945 resultados para Jugular Veins
The Los Negritos porphyry copper deposit is located ~ 4 km to the northeast of Carmen de Andacollo Mine in the Chilean Cretaceous metallogenic belt. The mineralization is hosted in andesite of the Quebrada Marquesa Formation and a series of at least four early to intramineral porphyry intrusive rock types: plagioclase quartz biotite porphyry (P1b and P1a dated at 109.60± 0.75 Ma and 107.22± 0.40 Ma); plagioclase biotite porphyry (P2: 106.30 ± 0.47 Ma); and quartz plagioclase biotite porphyry (P3: 106.19 ± 0.42 Ma). These units are cut by late‐ to post‐mineral plagioclase‐hornblende porphyritic rocks (P4b: 106.20 ± 0.69 Ma and P4a: 106.50 ± 0.68 Ma). The earliest intrusive units (P1) were affected by an initial stage of K‐feldspar‐biotite alteration, with chalcopyrite, molybdenite (date at 108.5 ± 0.5 Ma) and gold (up to 0.11 ppm), and the surrounding volcanic host rock was overprinted by chlorite‐epidote dominated (propylitic) alteration. Subsequent to the P2 and P3 intrusion, these rocks were affected by albite and then a second stage of potassic alteration. The Ti and Ba contents in hydrothermal biotite are notably lower (typically Ti = 0.100‐0.144 a.p.f.u. and Ba = 0.001‐0.005 a.p.f.u) than in magmatic ones (generally Ti = 0.186‐0.222 a.p.f.u. and Ba = 0.014‐0.023 a.p.f.u.), and constitute an excellent discriminant of the nature of biotite. These early stages of alteration were overprinted by copper‐molybdenum bearing chlorite‐sericite alteration at 106.60 ± 0.5 Ma (Re‐Os age in molybdenite) and by quartz‐sericite‐pyrite veins (phyllic), respectively in the southwest and northeast areas. The average temperature associated with these two alteration facies is estimated around 305 °C. Weak albite‐calcite alteration, spatially associated with sulfosalts and distributed along the margins of P3, overprinted the phyllic facies. The intrusive rock units at the Los Negritos and Carmen de Andacollo deposits are geochemically classified as diorite to granodiorite with a calc‐alkaline magmatic affinity, and formed in a volcanic arc setting from partial melting of a metasomatized mantle wedge. They are interpreted to be cogenetic, and related to a common long‐lived magma chamber that emplaced during a period of tectonic inversion known as the Subhercynian, Peruvian or Pacific event.
The chemical compositions, modal mineralogy, and textural variability of interstitial minerals in sandstones of the Athabasca Group strata in the vicinity of the McArthur River unconformity-related uranium deposit were characterized using a combination of short wave infrared spectroscopy (SWIR), lithogeochemistry, scanning electron microscopy (SEM), electron probe microanalysis (EPMA) and laser ablation mass spectrometry (LA-ICP-MS) to determine the residence sites of pathfinder trace elements. The importance of integrating in-situ mineral chemistry with whole-rock analyses resides in the possibility to establish the mineralogical and paragenetic context of geochemical signatures in defining the footprint of the deposit. Located in the Athabasca Basin, Saskatchewan, Canada, the deposit is situated below ~550 m of quartz arenitic sandstones that are strongly silicified between depths of approximately 200-400 m. The silicified layer exhibits significant control on the distribution of alteration minerals, and appears to have restricted both the primary and secondary dispersion of pathfinder trace elements, which include U, radiogenic Pb isotopes, V, Ni, Co, Cu, Mo, As, Zn, and REEs. Diagenetic background sandstones contain assemblages of illite, dickite, aluminum-phosphate-sulfate (APS) minerals, apatite, and Fe-Ti oxide minerals. Altered sandstones contain assemblages of Al-Mg chlorite (sudoite), alkali-deficient dravite, APS minerals, kaolinite, illite, and oxide minerals. Throughout the sandstones, APS minerals account for the majority of the Sr and LREE concentrations, whereas late pre-ore chlorite, containing up to 0.1 wt.% Ni, accounts for the majority of Ni concentrations. Cobalt, Cu, Mo, and Zn occur predominantly in cryptic sub-micron sulfide and sulfarsenide inclusions in clay mineral aggregates and in association with paragenetically-late Fe-Ti oxides. Uranium occurs predominantly in cryptic micro-inclusions associated with pyrite in late-stage quartz overgrowths, and with paragenetically late Fe-Ti oxide micro-inclusions in kaolinite. Additionally, up to 0.2 wt.% U is cryptically distributed in post-ore Fe-oxide veins. Early diagenetic apatite, monazite and apatite inclusions in detrital quartz, and detrital zircon also contribute significant U and HREE to samples analyzed with an aggressive leach such as Aqua Regia. Detailed LA-ICP-MS chemical mapping of interstitial assemblages, detrital grains, and cements provides new insights into the distribution and inventory of pathfinder elements in the footprint of the McArthur River uranium deposit.
