959 resultados para Lw CCM


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Despite the fact that ocean acidification is considered to be especially pronounced in the Southern Ocean, little is known about CO2-dependent physiological processes and the interactions of Antarctic phytoplankton key species. We therefore studied the effects of CO2 partial pressure (PCO2) (16.2, 39.5, and 101.3 Pa) on growth and photosynthetic carbon acquisition in the bloom-forming species Chaetoceros debilis, Pseudo-nitzschia subcurvata, Fragilariopsis kerguelensis, and Phaeocystis antarctica. Using membrane-inlet mass spectrometry, photosynthetic O2 evolution and inorganic carbon (Ci) fluxes were determined as a function of CO2 concentration. Only the growth of C. debilis was enhanced under high PCO2. Analysis of the carbon concentrating mechanism (CCM) revealed the operation of very efficient CCMs (i.e., high Ci affinities) in all species, but there were species-specific differences in CO2-dependent regulation of individual CCM components (i.e., CO2 and uptake kinetics, carbonic anhydrase activities). Gross CO2 uptake rates appear to increase with the cell surface area to volume ratios. Species competition experiments with C. debilis and P. subcurvata under different PCO2 levels confirmed the CO2-stimulated growth of C. debilis observed in monospecific incubations, also in the presence of P. subcurvata. Independent of PCO2, high initial cell abundances of P. subcurvata led to reduced growth rates of C. debilis. For a better understanding of future changes in phytoplankton communities, CO2-sensitive physiological processes need to be identified, but also species interactions must be taken into account because their interplay determines the success of a species.


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The mechanisms responsible for increased cardiovascular risk associated with HIV-1 infection are incompletely defined. Using flow cytometry, in the present study, we examined activation phenotypes of monocyte subpopulations in patients with HIV-1 infection or acute coronary syndrome to find common cellular profiles. Nonclassic (CD14(+)CD16(++)) and intermediate (CD14(++)CD16(+)) monocytes are proportionally increased and express high levels of tissue factor and CD62P in HIV-1 infection. These proportions are related to viremia, T-cell activation, and plasma levels of IL-6. In vitro exposure of whole blood samples from uninfected control donors to lipopolysaccharide increased surface tissue factor expression on all monocyte subsets, but exposure to HIV-1 resulted in activation only of nonclassic monocytes. Remarkably, the profile of monocyte activation in uncontrolled HIV-1 disease mirrors that of acute coronary syndrome in uninfected persons. Therefore, drivers of immune activation and inflammation in HIV-1 disease may alter monocyte subpopulations and activation phenotype, contributing to a pro-atherothrombotic state that may drive cardiovascular risk in HIV-1 infection.


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The aim of this study was to examine the plasma concentrations and prevalence of polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) and hydroxylated PCB-metabolites (OH-PCBs) in polar bear (Ursus maritimus) mothers (n = 26) and their 4 months old cubs-of-the-year (n = 38) from Svalbard to gain insight into the mother-cub transfer, biotransformation and to evaluate the health risk associated with the exposure to these contaminants. As samplings were performed in 1997/1998 and 2008, we further investigated the differences in levels and pattern of PCBs between the two sampling years. The plasma concentrations of Sum(21)PCBs (1997/1998: 5710 ± 3090 ng/g lipid weight [lw], 2008: 2560±1500 ng/g lw) and Sum(6)OH-PCBs (1997/1998: 228 ± 60 ng/g wet weight [ww], 2008: 80 ± 38 ng/g ww) in mothers were significantly lower in 2008 compared to in 1997/1998. In cubs, the plasma concentrations of Sum(21)PCBs (1997/1998: 14680 ± 5350 ng/g lw, 2008: 6070 ± 2590 ng/g lw) and Sum(6)OH-PCBs (1997/1998: 98 ± 23 ng/g ww, 2008: 49 ± 21 ng/g ww) were also significantly lower in 2008 than in 1997/1998. Sum(21)PCBs in cubs was 2.7 ± 0.7 times higher than in their mothers. This is due to a significant maternal transfer of these contaminants. In contrast, Sum(6)OH-PCBs in cubs were approximately 0.53 ± 0.16 times the concentration in their mothers. This indicates a lower maternal transfer of OH-PCBs compared to PCBs. The majority of the metabolite/precursor-ratios were lower in cubs compared to mothers. This may indicate that cubs have a lower endogenous capacity to biotransform PCBs to OH-PCBs than polar bear mothers. Exposure to PCBs and OH-PCBs is a potential health risk for polar bears, and the levels of PCBs and OH-PCBs in cubs from 2008 were still above levels associated with health effects in humans and wildlife.


