956 resultados para Intrinsic reward


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There exists various suggestions for building a functional and a fault-tolerant large-scale quantum computer. Topological quantum computation is a more exotic suggestion, which makes use of the properties of quasiparticles manifest only in certain two-dimensional systems. These so called anyons exhibit topological degrees of freedom, which, in principle, can be used to execute quantum computation with intrinsic fault-tolerance. This feature is the main incentive to study topological quantum computation. The objective of this thesis is to provide an accessible introduction to the theory. In this thesis one has considered the theory of anyons arising in two-dimensional quantum mechanical systems, which are described by gauge theories based on so called quantum double symmetries. The quasiparticles are shown to exhibit interactions and carry quantum numbers, which are both of topological nature. Particularly, it is found that the addition of the quantum numbers is not unique, but that the fusion of the quasiparticles is described by a non-trivial fusion algebra. It is discussed how this property can be used to encode quantum information in a manner which is intrinsically protected from decoherence and how one could, in principle, perform quantum computation by braiding the quasiparticles. As an example of the presented general discussion, the particle spectrum and the fusion algebra of an anyon model based on the gauge group S_3 are explicitly derived. The fusion algebra is found to branch into multiple proper subalgebras and the simplest one of them is chosen as a model for an illustrative demonstration. The different steps of a topological quantum computation are outlined and the computational power of the model is assessed. It turns out that the chosen model is not universal for quantum computation. However, because the objective was a demonstration of the theory with explicit calculations, none of the other more complicated fusion subalgebras were considered. Studying their applicability for quantum computation could be a topic of further research.


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We investigate the extent to which individuals’ global motivation (self-determined and non-self-determined types) influences adjustment (anxiety, positive reappraisal) and engagement (intrinsic motivation, task performance) in reaction to changes to the level of work control available during a work simulation. Participants (N = 156) completed 2 trials of an inbox activity under conditions of low or high work control—with the ordering of these levels varied to create an increase, decrease, or no change in work control. In support of the hypotheses, results revealed that for more self-determined individuals, high work control led to the increased use of positive reappraisal. Follow-up moderated mediation analyses revealed that the increases in positive reappraisal observed for self-determined individuals in the conditions in which work control was high by Trial 2 consequently increased their intrinsic motivation toward the task. For more non-self-determined individuals, high work control (as well as changes in work control) led to elevated anxiety. Follow-up moderated mediation analyses revealed that the increases in anxiety observed for non-self-determined individuals in the high-to-high work control condition consequently reduced their task performance. It is concluded that adjustment to a demanding work task depends on a fit between individuals’ global motivation and the work control available, which has consequences for engagement with demanding work.


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Woolworths is set to launch its new loyalty program, Woolworths Rewards, claiming that the new scheme will enable shoppers to redeem cash discounts off their shopping basket, much faster than ever before. It is estimated shoppers will acquire the necessary points to save $10 automatically of their grocery bill within seven weeks. Resembling the model used by UK retailer Morrisons, the new Woolworths Rewards program is a smart move for the retailer hoping to claw back some market share and curtail operational costs. However, there is no such thing as a free lunch.


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Vapour phase oxidation of anthracene over cobalt molybdate catalyst was investigated in an isothermal flow reactor in the temperature range of 280—340°C. Fifteen different models based on redox, Langmuir—Hinshelwood and Rideal mechanisms were tested in order to elucidate the mechanism of the above reaction. These models were compared on the basis of three criteria and were finally discriminated employing the non-intrinsic parameter method. Two-stage redox mechanism was found to explain the data satisfactorily.


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Tillering in sorghum can be associated with either the carbon supply–demand (S/D) balance of the plant or an intrinsic propensity to tiller (PTT). Knowledge of the genetic control of tillering could assist breeders in selecting germplasm with tillering characteristics appropriate for their target environments. The aims of this study were to identify QTL for tillering and component traits associated with the S/D balance or PTT, to develop a framework model for the genetic control of tillering in sorghum. Four mapping populations were grown in a number of experiments in south east Queensland, Australia. The QTL analysis suggested that the contribution of traits associated with either the S/D balance or PTT to the genotypic differences in tillering differed among populations. Thirty-four tillering QTL were identified across the populations, of which 15 were novel to this study. Additionally, half of the tillering QTL co-located with QTL for component traits. A comparison of tillering QTL and candidate gene locations identified numerous coincident QTL and gene locations across populations, including the identification of common non-synonymous SNPs in the parental genotypes of two mapping populations in a sorghum homologue of MAX1, a gene involved in the control of tiller bud outgrowth through the production of strigolactones. Combined with a framework for crop physiological processes that underpin genotypic differences in tillering, the co-location of QTL for tillering and component traits and candidate genes allowed the development of a framework QTL model for the genetic control of tillering in sorghum.