Chemical Stratigraphy, or the study of the variation of chemical elements within sedimentary sequences, has gradually become an experienced tool in the research and correlation of global geologic events. In this paper 87Sr/ 86Sr ratios of the Triassic marine carbonates (Muschelkalk facies) of southeast Iberian Ranges, Iberian Peninsula, are presented and the representative Sr-isotopic curve constructed for the upper Ladinian interval. The studied stratigraphic succession is 102 meters thick, continuous, and well preserved. Previous paleontological data from macro and micro, ammonites, bivalves, foraminifera, conodonts and palynological assemblages, suggest a Fassanian-Longobardian age (Late Ladinian). Although diagenetic minerals are present in small amounts, the elemental data content of bulk carbonate samples, especially Sr contents, show a major variation that probably reflects palaeoenvironmental changes. The 87Sr/86Sr ratios curve shows a rise from 0.707649 near the base of the section to 0.707741 and then declines rapidly to 0.707624, with a final values rise up to 0.70787 in the upper part. The data up to meter 80 in the studied succession is broadly concurrent with 87Sr/86Sr ratios of sequences of similar age and complements these data. Moreover, the sequence stratigraphic framework and its key surfaces, which are difficult to be recognised just based in the facies analysis, are characterised by combining variations of the Ca, Mg, Mn, Sr and CaCO3 contents
The present study was carried out to evaluate the effect of different levels of garlic extract supplemented in milk on growth rate, haematology and cell–mediated immune response of Markhoz newborn goat kids. Twenty four newborn goat kids (aged 7+/-3days) were randomly assigned to four groups. The groups consisted of control (received milk without garlic extract), T1, T2 and T3 which received milk supplemented with 62.5, 125 and 250 mg aqueous garlic extract per kg live weight per day for 42 days, respectively. Body weights were measured weekly throughout the experimental period. At day 42, about 10 ml blood samples were collected from each kid via the jugular vein for haematological study. Cell–mediated immune response was evaluated through double skin thickness after intradermal injection of phyto-hematogglutinin (PHA) at day 21 and 42. Total gain was significantly higher for kids in T3 (P<0.05) compared with the control group. Average daily gain (ADG) in T3 group in week 4–5 was higher (P<0.05). Significant differences in globulin (P<0.01), hemoglobin (Hb; P<0.001), hematocrit (PCV; P<0.001), erythrocyte (RBC; P<0.001), neutrophil (P<0.001), lymphocyte (P<0.001) and leukocyte (WBC; P<0.001) were observed among groups. Hb, PCV, RBC, lymphocytes and WBC were higher in kids given garlic extract supplementation. There was a significant difference of double skin thickness among the groups at day 42 (P<0.01). In conclusion, this study indicated that milk supplemented with aqueous garlic extract improved growth rate and immunity of newborn goat kids.
