964 resultados para Hydraulic jump.


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Phosphorus removal performance and a possible mechanism for the phosphorus removal from an eutrophic lake water were investigated using a medium-scale integrated vertical constructed wetland (combined vertical and reverse-vertical systems) from April, 11, 2001 to September, 28, 2004. Environmental factors affecting phosphorus removal and release profiles were monitored simultaneously under hydraulic loads from 400 to 2000 mm per day. The phosphorus removal rate varied with the environmental conditions. The removal rate for acidic influent water was superior to that for alkaline influent water. The substrate in the wetland chamber acted as a buffer to regulate the pH value of the water sample. As regards the water temperature, no significant differences were observed for the removal rate of total phosphorus (TP) and soluble reactive phosphorus (SRP) between low (lower than 15 degrees C) medium (16-25 degrees C) and high temperature (higher than 26 degrees C) conditions. Under a hydraulic load of 400 mm per day, the removal rate reached over 70%, the highest value achieved in this work. In addition, the highest hydraulic load of 2000 mm/d did not result in the lowest removal rate, as had been expected. After a two-year high hydraulic load test, the removal rate decreased significantly. Phosphorous release from the substrate was examined using a spatial sampling method. Depth profiles of total phosphorus and different states of phosphorus present in the substrate were recorded. This further study demonstrated that binding of phosphorus by iron and calcium might be another major factor in the removal and release of TP and SRP in this wetland system. The distribution of the speciated phosphorus showed that the amount of phosphorus captured in the substrate of the down-flow chamber was significantly higher than that captured in the up-flow chamber, suggesting that the up-flow chamber was the main source of phosphorus release in this constructed wetland.


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Three lacustrine core samples were collected from Chaohu lake in December 2002 in the Yangtze delta region. The grain sizes were analyzed using a Laser Analyzer to obtain grain-size parameters. Sediment geochronology was determined in radioisotopes Cs-137 and the average sedimentary rates are 0.29cm.a(-1), 0.35 cm.a(-1) and 0.24cm-a(-1) in Cores C 1, C2 and C3, respectively. The grain-size parameters of the deposits vary regularly with the fluctuation of hydrodynamics. From 1950s to the beginning of 20th century, coarse-grained sediment was deposited, suggesting strong hydraulic conditions and high water-level periods with much precipitation; from the start of 20(th) century to latter half of 18(th) century, fine-grained sediment was deposited, indicating that weak hydraulic conditions and low water-level periods with less precipitation; before the first half of 18(th) century, coarse-grained sediment was deposited, suggesting great velocity of flow and high water-level periods of more precipitation.


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Previous studies have reported that different schemes for coupling Monte Carlo (MC) neutron transport with burnup and thermal hydraulic feedbacks may potentially be numerically unstable. This issue can be resolved by application of implicit methods, such as the stochastic implicit mid-point (SIMP) methods. In order to assure numerical stability, the new methods do require additional computational effort. The instability issue however, is problem-dependent and does not necessarily occur in all cases. Therefore, blind application of the unconditionally stable coupling schemes, and thus incurring extra computational costs, may not always be necessary. In this paper, we attempt to develop an intelligent diagnostic mechanism, which will monitor numerical stability of the calculations and, if necessary, switch from simple and fast coupling scheme to more computationally expensive but unconditionally stable one. To illustrate this diagnostic mechanism, we performed a coupled burnup and TH analysis of a single BWR fuel assembly. The results indicate that the developed algorithm can be easily implemented in any MC based code for monitoring of numerical instabilities. The proposed monitoring method has negligible impact on the calculation time even for realistic 3D multi-region full core calculations. © 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Two sets of small scale systems of staged, vertical-flow constructed wetlands (VFCW) were operated in a greenhouse to study the purification of dibutyl phthalate (DBP) in admeasured water. Each system consisted of two chambers in which water flowed downward in chamber I and then upward in chamber 2. The systems were intermittently fed with wastewater under a hydraulic load of 420 mm(.)d(-1). The measured influent concentrations of DBP in the experimental system were 9.84 mg(.)l(-1), while the other system was used as a control and received no DBP. Effluent concentrations of the treated system averaged 5.82 mug(.)l(-1) and were far below the Chinese DBP discharge standard of less than or equal to0.2 mg(.)l(-1). These results indicate the potential purification capacity of this new kind of constructed wetland in removing DBP from a polluted water body.


