953 resultados para Hymenoptera.
Painted apple moth Teia anartoides Walker (Lepidoptera: Lymantriidae), a native to Australia, was discovered in Auckland, New Zealand in late 1999 and eradicated by 2006. It was recognised in 2002 that biological control would be the most effective long-term control strategy if eradication was unsuccessful, and a search was initiated for potential biocontrol agents in Australia. In 2003, autumn and spring surveys were undertaken in Victoria, Tasmania and South Australia of the guild of parasitoid natural enemies of T. anartoides. Eggs, larvae and pupae were collected and held to rear out any parasitoids. In addition, localised searches were made in Queensland in late 2003 early 2004 and laboratory-reared juvenile stages of T. anartoides were released for recapture in both Victoria and Queensland. Acacia dealbata Link (Fabales: Fabaceae) was the main plant from which T. anartoides was recovered, followed by apple. Most T. anartoides samples were collected from Victoria and Tasmania. Eighteen species from 13 genera of egg, larval and pupal parasitoids were reared and included Diptera (Tachinidae) and Hymenoptera (Braconidae, Encyrtidae, Eulophidae and Ichneumonidae). Of the seven Hymenopteran genera recovered from the larval stage, the most common in Victoria and Tasmania was a previously unidentified larval parasitoid Cotesia Cameron (Hymenoptera: Braconidae) sp. Echthromorpha intricatoria (Fabricius) (Hymenoptera: Ichneumonidae) was the dominant pupal parasitoid. The survey showed that the parasitoid complex associated with T anartoides is structurally very similar to that on other pest Lymantriidae in the northern hemisphere such as gypsy moth (Lymantria dispar L.) (Lepidoptera: Lymantriidae). Meteorus pulchricornis (Wesmael) (Hymenoptera: Braconidae) was recorded for the first time in Australia.
Sirex woodwasp (Sirex noctilio F: Hymenoptera: Siricidae) is a major worldwide pest of pine (Pinus) species. The female woodwasp undertakes exploratory drills with the ovipositor prior to egg-laying to assess tree suitability. Previous work has shown that this behaviour is associated with assessing the osmotic pressure of the tree. Here we show that, in addition, the ovipositor is electrophysiologically active and capable of detecting ethanol and chemical components of solvent extracts of pine needles and bark. Scanning electron micrographs of the ovipositor show the presence of structures which may have a chemoreceptive function. Our research expands our knowledge of the role that the Sirex ovipositor plays in egg-laying site selection.
The small hive beetle, Aethina tumida Murray (Coleoptera: Nitidulidae), is a recent but significant pest of honeybee Apis mellifera L. (Hymenoptera: Apidae) hives in various regions throughout the world, including Eastern Australia. The larval stage of this beetle damages hives when they feed on brood, pollen, and honeycomb, leaving behind fermented wastes. In cases of extreme damage, hives collapse and are turned to an odorous mass of larvae in fermenting hive products. The yeast Kodamaea ohmeri (Etchells & Bell) Yamada et al. (Ascomycota) has been consistently isolated from the fermenting material as well as each life stage of this beetle. Various studies have noted that the small hive beetle is attracted to volatiles from hive products and those of the yeast K. ohmeri, although earlier studies have not used naturally occurring hive products as their source of fermentation. This study investigated changes through time in the attractiveness of natural honeybee hive products to the small hive beetle as the hive products were altered by the action of beetle larvae and fermentation by K. ohmeri. We used gas chromatography-mass spectrometry and choice-test behavioural assays to investigate these changes using products sampled from three apiaries. Attractiveness of the fermenting hive products (‘slime’) increased as fermentation progressed, and volatile profiles became more complex. Fermenting hive products remained extremely attractive for more than 30 days, significantly longer than previous reports. These results have strong implications for the development of an external attractant trap to assist in the management of this invasive pest.
