976 resultados para Machado, João da Mata, 1850-1901, biografia


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La imagen fotográfica la imagen despierta pulsiones, en una experiencia provocativa que acciona el campo mítico-fenomenológico descíframe o te devoro . El texto fotográfico no constituye sólo un momento del real , es mucho más que un recorte gélido del tiempo pasado. Sobretodo, porque la comprensión del lenguaje subyacente a la imagen fotográfica se coloca dentro y más allá de lo meramente dado y/o objetivado . En la comprensión de la imagen se disponen regímenes de subjetivación horadado por códigos culturales, dominios del lenguaje, símbolos, experiencias estéticas, creación simbólica, valores, memorias, imaginarios. En ese sentido, surge el estudio, el levantamiento y la sistematización del acervo fotográfico dejado por el fotógrafo autodidacta: Enoque Pereira das Neves (1918-2002), que produjo formas visuales reveladoras de orientaciones culturales colectivas y universos fotográficos imaginarios. Él fotografió por medio siglo la vida cotidiana del campesino, en tierras potiguares y paraibanas. En la comprensión del acervo opte por subdividirlo en álbumes los cuales revelan las intimidades del fotógrafo con el lugar, una escrita de si, un estado del alma, del sujeto que observa la relación sociedad y naturaleza, en una especie de simbiosis en que accionan potencias resonantes de creación en el devaneo de la materia, sobresaliéndose a la pulsión terrestre, o enraizamiento, os rizomas del hombre unido a la tierra, las tradiciones, a rusticidad, laboral, bien como el apelo estético direccionado al agua: pulsión de vida en tierras áridas. La comprensión del inmenso acervo, evaluado en más de cincuenta mil fotografías es profundamente representativa de predilección temática circunstanciada por la niñez, la narrativa enfoca imágenes míticas como la del Eros nudo, la madona y el niño, y prácticas culturales del universo infantil, como el juguete y el juego. Mismo el acervo siendo un apelo estético a la vida surgió la imagen fotográfica de la muerte, especialmente, la muerte en la niñez o ángel y la muerte de ancianos como o deseo de la última imagen de aquel entre los suyos. La investigación es transversal por los siguientes objetivos: propongo un reconocimiento del acervo de Enoque Pereira das Neves en la intención de comprender el universo imaginario presente en su obra fotográfica. Invisto también, en la posibilidad de hacer la lectura del acervo como álbum imaginario.


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The present work analyses and discusses the sociability in the culture of contemporary cities focusing on the theme of fear and violence in the daily life of squares in the city of João Pessoa-PB. We analyse the relations between places in town and make correlations of history and setting of neighborhoods with the process of urban growth, including recent interventions of public authorities in their public spaces. We observed in this dynamics social attitudes and actions that range from a desired peaceful coexistence to social exclusion. Thus, we discuss, based upon the imaginary vision, that the squares exist as a locus of equality, citizenship and political, and, also, as a space for everyone, despite the existence of symbolic forces working towards segregation and privatization, ruled in fear and violence. We aimed to investigate the different symbolic logics from the issue of fear and violence that allows the exclusion and the inclusion of groups and individuals in the quotidian use of public spaces of contemporary cities. We believe that the social action is demarcated by violence ant its corollary, the social fear, and operates based on the logic of a relational game always confrontational but experienced in different forms according to the social segment or group under study. We used a qualitative and quantitative methodology relating data and statistical analysis with categories created for the understanding of subjective factors. Our analyses combined ethnographic elements, periodics research and images of the city and its spaces, with the contribution of a survey that allowed comparisions of five squares of neighborhood based on the daily life under investigation. Our proposal was to deepen the investigations related to the public space of contemporary cities, expanding the look on João Pessoa and its cultural dynamics with an analysis of discourses, images, the collective imaginary and the social appropriation of the spaces based on fear and violence. The research accomplished in different areas and the analysis of images and speeches published in newspapers reports, books, advertising etc. allowed the approach of differentiated patterns of sociability in the same urban process. The neighborhoods in study are indeed spatially and economically distanced and the process of creation and construction of squares occurred in very different ways in the respective location. We defend the thesis that neighborhood community squares provide reinvigorated spaces and public spheres in the urban process and in the dynamics of sociability in the cities. These squares are also social spaces par excellence for the perception of the logic of individualism and segregation so marked by fear and violence in contemporary cities