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Geometric constraints present in A2BO4 compounds with the tetragonal-T structure of K2NiF4 impose a strong pressure on the B---OII---B bonds and a stretching of the A---OI---A bonds in the basal planes if the tolerance factor is t congruent with RAO/√2 RBO < 1, where RAO and RBO are the sums of the A---O and B---O ionic radii. The tetragonal-T phase of La2NiO4 becomes monoclinic for Pr2NiO4, orthorhombic for La2CuO4, and tetragonal-T′ for Pr2CuO4. The atomic displacements in these distorted phases are discussed and rationalized in terms of the chemistry of the various compounds. The strong pressure on the B---OII---B bonds produces itinerant σ*x2−y2 bands and a relative stabilization of localized dz2 orbitals. Magnetic susceptibility and transport data reveal an intersection of the Fermi energy with the d2z2 levels for half the copper ions in La2CuO4; this intersection is responsible for an intrinsic localized moment associated with a configuration fluctuation; below 200 K the localized moment smoothly vanishes with decreasing temperature as the d2z2 level becomes filled. In La2NiO4, the localized moments for half-filled dz2 orbitals induce strong correlations among the σ*x2−y2 electrons above Td reverse similar, equals 200 K; at lower temperatures the σ*x2−y2 electrons appear to contribute nothing to the magnetic susceptibility, which obeys a Curie-Weiss law giving a μeff corresponding to S = 1/2, but shows no magnetic order to lowest temperatures. These surprising results are verified by comparison with the mixed systems La2Ni1−xCuxO4 and La2−2xSr2xNi1−xTixO4. The onset of a charge-density wave below 200 K is proposed for both La2CuO4 and La2NiO4, but the atomic displacements would be short-range cooperative in mixed systems. The semiconductor-metallic transitions observed in several systems are found in many cases to obey the relation Ea reverse similar, equals kTmin, where varrho = varrho0exp(−Ea/kT) and Tmin is the temperature of minimum resistivity varrho. This relation is interpreted in terms of a diffusive charge-carrier mobility with Ea reverse similar, equals ΔHm reverse similar, equals kT at T = Tmin.


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Green building incentives are important to promoting green building. However, it lacks a systematic review of existing knowledge. This paper aims to elicit the common themes in studies of green building incentives through a systematic review. It is found that the common research areas into green building incentives are incentive categorisation, its effectiveness on promoting green building development, criticism of current green incentive implementation and strategies for improving green building incentives. Green building incentives are categorised into external and internal incentives. The external incentive is a forced choice whereby beneficiaries are required to fulfil specified conditions or requirements before benefitting, while the internal incentive allows beneficiaries to be incentivised out of volition because of the appeal of the benefits of green buildings. The external incentives, which are largely provided by the government, are divided into financial and non-financial incentives. It is found that owners are more incentivised by non-financial incentives. In terms of effectiveness, both external and internal incentives are important instruments for promoting green building, although it is not clear which are the more effective. Furthermore, the review uncovered criticisms of external green building incentives, which mainly focus on shortcomings in administering the incentives by the government. The strategies for improving green building incentives were also found, the most important of these being the need for the government to redirect its approach of providing incentives so that owners can be encouraged to pursue green building. The review findings signify the importance of the government in relation to green building incentives. Further research areas that could expand the knowledge of green building incentives are also recommended.


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This paper reports and discusses the principal findings of an Australian study exploring the decisions of high achieving Year 10 students about taking physics and chemistry courses (Lyons, 2003). The study used a ‘multiple worlds’ framework to explore the diverse background characteristics that previous quantitative research had shown were implicated in these decisions. Based on analyses of questionnaire and interview data, the study found that the students’ decisions involved the complex negotiation of a number of cultural characteristics within their school science and family worlds. Many of the students regarded junior high school science as irrelevant, uninteresting and difficult, leaving them with few intrinsic reasons for enrolling in senior science courses. The study found that decisions about taking physical science courses were associated with the resources of cultural and social capital within their families, and the degree to which these resources were congruent with the advantages of choosing these courses. The paper concludes that the low intrinsic value of school science and the erosion of its strategic value contribute to the reluctance of students to choose physical science courses in the senior school.


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TRAUTMAN has postulated1 that the usual space−time singularity occurring in classical cosmological models and in the gravitational collapse of massive objects could be averted if intrinsic spin effects are incorporated into general relativity by adding torsion terms to the usual Einstein field equations, that is through the Einstein−Cartan theory. Invoking a primordial magnetic field for aligning all the individual nuclear spins he shows that his universe consisting of 1080 aligned neutrons collapses to a minimum radius of the order of 1 cm with a corresponding matter density of 1055 g cm-3.


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Vapour phase oxidation of anthracene over cobalt molybdate catalyst was investigated in an isothermal flow reactor in the temperature range of 280—340°C. Fifteen different models based on redox, Langmuir—Hinshelwood and Rideal mechanisms were tested in order to elucidate the mechanism of the above reaction. These models were compared on the basis of three criteria and were finally discriminated employing the non-intrinsic parameter method. Two-stage redox mechanism was found to explain the data satisfactorily.