Introdução: Apresentando-se muitas vezes de forma insidiosa e mascarando-se por tratamentos efectuados previamente, as infecções retro e laterofaríngeas são um desafio diagnóstico. São pouco frequentes na era antibiótica moderna, mas têm capacidade para causarem complicações potencialmente fatais. Material e métodos: Estudo retrospectivo dos casos e análise de dados relativos à epidemiologia, etiologia, apresentação clínica, diagnóstico, tratamento e complicações, de crianças diagnosticadas com infecções retro e laterofaríngeas, no nosso hospital pediátrico, desde Janeiro 2001 a Janeiro 2012. Resultados: Foram incluídas no estudo 23 crianças, com idades compreendidas entre os 3 meses e os 8 anos, com uma média de idades de 47 meses (4 anos). Treze (57%) apresentavam infecções retrofaríngeas, 2 (9%) infecções laterofaríngeas e 8 (35%) ambas. A incidência de casos foi maior no ano de 2010 (4 casos). Doze (52%) eram do sexo masculino e 11 (48%) do sexo feminino. A odinofagia (57%), a cervicalgia (26%) e a recusa alimentar (22%) foram as queixas mais comuns à apresentação. A febre (87%), o torcicolo e a rigidez cervical (65%), a tumefacção cervical (52%) e a prostração (35%) foram os achados físicos mais frequentes. Todos (100%) os doentes receberam antibioticoterapia endovenosa. O tratamento médico sem drenagem foi inicialmente proposto para 15 (65%) crianças. A falência no tratamento médico, requerendo cirurgia, ocorreu em 5 (33%) delas. Num dos casos, foi necessário efectuar uma nova drenagem cirúrgica. O tratamento cirúrgico foi inicialmente proposto para 8 (35%) crianças, tendo sido efectuado durante as primeiras 24 horas. Este tratamento não teve falência em nenhum (0%) dos casos, não tendo sido necessária a realização de uma segunda cirurgia. No entanto, numa das crianças, por aparecimento de um novo abcesso noutra localização, houve necessidade de se proceder à sua drenagem. Duas (9%) crianças tiveram complicações: mediastinite, trombose da veia jugular e síndrome de Claude Bernard Horner. Conclusões: Os sintomas na apresentação das infecções retro e laterofaríngeas na população pediátrica são variados, requerendo o seu diagnóstico um elevado índice de suspeição. O tratamento correcto e atempado é fundamental para um prognóstico favorável. O tratamento ideal nos doentes sem obstrução iminente da via aérea é controverso e objecto de debate, particularmente a escolha entre tratamento médico ou cirúrgico como primeira linha. Torna-se portanto, essencial, maior investigação nesta área, de forma a optimizar resultados.
Introdução: A neurofibromatose tipo I (NF1), também designada doença de Von Recklinghausen, é causada por uma anormalidade no cromossoma 17, de transmissão autossómica dominante, responsável pela produção deficiente de neurofibromina. Caracteriza-se por displasia nos tecidos mesodérmicos e neuroectodérmicos, e tem uma incidência de um para 2.500-3.300 nascimentos. A presença de manchas café-au-lait, neurofibromas cutâneos e hamartomas da íris são sinais cardinais da doença. Primeiramente descrita por Ruebi em 1945, a patologia vascular é uma complicação subestimada e pouco reconhecida na NF1. A ocorrência de hemorragia fatal ou quase fatal está reportada ocasionalmente nas cavidades pleural, abdominal, retroperitoneu, tecidos moles do tronco e extremidades. Esta hemorragia massiva é causada pela rutura de vasos sanguíneos friáveis, característicos pelos níveis reduzidos de neurofibromina e consequente proliferação endotelial e de músculo liso nas artérias e veias. Uma das consequências clínicas mais sérias descritas na NF1 é a ocorrência de hemorragia severa e dificuldade em alcançar controlo hemostático. Objetivo: Exposição de caso clínico de extenso hematoma cervical e hemotórax espontâneos por rutura troncos venosos braquiocefálico, veia subclávia e junção subclávio-jugular em doente com NF1. Caso clínico: Relata-se caso clínico de mulher de 51 anos, com antecedentes conhecidos de NF1 e hipertensão arterial. Foi admitida no serviço de urgência em choque hipovolémico hemorrágico, no contexto de dor súbita no ombro direito e volumosa tumefação cervical direita. Em angioTC foi objetivado volumoso hematoma, envolvendo a região cervical direita, a região retrofaríngea-prevertebral, escavado supraclavicular direito, mediastino, associando a importante hemotórax direito. Procedeu-se a abordagem supraclavicular com drenagem do hematoma e identificação de fontes hemorrágicas, nomeadamente: tronco venoso braquicefálico, veia subclávia e confluência subclávio-jugular. Foi necessária secção da clavícula para controlo hemorrágico e realização de rafias dos troncos venosos com prolene. Intraoperatoriamente, foi evidente a fragilidade e friabilidade excessiva dos vasos sanguíneos. Após controlo hemorrágico, foi realizada videotoracoscopia para drenagem de hemotórax e evacuação de coágulos, confirmando-se a ausência de hemorragia ativa. No pós-operatório a doente recuperou estabilidade hemodinâmica, sem evidência analítica de queda de hemoglobina. Realizou-se angioTC, onde se confirmou franca melhoria do hematoma cervical direito e retrofaríngeo em critérios quantitativos, e ausência de extravasamento de contraste. Objetivou-se adicionalmente aneurismas acular da artéria vertebral direita, corrigido ulteriormente através de embolização com coils. Conclusão: A NF1 é uma doença genética que raramente se pode associar a hemorragia life- -threatening. A vasculopatia é uma complicação subestimada e pouco reconhecida na NF1. A existência de friabilidade vascular excessiva com consequente hemorragia espontânea na NF1 é rara e pode ser fatal, exigindo um diagnóstico rápido e tratamento atempado.