The parasitic wasps are one of the largest insect groups and their life histories are remarkably variable. Common to all parasitic wasps is that they kill their hosts, which are usually beetles, butterflies and sometimes spiders. Hosts are often at a larval or pupal stage and live in concealed conditions, such as in plant tissue. Parasitic wasps have two main ways of finding their host. 1) They can detect chemical compounds emitted by damaged plant material or released by larvae living in plant tissue, and 2) detect the larvae by sound vibrations. Even though pupae are immobile and silent, and therefore do not cause vibration, parasitoids have, however, adapted to find passive developmental stages by producing vibration themselves by knocking the substrate with their antennae, and then detecting the echoes with their legs. This echolocation allows a parasitoid to locate its potential hosts that are deeply buried in wood. This study focuses on the relationships of the subfamily Cryptinae (Hymenoptera: Ichneumonidae) and related taxa, and the evolution of host location mechanism. There are no earlier studies of the phylogeny of the Cryptinae, and the position of related taxa are unclear. According to the earlier classification, which is entirely intuitional, the Cryptinae is divided into three tribes: Cryptini, Hemigasterini and Phygadeuontini. Further, these tribes are subdiveded into numerous subtribes. This work, based on molecular characters, shows that the cryptine tribes Cryptini, Phygadeuon¬tini and Hemigasterini come out largely as monophyletic groups, thus agreeing with the earlier classification. The earlier subtribal classification had no support. In addition, it is shown that modified antennal structures are associated with host usage of wood-boring coleopteran hosts. The cryptines have a clear modification series on their antennal tips from a simply tip to a hammer-like structure. The species with strongly modified antennae belong mostly to the tribe Cryptini and they utilise wood-boring beetles as hosts. Also, field observations on insect behaviour support this result.
In a complex multitrophic plant-animal interaction system in which there are direct and indirect interactions between species, comprehending the dynamics of these multiple partners is very important for an understanding of how the system is structured. We investigated the plant Ficus racemosa L. (Moraceae) and its community of obligatory mutualistic and parasitic fig wasps (Hymenoptera: Chalcidoidea) that develop within the fig inflorescence or syconium, as well as their interaction with opportunistic ants. We focused on temporal resource partitioning among members of the fig wasp community over the development cycle of the fig syconia during which wasp oviposition and development occur and we studied the activity rhythm of the ants associated with this community. We found that the seven members of the wasp community partitioned their oviposition across fig syconium development phenology and showed interspecific variation in activity across the day-night cycle. The wasps presented a distinct sequence in their arrival at fig syconia for oviposition, with the parasitoid wasps following the galling wasps. Although fig wasps are known to be largely diurnal, we documented night oviposition in several fig wasp species for the first time. Ant activity on the fig syconia was correlated with wasp activity and was dependent on whether the ants were predatory or trophobiont-tending species; only numbers of predatory ants increased during peak arrivals of the wasps.
The relationship between hosts and parasites is one of the most studied interactions between living organisms, and it is both universal and common in nature. Parasitoids are special type of parasites whose offspring develop attached to or within a single host organism that it ultimately consumes and kills. Hosts are arthropods and most parasitoids belong to the insect order Hymenoptera. For almost two decades metapopulation research on the Glanville fritillary butterfly (Melitaea cinxia) has been conducted in the Åland Islands, Finland. The studies have been concerned with the population dynamics, evolution, genetics, behavior, natural history and life history characteristics of M. cinxia, as well as with species interacting with the butterfly. The parasitoids of M. cinxia have been under long term studies and much has been learned about specific host-parasitoid interactions during the past decade. The research for this Master s thesis was done in the Åland Islands during summer 2010. I conducted a reciprocal transplant style experiment in order to compare the performance of host butterflies (M. cinxia) under attack by different parasitoid wasps (C. melitaearum). I used hosts and parasitoids from five origins around the Baltic Sea: Öland, Uppland, Åland, Saaremaa and Pikku-Tytärsaari. The host-parasitoid relationship was studied in terms of host susceptibility and parasitoid virulence, addressing specifically the possible effects of inbreeding and local adaptation of both parasitoids and their hosts. I compared various factors such as host defence ratio, parasitoid development rate, cocoon production rate etc. I also conducted a small scale C. melitaearum egg development experiment and C. melitaearum external morphology comparison between different parasitoid populations. The results show that host resistance and parasitoid virulence differ between both host and parasitoid populations. For example, Öland hosts were most susceptible to parasitoids and especially vulnerable to Pikku-Tytärsaari wasps. Pikku-Tytärsaari wasps were most successful in terms of parasitoids virulence and efficiency except in Saaremaa hosts, where the wasp did not succeed. Saaremaa hosts were resistant except towards Åland parasitoids. I did not find any simple pattern concerning host resistance and parasitoid virulence between inbred and outbred populations. Also, the effect of local adaptation was not detected, perhaps because metapopulation processes disturb local adaptation of the studied populations. Morphological comparisons showed differences between studied wasp populations and sexual dimorphism was obvious with females being bigger that males. There were also interesting differences among populations in male and female wing shapes. The results raise many further questions. Especially interesting were Pikku-Tytärsaari wasps that did well in terms of efficiency and virulence. Pikku-Tytärsaari is a small, isolated island in the Gulf of Finland and both the host and parasitoids are extremely inbred. For the host and parasitoid to persist in the island, the host has to have some mechanisms to escape the parasitoid. Further research will be done on the subject to discover the mechanisms of Pikku-Tytärsaari host s ability to escape parasitism. Also, genetic analyses will be conducted in the near future to determine the relatedness of used C. melitaearum populations.
