969 resultados para MOVPE REACTOR
Tässä diplomityössä on tarkasteltu Porvoon öljynjalostamon vetyverkkoa ja pohdittu keinoja, joilla vedyn käyttöä jalostamolla voitaisiin tehostaan sekä polttokaasuverkkoon menevän vedyn määrä pienentää. Tarkastelun lähtökohtana toimii vetytaseen pohjalta laadittu vetypinch-analyysi. Kirjallisuusosassa on esitelty jalostamon vetyverkkoon kuuluvat yksiköt sekä käsitelty lyhyesti niiden toimintaa. Lisäksi on käsitelty vetypinch-analyysin periaate, sekä kuinka todelliset prosessirajoitteet voidaan huomioida sitä toteutettaessa. Kirjallisuusosan lopussa on esitetty miten vetyverkon vaiheittainen optimointi etenee. Työn soveltavassa osassa laadittiin vetyverkon virtauskaavio, jolla saatiin luotua kattava käsitys jalostamon vedynjakelusta. Virtauskaaviosta tehtiin yksinkertaistettu versio, jonka perusteella laadittiin vetytase. Vetytaseen pohjalta suoritettiin vetypinch-analyysi, jonka mukaan jalostamolla tuotettiin tasehetkellä ylimäärin vetyä. Vedyn käytön tehostamiseksi jalostamolla tulee rikkivedyn talteenottoyksikkö 2:n polttokaasuvirta pyrkiä minimoimaan tai hyödyntämään. Lisäksi virtausmittareiden mitoituspisteiden molekyylimassat tulisi muuttaa vastaamaan paremmin nykyistä ajotilannetta, sekä seurata niitä jatkossa säännöllisesti. Myös vetypitoisuutta mittaavien online-analysaattoreiden kalibroinnista tulee huolehtia, ja ottaa riittävästi kenttänäytteitä vetyverkosta. On huomattava, että öljynjalostamon vedyn tuotannon minimointi ei ole aina automaattisesti taloudellisin ratkaisu. Joissain tapauksissa vedyn osapaineen nostaminen vetyä kuluttavan yksikön reaktorissa voi lisätä yksikön tuottavuutta niin paljon, että se kompensoi lisääntyneestä vedyn tuotannosta aiheutuvat kustannukset.
During a possible loss of coolant accident in BWRs, a large amount of steam will be released from the reactor pressure vessel to the suppression pool. Steam will be condensed into the suppression pool causing dynamic and structural loads to the pool. The formation and break up of bubbles can be measured by visual observation using a suitable pattern recognition algorithm. The aim of this study was to improve the preliminary pattern recognition algorithm, developed by Vesa Tanskanen in his doctoral dissertation, by using MATLAB. Video material from the PPOOLEX test facility, recorded during thermal stratification and mixing experiments, was used as a reference in the development of the algorithm. The developed algorithm consists of two parts: the pattern recognition of the bubbles and the analysis of recognized bubble images. The bubble recognition works well, but some errors will appear due to the complex structure of the pool. The results of the image analysis were reasonable. The volume and the surface area of the bubbles were not evaluated. Chugging frequencies calculated by using FFT fitted well into the results of oscillation frequencies measured in the experiments. The pattern recognition algorithm works in the conditions it is designed for. If the measurement configuration will be changed, some modifications have to be done. Numerous improvements are proposed for the future 3D equipment.