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Barrow, the northernmost point in Alaska, is one of the most intensively studied areas in the Arctic. However, paleoenvironmental evidence is limited for northern Alaska for the Lateglacial-Holocene transition. For a regional paleoenvironmental reconstruction, we investigated a permafrost ice-wedge tunnel near Barrow, Alaska. The studied site was first excavated in the early 1960s and intercepts a buried ice-wedge system at 3-6 m depth below the surface. A multi-methodological approach was applied to this buried ice-wedge system and the enclosing sediments, which in their combination, give new insight into the Late Quaternary environmental and climate history. Results of geochronological, sedimentological, cryolithological, paleoecological, isotope geochemical and microbiological studies reflect different stages of mid to late Wisconsin (MW to LW), Allerod (AD), Younger Dryas (YD), Preboreal (PB), and Late Holocene paleoenvironmental evolution. The LW age of the site is indicated by AMS dates in the surrounding sediments of 21.7 kyr BP at the lateral contact of the ice-wedge system as well as 39.5 kyr BP below the ice-wedge system. It is only recently that in this region, stable isotope techniques have been employed, i.e. to characterize different types of ground ice. The stable isotope record (oxygen: d18O; hydrogen: dD) of two intersecting ice wedges suggests different phases of the northern Alaskan climate history from AD to PB, with radiocarbon dates from 12.4 to 9.9 kyr BP (ranging from 14.8 to 10.6 kyr cal BP). Stable isotope geochemistry of ice wedges reveals winter temperature variations of the Lateglacial-Holocene transition including a prominent YD cold period, clearly separated from the warmer AD and PB phases. YD is only weakly developed in summer temperature indicators (such as pollen) for the northern Alaska area, and by consequence, the YD cold stadial was here especially related to the winter season. This highlights that the combination of winter and summer indicators comprehensively describes the seasonality of climate-relevant processes in discrete time intervals. The stable isotope record for the Barrow buried ice-wedge system documents for the first time winter climate change at the Lateglacial-Holocene transition continuously and at relatively high (likely centennial) resolution.


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High-, i.e. 15-140-yr-resolution climate records from sediment cores 23071, 23074, and PS2644 from the Nordic Seas were used to recon:;truct changes in the surface and deep water circulation during marine isotope stages 1-5.1, i.e. the last 82 000 yr. From this the causal links between the paleoceanographic signals and the Dansgaard-Oeschger events 1-21 revealed in 0180-ice-core records from Greenland were determined. The stratigraphy of the cores is based on the planktic 0180 curves, the minima of which were directly correlated with the GISP2-0180 record, numerous AMS 14C ages, and some ash layers. The planktic d18O and dl3C curves of all three cores reveal numerous meltwater events, the most pronounced of which were assigned to the Heinrich events 1-6. The meltwater events, among other things also accompanied by cold sea surface temperatures and high IRD concentration, correlate with the stadial phases of the Dansgaard-Oeschger cycles and in the western Iceland Sea also to colder periods or abrupt drops in 0180 within a few longer interstadials. Besides being more numerous, the meltwater events also show isotope values lighter in the Iceland Sea than in the central Norwegian Sea, especially if compared to core 23071. This implies a continuous inflow of relative warm Atlantic water into the Norwegian Sea and a cyclonic circulation regime.


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Oxygen and carbon isotopic data for 13 planktonic foraminifers from the Miocene of DSDP Site 289 strongly support the idea that the species have a preferred depth habitat and that their depth relationships remained largely unchanged during the Miocene. However, the relative depth rankings of Globorotalia (Menardella) menardii and Globorotalia (Menardella) limbata changed from deep to intermediate and from deep to shallow, respectively, during the late Miocene between ~9.9 and 7.5 Ma.


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During the 1980s, the North Sea plankton community underwent a well-documented ecosystem regime shift, including both spatial changes (northward species range shifts) and temporal changes (increases in the total abundances of warmer water species). This regime shift has been attributed to climate change. Plankton provide a link between climate and higher trophic-level organisms, which can forage on large spatial and temporal scales. It is therefore important to understand not only whether climate change affects purely spatial or temporal aspects of plankton dynamics, but also whether it affects spatiotemporal aspects such as metapopulation synchrony. If plankton synchrony is altered, higher trophic-level feeding patterns may be modified. A second motivation for investigating changes in synchrony is that the possibility of such alterations has been examined for few organisms, in spite of the fact that synchrony is ubiquitous and of major importance in ecology. This study uses correlation coefficients and spectral analysis to investigate whether synchrony changed between the periods 1959–1980 and 1989–2010. Twenty-three plankton taxa, sea surface temperature (SST), and wind speed were examined. Results revealed that synchrony in SST and plankton was altered. Changes were idiosyncratic, and were not explained by changes in abundance. Changes in the synchrony of Calanus helgolandicus and Para-pseudocalanus spp appeared to be driven by changes in SST synchrony. This study is one of few to document alterations of synchrony and climate-change impacts on synchrony. We discuss why climate-change impacts on synchrony may well be more common and consequential than previously recognized.


