de los considerables avances en el tratamiento, incluyendo procedimientos de alta precisión en cirugía y protocolos detallados para rayo y quimioterapia, los tumores malignos son una de las causas de muerte más prominentes de la sociedad moderna. Las estrategias para el tratamiento dependen de un diagnostico preciso y temprano. No obstante algunos tumores son dificultosos para clasificarlos, desarrollando una incertidumbre en el pronóstico y tratamiento. Los tumores de tejidos blando y óseo son un grupo de neoplasias diverso y grande, que ocurren en todas las edades, normalmente sin un aparente factor etiológico. El diagnostico/ pronóstico puede ser complicado y el dilema del diagnóstico diferencial depende frecuentemente de los métodos histopatológicos y radiológicos. El presente proyecto intenta detectar las aberraciones cromosómicas en tumores sólidos utilizando las técnicas de biología molecular. Este método de detección es el más adecuado para diagnosticar y tratar eficientemente una gran cantidad de cánceres. Permite identificar alteraciones cromosómicas,tales como deleciones, translocaciones, amplificaciones y mutaciones que están asociadas con tipos específicos de tumores sólidos.


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