984 resultados para Lateralidad (Fisiología)


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En internet hay disponibles materiales educativos de calidad, pero encontrarlos es difícil por el enorme volumen de información y su heterogeneidad. Muchos de los contenidos son de dudosa fiabilidad, pues no siempre se conoce su origen. Por otro lado, el 83% de los usuarios de internet entre 18 y 29 años participa en algún tipo de red social, lo que genera un compromiso con la comunidad virtual. Con todos estos datos, parece interesante que los docentes utilicen las TICs para crear una red social de contenidos docentes seleccionados por el profesor; Esto requiere una inversión de tiempo y dinero muy inferior a los necesarios para el desarrollo de materiales específicos equivalentes. La elaboración de un tablero de selección de contenidos constituye una estrategia docente no presencial, que pone a disposición del alumno recursos docentes de excelencia que facilitan su aprendizaje. La herramienta SCLIPED permite formar redes sociales colaborativas de información seleccionada y establecer una comunicación dinámica multidireccional entre los usuarios. También fomenta la participación activa del alumnado en su aprendizaje, permitiéndoles una amplia autonomía temporal y espacial y les habitúa como futuros profesionales, a una gestión eficiente de la información disponible en internet, para transformarla en conocimiento.


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En el marco del EEES el sistema de evaluación debe valorar las competencias adquiridas por el estudiante en una determinada materia, según los conocimientos, las habilidades y las aptitudes que ha desarrollado a lo largo del proceso de enseñanza-aprendizaje. Además de las pruebas escritas diseñadas para evaluar los conocimientos y las capacidades de razonamiento, las distintas actividades de las nuevas asignaturas, como seminarios, prácticas de ordenador y de laboratorio o tutorías, se deben valorar con distintos modelos evaluadores, que dependerán a su vez de la metodología docente empleada. El objetivo de este estudio fue revisar los métodos de evaluación empleados en diversas asignaturas del Grado en Nutrición Humana y Dietética y del Grado en Óptica y Optometría de la Universidad de Alicante y analizar su contribución en los resultados globales de las asignaturas. Se han tenido en cuenta los diversos métodos de evaluación de las actividades así como las distintas formas de aplicar la evaluación continua y su influencia cualitativa en la calificación global.


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To modulate the expression of genes involved in nitrogen assimilation, the cyanobacterial PII-interacting protein X (PipX) interacts with the global transcriptional regulator NtcA and the signal transduction protein PII, a protein found in all three domains of life as an integrator of signals of the nitrogen and carbon balance. PipX can form alternate complexes with NtcA and PII, and these interactions are stimulated and inhibited, respectively, by 2-oxoglutarate, providing a mechanistic link between PII signaling and NtcA-regulated gene expression. Here, we demonstrate that PipX is involved in a much wider interaction network. The effect of pipX alleles on transcript levels was studied by RNA sequencing of S. elongatus strains grown in the presence of either nitrate or ammonium, followed by multivariate analyses of relevant mutant/control comparisons. As a result of this process, 222 genes were classified into six coherent groups of differentially regulated genes, two of which, containing either NtcA-activated or NtcA-repressed genes, provided further insights into the function of NtcA–PipX complexes. The remaining four groups suggest the involvement of PipX in at least three NtcA-independent regulatory pathways. Our results pave the way to uncover new regulatory interactions and mechanisms in the control of gene expression in cyanobacteria.


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ACTO conjunto de FARPE-FUNDALUCE con la SEBBM en el marco de su XXXVII Congreso. Conferencia: La complejidad de las distrofias hereditarias de la retina: Un obstáculo y un reto (José Martín Nieto).