Open skull surgery of deeply located intracerebral lesions requires precise determination of the treatment area in 3-dimensional (3-D) space. 3-D MRI can give important additional information in presurgical determination of the surgical approach to the target, taking into account highly functional brain areas and important vascular structures. The day before surgery, a grid composed of 9 tubings intersecting at 90° at 1 cm intervals and filled with a Q1SO4 solution is firmly attached to the skin of the patient’s head in the presumed region of the craniotomy. A 3-D turbo-FLASH sequence is then performed in the sagittal plane after intravenous Gd-DOTA injection on a IT Magnetom. 3-D surface reconstruction of the cortical gyri and sulci is performed. Once the gyri are identified, the 3-D program is then implemented in order to perform a color display of the cortical veins and of the tumor boundaries. The surgical access is then chosen by the surgeon, taking into account highly functional areas. Finally, the boundaries of the tumor are projected on the cortex reconstruction and on the external reference placed on the skin. The entry place for surgery as well as the size of craniotomy are drawn on the skin and the tubed grid is removed. The accuracy of this method tested in 9 patients with deeply located brain tumors or arteriovenous malformations was very satisfactory. In daily practice, this method is a valuable technique providing important clinical information in determining the shortest and safest way through the brain tissue, decreasing possible functional deficit and reducing craniotomy size in cases of difficult to access deep brain areas. Our method does not require a stereotactic frame permanently fixed to the head of the patient during surgery. © 1994 S. Karger AG, Basel.
Lorsqu’une femme est à risque d’accoucher prématurément, des glucocorticoïdes lui seront administrés afin d’accélérer la maturation pulmonaire du bébé. Après la naissance, différents protocoles peuvent être mis en place pour aider l’enfant à respirer dont l’administration du surfactant et la ventilation. Les glucocorticoïdes ont un effet positif sur la maturation pulmonaire. Par contre, ils nuisent au processus de la septation après la naissance. Les glucocorticoïdes retrouvés dans le poumon en développement peuvent provenir de deux sources, soit de la voie classique de la synthèse des glucocorticoïdes par les surrénales, soit des gènes exprimés dans le poumon. Les sites d’expression des gènes codant pour les enzymes de la synthèse des glucocorticoïdes dans le poumon sont inconnus ainsi que le gène de la 20α-hydroxystéroïde déshydrogénase (20α-HSD). Cette dernière inactive le substrat et le produit de la 21-hydroxylase. Des poumons de fœtus de souris au jour de gestation 15,5, 17,5 et 19,5 ainsi que de souriceaux âgés de 0, 5 et 15 jours ont été utilisés pour des hybridations in situ. Cette étude a montré qu’avant la naissance, l’ARNm de la 21-hydroxylase est situé au niveau des cellules épithéliales distales alors que l’ARNm de la 20α-HSD se retrouve plutôt au niveau des capillaires. Les gènes de la 21-hydroxylase et de la 20α-HSD sont exprimés dans les cellules épithéliales proximales ainsi que dans les cellules endothéliales de veines dans la période entourant la naissance. À la fin du stade sacculaire et pendant le stade alvéolaire, le gène de la 21-hydroxylase est exprimé seulement dans les septa et les parois minces tout comme le gène de la 20α-HSD sauf dans le stade alvéolaire où il n’y avait pas de signal significatif. Ainsi, ces résultats suggèrent que la 20α-HSD pourrait participer au contrôle du niveau d’activité de la 21-hydroxylase en modulant la disponibilité de son substrat.
