967 resultados para Interfaces Naturais


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O presente trabalho de conclusão de curso visa a elaboração de um plano de negócio de uma empresa de produção e comercialização de perfumes de produtos naturais no mercado nacional, a Kriol Fragance. A realização do trabalho foi fundamentada nos conceitos e pressupostos de perfumaria, empreendedorismo e plano de negócios. Destacam-se o processo de produção, o perfil do empreendedor e as fases de elaboração do plano de negócio. O estudo baseia-se em dados primários e dados secundários. Os dados primários foram recolhidos através de entrevistas e questionários. Foi aplicado um inquérito por questionário a uma amostra de 95 potenciais clientes, com o fim de apurar a perceção destes em relação aos produtos e com a finalidade de formular as estratégias comerciais da futura empresa. A importância do trabalho se fundamenta na necessidade de planear o negócio e de analisar a viabilidade financeira do mesmo. Os resultados alcançados demonstraram que existe mercado para este tipo de produto e que as estimativas correlacionadas com as condições do mercado comprovam a viabilidade do projeto.


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We know that classical thermodynamics even out of equilibrium always leads to stable situation which means degradation and consequently d sorder. Many experimental evidences in different fields show that gradation and order (symmetry breaking) during time and space evolution may appear when maintaining the system far from equilibrium. Order through fluctuations, stochastic processes which occur around critical points and dissipative structures are the fundamental background of the Prigogine-Glansdorff and Nicolis theory. The thermodynamics of macroscopic fluctuations to stochastic approach as well as the kinetic deterministic laws allow a better understanding of the peculiar fascinating behavior of organized matter. The reason for the occurence of this situation is directly related to intrinsic non linearities of the different mechanisms responsible for the evolution of the system. Moreover, when dealing with interfaces separating two immiscible phases (liquid - gas, liquid -liquid, liquid - solid, solid - solid), the situation is rather more complicated. Indeed coupling terms playing the major role in the conditions of instability arise from the peculiar singular static and dynamic properties of the surface and of its vicinity. In other words, the non linearities are not only intrinsic to classical steps involving feedbacks, but they may be imbedded with the non-autonomous character of the surface properties. In order to illustrate our goal we discuss three examples of ordering in far from equilibrium conditions: i) formation of chemical structures during the oxidation of metals and alloys; ii) formation of mechanical structures during the oxidation of metals iii) formation of patterns at a solid-liquid moving interface due to supercooling condition in a melt of alloy. © 1984, Walter de Gruyter. All rights reserved.


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A estética representa uma qualidade cada vez mais requisitada pela sociedade na atualidade. A busca pela aparência ideal expandiu-se também na medicina dentária, aumentando as exigências por resultados perfeitos. A medicina dentária tem desenvolvido novas técnicas e novos materiais com a ambição de reproduzir as propriedades estéticas e funcionais dos dentes naturais. Os sistemas totalmente cerâmicos têm sido alvo de grande entusiasmo dado as suas características inerentes. O seu potencial na reabilitação oral estética tem derrotado as suas antecessoras metalocerâmicas. À semelhança do esmalte e da dentina, os sistemas totalmente cerâmicos exibem boas propriedades óticas de translucidez, opacidade, fluorescência e opalescência, resultado da interação com a luz. Ainda que não seja possível dissociar as propriedades óticas das propriedades mecânicas de um dente natural para o sucesso de uma restauração, a heterogeneidade das cerâmicas têm sido exitosas enquanto sistema que combina diferentes propriedades para diferentes indicações clínicas. Esta variabilidade deve-se a diferentes composições químicas e a diferentes processos de fabricação, entre outros, que acentuam ou atenuam qualidades em cada sistema totalmente cerâmico. Este trabalho pretende abordar e comparar os sistemas cerâmicos atuais (cerâmicas com base em sílica, cerâmicas com base de alumina, cerâmicas com base em zircónia) de acordo com as suas propriedades óticas e a consequente aplicação clínica tendo em conta as características dos dentes naturais.