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Retinal neurodegenerative diseases like age-related macular degeneration, glaucoma, diabetic retinopathy and retinitis pigmentosa each have a different etiology and pathogenesis. However, at the cellular and molecular level, the response to retinal injury is similar in all of them, and results in morphological and functional impairment of retinal cells. This retinal degeneration may be triggered by gene defects, increased intraocular pressure, high levels of blood glucose, other types of stress or aging, but they all frequently induce a set of cell signals that lead to well-established and similar morphological and functional changes, including controlled cell death and retinal remodeling. Interestingly, an inflammatory response, oxidative stress and activation of apoptotic pathways are common features in all these diseases. Furthermore, it is important to note the relevant role of glial cells, including astrocytes, Müller cells and microglia, because their response to injury is decisive for maintaining the health of the retina or its degeneration. Several therapeutic approaches have been developed to preserve retinal function or restore eyesight in pathological conditions. In this context, neuroprotective compounds, gene therapy, cell transplantation or artificial devices should be applied at the appropriate stage of retinal degeneration to obtain successful results. This review provides an overview of the common and distinctive features of retinal neurodegenerative diseases, including the molecular, anatomical and functional changes caused by the cellular response to damage, in order to establish appropriate treatments for these pathologies.


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Visual symptoms are relatively common in Parkinson's disease (PD) and optical coherence tomography has indicated possible retinal thinning. Accumulation of aggregated α-synuclein is thought to be a central pathogenic event in the PD brain but there have not as yet been reports of retinal synucleinopathy. Retinal wholemounts were prepared from subjects with a primary clinicopathological diagnosis of PD (N = 9), dementia with Lewy bodies (DLB; N = 3), Alzheimer's disease (N = 3), progressive supranuclear palsy (N = 2) as well as elderly normal control subjects (N = 4). These were immunohistochemically stained with an antibody against α-synuclein phosphorylated at serine 129, which is a specific molecular marker of synucleinopathy. Phosphorylated α-synuclein-immunoreactive (p-syn IR) nerve fibers were present in 7/9 PD subjects and in 1/3 DLB subjects; these were sparsely distributed and superficially located near or at the inner retinal surface. The fibers were either long and straight or branching, often with multiple en-passant varicosities along their length. The straight fibers most often had an orientation that was radial with respect to the optic disk. Together, these features are suggestive of either retinopetal/centrifugal fibers or of ganglion cell axons. In one PD subject there were sparse p-syn IR neuronal cell bodies with dendritic morphology suggestive of G19 retinal ganglion cells or intrinsically photosensitive ganglion cells. There were no stained nerve fibers or other specific staining in any of the non-PD or non-DLB subjects. It is possible that at least some of the observed visual function impairments in PD subjects might be due to α-synucleinopathy.


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High-voltage-activated calcium channels are hetero-oligomeric protein complexes that mediate multiple cellular processes, including the influx of extracellular Ca2+, neurotransmitter release, gene transcription, and synaptic plasticity. These channels consist of a primary α1 pore-forming subunit, which is associated with an extracellular α2δ subunit and an intracellular β auxiliary subunit, which alter the gating properties and trafficking of the calcium channel. The cellular localization of the α2δ3 subunit in the mouse and rat retina is unknown. In this study using RT-PCR, a single band at ∼305 bp corresponding to the predicted size of the α2δ3 subunit fragment was found in mouse and rat retina and brain homogenates. Western blotting of rodent retina and brain homogenates showed a single 123-kDa band. Immunohistochemistry with an affinity-purified antibody to the α2δ3 subunit revealed immunoreactive cell bodies in the ganglion cell layer and inner nuclear layer and immunoreactive processes in the inner plexiform layer and the outer plexiform layer. α2δ3 immunoreactivity was localized to multiple cell types, including ganglion, amacrine, and bipolar cells and photoreceptors, but not horizontal cells. The expression of the α2δ3 calcium channel subunit to multiple cell types suggests that this subunit participates widely in Ca-channel-mediated signaling in the retina.


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El gen humano ABCA4 (=ABCR) se caracterizó en 1997 como el principal causante de la enfermedad de Stargardt, una distrofia macular hereditaria generalmente autosómica recesiva. Poco tiempo después se encontraron otras enfermedades asociadas a mutaciones en este gen, como son distrofia de conos y bastones, determinados casos de retinosis pigmentaria y un aumento de la susceptibilidad a la degeneración macular asociada a la edad. No existen tratamientos curativos para ninguna de estas distrofias. No obstante, dado que están causadas por un solo gen, cuya función es bien conocida, su curación se hace abordable mediante estrategias de terapia génica. En este artículo se resume el estado actual de las opciones de tratamientos basados en terapia génica de las enfermedades asociadas al gen ABCA4, las cuales implican el desarrollo de nuevos vectores derivados de virus adeno-asociados (AAV), lentivirus, y nanopartículas de ADN compactadas. Aunque este gen ha demostrado ser una diana de investigación difícil, los notables progresos realizados en los estudios genéticos, funcionales y traslacionales han permitido importantes avances en las aplicaciones terapéuticas de estas patologías, las cuales se espera que estén disponibles para los afectados en un futuro próximo. Resulta esperanzador, en este sentido, que ya están en marcha dos ensayos clínicos en fase I/II para tratar pacientes con la enfermedad de Stargardt.


