999 resultados para Impact Breakage


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The aim of the study was to analyse the degree to which gestational age (GA) has been shortened due to prenatal diagnosis of gastrointestinal malformations (GIM). The data source for the study was 14 population-based registries of congenital malformations (EUROCAT). All liveborn infants with GIMs and without chromosomal anomalies, born 1997-2002, were included. The 14 registries identified 1047 liveborn infants with one or more GIMs (oesophageal atresia, duodenal atresia, omphalocele, gastroschisis and diaphragmatic hernia). Median GA at birth was lower in prenatally diagnosed cases for all five malformations, although not statistically significant for gastroschisis. There was little difference in median birthweight by GA for the pre- and postnatally diagnosed infants. The difference in GA at birth between prenatally and postnatally diagnosed infants with GIMs is enough to increase the risk of mortality for the prenatally diagnosed infants. Clinicians need to balance the risk of early delivery against the benefits of clinical convenience when making case management decisions after prenatal diagnosis. Very few studies have been able to show benefits of prenatal diagnosis of congenital malformations for liveborn infants. This may be because the benefits of prenatal diagnosis are outweighed by the problems arising from a lower GA at birth.


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This paper applies random matrix theory to obtain analytical characterizations of the capacity of correlated multiantenna channels. The analysis is not restricted to the popular separable correlation model, but rather it embraces a more general representation that subsumesmost of the channel models that have been treated in the literature. For arbitrary signal-to-noise ratios (SNR), the characterization is conducted in the regime of large numbers of antennas. For the low- and high-SNR regions, in turn, we uncover compact capacity expansions that are valid for arbitrary numbers of antennas and that shed insight on how antenna correlation impacts the tradeoffs between power, bandwidth and rate.


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This is a participant study, quasi-experimental, of a before and after type. A quantitative approach of biophysiological measures was used, represented by the saturation of oxygen measured by pulse oximeter (SpO2), and recorded on three occasions: before, during and after the bedbath in critically ill patients hospitalized at the ICU of a University Hospital in Brazil. Objective: to compare the SpO2 in various stages of the bath, with and without control of water temperature. Data collection was performed between December 2007 and April 2008 on a convenience sample consisting of 30 patients aged over 18 who had classification in TISS-28 from level II. Results show that water temperature control means a lower variation of SpO2 (p<0.05). No marked differences in variation of saturation between men and women or between age groups were established. In conclusion, heated and constant water temperature during the bedbath is able to minimize the fall of SpO2 that occurs while handling patients during procedures.


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BACKGROUND & AIMS: In the last decade, pegylated interferon-α (PegIFN-α) plus ribavirin (RBV) was the standard treatment of chronic hepatitis C for genotype 1, and it remains the standard for genotypes 2 and 3. Recent studies reported associations between RBV-induced anemia and genetic polymorphisms of concentrative nucleoside transporters such as CNT3 (encoded by SLC28A3) and inosine triphosphatase (encoded by ITPA). We aimed at studying genetic determinants of RBV kinetics, efficacy and treatment-associated anemia. METHODS: We included 216 patients from two Swiss study cohorts (61% HCV genotype 1, 39% genotypes 2 or 3). Patients were analyzed for SLC28A2 single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) rs11854484, SLC28A3 rs56350726, and SLC28A3 rs10868138 as well as ITPA SNPs rs1127354 and rs7270101, and followed for treatment-associated hemoglobin changes and sustained virological response (SVR). In 67 patients, RBV serum levels were additionally measured during treatment. RESULTS: Patients with SLC28A2 rs11854484 genotype TT had higher dosage- and body weight-adjusted RBV levels than those with genotypes TC or CC (p=0.02 and p=0.06 at weeks 4 and 8, respectively). ITPA SNP rs1127354 was associated with hemoglobin drop ≥3 g/dl during treatment, in genotype (relative risk (RR)=2.1, 95% CI 1.3-3.5) as well as allelic analyses (RR=2.0, 95%CI 1.2-3.4). SLC28A3 rs56350726 was associated with SVR in genotype (RR=2.2; 95% CI 1.1-4.3) as well as allelic analyses (RR=2.0, 95% CI 1.1-3.4). CONCLUSIONS: The newly identified association between RBV serum levels and SLC28A2 rs11854484 genotype, as well as the replicated association of ITPA and SLC28A3 genetic polymorphisms with RBV-induced anemia and treatment response, may support individualized treatment of chronic hepatitis C and warrant further investigation in larger studies.