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In this research, we studied alternative communities that promote self-care practices, as well as environmental and community care.We problematized if there are ascetical practices in these communities - understanding asceticism from Ortega (2008) and Foucault (2006, 2009, 1998), which would be a transition from one type of subjectivity to another one to be achieved through exercises on itself, in other words, the ascetic oscillates between a refused identity to another to be drawn by an art that focuses itlself.This research was conducted through the analysis of files, observations of daily practices and interviews with open questions in order to achieve reflections and thoughts of the residents of alternative communities.For our study, we chose the Alternative Community of Campina, located in the Capon Valley/Bahia; Sabiaguaba community, located in Fortaleza-CE; and the National Meeting of Alternative Communities (ENCA). The research points to ways of living that create new subjectivities, in which the subject feels responsible for taking care of themselves, others and the environment


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Extensive studies using molecular markers on butterflies have shown how a highly fragmented landscape may result in the reduction of gene flow among patches of habitat and, consequently, increase genetic differentiation among populations. However, little is known about Heliconius geographical structure and the effects of fragmentation on the connectivity of populations. Furthermore, findings on the effects of the population structure on the dynamics of mimicry evolution in Heliconius butterflies need to be tested in H. erato and H. melpomene specimens found in other locations other than Central and northern South Americas. For the present study, we had two motivations: (1) compare the population structure of H. erato and H. melpomene given the highly fragmented Brazil s Atlantic Forest habitat; and (2) studying population structure of co-mimics could give us insights into the dynamics of mimicry evolution. For this, we analysed the spatial structure and connectivity of eight populations of Heliconius butterflies, in a total of 137 H. erato specimens and 145 H. melpomene specimens, using nine microsatellites loci, 1144 AFLPs markers and 282 mitochondrial DNA sequences. In general, both species exhibited evidence of population subdivision but no isolation by distance indicating some extent of genetic differentiation among populations. Contrary to Kronforst & Gilbert s (2008) Costa Rican Heliconius, H. melpomene exhibited more genetic differentiation than H. erato based on nuclear markers. However, for mitochondrial DNA, H. erato populations showed more genetic differentiation than H. melpomene. Our results corroborate to other studies on Heliconius butterflies concerning the pronounced population subdivision and local genetic drift found in this genus. Nevertheless, the pattern of this differentiation varies significantly from the pattern found in studies conducted in Central America, where H. erato is generally more differentiated and structured than H. melpomene, based on nuclear markers. This different pattern may reflect different evolutionary histories of Heliconius species in Northeastern Brazil s Atlantic Forest


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The habitat loss and fragmentation are considered the main threats to the biodiversity. These threats operate at the landscape level, which drives the need to manage entire landscapes, not just its components. Although systematic monitoring of the Atlantic Forest biome has been ongoing since the late eighties, current data on forest fragmentation for the sub-region of Pernambuco are practically nonexistent. This study aimed to map out, with high spatial resolution, the remnants of Atlantic forest in Rio Grande do Norte, and conduct a landscape level analysis. The results show that the landscape is highly fragmented, where about 13.6% to 17% of biome remains. Most of the fragments is less than 10 ha, while a few fragments have area larger than 100 ha. Although the high degree of fragmentation, the average distance between fragments found was small (128 m), this estimate is lower than has been observed for the biome (1440m). There is evidence that abrupt changes in the quantification of landscape structure can occur when one observes the fragmentation at high spatial resolution. The results presented here can be used in management actions, in order to make the scenario more conducive to maintaining biodiversity.