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Retinitis pigmentosa (RP) is a group of progressive inherited retinal dystrophies that cause visual impairment as a result of photoreceptor cell death. RP is heterogeneous, both clinically and genetically making difficult to establish precise genotype–phenotype correlations. In a Spanish family with autosomal recessive RP (arRP), homozygosity mapping and whole-exome sequencing led to the identification of a homozygous mutation (c.358_359delGT; p.Ala122Leufs*2) in the ZNF408 gene. A screening performed in 217 additional unrelated families revealed another homozygous mutation (c.1621C>T; p.Arg541Cys) in an isolated RP case. ZNF408 encodes a transcription factor that harbors 10 predicted C2H2-type fingers thought to be implicated in DNA binding. To elucidate the ZNF408 role in the retina and the pathogenesis of these mutations we have performed different functional studies. By immunohistochemical analysis in healthy human retina, we identified that ZNF408 is expressed in both cone and rod photoreceptors, in a specific type of amacrine and ganglion cells, and in retinal blood vessels. ZNF408 revealed a cytoplasmic localization and a nuclear distribution in areas corresponding with the euchromatin fraction. Immunolocalization studies showed a partial mislocalization of the p.Arg541Cys mutant protein retaining part of the WT protein in the cytoplasm. Our study demonstrates that ZNF408, previously associated with Familial Exudative Vitreoretinopathy (FEVR), is a new gene causing arRP with vitreous condensations supporting the evidence that this protein plays additional functions into the human retina.


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Con el curso académico 2013-2014 finaliza la implantación de los títulos de Grado en la Universidad de Alicante, y con ello se abre un período de análisis de este proceso que será la antesala de la evaluación y la acreditación de títulos. Los actuales títulos de Grado se diseñaron en un escenario socio-cultural-económico muy diferente al que se ha tenido durante el proceso de implantación. Los recortes en la financiación han sido el principal desencadenante de una dinámica en la que tanto aquellos involucrados en la gestión como los encargados de las tareas docentes han tenido que asumir la impartición de materias en grupos numerosos, con falta de recursos y una interpretación cuanto menos ambigua del concepto “evaluación continua”. Asimismo, los recortes en los programas de becas han tenido efectos tanto en el número y tipo de matrículas como en la participación del alumnado en programas de movilidad. Este trabajo pretende ser un resumen del análisis de resultados relativos a la implantación del Grado en Biología en la Universidad de Alicante para su posterior uso en el diseño de estrategias de mejora para la docencia en este título.


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La coordinación transversal entre asignaturas es una oportunidad para que el alumnado mejore su aprendizaje. Más allá, la coordinación de la evaluación permite evaluar los conocimientos de una manera integral. Esto, además de ser uno de los objetivos marcados en el EEES, el alumnado lo percibe siempre como positivo. En nuestro caso, el profesorado de la red, ha trabajado llevando a cabo la coordinación de las tareas docentes para la evaluación conjunta de las asignaturas que participan de la coordinación transversal. El resultado es una planificación semanal de las actividades coordinadas, que permiten al alumnado preparar una comunicación científica en forma de presentación y de póster, de manera grupal, a lo largo de un semestre y coordinado entre las asignaturas. Los resultados indican que el alumnado lo valora positivamente, y que siempre espera más y mejor de estas experiencias.