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L’accessibilité universelle est de nos jours très importante pour nos villes, car elle permet à toute personne, ayant des incapacités physiques ou non, de mener à bien ses activités socio-professionnelles. À travers le monde, plusieurs projets ont vu le jour comme AXS Map à New York ou AccesSIG en France. Au Canada, un projet multidisciplinaire nommé MobiliSIG ayant pour lieu d’expérimentation la ville de Québec a vu le jour en 2013. L’objectif du projet MobiliSIG est de concevoir et développer une application multimodale d’assistance au déplacement des personnes à mobilité réduite. Ce projet se concentre principalement sur la constitution d’une base de données d’accessibilité se référant au modèle PPH (Processus de Production du Handicap). Nos travaux visent à définir la diffusion d’itinéraires adaptés, adaptables et adaptatifs liés à des contextes multi-utilisateurs, multiplateformes, multimodaux (interfaces et transports) et multi-environnements. Après une revue de littérature et afin d’identifier et définir les besoins liés à cette diffusion des données de navigation, nous nous sommes attelés à la description de plusieurs scénarios pour mieux comprendre les besoins des utilisateurs : planification d’un déplacement et navigation dans le milieu urbain ; parcours multimodal ; recherche d’un point d’intérêt (toilettes accessibles). Cette démarche nous a permis également d’identifier les modes de communication et représentations souhaitées de l’itinéraire (carte, texte, image, parole, …) et de proposer une approche basée sur la transformation de l’itinéraire reçu de la base de données d’accessibilité. Cette transformation est effectuée en tenant compte des préférences de l’utilisateur, de son appareil et de son environnement. La diffusion de l’itinéraire se fait ensuite par un service web de diffusion conçu selon le standard du W3C sur les architectures multimodales (MMI) en combinaison avec le concept de la plasticité des interfaces. Le prototype développé a permis d’avoir comme résultat un système qui diffuse de façon générique l’information de navigation adaptée, adaptable et adaptative à l’utilisateur, à son appareil et à son environnement.


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Jerked beef, an industrial meat product obtained from beef with the addition of sodium chloride and curing salts and subjected to a maturing and drying process is a typical Brazilian product which has been gradually discovered by the consumer. The replacement of synthetic antioxidants by natural substances with antioxidant potential due to possible side effects discovered by lab tests, consumer health, is being implemented by the meat industry. This study aimed to evaluate the lipid oxidation of jerked beef throughout the storage period by replacing the sodium nitrite by natural extracts of propolis and Yerba Mate. For jerked beef processing brisket was used as raw material processed in 6 different formulations: formulation 1 (control - in nature), formulation 2 (sodium nitrite - NO), formulation 3 (Yerba Mate - EM), formulation 4 (propolis extract - PRO), formulation 5 (sodium nitrite + Yerba Mate - MS + NO), formulation 6 (propolis extract + sodium nitrite - PRO + NO). The raw material was subjected to wet salting, dry salting (tombos), drying at 25°C, packaging and storage in BOD 25°C. Samples of each formulation were taken every 7 days for analysis of lipid oxidation by the TBARS method. In all formulations, were carried out analysis of chemical composition at time zero and sixty days of storage. The water activity analysis and color (L *, a *, b *) was monitored at time zero, thirty and sixty days of storage. The Salmonella spp count, Coliform bacteria, Termotolerant coliforms and coagulase positive staphylococci were taken at time zero and sixty days. The activity of natural antioxidants evaluated shows the decline of lipid oxidation up to 2.5 times compared with the product in natura and presented values with no significant differences between treatments NO and EM, confirming the potential in minimize lipid oxidation of Jerked beef throughout the 60 days of storage. The results also showed that yerba mate has a higher antioxidant capacity compared to the propolis except the PRO + NO formulation. When associated with yerba mate with sodium nitrate, TBARS values become close to values obtained only for the control samples with the addition of sodium nitrite. The proximal composition of the formulations remained within the standards required in the IN nº22/2000 for jerked beef. Samples that differ significantly at 5% are directly related to the established type of formulation. The count of microorganisms was within the standards of the DRC nº12/2001 required for matured meat products. The intensity of the red (a*) decreased with storage time and increase the intensity of yellow (b*) indicates a darkening of the product despite L* also have been increased. These results suggest that yerba mate is a good alternative to meat industry in reducing healing addition salts when associated with another antioxidant.