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The use of animals is a common activity but it can be really variable between human populations. This work analyzed the knowledge about useful animal species between human communities in Caatinga and Atlantic Forest considering the influence of socioeconomics and environmental factors on the species selection. Forty people were interviewed in Caraúbas community (Atlantic Forest) and thirty were interviewed in Barrocas community (Caatinga). A total of 193 animals were cited. The communities showed a low degree of similarity (20%) and the general diversity of mentioned species was significantly bigger in Caraúbas. Men cited a diversity of species greater than women for food category in Caraúbas and pet category in Caraúbas and Barrocas. Women cited greater species diversity for medicinal use in Caraúbas. In general, in both communities, the age group >60 years showed a greater knowledge than the others. The multiple regression analysis showed the age as the only socioeconomic factor which influenced significantly the knowledge about animals for the food category in both communities. Considering the richness of known species, there were differences only between gender for sum of uses and food category in Caraúbas and for the pet category in Barrocas with men showing a greater knowledge than women. The results showed that local environmental differences are fundamental at the species selection but they also showed that within communities there are other factors like gender and age that tend to influence the knowledge about species. It is important to consider cultural, economic, social and environmental factors to understand better the interactions between people and animals so that this information can be used to facilitate the implementation of conservation measures


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For a long time, we believed in the pattern that tropical and south hemisphere species have high survival. Nowadays results began to contradict this pattern, indicating the need for further studies. Despite the advanced state of the study of bird population parameters, little is known about their variation throughout the year and the factors affecting them. Reproduction, for example, is one factor that may alter adult survival rates, because during this process the breeding pair allocates resources to maintain itself to maintain offspring, making itself more susceptible to diseases and predation. The aim of this study was to estimate survival and population size of a Central and South America passerine, Tachyphonus rufus (Boddaert, 1783), testing hypotheses about the factors that define these parameters. We performed data collection between Nov/2010 and ago/2012 in 12 ha plot, in a fragment of Atlantic Forest in northeastern Brazil. We used capture-mark-recapture methods to generate estimates using Closed Design Robust model in the program MARK. We generated Multi-state models to test some assumptions inherent to Closed Robust Design. The influence of co-variables (time, rain and reproductive cycle) and the effect of transient individuals were measured. Capture, recapture and apparent survival parameters were defined by reproductive cycle, while temporary dispersal was influence by rain. The estimates showed a higher apparent survival during the non-breeding period (92% ± 1%) than during breeding (40% ± 9%), revealing a cost of reproduction and suggesting a trade-off between surviving and reproducing. The low annual survival observed (34%) did not corroborate the pattern of high rates expected for a tropical bird. The largest population size was estimated to be 56 individuals in Nov/11, explained by high recruitment of juveniles, while the lowest observed in May/12: 10 individuals, probably as a result of massive influx of competitor species. Results from this study add to the growing literature on life history of Neotropical species. We encourage studies like this especially in Brazil, where there are few information, and suggest that covariates related to habitat quality and environmental changes should be tested, so that we can generate increasingly reliable models


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This thesis is the result of a bibliographic and field research, with the purpose to answer in what way the process of education developed by the CUT, expressed in the experience of the Project Vento Norte, developed in the Amazônia has colaborated in the sense of the possibility of a articulation between work, education, and develpoment. The bibliographic reasearch was based in the studies of theoreticals like Gadotti (1999), Marx (1998, 1998a), Pochman (2002), Brandão (1985, 2002), Adorno (1999, 2000), Horkeimer (1976), reseachers that in the process of their studies, thinked about the theme, related to work, to education and to developement. The field research was done by the intervews with CUT s educators and managers from the states of Acre, Amazonas, Amapá, Pará, Rondônia and Roraima. The thesis s process of elaboration is done in a cobweb of elements articulated to socioculture values from the habitat of amazônia people. The conclusions point to us that the hypothesis of the CUT, by the Project Vento Norte, develops a propose of education that articulates Work, Education and Development that is confirmed. But, the partiality of the project is presented by the limitations of the CUT s possibility in continuation of the project. Thats why the thesis suports the idea of the project and it consolidation in the Amazônica Region, by the conception of the syndicate managers and educators