In social Hymenoptera, foraging, nest building, brood care and all other colony maintenance functions are carried out by the females while males function solely as reproductives. This asymmetry in social roles of the two sexes has led social insect researchers to focus almost exclusively on the females whereas males have remained relatively neglected. We studied two sympatric, primitively eusocial wasps, Ropalidia marginata and Ropalidia cyathiformis, and compared the morphological and behavioural profiles of males and females. Males of both species are smaller in size and weigh less compared to females. Males of the two species live in the nest for different durations. Borrowing from the ecological literature we use novel methods to compute and compare behavioural diversity and behavioural richness and show that females of both species are behaviourally richer and more diverse than the males.
The intense interest in social Hymenoptera, on account of their elaborate sociality and the paradox of altruism, has often suffered from considerable gender imbalance. This is partly due to the fact that worker behaviour and altruism are restricted to the females and partly because males often live off the nest. Yet, understanding the males, especially in the context of mating biology is essential even for understanding the evolution of sociality. Mating patterns have a direct bearing on the levels of intra-colony genetic relatedness, which in turn, along with the associated costs and benefits of worker behaviour, are central to our understanding of the evolution of sociality. Although mating takes place away from the nest in natural colonies of the primitively eusocial wasp Ropalidia marginata, mating can be observed in the laboratory if a male and a female are placed in a transparent, aerated plastic container, and both wasps are in the range of 5-20 days of age. Here, we use this setup and show that males, but not females, mate serially with multiple partners. The multiple mating behaviour of the males is not surprising because in nature males have to mate with a number of females, only a few of whom will go on to lay eggs. The reluctance of R. marginata females to mate with multiple partners is consistent with the expectation of monogamy in primitively eusocial species with totipotent females, although the apparent discrepancy with a previous work with allozyme markers in natural colonies suggesting that females may sometimes mate with two or three different males remains to be resolved.
Con el objetivo de conocer los insectos que colonizan troncos cortados de pino y sus enemigos naturales asociados, se realizó el presente estudio en tres sitios: la Unión, Las Tapias y San José del municipio de San Fernando en Nueva Segovia durante el periodo comprendido entre Diciembre 06 a Mayo 07. Varios tipos de insectos descortezadores, barrenadores y descomponedores de la madera a ser: Ips sp, Xyleborus sp, Lochmaeocles sp y termites fueron encontrados. Comparativamente Ips sp fue mas abundante en el sitio Las Tapias con un total de 179 emergencias, que representó el 44,58 % de los Ips sp que emergieron de los tres sitios de estudio. Asociados a Ips sp tres tipos de enemigos naturales fueron encontrados: el depredador Medetera sp (Diptera: Dolich opodidae), el parasitoide Heterospilus sp (Hymenoptera: Braconidae) y un parasitoide de identificado (Hymenoptera: Eulophidae). En los tres sitios de estudio el depredador Medetera sp fue el más abundante con 170 individuos que representaron el 88,54 % del total de todos los parasitoides emergidos en los tres sitios. El periodo y patrón de emergencia de Ips sp y los tres enemigos naturales observados fue similar para los tres sitios de estudio. La referencia de los dos parasitoides observados constituye la primera referencia de estos insectos afectando insectos descortezadores en Nicaragua, así también lo constituye la primer referencia del cerambicido Lochmaeocles sp como colonizador de trozas de pino en nuestro país.