Computational fluid dynamics (CFD) modeling is an important tool in designing new combustion systems. By using CFD modeling, entire combustion systems can be modeled and the emissions and the performance can be predicted. CFD modeling can also be used to develop new and better combustion systems from an economical and environmental point of view. In CFD modeling of solid fuel combustion, the combustible fuel is generally treated as single fuel particles. One of the limitations with the CFD modeling concerns the sub-models describing the combustion of single fuel particles. Available models in the scientific literature are in many cases not suitable as submodels for CFD modeling since they depend on a large number of input parameters and are computationally heavy. In this thesis CFD-applicable models are developed for the combustion of single fuel particles. The single particle models can be used to improve the combustion performance in various combustion devices or develop completely new technologies. The investigated fields are oxidation of carbon (C) and nitrogen (N) in char residues from solid fuels. Modeled char-C oxidation rates are compared to experimental oxidation rates for a large number of pulverized solid fuel chars under relevant combustion conditions. The experiments have been performed in an isothermal plug flow reactor operating at 1123-1673 K and 3-15 vol.% O2. In the single particle model, the char oxidation is based on apparent kinetics and depends on three fuel specific parameters: apparent pre-exponential factor, apparent activation energy, and apparent reaction order. The single particle model can be incorporated as a sub-model into a CFD code. The results show that the modeled char oxidation rates are in good agreement with experimental char oxidation rates up to around 70% of burnout. Moreover, the results show that the activation energy and the reaction order can be assumed to be constant for a large number of bituminous coal chars under conditions limited by the combined effects of chemical kinetics and pore diffusion. Based on this, a new model based on only one fuel specific parameter is developed (Paper III). The results also show that reaction orders of bituminous coal chars and anthracite chars differ under similar conditions (Paper I and Paper II); reaction orders of bituminous coal chars were found to be one, while reaction orders of anthracite chars were determined to be zero. This difference in reaction orders has not previously been observed in the literature and should be considered in future char oxidation models. One of the most frequently used comprehensive char oxidation models could not explain the difference in the reaction orders. In the thesis (Paper II), a modification to the model is suggested in order to explain the difference in reaction orders between anthracite chars and bituminous coal chars. Two single particle models are also developed for the NO formation and reduction during the oxidation of single biomass char particles. In the models the char-N is assumed to be oxidized to NO and the NO is partly reduced inside the particle. The first model (Paper IV) is based on the concentration gradients of NO inside and outside the particle and the second model is simplified to such an extent that it is based on apparent kinetics and can be incorporated as a sub-model into a CFD code (Paper V). Modeled NO release rates from both models were in good agreement with experimental measurements from a single particle reactor of quartz glass operating at 1173-1323 K and 3-19 vol.% O2. In the future, the models can be used to reduce NO emissions in new combustion systems.
Pyrolysis is a process for turning biomass into liquid fuel. The process consists of heating the biomass in inert conditions and quenching the resulting vapors into oil. The oil has many potential uses, such as heating fuel in peak heating plants. In order to broaden the application base and improve the quality of the oil, solids removal has to be addressed. The solids may also increase the probability of plugging in downstream equipment. The purpose of this research was to gain an understanding of the formation of solids in the pyrolysis process and to assess options for reducing the solid content of the oil. From literature it is known that the solids can be removed either by hot vapor filtration, liquid treatment or multiple cyclones. Hot vapor filtration decreases yield, but improves the stability of the oil while simultaneously removing solids and ash. Liquid treatment techniques are good for removing large particles but involve losses of pyrolysis liquid. Cyclones are a traditional robust technique used regularly in pyrolysis. In the experimental part of this thesis, a 2 MWfuel pyrolysis setup with 2 cyclones in series was operated and monitored. Solid and liquid samples were collected from various parts of the process for further examination. Sampling and sample treatment techniques were developed. The chemical properties of the pyrolysis char were also analyzed and assessed as a function of reactor temperature and fluidizing velocity. By measuring the particle size distributions it was noticed that there were much smaller particles collected from the second cyclone than fed into pyrolysis. The solids in the pyrolysis oil were even smaller. This was most likely caused by attrition and shrinkage. Due to better separation efficiency of the cyclones in large particles, excess attrition should be avoided.
Kandidaatintyön johdantokappaleessa esitellään vetyperoksidi ja mihin sitä käytetään teollisuudessa. Työssä vertaillaan antrakinoniprosessia ja suoraa prosessia sekä selvitetään nykyisin enemmän vetyperoksidituotantoon käytetyn antrakinoniprosessin ongelmakohdat ja osoitetaan, miksi suora synteesi vetyperoksidin tuotannossa olisi parempi vaihtoehto. Kandidaatintyön käsittelee suurilta osin turvallisuusongelmia, joita esiintyy suoran synteesin yhteydessä. Kirjallisuudesta on etsitty ratkaisuja näihin ongelmiin, kuten membraaniprosessin käyttöä räjähdysvaaran välttämiseksi. Pienemmän reaktorin eli ns. mikroreaktorin käyttö tuo mukanaan monia etuja vetyperoksidin tuotantoon. Tällöin prosessi on turvallisempi ja sitä on helpompi hallita. Mikroreaktorissa voidaan käyttää korkeampia lämpötiloja ja paineita kuin makroreaktorilla ilman, että räjähdysvaara prosessissa kasvaisi. Mikroreaktorin sisällä olevat mikrokanavat luovat turvallisen ympäristön synteesille. Aspen plus – simulointiohjelmalla mallinnettiin ja simulointiin suoran prosessin kriittisiä virtoja mikroreaktorissa. Tarkoituksena oli löytää virrat, joissa kulkee mahdollisesti räjähtävä kaasuseos. Kaasumaiset prosessivirrat ovat kriittisimmät vetyperoksidin suorassa synteesissä, koska ne aiheuttavat todennäköisemmin räjähdyksen kuin nestemäiset prosessivirrat. Kaikkein eniten prosessiturvallisuutta uhkaavat ainevirrat ennen ja jälkeen mikroreaktoria.