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Tribulus terrestris is a nutritional supplement highly debated regarding its physiological and actual effects on the organism. The main claimed effect is an increase of testosterone anabolic and androgenic action through the activation of endogenous testosterone production. Even if this biological pathway is not entirely proven, T. terrestris is regularly used by athletes. Recently, the analysis of two female urine samples by GC/C/IRMS (gas chromatography/combustion/isotope-ratio-mass-spectrometry) conclusively revealed the administration of exogenous testosterone or its precursors, even if the testosterone glucuronide/epitestosterone glucuronide (T/E) ratio and steroid marker concentrations were below the cut-off values defined by World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA). To argue against this adverse analytical finding, the athletes recognized having used T. terrestris in their diet. In order to test this hypothesis, two female volunteers ingested 500 mg of T. terrestris, three times a day and for two consecutive days. All spot urines were collected during 48 h after the first intake. The (13)C/(12)C ratio of ketosteroids was determined by GC/C/IRMS, the T/E ratio and DHEA concentrations were measured by GC/MS and LH concentrations by radioimmunoassay. None of these parameters revealed a significant variation or increased above the WADA cut-off limits. Hence, the short-term treatment with T. terrestris showed no impact on the endogenous testosterone metabolism of the two subjects.


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OBJECTIVE: This study was undertaken to determine the delay of extubation attributable to ventilator-associated pneumonia (VAP) in comparison to other complications and complexity of surgery after repair of congenital heart lesions in neonates and children. METHODS: Cohort study in a pediatric intensive care unit of a tertiary referral center. All patients who had cardiac operations during a 22-month period and who survived surgery were eligible (n = 272, median age 1.3 years). Primary outcome was time to successful extubation. Primary variable of interest was VAP Surgical procedures were classified according to complexity. Cox proportional hazards models were calculated to adjust for confounding. Potential confounders comprised other known risk factors for delayed extubation. RESULTS: Median time to extubation was 3 days. VAP occurred in 26 patients (9.6%). The rate of VAP was not associated with complexity of surgery (P = 0.22), or cardiopulmonary bypass (P = 0.23). The adjusted analysis revealed as further factors associated with delayed extubation: other respiratory complications (n = 28, chylothorax, airway stenosis, diaphragm paresis), prolonged inotropic support (n = 48, 17.6%), and the need for secondary surgery (n = 51, 18.8%; e.g., re-operation, secondary closure of thorax). Older age promoted early extubation. The median delay of extubation attributable to VAP was 3.7 days (hazards ratio HR = 0.29, 95% CI 0.18-0.49), exceeding the effect size of secondary surgery (HR = 0.48) and other respiratory complications (HR = 0.50). CONCLUSION: VAP accounts for a major delay of extubation in pediatric cardiac surgery.


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This paper investigates the effects of women‘s labour force participation on fertility, as well as the effects of the combined labour force participation of both members of a couple. It specifically focuses on such dimensions as unemployment, earnings, temporary contracts and part-time jobs, and it shows that their effects differ in accordance with national institutions and labour market regulations. Event-history methods and a longitudinal sample of the European Community Household Panel are used in the analyses, concerning the years 1993-2000. The results show that labour market insecurity of one or both members of a couple has a particularly strong impact in reducing birth rates in the Southern European countries studied. The more conventional model of men’s employment combined with housewifery has a positive impact on second or higher order births in United Kingdom, Spain and Italy, while in Denmark the effect is the opposite. These differences are consistent with different national models of combining parental responsibilities and participation by gender across the life course.


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In this chapter we portray the effects of female education and professional achievement on fertility decline in Spain over the period 1920-1980 (birth cohorts of 1901-1950).A longitudinal econometric approach is used to test the hypothesis that the effects of women’s education in the revaluing of their time had a very significant influence on fertility decline. Although in the historical context presented here improvements in schooling were on a modest scale, they were continuous (with the interruption of the Civil War) and had a significant impact in shaping a model of low fertility in Spain. We also stress the relevance of this result in a context such as the Spanish for which liberal values were absent, fertility control practices were forbidden, and labour force participation of women was politically and socially constrained.