In an experimental model, variable and intermittent contact force (CF) resulted in a significant decrease in lesion volume. In humans, variability of CF during pulmonary vein isolation has not been characterized. Methods and Results-In 20 consecutive patients undergoing CF-guided circumferential pulmonary vein isolation, 914 radiofrequency applications (530 in sinus rhythm and 384 in atrial fibrillation) were analyzed. The variability of the 60% CF range (CF60%) was 17 ± 9.6 g. Hundred seventy-one (19%) applications were delivered with constant, 717 (78%) with variable, and 26 (3%) with intermittent CF. The mean CF and force-time integral were significantly higher during applications with variable than with intermittent or constant CF. There was no significant difference in CF variability, CF60% variability, and force-time integral between applications delivered in sinus rhythm and atrial fibrillation. The main reasons for CF variability were systolo-diastolic heart movement (29%) and respiration (27%). In 10 additional patients, during adenosine-induced atrioventricular block, the minimum CF significantly increased at 19 sites (5.3 ± 4.4 versus 13.4 ± 5.9 g; P < 0.001) and at 16 sites intermittent or variable CF became constant. At only 1 site systolo-diastolic movement remained the main reason for variable CF. Conclusions-CF during pulmonary vein isolation remains highly variable despite efforts to optimize contact. CF and CF parameters were similar during sinus rhythm and atrial fibrillation. The main reasons for CF variability are systolodiastolic heart movement and respiration. The systolo-diastolic peaks and nadirs of CF are because of ventricular contractions at the large majority of pulmonary vein isolation sites.
Introduction. Subfascial Endoscopic Perforator Surgery (SEPS) enables the direct visualization and section of perforating veins. Morbidity and duration of hospitalization are both less than with conventional open surgery (Linton’s or Felder’s techniques). Patients and methods. A total of 322 legs from 285 patients with a mean age of 56 years (range 23-90) were treated at our Department from May 1996 to January 2010. In 309 cases, an endoscope (ETM Endoskopische Technik GmbH, Berlin, Germany) was introduced through a transverse incision approximately 1.5 cm in length and 10 cm from the tibial tuberosity, as with Linton’s technique. A spacemaker balloon dissector for SEPS, involving a second incision 6 cm from the first, was used in only 13 cases. Results. The procedure used in each case was decided on the basis of preoperative evaluation. SEPS and stripping were performed in 238 limbs (73.91%), SEPS and short stripping in 7 limbs (2.17%), SEPS and crossectomy in 51 limbs (15.84%), and SEPS alone in 26 limbs (8.07%). 103 patients presented a total of 158 trophic ulcers; the healing time was between 1 and 3 months, with a healing rate of 82.91% after 1 month and 98.73% after 3 months. Conclusion. Subfascial ligature of perforating veins is superior to sclerotherapy and minimally invasive suprafascial treatment for the treatment of CVI. It is easy to execute, minimally invasive and has few complications.
Mestrado em Tecnologia de Diagnóstico e Intervenção Cardiovascular - Área de especialização: Intervenção Cardiovascular.
But: Le diabète est un problème important de santé publique et la complication oculaire la plus commune est la rétinopathie diabétique (RD). Certaines études indiquent que la choroïde des patients diabétiques est affectée sans signe apparent de RD. Notre hypothèse est que l’élévation du stress oxydant liée à l’hyperglycémie chronique affecte la fonction choroïdienne à un stade précoce de la RD. Nous proposons d’étudier la glycolyse, le métabolisme mitochondrial, le stress nitrosatif et la méthylation de l’ADN ainsi que de caractériser les modifications histologiques dans la choroïde diabétique. Méthodes: L’expression des gènes/protéines associés à la glycolyse, au métabolisme mitochondrial et à la production de l’oxyde nitrique a été comparée par profilage génique et immunobuvardage Western entre les choroïdes saines et diabétiques. Les niveaux globaux de méthylation et d’hydroxyméthylation de l’ADN ont été quantifiés par immunoslot blot et HPLC-MS/MS dans ces tissus. Enfin, des coupes tissulaires d’yeux de donneurs sains ou diabétiques avec RD non proliférante (RDNP) ou proliférante (RDP) ont été colorées au trichrome de Masson et au Weigert. L’épaisseur de la choroïde et de la membrane de Bruch, ainsi que la densité et le diamètre des vaisseaux sanguins choroïdiens ont été analysés. Résultats: Nos résultats montrent une dérégulation de l’expression de certains transcrits de la choroïde diabétique, mais peu de différences au niveau de l’expression protéique des cibles validées. Le niveau global de méthylation de l’ADN est similaire entre les donneurs sains et diabétiques. Nos analyses histologiques démontrent une diminution de l’épaisseur de la choroïde et une dégénérescence des choriocapillaires et des veines/veinules chez les donneurs diabétiques atteints de RDP. Conclusions: L’étude de la choroïde est importante, car l’atteinte de ce tissu a de graves répercussions sur la fonction rétinienne. L’identification de cibles dans la choroïde ouvre de nouvelles perspectives pour un traitement préventif de la RD.
