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Hybrid composites composed of zinc phthalocyanine embedded in silicon matrixes have attracted attention because of the potential for solar energy conversion. We produce hybrid composites by thermal evaporation for the plithalocyanine and PECVD (Plasma Enhanced Chemical Vapor Deposition) for the silicon matrix. Deposition of ZnPc/a-Si(amorphous silicon) composites was achieved in a sequential manner. The compound films were characterized by optical transmittance spectra and photoconductivity measurement. The optical transmittance measurements were carried out in the visible region (500 - 800 nm). Compared to pure silicon film, the photosensitivity of compound functional films was enhanced by one order of magnitude. This demonstrates the Si sensitized by adding ZnPc.


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SOI (Silicon on Insulator) based photonic devices has attracted more and more attention in the recent years. Integration of SOI optical switch matrix with isolating grooves, total internal reflection (TIR) mirrors and spot size converter (SSC) was studied. A folding re-arrangeable non-blocking 4x4 optical switch matrix and a blocking 16x16 matrix with TIR mirrors and SSC were fabricated on SOI wafer. The performaces, including extinction ratio and the crosstalk, are better than before. The insertion loss and the polarization dependent loss (PDL) at 1.55 mu m increase slightly with longer device length, more bend and intersecting waveguides. The insertion losses decrease 2 similar to 3 dB when anti-reflection films are added in the ends of the devices. The rise and fall times of the devices are 2.1 mu s and 2.3 mu s, respectively.


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The interface state recombination effect from the quantum confinement effect in PL signals from the SRO material system was studied. The results show that the larger the size of Si NCs, the more beneficial for the interface state recombination process to surpass the quantum confinement process, in support of Qin's model.


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A SOI-based thermo-optic waveguide switch matrix worked at 1.55 mu m, integrated with spot size converters is designed and fabricated for the first time. The insertion loss and polarization dependent loss are less than 13dB and 2dB, respectively. The extinction ratio is larger than 19dB. The response time is less than 5 mu s and the power consumption of the switch cell is about 200mW.


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An embedded architecture of optical vector matrix multiplier (OVMM) is presented. The embedded architecture is aimed at optimising the data flow of vector matrix multiplier (VMM) to promote its performance. Data dependence is discussed when the OVMM is connected to a cluster system. A simulator is built to analyse the performance according to the architecture. According to the simulation, Amdahl's law is used to analyse the hybrid opto-electronic system. It is found that the electronic part and its interaction with optical part form the bottleneck of system.


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In this paper, the detection wavelength and the electron-hole wave function overlap of InAs/IrxGa1-xSb type II superlattice photodetectors are numerically calculated by using the envelope function and the transfer matrix methods. The band offset is dealt with by employing the model solid theory, which already takes into account the lattice mismatch between InAs and InxGa1-xSb layers. Firstly, the detection wavelength and the wave function overlap are investigated in dependence on the InAs and InxGa1-xSb layer thicknesses, the In mole fraction, and the periodic number. The results indicate that the detection wavelength increases with increasing In mole fraction, InAs and InxGa1-xSb layer thicknesses, respectively. When increasing the periodic number, the detection wavelength first increases distinctly for small periodic numbers then increases very slightly for large period numbers. Secondly, the wave function overlap diminishes with increasing InAs and InxGa1-xSb layer thicknesses, while it enhances with increasing In mole fraction. The dependence of the wave function overlap on the periodic number shows the same trend as that of the detection wavelength on the periodic number. Moreover, for a constant detection wavelength, the wave function overlap becomes greater when the thickness ratio of the InAs over InxGa1-xSb is larger.


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(N-4'-methoxy-2-methyl-5-phenyl)-3-pyrryl-ethylidene (isopropylidene) succinic anhydride fulgide, doped in PMMA matrix, exhibits photochromic behavior. The fatigue resistance experiment shows no photodegradation is detected after more than 450 writing-erasing cycles. Study of fulgide material for holographic recording media shows the optimal exposure and the diffraction efficiency is 1047 mJ/cm(2) and 2.26%, respectively, with 10 mum thickness polymer film. Holographic grating with 1680 lines/mm at writing angle theta = 30degrees is also obtained. (C) 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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In this paper, we propose a deterministic column-based matrix decomposition method. Conventional column-based matrix decomposition (CX) computes the columns by randomly sampling columns of the data matrix. Instead, the newly proposed method (termed as CX_D) selects columns in a deterministic manner, which well approximates singular value decomposition. The experimental results well demonstrate the power and the advantages of the proposed method upon three real-world data sets.


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In scattering calculations using the T-matrix method, the calculation of the T-matrix involves multiplication and inversion of matrices. These two types of matrix operations are time-consuming, especially for the matrices with large size. Petrov et al. [D. Petrov, Y. Shkuratov, G. Videen, Opt. Lett. 32 (2007) 1168] proposed an optimized matrix inversion technique, which suggests the inversion of two matrices, each of which contains half the number of rows. This technique reduces time-consumption significantly. On the basis of this approach, we propose another fast calculation technique for scattering in the T-matrix method, which obtains the scattered fields through carrying out only the operations between matrices and the incident field coefficient. Numerical results show that this technique can decrease time-consumption by more than half that of the optimized matrix inversion technique by Petrov et al. (c) 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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In this article, we report an optical fluoride probe based on microstructured polymer optical fibers (MPOFs) which is modified with morin-Al complex doped silica gel film. This probe is fabricated by sol-gel fluxion coating process. Sol solution doped with morin-Al is directly inhaled into array holes of MPOF and then forms morin-Al-gel matrix film in them. The sensing probe shows different fluorescence intensity to different fluoride ion concentrations in the aqueous solution. The range of response is 550 mmol/L, under the condition of pH 4.6. Crown Copyright (C) 2009 Published by Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.