En postrera de 1989 se sembraron tres variedades de maíz (NB6, NB12 y H-5) en el Centro Experimental "Humberto Tapia" (Dpto. Managua), con los objetivos de determinar la existencia de parasitoides de huevos de Dalbulus maidis, el porcentaje de parasitismo de las especies en relación con las variedades y su comportamiento a través del desarrollo de la planta. Se determinó la incidencia de oviposición de D. maidis en las variedades, así como en las etapas del cultivo, y se determinó la abundancia por planta de D. maidis en las variedades, así como su dinámica poblacional a través del tiempo. Se encontraron tres parasitoides de huevos de D. maidis: Anagrus sp, Abella sp y un Hymenoptera parasítica sin identificar. El parasitoide Anagrus sp fue el de mayor porcentaje de parasitismo con 41 %, le sigue Abella sp con 37% y el parasitoide no identificado presentó un promedio de 4%. Los parasitoides parasitan los huevos de D. maidis en cualquiera de las variedades. Existen diferencias significativas de parasitismo en el tiempo, variando a medida que avanza el tiempo, encontrándose porcentajes bajos en las primeras fechas de recuento con 16 % a los 10 dde y en la última fecha de recuento con 47% manteniendo alto el porcentaje de parasitismo a los 24, 31, 38, dde con valores de 90%, 98% y 98% respectivamente. El número de huevos ovipositados por m2 de hoja para las tres variedades fue estadísticamente similar. La chicharrita no mostró preferencia de oviposición por alguna variedad en particular pero la oviposición en términos de No de huevos por m2 varió grandemente en las diferentes fechas de recuento. D. maidis no mostró preferencia por habitar una determinada variedad, el número de D. maidis /planta no registró diferencias significativas para variedad Las poblaciones de D. maidis varían a medida que el tiempo avanza pero decrecen en los últimos recuentos. Tanto el tamaño de parcela, como el reducido número de huevos de donde provienen las estimaciones de las tasas de parasitismo limitan la confiabilidad de los resultados, por lo que se recomienda aumentar el tamaño de las parcelas y la cantidad de follaje por muestra. Es necesario repetir este experimento incluyendo otras apocas, mas localidades y parcelas con y sin insecticidas para establecer la distribución, dinámica poblacional y efectos sobre el rendimiento de estos parasitoides.
Con el propósito de evaluar el efecto del insecticida chlorpyrifos (lorsban)sobre las poblaciones de plagas y enemigos naturales en el agro ecosistema de maíz, se llevo a efecto el presente experimento en la finca Santa Rosa, Managua, durante la época de riego (febrero - junio)1996. Los tratamientos evaluados fueron a) aplicación de insecticida chlorpyrifos (lorsban); b) no aplicación de insecticida (testigo). Se realizaron dos aplicaciones; durante la primera aplicación se hicieron muestreos cada dos días y después de la segunda aplicación éstos muestreos se realizaron cada ocho dias, mediante recuentos visuales, trampas amarillas y trampas de caida (pitfall). Los arthropodos muestreados fueron agrupados como: depredadores y parasitoides, estos insectos fueron separados por familia, género y especie hasta donde era posible. Los principales parasitoides encontrados en las trampas amarillas pertenecen al orden Hymenoptera, familias: Braconidae, Mimaridae, Scelionidae, Ceraphronidae, Eucoilidae, el que se obtuvo en mayor proporción pertenece a la familia Scelionidae. Los principales depredadores obtenidos de los recuentos visuales y de las trampas de caída (pitfall)fueron Doru spp (Dermaptera:Forficulidae), cycloneda spp (Coleoptera: Coccinelidae), Polybia spp (Hymenoptera: Vespidae) y arañas. el que se obtuvo en mayor proporción fue Cycloneda spp. En general, durante las aplicaciones, el insecticida chlorpyrifos tuvo efecto sobre la población de parasitoides, éstas fueron reducidas después de cada aplicación y aumentaron seis días después de cada aplicación. Después del periodo de las aplicaciones el insecticida no tuvo efecto sobre ninguna de las poblaciones de insectos, la población de parasitoides fue diferente en las distintas fechas de muestreo, no así para la población de insectos depredadores.
Con el objetivo de generar información sobre la composición florística y sobre los factores que inciden en la arboleda de la zona sur del campus principal de la Universidad Nacional Agraria, se realizó la presente investigación durante el periodo comprendido entre los meses de Agosto 2007 a Septiembre 2008. La técnica básica de toma de datos fue la inspección ocular directa del 100 % de los árboles existentes en la zona de estudio. Se pudo determinar que la arboleda del sector sur de la UNA esta constituida por un total de 761 árboles organizados en 39 especies y agrupados en 23 familias botánicas, siendo la familia mas representativa la Mimosáceas con un total de cinco especies, la especie de árbol mas abundante fue Azaridachta indica(árbol de Nim) con 271 individuos, lo que representa el 36,6 % de toda la arboleda. A nivel de la incidencia de factores bióticos sobre la arboleda se detectó la incidencia de una especie de planta parasita identificada como Struthanthus sp el cual es catalogado como un muérdago verdadero, esta