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All retinal disorders, regardless of their aetiology, involve the activation of oxidative stress and apoptosis pathways. The administration of neuroprotective factors is crucial in all phases of the pathology, even when vision has been completely lost. The retina is one of the most susceptible tissues to reactive oxygen species damage. On the other hand, proper development and functioning of the retina requires a precise balance between the processes of proliferation, differentiation and programmed cell death. The life-or-death decision seems to be the result of a complex balance between pro- and anti-apoptotic signals. It has been recently shown the efficacy of natural products to slow retinal degenerative process through different pathways. In this review, we assess the neuroprotective effect of two compounds used in the ancient pharmacopoeia. On one hand, it has been demonstrated that administration of the saffron constituent safranal to P23H rats, an animal model of retinitis pigmentosa, preserves photoreceptor morphology and number, the capillary network and the visual response. On the other hand, it has been shown that systemic administration of tauroursodeoxycholic acid (TUDCA), the major component of bear bile, to P23H rats preserves cone and rod structure and function, together with their contact with postsynaptic neurons. The neuroprotective effects of safranal and TUDCA make these compounds potentially useful for therapeutic applications in retinal degenerative diseases.


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Retinitis pigmentosa (RP) represents a genetically heterogeneous group of retinal dystrophies affecting mainly the rod photoreceptors and in some instances also the retinal pigment epithelium (RPE) cells of the retina. Clinical symptoms and disease progression leading to moderate to severe loss of vision are well established and despite significant progress in the identification of causative genes, the disease pathology remains unclear. Lack of this understanding has so far hindered development of effective therapies. Here we report successful generation of human induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSC) from skin fibroblasts of a patient harboring a novel Ser331Cysfs*5 mutation in the MERTK gene. The patient was diagnosed with an early onset and severe form of autosomal recessive RP (arRP). Upon differentiation of these iPSC towards RPE, patient-specific RPE cells exhibited defective phagocytosis, a characteristic phenotype of MERTK deficiency observed in human patients and animal models. Thus we have created a faithful cellular model of arRP incorporating the human genetic background which will allow us to investigate in detail the disease mechanism, explore screening of a variety of therapeutic compounds/reagents and design either combined cell and gene- based therapies or independent approaches.


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Desde que en la Universidad de Alicante se implantaron los nuevos planes de estudios EEES en el curso 2010-11, hasta la actualidad, se ha estado aplicando la metodología docente colaborativa de aprendizaje basado en problemas (ABP) en asignaturas del área de Anatomía Humana y Embriología impartidas en los primeros cursos de las titulaciones de Grado en “Enfermería”, “Nutrición Humana y Dietética”, “Óptica y Optometría” y “Ciencias de la Actividad Física y del Deporte”. El objetivo de este estudio es comparar los resultados de aprendizaje a través del rendimiento académico obtenido en la evaluación continua según diferentes metodologías docentes. En general, las calificaciones obtenidas en la evaluación de la exposición oral en grupo del trabajo ABP fueron mucho mejores en todas las asignaturas a lo largo de los últimos 5 años. Los resultados de las pruebas objetivas de respuesta múltiple usadas para evaluar los logros de aprendizaje mediante el uso de clases magistrales de teoría y prácticas de laboratorio fueron algo inferiores. Se plantea la posibilidad de incrementar el número de actividades de ABP y asignar un mayor peso en la ponderación de los criterios de evaluación de la asignatura.


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Retinal ganglion cell degeneration underlies the pathophysiology of diseases affecting the retina and optic nerve. Several studies have previously evidenced the anti-apoptotic properties of the bile constituent, tauroursodeoxycholic acid, in diverse models of photoreceptor degeneration. The aim of this study was to investigate the effects of systemic administration of tauroursodeoxycholic acid on N-methyl-D-aspartate (NMDA)-induced damage in the rat retina using a functional and morphological approach. Tauroursodeoxycholic acid was administered intraperitoneally before and after intravitreal injection of NMDA. Three days after insult, full-field electroretinograms showed reductions in the amplitudes of the positive and negative-scotopic threshold responses, scotopic a- and b-waves and oscillatory potentials. Quantitative morphological evaluation of whole-mount retinas demonstrated a reduction in the density of retinal ganglion cells. Systemic administration of tauroursodeoxycholic acid attenuated the functional impairment induced by NMDA, which correlated with a higher retinal ganglion cell density. Our findings sustain the efficacy of tauroursodeoxycholic acid administration in vivo, suggesting it would be a good candidate for the pharmacological treatment of degenerative diseases coursing with retinal ganglion cell loss.