This thesis is devoted to understanding and improving technologically important III-V compound semiconductor (e.g. GaAs, InAs, and InSb) surfaces and interfaces for devices. The surfaces and interfaces of crystalline III-V materials have a crucial role in the operation of field-effect-transistors (FET) and highefficiency solar-cells, for instance. However, the surfaces are also the most defective part of the semiconductor material and it is essential to decrease the amount of harmful surface or interface defects for the next-generation III-V semiconductor device applications. Any improvement in the crystal ordering at the semiconductor surface reduces the amount of defects and increases the material homogeneity. This is becoming more and more important when the semiconductor device structures decrease to atomic-scale dimensions. Toward that target, the effects of different adsorbates (i.e., Sn, In, and O) on the III-V surface structures and properties have been investigated in this work. Furthermore, novel thin-films have been synthesized, which show beneficial properties regarding the passivation of the reactive III-V surfaces. The work comprises ultra-high-vacuum (UHV) environment for the controlled fabrication of atomically ordered III-V(100) surfaces. The surface sensitive experimental methods [low energy electron diffraction (LEED), scanning tunneling microscopy/spectroscopy (STM/STS), and synchrotron radiation photoelectron spectroscopy (SRPES)] and computational density-functionaltheory (DFT) calculations are utilized for elucidating the atomic and electronic properties of the crucial III-V surfaces. The basic research results are also transferred to actual device tests by fabricating metal-oxide-semiconductor capacitors and utilizing the interface sensitive measurement techniques [capacitance voltage (CV) profiling, and photoluminescence (PL) spectroscopy] for the characterization. This part of the thesis includes the instrumentation of home-made UHV-compatible atomic-layer-deposition (ALD) reactor for growing good quality insulator layers. The results of this thesis elucidate the atomic structures of technologically promising Sn- and In-stabilized III-V compound semiconductor surfaces. It is shown that the Sn adsorbate induces an atomic structure with (1×2)/(1×4) surface symmetry which is characterized by Sn-group III dimers. Furthermore, the stability of peculiar ζa structure is demonstrated for the GaAs(100)-In surface. The beneficial effects of these surface structures regarding the crucial III-V oxide interface are demonstrated. Namely, it is found that it is possible to passivate the III-V surface by a careful atomic-scale engineering of the III-V surface prior to the gate-dielectric deposition. The thin (1×2)/(1×4)-Sn layer is found to catalyze the removal of harmful amorphous III-V oxides. Also, novel crystalline III-V-oxide structures are synthesized and it is shown that these structures improve the device characteristics. The finding of crystalline oxide structures is exploited by solving the atomic structure of InSb(100)(1×2) and elucidating the electronic structure of oxidized InSb(100) for the first time.
The fuel element of LMFBR consists of a bundle of rods wrapped with an helical wire as spacer, surrounded by an hexagonal duct. In the present work, a semi-empirical model is developed to calculate bundle average and subchannel based friction factors and flow redistribution. The obtained results were compared to experimental data and they were considered satisfactory for wide range of geometrical parameters.
Fuel elements of PWR type nuclear reactors consist of rod bundles, arranged in a square array, and held by spacer grids. The coolant flows, mainly, axially along the rods. Although such elements are laterally open, experiments are performed in closed type test sections, originating the appearance of subchannels with different geometries. In the present work, utilizing a test section of two bundles of 4x4 pins each, experiments were performed to determine the friction and the grid drag coefficients for the different subchannels and to observe the effect of the grids in the crossflow, in cases of inlet flow maldistribution.