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BACKGROUND: As little such data is available in African populations, we investigated the prevalence of ADPKD and the impact of the disease in the Seychelles islands, where approximately 65% of the population is of African descent and 30% of Caucasian or mixed descent. METHODS: Prevalent cases were identified over a 3-year period by requesting all the doctors in the country (most of them are employed within a national health system) to refer all presumed or confirmed cases and by systematically examining the family members of all confirmed cases. The diagnosis was based on standard criteria including ultrasonographic findings and family history. RESULTS: Forty-two cases were identified in this population of 74,331 inhabitants, a total prevalence (per 100,000 total population) of 57 (95% CI, 41-76). All but one of the cases were of Caucasian descent so that the prevalence rates of the disease in the populations of Black and Caucasian descents were respectively 2 (0-11) and 184 (132-249). The prevalence rates of the gene(s) carriers were estimated to be 75 (45-117) in the total population respectively 6 (0-33) and 236 (140-372) in the Black and Caucasian populations. Haplotype analysis in 58 cases from three families showed a common DNA fragment in all affected individuals. Cases had significantly higher blood pressure compared to the general population and 21% had serum creatinine higher than 120 mumol/l. Among the established pedigrees, mean age of death between 1960 and 1995 (haemodialysis was introduced in 1992) was younger in subjects with than those without ADPKD (50.5 vs 67.7 years; P < 0.001). CONCLUSIONS: In the Seychelles, ADPKD clusters in the Caucasian population (possibly a founder effect), is rare in individuals of black descent, and is associated with substantial clinical and survival impact.


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Contexte: Impression clinique que l'Etat de Stress Post-traumatique (ESPT) est sous-diagnostiqué dans la prise en charge des patients qui sont évalués dans le cadre d'une urgence psychiatrique. Objectifs: (i) identifier la prévalence de l'ESPT dans une unité d'urgence psychiatrique au moyen d'un instrument diagnostic et la comparer avec le diagnostic clinique retenu dans un échantillon historique (ii) évaluer la perception des cliniciens quant à l'utilisation systématique d'un instrument diagnostic Méthodes: la prévalence de l'ESPT a été évaluée chez des patients consécutifs (N = 403) qui ont bénéficié d'une consultation par des psychiatres de l'Unité urgence-crise du Service de Psychiatrie de Liaison (PLI) du CHUV, en utilisant le module J du Mini Mental Neuropsychologic Interview (MINI 5.0.0, version CIM-10). Ce résultat a été comparé avec la prévalence de l'ESPT mentionné comme diagnostic dans les dossiers (N = 350) d'un échantillon historique. La perception des médecins-assistants de psychiatrie quant au dépistage systématique de l'ESPT avec un instrument a été étudiée en se basant sur la conduite d'un focus group d'assistants travaillant dans l'Unité urgence-crise du PLI. Résultats: Parmi les patients (N = 316) évalués à l'aide de l'instrument diagnostic, 20,3% (n = 64) réunissaient les critères de l'ESPT. Cela constitue un taux de prévalence significativement plus élevé que la prévalence d'ESPT documentée dans les dossiers de l'échantillon historique (0,57%). Par ailleurs, la prévalence de l'ESPT est significativement plus élevée parmi les groupes socio- économiques précarisés, tels que réfugiés et sans papiers (50%), patients venant d'un pays à histoire de guerre récente (47,1%), patients avec quatre (44,4%) ou trois comorbidités psychiatriques (35,3%), migrants (29,8%) et patients sans revenus professionnels (25%). Le focus groupe composé de 8 médecins-assistants a révélé que l'utilisation systématique d'un outil- diagnostic ne convenait pas dans le setting d'urgence psychiatrique, notamment parce que l'instrument a été considéré comme non adapté à une première consultation ou jugé avoir un impact négatif sur l'entretien clinique. Toutefois, après la fin de l'étude, les médecins-assistants estimaient qu'il était important de rechercher activement l'ESPT et continuaient à intégrer les éléments principaux du questionnaire dans leur travail clinique. Conclusion et perspectives: cette étude confirme que l'ESPT est largement sous-diagnostiqué dans le contexte des urgences psychiatriques, mais que l'usage systématique d'un outil diagnostic dans ce cadre ne satisfait pas les praticiens concernés. Pour améliorer la situation et au vu du fait qu'un instrument diagnostic est considéré comme non-adapté dans ce setting, il serait peut-être bénéfique d'envisager un dépistage ciblé et/ou de mettre en place une stratégie de formation institutionnelle.