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The natural reproduction of grass carp, black carp, silver carp, and bighead will be affected adversely by the Three Gorges Project in the Yangtze River. One of the methods to save the fish is to regulate the water levels, keeping them suited for the species to spawn. Nine factors associated with the scale of larvae-flood of the four species are classified into five levels, and the ranges of these factors producing larvae-floods are given by using the "factor-criteria system reconstruction analysis" method. Moderate beginning water levels and flow, with high daily increases in the rate of water level and flow, and a long duration of water level rising are important for the production of a large larvae-flood.


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Mode characteristics for equilateral triangles, squares, and hexagonal resonators with a center hole are numerically simulated by the finite-different time domain (FDTD) technique. The center hole does not break the symmetry behavior of the original resonators and can result in modification of the mode field patterns and mode Q factors. In an equilateral triangle resonator the center hole can suppress the symmetry state of degenerate states with the merit of single mode operation. In a square resonator, the Q factor can be enhanced for some modes with a suitable size of the hole. For a hexagonal resonator with a side length of 1 mu m and a refractive index of 3.2, the mode Q factors first gradually decrease with the increase of the hole diameter for modes at a wavelength of about 1500 nm, then the modes transform to that of a microdisk with a jump of the mode wavelength as the hole diameter approaches 0.7 mu m. Finally, the mode Q factors greatly enhance as the hole diameter reaches about 1 mu m. The results indicate that the center hole can greatly modify mode characteristics, especially that of the mode Q factor. (C) 2009 Optical Society of America


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The response of photonic memory effect in I-V characteristics of a specially designed photonic memory cell was reported. When the cell is biased in a storage mode, the optical excitation with the photon's energy larger than the energy gap gives rise to a step-like jump in the current. A set-up was used to measure the transient photocurrent at the biases where the step-like jump showed up. It is proved that the falling transient edge of the photocurrent, as the photoexcitation turns off, mainly maps the decaying of electrons and holes, which were previously stored in the cell during the illumination. Its time constant is a measure of photonic memory time.


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This study develops a fiber Bragg grating (FBG) pressure sensor partly shielded with a metal tube. The thermal-strain cross effect is avoided and its pressure sensitivity is increased to -2.44 x 10(-3) MPa, about 1200 times as that of a bare fiber grating. Due to its good sensing linearity, this sensor can be applied in the measurement of hydraulic pressure and vibration. (c) 2006 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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The storage of photoexcited electron-hole pairs is experimentally carried out and theoretically realized by transferring electrons in both real and k spaces through resonant Gamma - X in an AlAs/GaAs heterostructure. This is proven by the peculiar capacitance jump and hysteresis in the measured capacitance-voltage curves. Our structure may be used as a photonic memory cell with a long storage time and a fast retrieval of photons as well.


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Temperature-dependent modulation characteristics of 1.3 mu m InAs/GaAs quantum dot (QD) lasers under small signals have been carefully studied at various bias currents. Based on experimental observations, it is found that the modulation bandwidth significantly increases when excited state (ES) lasing emerges at high temperature. This is attributed to additional photons emitted by ES lasing which contribute to the modulation response. A rate equation model including two discrete electron energy levels and the level of wetting layer has been used to investigate the temperature-dependent dynamic behavior of the QD lasers. Numerical investigations confirm that the significant jump for the small signal modulation response is indeed caused by ES photons. Furthermore, we identify how the electron occupation probabilities of the two discrete energy levels can influence the photon density of different states and finally the modulation rate. Both experiments and numerical analysis show that the modulation bandwidth of QD lasers at high temperature can be increased by injecting more carriers into the ES that has larger electron state degeneracy and faster carrier's relaxation time than the ground state.