Tämän kandidaatintyön tarkoituksena on selvittää maailman tämän hetkinen tilanne ydinvoimalahankkeista, jotka on rakennettu ja olleet käytössä, mutta suljettu ennenaikaisesti. Mukaan otetaan reaktorit, joiden käyttöikää ei ole jatkettu vaikka se teknisesti olisi ollut mahdollista. Tarkasteluun otetaan vain kaupalliseen käyttöön tarkoitetut tehoreaktorit. Koereaktorit, prototyypit ja pienet esittelyreaktorit jätetään tarkastelun ulkopuolelle, koska niiden käyttöikä ja tarkoitus ei välttämättä ole määriteltävissä. Tarkastelun ulkopuolelle jätetään myös reaktorit, jotka ovat tuhoutuneet onnettomuuden takia.
Advanced oxidation processes (AOPs) have been studied and developed to suffice the effective removal of refractory and toxic compounds in polluted water. The quality and cost of wastewater treatment need improvements, and electric discharge technology has a potential to make a significant difference compared to other established AOPs based on energy efficiency. The generation of active oxidant species such as ozone and hydroxyl radicals by high voltage discharge is a relatively new technology for water treatment. Gas-phase pulsed corona discharge (PCD), where a treated aqueous solution is dispersed between corona-producing electrodes free of the dielectric barriers, was developed as an alternative approach to the problem. The short living radicals and ozone formed in the gas phase and at the gas-liquid interface react with dissolved impurities. PCD equipment has a relatively simple configuration, and with the reactor in an enclosed compartment, it is insensitive towards gas humidity and does not need the gas transport. In this thesis, PCD was used to study and evaluate the energy efficiency for degrading various organic compounds, as well as the chemistry of the oxidation products formed. The experiments investigate the aqueous oxidation of phenol, humic substances, pharmaceutical compounds (paracetamol, ibuprofen, indomethacin, salicylic acids, -estradiol), as well as lignin degradation and transformation to aldehydes. The study aims to establish the influence of initial concentration of the target pollutant, the pulsed discharge parameters, gas phase composition and the pH on the oxidation kinetics and the efficiency. Analytical methods to measure the concentrations of the target compounds and their by-products include HPLC, spectrophotometry, TOC and capillary electrophoresis. The results of the research included in this summary are presented in the attached publications and manuscripts accepted for publication. Pulsed corona discharge proved to be highly effective in oxidizing each of the target compounds, surpassing the closest competitor, conventional ozonation. The increase in oxidation efficiencies for some compounds in oxygen media and at lower pulse repetition frequencies shows a significant role of ozone. The role of the ·OH radicals was established in the surface reactions. The main oxidation products, formation of nitrates, and the lignin transformation were quantified. A compound specific approach is suggested for optimization of the PCD parameters that have the most significant impact on the oxidation energy efficiency because of the different characteristics and responses of the target compound to the oxidants, as well as different admixtures that are present in the wastewater. Further studies in the method’s safety (nitration and nitrosation of organic compounds, nitrite and nitrate formation enhancement) are needed for promoting the method.
Tämän kandidaatintyön tarkoituksena on tutkia jäähdytteen poistamisen vaikutusta RBMK-koereaktorin kasvukertoimeen ja erityisesti sitä, kuinka hyvin Monte Carlo -menetelmää käyttävä Serpent-laskentakoodi pystyy mallintamaan jäähdytteen poistamisen vaikutuksen. Aluksi tarkastellaan taustatietoina käytettyä raporttia käsiteltävän koereaktorin kriittisyysajoista ja aiemmista simulaatioista, sekä RBMK-reaktorin ominaispiirteitä ja Monte Carlo -simulaation teoriaa. Seuraavaksi esitellään koereaktorista luotu malli, selitetään mallinnettaessa tehdyt yksinkertaistukset ja kuvataan simulaation alkutilanne. Lopuksi käsitellään simulaation tuloksia ja Serpentillä luodun mallin soveltuvuutta verrattuna aiemmin suoritettuihin simulaatioihin.