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The plot myth-techno-logic, contemporary, was developed starting from the dualism myth-reason. In this study, we deepened the alluded dualism taking as reference the historical contexts of the Renaissance and of the Enlightenment, emphasizing the discussion of the economical rationalization as conductive thread of the western development, in which we identified the game of the rational and of the irrational, for assure the superiority of the reason. In the context of that game, we analyzed the implications of the modernization, for the education, in function of the instrumental rationality, responsible for the environment of adaptation of the technological instruments to the scenery of the contemporary modernization. The new context is constituted by points of union and of ruptures among the technique, the science and the myth. Through our analysis, we noticed that the basic needs for the contemporary society were linked to the changes in the production means, for which the machine determine the rhythm of the work and the quality of the product. However, the changes in the productive processes promoted the appearance of the commercial marks that, as we see it, they represented the synthesis of the perfect harmony of the myth, of the technique, of the science and of the technology, in the conduction of the economical rationalization to the contemporary modernization. Thus, the contemporary modernization it arrives us for the economical rationalization, developed with the support of the technician-scientific knowledge and communicated by the articulations of the myth-techno-logical


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This work is a research and action in the field of enviromental education, oriented for the construction of the land s distribuction of the Maria da Paz Settling, in João Câmara/RN, as process of social learning, collecive production of new knowledge, values and attitudes related to the environment. It was consolidated through a partnership beteween the UFRN (GERAH/DARQ and GEPEM/DEPED), MST and INCRA/RN. The drawing that represents the way the space organization of the settling was made constructed through effort of many people, in a process of dicussion with the community had as technical support the environment inventory (soil, vegetation, water resources, and others) allowing the agro-ecology zoning of the settlers participation conditions, their contradiction and conflicts, the challenges that appear in the search for consensus and the factor that creat chages


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The present study is about an etnographic research based on the Theory of Social Representation and its complementary approach, the Theory of Central Core based on the bourdiesianos concepts of field and habitus , concerning that these concepts, articulated to the constructed social representation, may contribute to the study of social identities. Its aim is to acknowledge which identity references community health agents (CHA), agents from Community Health Agent Program (CHAP) and Family Health Program (FHP) from João Pessoa PB and which social representation is constructed by them towards health education. The study had the participation of 119 CHAs, from which 90,3 % were female and 9,7% were male. Since the identity is also built by the representation of others towards the group, 63 professionals of the FHP group (16 nurses, 16 nursing assistents, 12 doctors, 9 dentists, 6 dentistry office assistents, 4 coordinators, 1 psicologist and 1 receptionist) and 1 nurse from CHAP took part of the study, oficial documents from the Health Ministry were analyzed, verbal information from its representatives were also taken into consideration, as well as reports from the many benefitiaries of the CHA, CHAP and FHP. For data collecting, we used the combination of (a) Direct Observation and Participant Observation of the functioning micro-areas of the CHA at the Family Health Units, and the Union of the Agents; (b) Free-Association of words and expressions to stimulate the CHA , Health Education and Health ; (c) Questionnaire; (d) Interviews. The interviews were submitted to a thematic analysis of its topic. The free-association was analyzed taking in consideration the vèrgesiana proposal (a combination of the frequency and average order of evocation) which treatment enabled the identification of the central and peripheral systems of social representation towards health education and the community health agent. A test of central refutation, associated to the analysis of the indicated evocations as the most important, provided empirical evidence of social representation towards health education as orientation , prevention and hygiene , as well as the identity of CHA as supervisor , friend , help , important , and the link between the community and the Family Health Staff. Other professionals from CHAP, FHP and the Health Ministry share all of these representational contents, especially the concepts of friend and link , also shared by the community. A habitus towards the community health agents was identified, as a representation based on trust and friendship, which gives the professional a great importance towards the daily inconsistencies faced by the community


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As cigarras são importantes pragas de diversas culturas, entre plantas cultivadas e ornamentais. Estudos de taxonomia e morfologia de insetos são primordiais para pesquisas etológicas e para o emprego de métodos de controle. Ao estudar coleções entomológicas de cigarras, foi constatado o primeiro registro de ocorrência de Fidicinoides picea e Fidicinoides poulaini (Hemiptera: Cicadidae) no Brasil, espécies coletadas nos Estados do Pará e de Manaus, respectivamente. Neste trabalho, são apresentadas as descrições morfológicas da cabeça, do tórax, do abdome e da asa.


