972 resultados para LASER SPECTROSCOPY


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A technique for fabrication of thin-film circuits for microwave integrated circuit (MIC) application is presented. This low-cost fabrication technique utilizes laser direct write of copper patterns on alumina substrates. The method obviates the need for photomasks and photolithography. The film deposition mechanism, deposit film analysis, and MIC fabrication sequence are presented. Performance evaluation of MICs fabricated using this technique is also included


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Degenerate pump-probe reflectivity experiments have been performed on a single crystal of bismuth telluride (Bi2Te3) as a function of sample temperature (3 K to 296 K) and pump intensity using similar to 50 femtosecond laser pulses with central photon energy of 1.57 eV. The time-resolved reflectivity data show two coherently generated totally symmetric A(1g) modes at 1.85 THz and 3.6 THz at 296 K which blue-shift to 1.9 THz and 4.02 THz, respectively, at 3 K. At high photoexcited carrier density of similar to 1.7 x 10(21) cm(-3), the phonon mode at 4.02 THz is two orders of magnitude higher positively chirped (i.e the phonon time period decreases with increasing delay time between the pump and the probe pulses) than the lower-frequency mode at 1.9 THz. The chirp parameter, beta is shown to be inversely varying with temperature. The time evolution of these modes is studied using continuous-wavelet transform of the time-resolved reflectivity data. Copyright (C) EPLA, 2010


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The dideoxygenation reaction of 1,3;4,6-di-O-alkylidene-2,5-di-S-methylthiocarbonyl-D-mannitol derivatives under Barton-McCombie reaction conditions gave the hexahydrodipyranothiophenes 4 and 7 instead of the expected 2,5-dideoxy products. Structural and conformational information on these novel derivatives has been obtained by NMR spectroscopy, single-crystal X-ray crystallography and molecular mechanics calculations.


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Epitaxial LaNiO3(LNO) thin films on LaAlO3(LAO), SrTiO3(STO), and YSZ are grown by pulsed laser deposition method at 350 mTorr oxygen partial pressure and 700 °C substrate temperature. As‐deposited LNO films are metallic down to 10 K. c‐axis oriented YBa2Cu3O7 (YBCO) films were grown on LNO/LAO as well as LNO/STO surfaces without affecting superconducting transition temperature of YBCO. Textured LNO thin films were grown on c‐axis oriented YBCO/STO and YBCO/YSZ . Transport measurements of these bilayer films showed that LNO is a good metallic contact material for YBCO.


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A computer-controlled laser writing system for optical integrated circuits and data storage is described. The system is characterized by holographic (649F) and high-resolution plates. A minimum linewidth of 2.5 mum is obtained by controlling the system parameters. We show that this system can also be used for data storage applications.


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Analysis of gas-particle nozzle flow is carried out with attention to the effect of dust particles on the vibrational relaxation phenomena and consequent effects on the gain of a gasdynamic laser. The phase nonequilibrium between the gas mixture and the particles during the nozzle expansion process is taken into account simultaneously. The governing equations of the two-phase nozzle flow have been transformed into similar form, and general correlating parameters have been obtained. It is shown from the present analysis that the particles present in the mixture affect the optimum gain obtainable from a gasdynamic laser adversely, and the effect depends on the size and loading of the particles in the mixture.


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Theoretical analysis of internal frequency doubling in actively mode locked broadband solid state lasers is presented. The analysis is used to study the dependence of mode locked pulsewidth on the second harmonic conversion efficiency, the modulation depth, and the tuning element bandwidth in an AM mode locked Ti: sapphire laser. The results are presented in the form of graphs.  


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The reactions of As-chlorocyclotriphosphazane [EtNPCl], with phenols or trifluoroethanol yield the respective aryloxy- or trifluoroethoxy-containingX 3-cyclotriphosphazanes [EtNP(OR)]3 (R = C6H4Br-4 (2),C 6H5 (3C,6 H3-Mez-3,5 (4), C6H3Mez-2,6 (5), CH2CF3 (6)) as their cis-transisomericmixtures. The products have beencharacterized by IRand NMRspectroscopy. Thecrystalstructuresofboth thecis (2a) and trans(2b) isomer_softhep-bromophenoxy derivative have been determined by X-ray diffraction. Crystal data for 2a: triclinic, P1, a = 9.872(4) A, b = 13.438(6) A, c = 13.548(8) A, CY = 117.02(5)', 0 = 96.00(6)', y = 105.38(4)O, Z = 2, final R = 0.080. Crystal data for 2b: monoclinic, P21/n, a = 12.721(6) A, b = 13.468(7) A, c = 17.882(5) A, /3 = 101.62(3)O, Z = 4, final R = 0.066. The cis isomer exhibits a chair-triaxial conformation and the trans isomer a boat-triaxial conformation. Conformational preferences of X3-cyclotriphosphazanes have been probed by both MNDO and ab initio calculations on model systems [HNPXIp (X = H, F). In addition to vicinal lone pair repulsions, negative hyperconjugative interactions involving the nitrogen lone pairs and adjacent P-X Q* orbitals are found to be important (especially when X is an electronegative substituent) in determining the conformational preferences of X3-cyclotriphosphazanes. The calculations also show that the axial - equatorial conversion at phosphorus has a large activation barrier in these systems