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Autologous nerve grafts are the current gold standard for the repair of peripheral nerve injuries. However, there is a need to develop an alternative to this technique, as donor-site morbidities such as neuroma formation and permanent loss of function are a few of the limitations concerned with this technique. Artificial nerve conduits have therefore emerged as an alternative for the repair of short peripheral nerve defects of less than 30 mm, however they do not surpass autologous nerve grafts clinically. To develop a nerve conduit that supports regeneration over long nerve gaps and in large diameter nerves, researchers have focused on functionalizing of the conduits by studying the components that enhance nerve regeneration such as micro/nano-topography, growth factor delivery systems, supportive cells and extracellular matrix (ECM) proteins as well as understanding the complex biological reactions that take place during peripheral nerve regeneration. This thesis presents strategies to improve peripheral nerve interfaces to better the regenerative potential by using dorsal root ganglions (DRGs) isolated from neonatal rats as an in vitro model of nerve regeneration. The work started off by investigating the usefulness of a frog foam protein Ranaspumin-2 (Rsn2) to coat biomaterials for compatibility, this lead to the discovery of temporary cell adhesion on polydimethylsiloxane (PDMS), which was investigated as a suitable tool to derive cell-sheets for nerve repair. The influence of Rsn2 anchored to specific adhesion peptide sequences, such as isoleucine-lysine-valine-alanine-valine (IKVAV), a sequence derived from laminin proven to promote cell adhesion and neurite outgrowth, was tested as a useful means to influence nerve regeneration. This approach improves the axonal outgrowth and maintains outgrowth long term. Based on the hypothesis that combinational modulation of substrate topography, stiffness and neurotrophic support, affects axonal outgrowth in whole DRGs, dissociated DRGs were used to assess if these factors similarly act at the single cell level. Rho associated protein kinase (ROCK) and myosin II inhibitors, which affect cytoskeletal contractility, were used to influence growth cone traction forces and have shown that these factors work in combination by interfering with growth cone dynamic creating a different response in axonal outgrowth at the single cell level.


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Acompanha: A educação de jovens e adultos e o ensino de ciências naturais: contribuições da utilização dos conceitos unificadores


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Público alvo: 3.ºano (1º ciclo Ensino Básico) Tabuadas 7, 8 e 9;Algoritmos da adição, subtração, multiplicação e divisão.


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Relatório de Estágio para a obtenção do grau de Mestre na área de Educação e Comunicação Multimédia


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Relatório de estágio apresentado para obtenção do grau de mestre em Ensino do 1º e do 2º ciclos do ensino básico


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The seaweed Gracilaria domingensis is a common species in the coast of Rio Grande do Norte. This species lives in the intertidal zone, where colour strains (red, green and brown) co-occur during the whole year. Seaweeds that live in this region are exposed to daily changes and to the rhythm of the tide. During the low tide they are exposed to dissection, hiper-or hipo-osmotic shock, high temperatures and high irradiance. The aim of this study was to analyze whether the pigment and protein content of the colour strains of G. domingensis is affected by some environmental parameters in a temporal scale. The seaweeds were collected during 10 months in the seashore of Rio do Fogo (RN). The total soluble proteins and the phycobiliprotein were extracted in phosphate buffer and the carotenoids were analyzed by a standardized method through HPLC-UV. The pigments analysis showed that phycoerithrin is the most abundant pigment in the three strains. This pigment was strongly correlated with nitrogen and the photosynthetically active radiation. Chlorophyll presented higher concentrations than carotenoids during the whole, but the ratio carotenoid/chlorophyll-a was modified by incident radiation. The most abundant carotenoid was ß-carotene and zeaxanthin, which had higher concentrations in the higher radiation months. The concentration increase of zeaxanthin in this period indicated a photoprotective response of the seaweed. The three strains presented a pigment profile that indicates different radiation tolerance profile. Our results pointed that the green strain is better adapted to high irradiance levels than the red and brown strains


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Relatório de Estágio apresentado para a obtenção do grau de mestre em Educação e Comunicação Multiméddia