1000 resultados para Leitor-vampiro
O presente trabalho tem como proposta a curadoria e produção de notícias positivas, de modo que o público tenha acesso ao seu conteúdo em um único lugar, ao invés de procurá-lo em outros veículos. Além da seleção de informação, o projeto ainda conta com outros recursos jornalísticos e projetos que agregam valores positivos ao site. Se faz importante frisar que o conteúdo deste trabalho tem o intuito de contribuir para o exercício da função social do jornalista, a de informar o que é bom para o leitor, de modo a causar um impacto positivo na sociedade. Ao contrário dos jornais tradicionais, que carregam em suas páginas, na maioria das vezes, conteúdos negativos ou violentos
The success and recognition for their dedication put into the work are the need of every worker, and for that there is a constant quest for success in organizations. In this scenario, the Brazilian publishing market offers self-help literature as a practical method of acquiring the fundamental knowledge for professional development. The self-help literature for professional development addresses motivation as an essential characteristic for success, as a motivated worker earns more visibility and prominence to motivate other team members, thus arousing a spirit of leadership among the players. The motivation of workers also meets the expectations of organizations, because they improve productivity without requiring new investments. Thus, the literature on professional development is positioned as one of the best selling literary styles sold in Brazil over the years. To have an understanding of the discourse of literary style and persuasive methods known in them, we present a semiotic analysis of the five introductory chapters of selected works. Greimassian Semiotics offers great tools for understanding the introductory speeches of professional development books, which are intended to present the synthesis of the work, or demonstrate the values and knowledge of the authors, coaxing the reader to read on and be receptive to the idea of motivation presented in the books
The subject of this research is the publicity discourse, in its configuration as speech genres, according to theoretical-methodological perspective in Bakhtinian Studies. Considering that there are infinite fields of human communication, Bakhtin says that there is also infinity of speech genres. However, according to the author, every sphere of human activity produces, and even requires, certain genres, with theirs thematic, compositional and stylistics aspects defined according to social-ideological values that materialize in that sphere and in the dialogue in which the texts are produced. The objective of this research is to study, according to this theoretical-methodological perspective, a print advertising piece by the Brazilian Federal Government, conveyed in the Língua Portuguesa magazine, with themes concerning the national public education. We analyze how the image of author is built and how the image of the Other is outlined by that author. It is assumed that the gender to which an advertising piece belongs intends to sell a product or idea. One of the specific objectives of this research is to identify what is being sold in the advertising piece that we analyze and what discursive and stylistic resources are utilized to achieve success in what it intends to promote. The results show that the author (in the voice of the Federal Government), while adopting the position of information-holder, also puts himself in the same plane of the reader, where everyone is responsible for the development of education in the country. The advertising piece intends to project a positive image of the Government, and this project of saying is realized, in the analysis, in the compositional aspects of the text as well in the stylistic aspects
Pós-graduação em Ciências Sociais - FFC
Pós-graduação em Estudos Linguísticos - IBILCE
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Pós-graduação em Educação - FCT
The purpose of this paper is to examine the paratexts, mainly prefaces and notes, written by translators on writings of foreigners' travels in Brazil, with the purpose of evidencing which perspective guided their translations, if the perspective of the foreign author is adopted or if it is that of the domestic reader. The works examined were published by the Brazilian publishing house Companhia Editora Nacional in the Brasiliana Colllection. Most of the translators adopted a welcoming discourse to the author in their prefaces, but their prefaces, translations and notes reveal a certain tension between what they stated and what was effectively done, with moments of rupture in which the author's meanings are questioned and even denied. According to my analysis, this happens because the several forces acting on the translation, the author, the translator and the text to be translated, the languages involved, the reader are not working linearly, but in constant tension. As a result, different perspectives are adopted in different translations, but in the same translation there are moments in which the foreign pole is privileged and moments in which the domestic pole emerges.
This paper aims at observing the particular case of an author’s and self-translator’s style concerning normalisation features present in the self-translation. Our study has its theoretical starting point based on Baker’s proposal (1993, 1995, 1996, 2000) and Scott’s investigation in order to carry out an analysis of the use of linguistic choices involving evidence of normalization. The results point out that, while participating as a self-translator, Ubaldo Ribeiro reveals individual, distinctive and preferred stylistic options which present less lexical variation; in contrast, in the situation of participating as an author, Ubaldo Ribeiro shows stylistic choices of higher lexical diversity. Observed normalisation features reveal conscious or subconscious use of fluency strategies, making the target text easier to read. Due to his renowned sound command of the target language, the results may also suggest the challenges during the translated text re-creation process faced as a self-translator could have been greater than the challenges during the previous original text creation process faced as an author
The aim of this paper is to present some considerations on discursive positions that challenge the textual production of a student from Cycle II Elementary School. We intend to show how a biased reading of the student’s text might not observe significant textual features and disregard the student’s level of literacy, thus ignoring the insertion of this writing in a socio-historical context. Such an approach, while defined by ideology, is determined by the pedagogical discourse that focuses on formal patterns of language, which prevents the teacher from identifying rich and interesting linguistic and textual procedures in the text in question, indicative of the student's literacy and his/her potential for authorship. This reading mostly denies the efforts that have been made to reverse the exclusion of public schools students, weakening the idealist discourse that claims for a “school for everybody”.