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Diacetylenic phospholipid, 1,2 bis-(tricosa-10,12-diynoyl)-sn-glycero-3-phosphocholine (DC8,9PC), forms helices and tubules in addition to liposomes. The diacetylenic moiety responsible for the transformation is probed by 2-D NMR correlated spectroscopy. Chemical shift assignments and the analysis of 2D-COSY measurements were done on the lipid in chloroform-d solution. Based on this analysis, a model for the lipid is proposed. The geometry of the headgroup, glycerol backbone and acyl chains up to three methylenes from glycerol backbone [-(CH2)(3)-] is similar to that of dipalmitoyl phosphatidylcholine. The estimated torsional angle for methylene groups adjacent to diacetylenic moieties suggested an overall tilt of the diacetylenic lipid molecule from the bilayer axis of 25-30 degrees. This tilt could be negative or positive depending on the handedness of the resultant microstructures.


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Influence of succinonitrile (SN) dynamics on ion transport in SN-lithium perchlorate (LiClO4) electrolytes is discussed here via dielectric relaxation spectroscopy. Dielectric relaxation spectroscopy (similar to 2 x 10(-3) Hz to 3 MHz) of SN and SN-LiClO4 was studied as a function of salt content (up to 7 mol % or 1 M) and temperature (-20 to +60 degrees C). Analyses of real and imaginary parts of permittivity convincingly reveal the influence Of trans gauche isomerism and solvent-salt association (solvation) effects on ion transport. The relaxation processes are highly dependent on the salt concentration and temperature. While pristine SN display only intrinsic dynamics (i.e., trans-gauche isomerism) which enhances with an increase in temperature, SN-LiClO4 electrolytes especially at high salt concentrations (similar to 0.04-1 M) show salt-induced relaxation processes. In the concentrated electrolytes, the intrinsic dynamics was observed to be a function of salt content, becoming faster with an increase in salt concentration. Deconvolution of the imaginary part of the permittivity spectra using Havriliak-Negami (HN) function show a relaxation process corresponding to the above phenomena. The permittivity data analyzed using HN and Kohlrausch-Williams-Watta (KWW) functions show non-Debye relaxation processes and enhancement in the trans phase (enhanced solvent dynamics) as a function of salt concentration and temperature.


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New vibrational Raman features characteristic to the conductive form of polyaniline have been observed with the near-infrared excitation at 1047 nm. Based on an analogy with the resonance Raman spectrum of Michler's ketone in the lowest excited triplet (T-1) state, we consider these features as due to a dynamic structure of a diimino-1,4-phenylene unit in the polyaniline chain exchanging a positive charge very rapidly. This consideration directly leads to a conducting mechanism in which a positive charge migrates from one nitrogen to the other through the conjugated chain of polyaniline.


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Microstructural and superconducting properties of YBa2Cu3O7-x thin films grown in situ on bare sapphire by pulsed laser deposition using YBa2Cu3O7-x targets doped with 7 and 10 wt% Ag have been studied. Ag-doped films grown at 730 degrees C on sapphire have shown very significant improvement over the undoped YBa2Cu3O7-x films grown under identical condition. A zero resistance temperature of 90 K and a critical current density of 1.2 x 10(6) A/cm(2) at 77 K have been achieved on bare sapphire for the first time. Improved connectivity among grains and reduced reaction rate between the substrate and the film caused due to Ag in the film are suggested to be responsible for this greatly improved transport properties.


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This article is a review of our work related to Raman studies of single layer and bilayer graphenes as a function Fermi level shift achieved by electrochemically top gating a field effect transistor. Combining the transport and in situ Raman studies of the field effect devices, a quantitative understanding is obtained of the phonon renormalization due to doping of graphene. Results are discussed in the light of time dependent perturbation theory, with electron phonon coupling parameter as an input from the density functional theory. It is seen that phonons near and Gamma and K points of the Brillouin zone are renormalized very differently by doping. Further, Gamma-phonon renormalization is different in bilayer graphene as compared to single layer, originating from their different electronic band structures near the zone boundary K-point. Thus Raman spectroscopy is not only a powerful probe to characterize the number of layers and their quality in a graphene sample, but also to quantitatively evaluate electron phonon coupling required to understand the performance of graphene devices.