planta se encontró parasitando 15 especies de árboles con una incidencia de 6 %, lo que significa 44 árboles infestados de toda la arboleda, el árbol con mayor numero de individuos afectados fue Terminalia catappa (almendro) con 9 de 20 individuos infestados. A nivel de microorganismos fue posible observas la incidencia de cuatro tipos de hongos asociados a Pestalotia sp, Colletotrichum sp, Cryphonectria cubensis y un tipo roya, así como la incidencia de bacterias fitopatógenas en cuatro especies de árboles. A nivel de insectos se encontraron 7 géneros pertenecientes a los órdenes: Coleóptera, Psocoptera, Homóptera, Thysanoptera, Isóptera e Hymenoptera, las especies lo mas relevantes fueron Nasutitermes sp y Atta cephalotes. También fue posible determinar la incidencia de dos especies de plantas epifitas Monstrera deliciosa e Hylocereus undatus(Pitahaya) y la ocurrencia de factores físicos de daño provocados por inscrustamientos de malla en tallos y podas inadecuadas. Los resultados encontrados en el estudio indican la urgencia de diseñar un plan de manejo silvicultural de la arboleda que contribuya a su mejor cuido y asegure su conservación
El estudio se realizó con el propósito de determinar insectos y patógenos asociados a la vegetación arbórea de la Reserva Natural Meseta Tisey-Estanzuela y resaltar aquellos insectos de importancia forestal. Se hicieron colectas de insectos y material enfermo, por medio de capturas manuales en sitios preestablecidos para tal fin, según las formaciones boscosas más representativas de la zona. Los insectos y patógenos se identificaron en los laboratorios de la Universidad Nacional Agraria. De la colecta general de insectos, se determinaron 9 órdenes y 47 familias, sobresaliendo los órdenes Co/eoplera, Lepidoptera e Hymenoptera. Entre los insectos de importancia forestal sobresalen los descortezadores de los géneros Dendroctonus e lps, Scolytidae-Coleoptera, en pino y el defoliador del género Hylesia, Saturnidae-Lepidoptera, también en regeneración de pino. Otro resultado importante es el reporte de un defoliador en los robles de hoja ancha (Quercus segoviense). perteneciente al género Orgyia, Lymantriidae-Lepidóptera, del que se presume es Orgyia fa/cata y cuya importancia radica en ser un reporte nuevo de este género y especie para Nicaragua. Entre los patógenos sobresalieron la roya de los conos del pino Cronartium conigenum, una exudación resinosa en los conos atribuida a Fusarium sp y una enfermedad en los robles de hoja ancha atribuida posiblemente a Pestalotia sp.
Debido a pocos estudios sobre los artrópodos asociados a Moringa oleifera Lam., se llevó a cabo una caracterización de la diversidad dinámica poblacional y el rol potencial a nivel de orden familia y especie en dos sistemas de manejo de plantación para producción de semillas. La evaluación se llevó a cabo por un periodo de 12 semanas. La colecta se realizó a través del uso de trampas Pitfall y trampas aéreas en lotes de plantación de Moringa oleifera manejadas como monocultivo convencional; y manejo con enfoque agroecológico. Los parámetros registrados en cada sistema de manejo fueron: abundancia riqueza y, diversidad a partir del índice de Shannon Wiener. Los resultados reportan 1775 especímenes colectados, registrándose menor abundancia en manejo convencional (800 individuos) en comparación con manejo agroecológico (975 individuos). La fluctuación poblacional fue diferente en cada sistema de manejo, dándose un mayor incremento entre Noviembre y Enero en manejo agroecológico. La composición de artrópodos estuvo compuesta por 10 ordenes 55 familias y 73 especies. Los órdenes más representativos fueron Hymenoptera, Diptera, Orthoptera y Coleópeta. Las familias más representativas fueron Formicidae, Muscidae, Acrididae, Chrisopidae, Pyralidae y Blattellidae; reportando mayor índice de diversidad (3.2) en manejo agroecológico. La riqueza de especies fue más alta en manejo agroecológico (69) en comparación con manejo convencional (52). En cuanto al rol potencial de las especies en manejo agroecológico fue identificado 49.2% de defoliadores, 42.02% son benéficos mientras en manejo convencional 51.9% don defoliadores y 40.3 son especies benéficas.
There was variation in the ingestion of the food objects by the sexes. Despite the similarity in rank-order of the food objects, the ingestion of the objects vary significantly (rg=0.320, P>0.05). Dipterans adult and Hymenoptera were the only food objects not eaten by the males whereas insect remains and unidentified bivalves were absent from the trophics spectrum of the females. There was significant increase in feeding intensity by females than males. There was significant increase in GRI by specimens from Nipa Creek whereas individuals from mangrove creek recorded higher MGF and vice-versa. Dipterans adult. Hymenoptera, insect remains, Neritina glabrata and unid bivalves were absent from dietaries for nipa creek whereas a complete array of the food objects were eaten in the mangrove creek. The present findings highlights the importance of the mangrove ecosystem as the native vegetation encompassing great diversity of food resources and living conditions than the succeeding alien nipa vegetation