Since the priors, man has been trying to understand the concept of time. From myth to quantum physics, time is something that inspires reflections on our own lives. Do we exist in time or for time? Literature, a peculiar form of knowledge, deals with the experience of time in many ways. By avoiding categorizations, literature converges time and space in a dimension in which labyrinth and compass converge: at the reading time, in the reader’s space, in the universe of the book, where Cronos, Kairos, and their heir, by excellence, the literary word, constellate. In this way, in this essay, I discuss some aspects of the relationship between literature and time, or still, what literature can teach us about the time.
Brazil was one of the countries that stood out in the list of nations that publishes more articles in scientific journals. From 2007 to 2008, the Brazilian scientific production has moved from 15th to 13rd place in the world ranking published articles in professional journals. However, 60% of articles published by the Brazilians are in Portuguese, which makes the Brazilian work have little international attention. The purpose of this research is to build and analyze a parallel corpus composed of a book of Remote Sensing and its translation in the direction English into Portuguese in order to create a glossary of most recurrent terms in the literature of Remote Sensing. The achievement of these goals will take for theoretical and methodological foundation the Corpus-Based Translation Studies (BAKER, 1993, 1995, 1996; CAMARGO, 2005), Corpus Linguistics (BERBER SARDINHA, 2004) and principles of Terminology (BARROS, 2004; KRIEGER & FINATTO, 2004). It will also use Wordsmith Tools program and its tools. Besides the parallel corpus, we will also build two comparable corpora respectively from articles published in Brazilian and international journals in the area. The first results show that the translators made use of greater variation of vocabulary in their translations, which can be a way to make the text more clear to the reader. For the analysis of glossary entries, professionals from the National Institute for Space Research - INPE, will be consulted and their views aggregated to this research to give consistency to the production of the proposed bilingual glossary.
Contemporary culture is showing us, with growing evidence, that fields of knowledge and spheres of action interpenetrate strongly, forcing us to change behavior in order to connive with the productive and creative new ways. Our scope is to consider the cybrid environment in which we situate the reader in his relations with the poetic productions created in the digital world, from the perspective of a contemporary context of reading done through interfaces and also by a reading of a poem by Patrick Burgaud.
A poesia de Adília Lopes merece nossa atenção crítica pela singularidade com que se recorta no atual panorama literário português. Em “Louvor do lixo”, por exemplo, poema contido em sua obra A mulher-a-dias (2002), é redimensionado o papel da poeta em um mundo marcado pela entropia e por formas desgastadas de sobrevivência. Operando com imagens alusivas ao cotidiano e dotando a linguagem poética de um funcionamento desestabilizador das convenções, Adília instiga no leitor questionamentos, não apenas sobre a subjetividade poética, como também sobre uma nova concepçãode lirismo, o qual inclui em seu fazer materiais imprevisíveis, desconcertantes. Nosso propósito é analisar como a autora promove tal desconcerto, por meio de procedimentos de construção presentes no poema mencionado. O gauchismo de Adília recupera um posicionamento transgressor que, embora já patente em poéticas de vanguarda do século XX, assume novas implicações ao gerar outros efeitos de sentido. A tradição cultural, o meio familiar, os valores poéticos, o erotismo são alguns dos aspectos que estão na mira da visão corrosiva da poeta, que não receia expor a si e à própria linguagem.
Este artigo discute as notas deixadas ao pé de cada página, como marca de leitura, por aquele que é o pré-leitor do texto original: o tradutor. Ao inserir a nota, o tradutor está avaliando a necessidade do esclarecimento que pretende prestar e, automaticamente, julgando a capacidade do leitor em compreender o texto. Questões conflitantes para quem traduz, considerando que as notas são, segundo a crítica, o meio de maior visibilidade para o tradutor enquanto escritor. A discussão proposta, neste trabalho, se restringe à tradução da obra ¿Donde estuvistes de noche? de Clarice Lispector, traduzido por Cristina Peri Rossi, na Espanha.