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Various concepts have been proposed or used in the development of rheological models for debris flow. The earliest model developed by Bagnold was based on the concept of the “dispersive” pressure generated by grain collisions. Bagnold’s concept appears to be theoretically sound, but his empirical model has been found to be inconsistent with most theoretical models developed from non-Newtonian fluid mechanics. Although the generality of Bagnold’s model is still at issue, debris-flow modelers in Japan have generally accepted Takahashi’s formulas derived from Bagnold’s model. Some efforts have recently been made by theoreticians in non-Newtonian fluid mechanics to modify or improve Bagnold’s concept or model. A viable rheological model should consist both of a rate-independent part and a rate-dependent part. A generalized viscoplastic fluid (GVF) model that has both parts as well as two major rheological properties (i.e., the normal stress effect and soil yield criterion) is shown to be sufficiently accurate, yet practical, for general use in debris-flow modeling. In fact, Bagnold’s model is found to be only a particular case of the GVF model. Analytical solutions for (steady) uniform debris flows in wide channels are obtained from the GVF model based on Bagnold’s simplified assumption of constant grain concentration.


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The slide of unstable sedimentary bodies and their hydraulic effects are studied by numerical means. A two-dimensional fluid mechanics model based on Navier-Stokes equations has been developed considering the sediments and water as a mixture. Viscoplastic and diffusion laws for the sediments have been introduced into the model. The numerical model is validated with an analytical solution for a Bingham flow. Laboratory experiments consisting in the slide of gravel mass have been carried out. The results of these experiments have shown the importance of the sediment rheology and the diffusion. The model parameters are adjusted by trial and error to match the observed “sandflow”.


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The not only lower but also uniform MEMS chip temperatures can he reached by selecting suitable boiling number range that ensures the nucleate boiling heat transfer. In this article, boiling heat transfer experiments in 10 silicon triangular microchannels with the hydraulic diameter of 55.4 mu m were performed using acetone as the working fluid, having the inlet liquid temperatures of 24-40 degrees C, mass fluxes of 96-360 kg/m(2)s, heat fluxes of 140-420 kW/m(2), and exit vapor mass qualities of 0.28-0.70. The above data range correspond to the boiling number from 1.574 x 10(-3) to 3.219 x 10(-3) and ensure the perfect nucleate boiling heat transfer region, providing a very uniform chip temperature distribution in both streamline and transverse directions. The boiling heat transfer coefficients determined by the infrared radiator image system were found to he dependent on the heat Axes only, not dependent on the mass Axes and the vapor mass qualities covering the above data range. The high-speed flow visualization shows that the periodic flow patterns take place inside the microchannel in the time scale of milliseconds, consisting of liquid refilling stage, bubble nucleation, growth and coalescence stage, and transient liquid film evaporation stage in a full cycle. The paired or triplet bubble nucleation sites can occur in the microchannel corners anywhere along the flow direction, accounting for the nucleate boiling heat transfer mode. The periodic boiling process is similar to a series of bubble nucleation, growth, and departure followed by the liquid refilling in a single cavity for the pool boiling situation. The chip temperature difference across the whole two-phase area is found to he small in a couple of degrees, providing a better thermal management scheme for the high heat flux electronic components. Chen's [11 widely accepted correlation for macrochannels and Bao et al.'s [21 correlation obtained in a copper capillary tube with the inside diameter of 1.95 mm using R11 and HCFC123 as working fluids can predict the present experimental data with accepted accuracy. Other correlations fail to predict the correct heat transfer coefficient trends. New heat transfer correlations are also recommended.


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We provide three-dimensional numerical simulations of conjugate heat transfer in conventional and the newly proposed interrupted microchannel heat sinks. The new microchannel heat sink consists of a set of separated zones adjoining shortened parallel microchannels and transverse microchambers. Multi-channel effect, physical property variations, and axial thermal conduction are considered. It is found that flow rate variations in different channels can be neglected, while heat received by different channels accounts for 2% deviations from the averaged value when the heat flux at the back surface of the silicon chip reaches 100 W/cm(2). The computed hydraulic and thermal boundary layers are redeveloping in each separated zone due to shortened flow length for the interrupted microchannel heat sink. The periodic thermal developing flow is responsible for the significant heat transfer enhancement. Two effects influence pressure drops across the newly proposed microchannel heat sink. The first one is the pressure recovery effect in the microchamber, while the second one is the head loss when liquid leaves the microchamber and enters the next zone. The first effect compensates or suppresses the second one, leading to similar or decreased pressure drop than that for the conventional microchannel heat sink, with the fluid Prandtl number larger than unity.