Waste combustion has gone from being a volume reducing discarding-method to an energy recovery process for unwanted material that cannot be reused or recycled. Different fractions of waste are used as fuel today, such as; municipal solid waste, refuse derived fuel, and solid recovered fuel. Furthermore, industrial waste, normally a mixture between commercial waste and building and demolition waste, is common, either as separate fuels or mixed with, for example, municipal solid waste. Compared to fossil or biomass fuels, waste mixtures are extremely heterogeneous, making it a complicated fuel. Differences in calorific values, ash content, moisture content, and changing levels of elements, such as Cl and alkali metals, are common in waste fuel. Moreover, waste contains much higher levels of troublesome trace elements, such as Zn, which is thought to accelerate a corrosion process. Varying fuel quality can be strenuous on the boiler system and may cause fouling and corrosion of heat exchanger surfaces. This thesis examines waste fuels and waste combustion from different angles, with the objective of giving a better understanding of waste as an important fuel in today’s fuel economy. Several chemical characterisation campaigns of waste fuels over longer time periods (10-12 months) was used to determine the fossil content of Swedish waste fuels, to investigate possible seasonal variations, and to study the presence of Zn in waste. Data from the characterisation campaigns were used for thermodynamic equilibrium calculations to follow trends and determine the effect of changing concentrations of various elements. The thesis also includes a study of the thermal behaviour of Zn and a full—scale study of how the bed temperature affects the volatilisation of alkali metals and Zn from the fuel. As mixed waste fuel contains considerable amounts of fresh biomass, such as wood, food waste, paper etc. it would be wrong to classify it as a fossil fuel. When Sweden introduced waste combustion as a part of the European Union emission trading system in the beginning of 2013 there was a need for combustion plants to find a usable and reliable method to determine the fossil content. Four different methods were studied in full-scale of seven combustion plants; 14Canalysis of solid waste, 14C-analysis of flue gas, sorting analysis followed by calculations, and a patented balance method that is using a software program to calculate the fossil content based on parameters from the plant. The study showed that approximately one third of the coal in Swedish waste mixtures has fossil origins and presented the plants with information about the four different methods and their advantages and disadvantages. Characterisation campaigns also showed that industrial waste contain higher levels of trace elements, such as Zn. The content of Zn in Swedish waste fuels was determined to be approximately 800 mg kg-1 on average, based on 42 samples of solid waste from seven different plants with varying mixtures between municipal solid waste and industrial waste. A review study of the occurrence of Zn in fuels confirmed that the highest amounts of Zn are present in waste fuels rather than in fossil or biomass fuels. In tires, Zn is used as a vulcanizing agent and can reach concentration values of 9600-16800 mg kg-1. Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment is the second Zn-richest fuel and even though on average Zn content is around 4000 mg kg-1, the values of over 19000 mg kg-1 were also reported. The increased amounts of Zn, 3000-4000 mg kg-1, are also found in municipal solid waste, sludge with over 2000 mg kg-1 on average (some exceptions up to 49000 mg kg-1), and other waste derived fuels (over 1000 mg kg-1). Zn is also found in fossil fuels. In coal, the average level of Zn is 100 mg kg-1, the higher amount of Zn was only reported for oil shale with values between 20-2680 mg kg-1. The content of Zn in biomass is basically determined by its natural occurrence and it is typically 10-100 mg kg-1. The thermal behaviour of Zn is of importance to understand the possible reactions taking place in the boiler. By using thermal analysis three common Zn-compounds were studied (ZnCl2, ZnSO4, and ZnO) and compared to phase diagrams produced with thermodynamic equilibrium calculations. The results of the study suggest that ZnCl2(s/l) cannot exist readily in the boiler due to its volatility at high temperatures and its conversion to ZnO in oxidising conditions. Also, ZnSO4 decomposes around 680°C, while ZnO is relatively stable in the temperature range prevailing in the boiler. Furthermore, by exposing ZnO to HCl in a hot environment (240-330°C) it was shown that chlorination of ZnO with HCl gas is possible. Waste fuel containing high levels of elements known to be corrosive, for example, Na and K in combination with Cl, and also significant amounts of trace elements, such as Zn, are demanding on the whole boiler system. A full-scale study of how the volatilisation of Na, K, and Zn is affected by the bed temperature in a fluidised bed boiler was performed parallel with a lab-scale study with the same conditions. The study showed that the fouling rate on deposit probes were decreased by 20 % when the bed temperature was decreased from 870°C to below 720°C. In addition, the lab-scale experiments clearly indicated that the amount of alkali metals and Zn volatilised depends on the reactor temperature.