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Distributed renewable energy has become a significant contender in the supply of power in the distribution network in Queensland and throughout the world. As the cost of battery storage falls, distribution utilities turn their attention to the impacts of battery storage and other storage technologies on the low voltage (LV) network. With access to detailed residential energy usage data, Energex's available residential tariffs are investigated for their effectiveness in providing customers with financial incentives to move to Time-of Use based tariffs and to reward use of battery storage.


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Pratylenchus thornei is a major pathogen of wheat in Australia. Two glasshouse experiments with four wheat cultivars that had different final populations (Pf) of P. thornei in the field were used to optimise conditions for assessing resistance. With different initial populations (Pi) ranging up to 5250 P. thornei/kg soil, Pf of P. thornei increased to 16 weeks after sowing, and then decreased at 20 weeks in some cultivar x Pi combinations. The population dynamics of P. thornei up to 16 weeks were best described by a modified exponential equation P f (t) = aP i e kt where P f (t) is the final population density at time t, P i is the initial population density, a is the proportion of P i that initiates population development, and k is the intrinsic rate of increase of the population. The cultivar GS50a had very low k values at Pi of 5250 and 1050 indicating its resistance, Suneca and Potam had high k values indicating susceptibility, whereas intolerant Gatcher had a low value at the higher Pi and a high value at the lower Pi. Nitrate fertiliser increased plant growth and Pf values of susceptible cultivars, but in unplanted soil it decreased Pf. Nematicide (aldicarb 5 mg/kg soil) killed P. thornei more effectively in planted than in unplanted soil and increased plant growth particularly in the presence of N fertiliser. In both experiments, the wheat cultivars Suneca and Potam were more susceptible than the cultivar GS50a reflecting field results. The method chosen to discriminate wheat cultivars was to assess Pf after growth for 16 weeks in soil with Pi ~1050–5250 P. thornei/kg soil and fertilised with 200 mg NO3–N/kg soil.


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Nanoindentation technique was employed to measure the changes in mechanical properties of a glass preform subjected to different levels of UV exposure. The results reveal that short-term exposure leads to an appreciable increase in the Young's modulus (E), suggesting the densification of the glass, confirming the compaction-densification model. However, on prolonged exposure, E decreases, which provides what we believe to be the first direct evidence of dilation in the glass leading into the Type IIA regime. The present results rule out the hypothesis that continued exposure leads to an irreversible compaction and prove that index modulation regimes are intrinsic to the glass matrix.


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Prospective studies and intervention evaluations that examine change over time assume that measurement tools measure the same construct at each occasion. In the area of parent-child feeding practices, longitudinal measurement properties of the questionnaires used are rarely verified. To ascertain that measured change in feeding practices reflects true change rather than change in the assessment, structure, or conceptualisation of the constructs over time, this study examined longitudinal measurement invariance of the Feeding Practices and Structure Questionnaire (FPSQ) subscales (9 constructs; 40 items) across 3 time points. Mothers participating in the NOURISH trial reported their feeding practices when children were aged 2, 3.7, and 5 years (N = 404). Confirmatory Factor Analysis (CFA) within a structural equation modelling framework was used. Comparisons of initial cross-sectional models followed by longitudinal modelling of subscales, resulted in the removal of 12 items, including two redundant or poorly performing subscales. The resulting 28-item FPSQ-28 comprised 7 multi-item subscales: Reward for Behaviour, Reward for Eating, Persuasive Feeding, Overt Restriction, Covert Restriction, Structured Meal Setting and Structured Meal Timing. All subscales showed good fit over 3 time points and each displayed at least partial scalar (thresholds equal) longitudinal measurement invariance. We recommend the use of a separate single item indicator to assess the family meal setting. This is the first study to examine longitudinal measurement invariance in a feeding practices questionnaire. Invariance was established, indicating that the subscales of the shortened FPSQ-28 can be used with mothers to validly assess change in 7 feeding constructs in samples of children aged 2-5 years of age.


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By applying the theory of the asymptotic distribution of extremes and a certain stability criterion to the question of the domain of convergence in the probability sense, of the renormalized perturbation expansion (RPE) for the site self-energy in a cellularly disordered system, an expression has been obtained in closed form for the probability of nonconvergence of the RPE on the real-energy axis. Hence, the intrinsic mobility mu (E) as a function of the carrier energy E is deduced to be given by mu (E)= mu 0exp(-exp( mod E mod -Ec) Delta ), where Ec is a nominal 'mobility edge' and Delta is the width of the random site-energy distribution. Thus mobility falls off sharply but continuously for mod E mod >Ec, in contradistinction with the notion of an abrupt 'mobility edge' proposed by Cohen et al. and Mott. Also, the calculated electrical conductivity shows a temperature dependence in qualitative agreement with experiments on disordered semiconductors.