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This study aims to problematize the history of mixed schools in Pará, from 1870 to 1901, highlighting women participation that helped to build them. The analytical focus of the research fell on the changes and the continuities of the mixed school in Pará. The object of analysis is the Paraense mixed schools, formed by women. The study also brings out arguments that the mixed school was set up in variable forms, concepts, times and spaces, in an overlapping with the inclusion of women in educational universe, either through education, professionalization or teaching in schools of girls and boys. The documentary sources privileged by the study are: the educational law, the newspapers, the government reports and the journals of education, which were examined in a confrontation between what was said and done. The evidential method helped the documentary reading revealed that, in small lines, the linkages built in the search for clues and signs of Paraense mixed schools was assembled with the participation of women, from the perception that historical knowledge is indirect, conjectural. Evidences indicated that the school for both sexes, legally established in the Province of Grão-Pará in 1870, gave the signals of the junction of girls and boys in school, at a time when the presence of women in education was suggested. Mutations related to the educational organization, with the introduction of mixed school in the following decade had a closer relationship with restrictive settings and more effective integration of women in that school. The inaccuracies of the Republican mixed school have revealed, through winding paths, that signal of contradictions between the modern discourse and conservative practices regarding this school, in communion with the expansion of the mixed school throughout the state, including in groups schools, observing the presence of effective women teachers in the regency of such schools and an expansion of students in relation to the equity between the sexes


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At this investigation it was analyzed the content and the organization of the social representation on the object teachers education, built by teachers of degree courses from Universidade Federal do Piauí(Ufpi), understanding such representation articulated to the teaching habitus of these educators of teachers, what takes under consideration the position that they hold in the structure of the national field and in the subfield of teachers education. For that, it is searched: a) to emphasize the properties of the place in which the trainers act Ufpi as the office of those field and subfield; b) to understand who are the trainers, that is, to grasp the teaching habitus of the trainers with a view of its origin, social trajectory and the specifics of their position in the analyzed field and the subfield and c) to know what they think about their work object, that is, identify and articulate the content and the organization of the social representation analyzed with their properties of field and subfield agents. The research includes the specific degree courses of the Campus Ministro Petrônio Portella , from Teresina(PI), and it was applied to 134 professors of degree courses from this Campus. The data collect joined to the participants happened on the second period of 2008 and on the first semester of 2009. The starting point of the study is the corroboration that the reform of Ufpi degree courses, determined by the legislation and stablished at this Institution in 2005, altered a little the previous situation. It is comprehended that Ufpi and its structures of teachers education as a trainer institution, is limited by the national academic field and by the subfield of teachers education. From this last one, it was listed some of its properties, to show that it is about an academic subfield in construction process. It is emphasized division of the subfield, that separates the trainers into two subgroups the ones who dedicate themselves to the specific education on the contents and those ones who are specialized on pedagogical education placed in antagonistic position and competing by the symbolic power of imposing the meaning and the sense of the teachers education in the degree courses. To understand the comprehension of the problem, it is searched for the models that are in the root of the construction of the University and its project of teachers education in the degree courses, to clarify the matrixes in which the social representation searched is stablished. The theoretical referential articulates the contributions of Moscovici, the theory of social representations, and of Bourdieu, with the concepts that compose its praxeology, as habitus, social field, capital, symbolic power and others, as well as their interpreters and continuators, as Domingos Sobrinho. From the literature about the university and teachers education, it was used Dermeval Saviani, Luiz Antônio Cunha, Maria Isabel da Cunha and Mirian Jorge Warde, besides others. Plurimethodological procedures were adopted, combining associative techniques adjusted to the access to the social representations, and a classic technique, a questionnaire about teaching habitus. The condition is that the teachers build different social representation of the object teachers education because of the distinct positions that they occupy in the structure of the academic field and the subfield of the teachers education. The reached positions in the field and subfield are due to the differences in the origin and social trajectory of these agents, who, therefore, have different teaching habitus from which they build their social representation about their work object. It is highlighted that the teaching habitus and the social representation of two subfields, identified by the belongings to different dimensions of the teachers education in the degree courses, they have similarities and, also, differences. These ones permit to support that the subjects are holders of distinct teaching habitus that conceive different practices, struggles, tensions and conflicts around the sense of teachers education