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Summary.  Hepatitis C viral (HCV) kinetics after initiation of interferon-based therapy provide valuable insights for understanding virus pathogenesis, evaluating treatment antiviral effectiveness and predicting treatment outcome. Adverse effects of liver fibrosis and steatosis on sustained virological response have been frequently reported, yet their impacts on the early viral kinetics remain unclear. In this study, associations between histology status and early viral kinetics were assessed in 149 HCV genotype 1-infected patients treated with pegylated interferon alfa-2a and ribavirin (DITTO trial). In multivariate analyses adjusted for critical factors such as IL28B genotype and baseline viral load, presence of significant fibrosis (Ishak stage > 2) was found to independently reduce the odds of achieving an initial reduction (calculated from day 0 to day 4) in HCV RNA of ≥2 logIU/mL (adjusted OR 0.03, P = 0.004) but was not associated with the second-phase slope of viral decline (calculated from day 8 to day 29). On the contrary, presence of liver steatosis was an independent risk factor for not having a rapid second-phase slope, that is, ≥0.3 logIU/mL/week (adjusted OR 0.22, P = 0.012) but was not associated with the first-phase decline. Viral kinetic modelling theory suggests that significant fibrosis primarily impairs the treatment antiviral effectiveness in blocking viral production by infected cells, whereas the presence of steatosis is associated with a lower net loss of infected cells. Further studies will be necessary to identify the biological mechanisms underlain by these findings.


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Aims: Cytochrome P4501A2 (CYP1A2) is involved in the metabolism of severaldrugs (clozapine, olanzapine, theopylline, caffeine, etc) and is induced by smoking.This can result in decreased plasma levels of drugs metabolized by thisisoenzyme, causing a decrease in therapeutic response. After quitting smoking,increased plasma levels can lead to adverse effects of the concerned drugs, such asconfusion and seizures, described under clozapine treatment. The present studyaimed to examine the variation of CYP1A2 activity in a large group of smokersbefore and after smoking cessation. Moreover, we aimed to determine whethergenetic polymorphisms of CYP1A2 gene could influence the inducibility ofCYP1A2. Methods: CYP1A2 activity was determined by the paraxanthine/caffeineratio in 194 smokers and in 118 of them being abstinent during a 4-weekperiod. Participants were genotyped for CYP1A2*1F (rs762551), *1D(rs35694136) and *1C (rs2069514) polymorphisms. Results: Smokers had higherCYP1A2 activity (1.55-fold; p < 0.0001). Individual change of CYP1A2 activityafter smoking cessation ranged from 1.0-fold (no change) to 7.3-fold decreasedactivity. In five participants with low initial CYP1A2 activity, an increase wasobserved after smoking cessation. During smoking, CYP1A2*1F (p = 0.005), CYP1A2*1D (p = 0.014), the number of cigarettes/day (p = 0.012), contraceptives use(p < 0.001) and - 163A/- 2467T/- 3860G haplotype (p = 0.002) influencedCYP1A2 activity, while after quitting smoking, CYP1A2*1F (p = 0.017) and contraceptives(p = 0.05) did. No influence of CYP1A2 polymorphisms on the inducibilityof CYP1A2 was observed. Conclusion: Higher CYP1A2 activity wasmeasured in smokers, but with a large interindividual variability of its inductionby smoking. Careful clinical management with the help of therapeutic drug monitoringis therefore needed for patients receiving drugs which are metabolized byCYP1A2, who stop or start smoking. Unidentified genetic variations in theCYP1A2 gene and/or in other genes controlling CYP1A2 activity and other environmentalfactors could be responsible of the observed differences in CYP1A2enzymatic activity and inducibility.