990 resultados para Indigenous creative writing


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This dissertation examines the corpse as an object in and of American hardboiled detective fiction written between 1920 and 1950. I deploy several theoretical frames, including narratology, body-as-text theory, object relations theory, and genre theory, in order to demonstrate the significance of objects, symbols, and things primarily in the clever and crafty work of Dashiell Hammett (1894-1961) and Raymond Chandler (1888-1959), but also touching on the writings of their lesser known accomplices. I construct a literary genealogy of American hardboiled detective fiction originating in the writings of Edgar Allan Poe, compare the contributions of classic or Golden Age detective fiction in England, and describe the socio-economic contexts, particularly the predominance of the “pulps,” that gave birth to the realism of the Hardboiled School. Taking seriously Chandler’s obsession with the art of murder, I engage with how authors pre-empt their readers’ knowledge of the tricks of the trade and manipulate their expectations, as well as discuss the characteristics and effect of the inimitable hardboiled style, its sharpshooting language and deadpan humour. Critical scholarship has rarely addressed the body and figure of the corpse, preferring to focus instead on the machinations of the femme fatale, the performance of masculinity, or the prevalence of violence. I cast new light on the world of hardboiled detective fiction by dissecting the corpse as the object that both motivates and de-composes (or rots away from) the narrative that makes it signify. I treat the corpse as an inanimate object, indifferent to representation, that destabilizes the integrity and self-possession, as well as the ratiocination, of the detective who authors the narrative of how the corpse came to be. The corpse is all deceptive and dangerous surface rather than the container of hidden depths of life and meaning that the detective hopes to uncover and reconstruct. I conclude with a chapter that is both critical denouement and creative writing experiment to reveal the self-reflexive (and at times metafictional) dimensions of hardboiled fiction. My dissertation, too, in the manner of hardboiled fiction, hopes to incriminate my readers as much as enlighten them.


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Este artículo describe una propuesta de innovación docente basada en la corriente educativa de la Educación para el Desarrollo, así como la mejora de Competencia Comunicativa en L2 y de las Competencias Literarias e Interculturales por medio de un taller diseñado para tal fin. El propósito de este artículo es doble: por un lado mostrar las posibilidades que ofrece el Taller de Escritura e Ilustración Creativa para el desarrollo de las Competencias Literaria, Intercultural y Comunicativa en L2. Se muestra cómo el taller cumple con las directrices marcadas por la Educación para el Desarrollo que se describe en el marco teórico. El segundo objetivo es narrar cómo se han organizado, coordinado e implementado el Taller de Escritura e Ilustración Creativa en la Universidade Federal do Amazonas en Manaos (Brasil), basándose en la metodología del aprendizaje basado en tareas, y cómo se ha conseguido (i) promover la creación de puentes para la consolidación de las relaciones bilaterales entre universidades; (ii) motivar la colaboración científica con los centros brasileños que cuentan con un departamento de español, y (iii) emplear y crear herramientas que permitan incluir la Educación para el Desarrollo.


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Thèse réalisée dans le cadre d'un Ph.D.interdisciplinaire en Psychologie, en création littéraire et en orthopédagogie. L'impact de la création littéraire a été étudié chez des adolescents atteints d'une maladie chronique au CHU Sainte-Justine de Montréal. Cette recherche est exploratoire car la création littéraire n'a jamais été étudiée dans cette perspective. Elle a été réalisée sous la direction de Catherine Mavrikakis, professeure et écrivain à la Faculté des arts et sciences au Département des littératures francophones de l'Université de Montréal et de Jean-François Saucier, psychiatre et anthropologue à la Faculté de médecine au Département de psychiatrie de l'Université de Montréal et chercheur au CHU Sainte-Justine. Interdisciplinary Study.