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During the 1980s, the North Sea plankton community underwent a well-documented ecosystem regime shift, including both spatial changes (northward species range shifts) and temporal changes (increases in the total abundances of warmer water species). This regime shift has been attributed to climate change. Plankton provide a link between climate and higher trophic-level organisms, which can forage on large spatial and temporal scales. It is therefore important to understand not only whether climate change affects purely spatial or temporal aspects of plankton dynamics, but also whether it affects spatiotemporal aspects such as metapopulation synchrony. If plankton synchrony is altered, higher trophic-level feeding patterns may be modified. A second motivation for investigating changes in synchrony is that the possibility of such alterations has been examined for few organisms, in spite of the fact that synchrony is ubiquitous and of major importance in ecology. This study uses correlation coefficients and spectral analysis to investigate whether synchrony changed between the periods 1959–1980 and 1989–2010. Twenty-three plankton taxa, sea surface temperature (SST), and wind speed were examined. Results revealed that synchrony in SST and plankton was altered. Changes were idiosyncratic, and were not explained by changes in abundance. Changes in the synchrony of Calanus helgolandicus and Para-pseudocalanus spp appeared to be driven by changes in SST synchrony. This study is one of few to document alterations of synchrony and climate-change impacts on synchrony. We discuss why climate-change impacts on synchrony may well be more common and consequential than previously recognized.


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Tarsal coalition (a congenital fibrous, cartilaginous or bony connection between two bones) often leads to a flatfoot deformity in children. Usually it presents with recurrent ankle sprains or insidious onset of a painful rigid flatfoot and movement limitation of midtarsal and subtalar joints. Clinical diagnosis is confirmed by X-rays, computed axial tomography and nuclear magnetic resonance. The anteater nose sign is caused by a tubular elongation of the anterior process of the calcaneus that approaches or overlaps the tarsal scaphoid (navicular) and resembles the nose of an anteater on a lateral foot or ankle radiograph. The treatment of this union is primarily symptomatic but if the pain persists must be surgical .


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La berenjena (Solanum melongena L.) es una planta solanácea de múltiples variedades, cuyos ancestros salvajes se sitúan en Indochina y el este de África. Su cultivo fue muy temprano en zonas de China e India. Aun así, no se extendió al Occidente antiguo ni apenas se conoció, de ahí su ausencia en los textos clásicos de botánica y farmacología. Fueron los árabes quienes llevaron el cultivo de la planta por el Norte de África y Al-Andalus, de donde pasó ya a Europa. Los primeros testimonios occidentales de la berenjena aparecen en traducciones latinas de textos árabes, para incorporarse luego a la literatura farmacológica medieval y, más tarde ya, a la del Renacimiento, que empezó a tratar de ella por su posible parecido con una especie de mandrágora. Pese a que se le reconocían algunas virtudes medicinales, siempre se la tuvo bajo sospecha por ser de sabor poco agradable, indigesta y causante de algunas afecciones. Solo los botánicos de finales del Renacimiento describirían la planta y sus variedades con criterios más «científicos» y botánicos, ya sin apenas intereses farmacológicos.


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Através do processamento de dados sísmicos convertem-se registos de campo em secções sísmicas com significado geológico, que revelam informações e ajudam a delinear as camadas geológicas do subsolo e identificar estruturas soterradas. Portanto, a interpretação dos dados sísmicos só é boa se o processamento também o for. Este trabalho é resultado de um estágio curricular na empresa de prospecção geofísica GeoSurveys, que consistiu principalmente em processar 18 linhas de dados de sísmica de reflexão multicanal de alta resolução adquiridas na ilha de Pulau Tekong em Singapura, que têm como finalidade investigação do solo da baia desta mesma ilha. Estes dados foram cedidos à GeoSurveys para fins académicos, caso em que se inclui esta dissertação. Para atingir os objectivos propostos que consistiam em avaliar o impacto das condições de operação na qualidade do sinal sísmico e interpretação das linhas, fez-se o processamento das linhas utilizando um fluxo processamento padrão utilizado na empresa, com recurso ao software Radex Pro. Este fluxo de processamento tem como mais-valia o método de correcções estáticas, o UHRS trim statics, além das técnicas habituais utilizadas para melhorar a resolução das secções sísmicas como é o caso da desconvolução, a atenuação de ruído através do stacking, correcções de NMO, e migração, entre outras técnicas. A interpretação das linhas sísmicas processadas foi feita no software Kingdom Suite (IHS), através da distinção da configuração interna dos reflectores em cada secção sísmica, estabelecendo deste modo as principais unidades sismo-estratigráficas e identificando as zonas de interface que delimitam os horizontes principais. Foi feito ainda um estudo geológico sumário da área de pesquisa e da evolução geodinâmica da região.


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Photosynthesis is crucial for life but is a slow process because the CO2 concentration near the principal carbon-assimilation enzyme RuBisCO is extremely low. Very few plants and algae perform a carbon-concentrating mechanism (CCM) to overcome the insufficiency, which are classified into biophysical and biochemical (C4) mechanism. The enzyme CA catalyzes the reversible dehydration of HCO3- to CO2 in biophysical CCMs and its active site contains a Zn2+. In this study, we hypothesized that Zn2+ availability can impact CCMs and therefore investigated the effect of Zn2+ availability on photosynthetic metabolism in a unicellular marine diatom Phaeodactylum tricornutum. P. tricornutum has a sequenced genome and can conduct both biophysical and C4 CCMs. We observed that Zn2+ has a significant effect on cell growth rate but no significant interference on intracellular metabolism, suggesting no essential compensation of C4 CCMs for biophysical CCMs even at low CA activity anticipated at low Zn2+ concentration.