TVO suunnittelee reaktoritehon 10 %:n korotusta Olkiluoto 1 ja 2 -voimalaitoksille. Reaktoriteho nostetaan 2500 MW:sta 2750 MW:iin polttoaineen rikastusastetta nostamalla ja pääkiertovirtausta kasvattamalla. Samalla syöttövesivirtaus reaktoriin ja tuorehöyryvirtaus turpiineille kasvaa. Lauhteenpuhdistusjärjestelmän kapasiteettia ei voida kuitenkaan kasvattaa, joten massavirran lisäys toteutetaan ottamalla käyttöön korkeapainesivulauhteen eteenpäinpumppaus. Lauhteen esilämmityslinjojen, lauhteenpuhdistuksen ja syöttövesipumppujen massavirta säilyy siten nykyisellään. Muita merkittäviä tehonkorotukseen liittyviä laitosmuutoksia ovat pääkiertopumppujen uusinta ja korkeapaineturpiinin muutokset. Tehonkorotetun prosessin käytettävyyden varmistamiseksi tehdään häiriöanalyysejä Apros-prosessisimulointiohjelmistoa käyttäen. OL1 ja OL2 -laitoksista on olemassa validoitu 2500 MW:n laitosmalli, josta muokatulla 2750 MW:n laitosmallilla simuloinnit tehdään. Häiriöanalyysien avulla selvitetään säätöjärjestelmien kyky pitää prosessin tila hallinnassa ilman suojausautomaation laukeamista. Simuloituihin tapauksiin kuuluu pumppujen ja venttiilien vikaantumistapauksia sekä turpiini- ja reaktoripuolen pikasulku- ja osittaispikasulkutapauksia. Myös meriveden lämpötilan vaikutusta häiriötilanteisiin tarkastellaan. Analyysien perusteella voimalaitosten ohjaus- ja suojausautomaatio toimivat hyvin myös korotetulla teholla. Tehonkorotuksen jälkeiset suuremmat massavirrat aiheuttavat kuitenkin voimakkaampia reaktoripaineen ja -tehon vaihteluita varsinkin venttiilien sulkeutumistapauksissa. Simuloinnit osoittivat, että tehonkorotus 2500 MW:sta 2750 MW:iin on mahdollinen, mutta aiheuttaa pieniä muutoksia laitoksen suojausjärjestelmien laukaisurajoihin.
The evolution of our society is impossible without a constant progress in life-important areas such as chemical engineering and technology. Innovation, creativity and technology are three main components driving the progress of chemistry further towards a sustainable society. Biomass, being an attractive renewable feedstock for production of fine chemicals, energy-rich materials and even transportation fuels, captures progressively new positions in the area of chemical technology. Knowledge of heterogeneous catalysis and chemical technology applied to transformation of biomass-derived substances will open doors for a sustainable economy and facilitates the discovery of novel environmentally-benign processes which probably will replace existing technologies in the era of biorefinary. Aqueous-phase reforming (APR) is regarded as a promising technology for production of hydrogen and liquids fuels from biomass-derived substances such as C3-C6 polyols. In the present work, aqueous-phase reforming of glycerol, xylitol and sorbitol was investigated in the presence of supported Pt catalysts. The catalysts were deposited on different support materials, including Al2O3, TiO2 and carbons. Catalytic measurements were performed in a laboratory-scale continuous fixedbed reactor. An advanced analytical approach was developed in order to identify reaction products and reaction intermediates in the APR of polyols. The influence of the substrate structure on the product formation and selectivity in the APR reaction was also investigated, showing that the yields of the desired products varied depending on the substrate chain length. Additionally, the influence of bioethanol additive in the APR of glycerol and sorbitol was studied. A reaction network was advanced explaining the formation of products and key intermediates. The structure sensitivity in the aqueous-phase reforming reaction was demonstrated using a series of platinum catalysts supported on carbon with different Pt cluster sizes in the continuous fixed-bed reactor. Furthermore, a correlation between texture physico-chemical properties of the catalysts and catalytic data was established. The effect of the second metal (Re, Cu) addition to Pt catalysts was investigated in the APR of xylitol showing a superior hydrocarbon formation on PtRe bimetallic catalysts compared to monometallic Pt. On the basis of the experimental data obtained, mathematical modeling of the reaction kinetics was performed. The developed model was proven to successfully describe experimental data on APR of sorbitol with good accuracy.
Torrefaction is one of the pretreatment technologies to enhance the fuel characteristics of biomass. The efficient and continuous operation of a torrefaction reactor, in the commercial scale, demands a secure biomass supply, in addition to adequate source of heat. Biorefinery plants or biomass-fuelled steam power plants have the potential to integrate with the torrefaction reactor to exchange heat and mass, using available infrastructure and energy sources. The technical feasibility of this integration is examined in this study. A new model for the torrefaction process is introduced and verified by the available experimental data. The torrefaction model is then integrated in different steam power plants to simulate possible mass and energy exchange between the reactor and the plants. The performance of the integrated plant is investigated for different configurations and the results are compared.