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Ce mémoire en recherche-création s’articule en deux parties, soit un roman et un essai. La résilience des corps, roman à double narration, met en scène Clara et Romain, un couple dont l’avenir est ébranlé par une grossesse surprise. Dans les chapitres s’alternent les voix des deux personnages, tant dans le passé que dans le présent. La voix de Clara se démultiplie, elle qui souffre de schizophrénie. L’essai Femmes sans enfant : une impossibilité? Analyse de La lune dans un HLM de Marie-Sissi Labrèche et d’Un léger désir de rouge d’Hélène Lépine répond à un questionnement soulevé durant l’écriture du roman, soit « Une femme peut-elle dire, sans se justifier, qu’elle ne veut pas d’enfant? ». Les romans La lune dans un HLM de Marie-Sissi Labrèche et Un léger désir de rouge d’Hélène Lépine sont analysés avec une perspective féministe, de façon à faire ressortir la thématique du refus de la maternité dans le discours et dans les actes des personnages.


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O projecto de intervenção pedagógica “Detectives de Palavras: uma abordagem ao desenvolvimento da criatividade através da escrita” remete-nos para uma análise acerca da importância da criatividade no mundo actual, como capacidade pessoal e social. Partindo da ideia de que a criatividade é o produto da interacção entre o domínio, o campo e a pessoa (Csikszentmihalyi, 1988) e de que a imaginação, a originalidade e a expressão são características essenciais do processo criativo (Bellón, 1998) desenvolveu-se um projecto direccionado para crianças em idade escolar com o intuito de desenvolver o pensamento criativo assim como despertar a motivação para a escrita e para a leitura. No presente projecto, são trabalhadas com os intervenientes algumas estratégias de Escrita Criativa passando, as crianças, a incorporarem o papel de Detectives de Palavras. Cada criança possui um kit pedagógico-didáctico de construção/investigação de histórias. Este kit é constituído por uma pasta de detective que contém alguns objectos utilizados por escritores e por detectives, tais como blocos de notas, lupas, pasta arquivadora de textos, cartões de identificação, entre outros, que podem ser capazes de ajudar as crianças a desenvolverem as suas ideias. Além de ser essencial avaliar o desenrolar do projecto, ou seja, o processo, também é importante avaliar o produto, neste caso, os textos das crianças. Contudo, avaliar a criatividade é uma tarefa complexa e muito subjectiva, por isso, esta avaliação baseia-se nos quatro factores que, de acordo com Guilford (1950) e Torrance (1972), estão envolvidos no processo criativo: a flexibilidade, a originalidade, a fluência e a elaboração.


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The first section of this unfinished novel, titled Silk Butterflies is a diptych about a woman named Sarah, and her desire to acquire ancestral truth regarding her identity to negate the pain she feels from losing her unborn child. Her story, told in a guarded, first person point-of-view is paralleled with Ling’s story, an unconventional, ninety-two year old Shanghainese woman who, against her desires, had her feet bound in China during the early 1920’s. Ling’s story is also told from a lyrical first-person perspective that focuses especially on sensory details, and delves into the sacrifices we make to attain standards of beauty, and the loss Ling has never recovered from. As this historical fiction progresses, their stories overlap in an unexpected way, as both Sarah and Ling attempt to revitalize forgotten histories, including how Sarah’s grandparents fled to Shanghai in the 1930’s to escape Nazi persecution during World War II.


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Trabalho de projeto apresentado à Escola Superior de Educação de Paula Frassinetti para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Ciências da Educação Especialização em Animação da Leitura


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Mestrado, Educação Pré-Escolar e Ensino do 1.º Ciclo do Ensino Básico, 21 de Março de 2016, Universidade dos Açores (Relatório de Estágio).


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The five short stories in this collection illustrate the insistence of the imagination in a foreign country. The protagonists deal with loss and exile of the human spirit, as well as language. In “View of the Taft Bridge”, a Chinese painter befriends a panda in the National Zoo in America’s capital. In “Early June before the Millennium”, an illicit student and teacher relationship unveils a painful history of the 1989 Tiananmen Square massacre. An adopted teenager finds her life unraveled at the presence of a new tenant who shares her ethnicity in “Girl in the Basement”. And the inertia of a housewife drives her desire to become a house cat, in “Catwoman”, until dream and reality become interchangeable. In “The Way We Mourned”, betrayal and memorial are closely knit in the wake of a close friend’s death. These stories search for connections to bridge “self” and “other”, as well as one’s present with a haunting past.