Se realizó un estudio descriptivo- retrospectivo desde enero de 2007 a diciembre del 2011. El universo estuvo constituido por los pacientes de 18 años y más con diagnóstico de Neumotórax, internados en los departamentos de cirugía del Hospital Regional Vicente Corral Moscoso y Hospital Teófilo Dávila. Para el levantamiento de la información se utilizó un formulario previamente diseñado. Los datos se transcribieron de las historias clínicas a los formularios respectivos. Resultados: Se incluyeron 73 pacientes del HTD y 52 del HVCM, el neumotórax de mayor prevalencia fue el traumático con el 85.6% de los casos, izquierdo en el 54.4%; las características clínicas de mayor relevancia fueron: dolor moderado 40.8%; taquicardia 15.2%; desviación de la tráquea hacia la derecha 32.8%; distención de las venas del cuello 38.4%; hipersonoridad 76.8%; murmullo vesicular disminuido 80%; disnea 99.2%; cianosis 22.4%; los método diagnósticos presentaron la siguiente prevalencia: radiografía de tórax 100%; tomografía 27.2% y resonancia en el 0.8% de los casos; el tratamiento fue en el 16% toracocentesis con aspiración de aguja y en el 100% tubo de tórax. La media de días de hospitalización fue de 5 días y la mortalidad fue del 10.4%.- Conclusiones: Se registraron diferencias estadísticamente significativas entre ambas instituciones en las características clínicas en cuanto a la procedencia, intensidad del dolor, frecuencia cardiaca, murmullo vesicular disminuido y presentación de cianosis. Además se evidencia una alta mortalidad.au
Background and objectives Central venous catheterization of the internal jugular vein is a commonly performed invasive procedure associated with a significant morbidity and even mortality. Ultrasound-guided methods have shown to significantly improve the success of the technique and are recommended by various scientific societies, including the American Society of Anesthesiologists. The aim of this report is to describe an innovative ultrasound-guided central line placement of the internal jugular vein. Technique The authors describe an innovative ultrasound-guided central line placement of the internal jugular vein based on an oblique approach – the “Syringe-Free” approach. This technique allows immediate progression of the guide wire in the venous lumen, while maintaining a real-time continuous ultrasound image. Conclusions The described method adds to the traditional oblique technique the possibility of achieving a continuous real-time ultrasound-guided venipuncture and a guide wire insertion that does not need removing the probe from the puncture field, while having a single operator performing the whole procedure.
Permeability of a rock is a dynamic property that varies spatially and temporally. Fractures provide the most efficient channels for fluid flow and thus directly contribute to the permeability of the system. Fractures usually form as a result of a combination of tectonic stresses, gravity (i.e. lithostatic pressure) and fluid pressures. High pressure gradients alone can cause fracturing, the process which is termed as hydrofracturing that can determine caprock (seal) stability or reservoir integrity. Fluids also transport mass and heat, and are responsible for the formation of veins by precipitating minerals within open fractures. Veining (healing) thus directly influences the rock’s permeability. Upon deformation these closed factures (veins) can refracture and the cycle starts again. This fracturing-healing-refacturing cycle is a fundamental part in studying the deformation dynamics and permeability evolution of rock systems. This is generally accompanied by fracture network characterization focusing on network topology that determines network connectivity. Fracture characterization allows to acquire quantitative and qualitative data on fractures and forms an important part of reservoir modeling. This thesis highlights the importance of fracture-healing and veins’ mechanical properties on the deformation dynamics. It shows that permeability varies spatially and temporally, and that healed systems (veined rocks) should not be treated as fractured systems (rocks without veins). Field observations also demonstrate the influence of contrasting mechanical properties, in addition to the complexities of vein microstructures that can form in low-porosity and permeability layered sequences. The thesis also presents graph theory as a characterization method to obtain statistical measures on evolving network connectivity. It also proposes what measures a good reservoir should have to exhibit potentially large permeability and robustness against healing. The results presented in the thesis can have applications for hydrocarbon and geothermal reservoir exploration, mining industry, underground waste disposal, CO2 injection or groundwater modeling.