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The characters in “Happy,” “The Price of Independence,” “Itch,” and “Guillotine” all struggle with their loss of power and ability to successfully navigate their own lives. Though different genders, ages, and worlds are rendered each character must choose to either face their conflict head on or submit to the external pressure present. “The Price of Independence” and “Itch” highlight the precariousness of relationships and how one relationship, whether it be romantic or platonic, can change everything. “Happy” and “Guillotine” feature characters struggling from within, they are separated from the world around them and their failures force a spotlight on the misconceptions of mental health care.


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This collection navigates the process of grief after the speaker’s loss of both parents. The speaker struggles to connect with both the dead and the living through her physical intimacy and relationship with a troubled lover. These poems explore and exhume the speaker’s buried memories, moving from moments of wry humor to meaningful and sometimes painful discovery. Ultimately, these poems attempt to reach beyond the self, to transform loss and loneliness from a human condition into a musical tool of art for human connection.


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In “Not Very Far, But Not Close Either”, formal lyrics, free verse poems, and translations from the first century Latin of Martial and Horace explore ideas of distance: the physical distance between bodies, the psychological distance between (and within) human minds, the temporal distance between past, present, and future. A speaker considers his relationship to the image in a foggy bathroom mirror, another to the bird living behind his house, another to the ghosts of his dead parents, whom he asks to watch over a beloved and recently departed child. In exploring these distances—between self and semblance, man and bird, living and dead—the speakers of these poems attempt to locate themselves the only way we can ever locate anything: in relation to something—or someone—else. In this spirit, the manuscript incorporates not only translations and original poems, but poems adapted from and taken after the work of poets who have explored similar themes, questions, and concerns.


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Children live at a time when the rapid turnover of information and the ongoing changes in the technological, social, cultural, political and economic spheres make it more difficult for teachers to prepare lessons that enhance students’ interest and motivation. There is so much to be learnt outside of the classroom’s four walls that traditional methods of teaching may not be the most effective way to teach today’s learners. When it comes to classes of Portuguese language, teachers are faced with the challenge of teaching culture, literature, grammar and skills such as reading, writing and speaking in a way that involves students as active participants, that is, in a way that engages while also instructing. It means that several strategies need to be adopted, from games to the use of new technologies or, among others, an interdisciplinary approach with maths, (social) sciences and arts, for instance. In an attempt to motivate gifted and talented children that were attending elementary school in a small town near Viseu, in Portugal, The School of Education of the Polytechnic Institute of Viseu was asked to be part of a project in 2013, in a collaborative partnership that proved successful and that was re-enacted in 2015. It is in light of the above that, in this paper, we aim to: a) describe the support that the School of Education provided to these participants, children who were between six and fourteen, by presenting Portuguese language activities that intended to stimulate creative thinking and artistic production; and b) discuss the results of the project, by analysing the students’ productions across verbal and visual modes (ie. script writing and dubbing an excerpt of an animation film, interviews, news reports, drawings, the creation and recitation of poems…). Future activities are on the table, meaning that the School of Education’s commitment to feeding the students’ creativity has shown promising results. Creativity in Portuguese classes is not a guarantee of success but it certainly is food for thought.


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Set in 2008 Puerto Rico, this novel aims to explore the relationship between constructed masks of personal identity, the increasingly interconnected nature of community, and their confluence in the worlds of politics, media, social activism, and business through a narrative examination of the ways in which three primary characters affect the lives of those around them. Jaime, a meditative young man with a penchant for planes, comes home to find the power shut off and his drug-addict mother gone. His best friend, Yarique, a disaffected stoner with a false sense of machismo, becomes an overnight sensation after an escalating series of violent run-ins with his abuelo’s neighbor. Ravolo Soto, a reclusive pitorro distiller, drinks to keep The Other in check, but takes off into the jungles of Lares, hiding out in his father’s mountain shack, after a violent encounter with the police leaves one officer dead.