939 resultados para Human Computer Interaction (HCI)


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The main objective of this paper aims at developing a methodology that takes into account the human factor extracted from the data base used by the recommender systems, and which allow to resolve the specific problems of prediction and recommendation. In this work, we propose to extract the user's human values scale from the data base of the users, to improve their suitability in open environments, such as the recommender systems. For this purpose, the methodology is applied with the data of the user after interacting with the system. The methodology is exemplified with a case study


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El proceso administrativo y de compras de OPL Carga tiene algunas falencias entre ellas: fallas en la Comunicación entre el personal operativo, no se realizan llamadas internas usando con frecuencia el email, produciendo la saturación de solicitudes las cuales terminan sin ser resueltas en cuanto a roles se refiere, no hay enfoque de procesos en vista que no se tiene claras las tareas de cada cargo, adicionalmente no hay claridad en los subprocesos, perjudicando el proceso con el aumento de costos, pérdida de tiempo, las responsabilidades de los funcionario no todas las veces se ejecutan en el tiempo asignado, el liderazgo compartido presenta ambigüedades. Objetivos: Definir el trabajo en equipo en el proceso administrativo y de compras en OPL carga de Bucaramanga. La investigación que a realizar es de tipo descriptivo, busca descubrir las falencias o características que permiten diseñar y desarrollar un modelo de solución para los problemas del equipo de OPL Carga S.A.S. Materiales y métodos: La investigación efectuada es de tipo descriptivo, el objetivo es definir el modelo del trabajo en equipo y describir las falencias en el proceso administrativo y de compras en OPL carga de Bucaramanga, que permitan obtener un diagnóstico integral que conlleve a la implementación de estrategias de solución. Resultados: Se identificaron las falencias en los siguientes aspectos: Variable comunicación, rendimiento, destrezas complementarias, propósito significativo y meta específicas de los funcionarios en OPL carga sección administrativa. Conclusiones: El modelo de trabajo en equipo que OPL aplica es jerárquico, en el que se ofrece estabilidad, seguridad, se toman decisiones en forma piramidal, mediante la planeación de tareas, la colaboración, igualdad y respeto por los miembros, trabajando en pro de la solución de problemas. Se construyó un plano conceptual que permitió exponer la interpretación que la estudiante tiene de las teorías, investigaciones y antecedentes válidos para la comprensión del problema investigado. Área comunicacional: Coordinar acciones tendientes para que los funcionarios respondan a tiempo los emails atenientes a su trabajo. Área condiciones de trabajo: Clarificar y diseñar las reglas de comportamiento al interior de los equipos de trabajo que redunden en el mejoramiento del mismo y la búsqueda de soluciones oportunas. Área metas específicas: Procurar mediante auditorías el cumplimiento de las metas y objetivos propuestos por cada equipo de trabajo.


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Se realizó un estudio genético – poblacional en dos grupos etarios de población colombiana con la finalidad de evaluar las diferencias genéticas relacionadas con el polimorfismo MTHFR 677CT en busca de eventos genéticos que soporten la persistencia de este polimorfismo en la especie humana debido que este ha sido asociado con múltiples enfermedades. De esta manera se genotipificaron los individuos, se analizaron los genotipos, frecuencias alélicas y se realizaron diferentes pruebas genéticas-poblacionales. Contrario a lo observado en poblaciones Colombianas revisadas se identificó la ausencia del Equilibrio Hardy-Weinberg en el grupo de los niños y estructuras poblacionales entre los adultos lo que sugiere diferentes historias demográficas y culturales entre estos dos grupos poblacionales al tiempo, lo que soporta la hipótesis de un evento de selección sobre el polimorfismo en nuestra población. De igual manera nuestros datos fueron analizados junto con estudios previos a nivel nacional y mundial lo cual sustenta que el posible evento selectivo es debido a que el aporte de ácido fólico se ha incrementado durante las últimas dos décadas como consecuencia de las campañas de fortificación de las harinas y suplementación a las embarazadas con ácido fólico, por lo tanto aquí se propone un modelo de selección que se ajusta a los datos encontrados en este trabajo se establece una relación entre los patrones nutricionales de la especie humana a través de la historia que explica las diferencias en frecuencias de este polimorfismo a nivel espacial y temporal.  


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How do resource booms affect human capital accumulation? We exploit time and spatial variation generated by the commodity boom across local governments in Peru to measure the effect of natural resources on human capital formation. We explore the effect of both mining production and tax revenues on test scores, finding a substantial and statistically significant effect for the latter. Transfers to local governments from mining tax revenues are linked to an increase in math test scores of around 0.23 standard deviations. We find that the hiring of permanent teachers as well as the increases in parental employment and improvements in health outcomes of adults and children are plausible mechanisms for such large effect on learning. These findings suggest that redistributive policies could facilitate the accumulation of human capital in resource abundant developing countries as a way to avoid the natural resources curse.


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O bom funcionamento de uma empresa passa pela coordenação dos seus vários elementos, pela fluidez das suas operações diárias, pelo desempenho dos seus recursos, tanto humanos como materiais, e da interacção dos vários sistemas que a compõem. As tecnologias empresariais sentiram um desenvolvimento contínuo após a sua aparição, desde o processo básico, para gestão de processos de negócios (BPM), para plataformas de recursos empresariais (ERP) modernos como o sistema proprietário SAP ou Oracle, para conceitos mais gerais como SOA e cloud, baseados em standards abertos. As novas tecnologias apresentam novos canais de trânsito de informação mais rápidos e eficientes, formas de automatizar e acompanhar processos de negócio e vários tipos de infra-estruturas que podem ser utilizadas de forma a tornar a empresa mais produtiva e flexível. As soluções comerciais existentes permitem realizar estes objectivos mas os seus custos de aquisição podem revelar-se demasiado elevados para algumas empresas ou organizações, que arriscam de não se adaptar às mudanças do negócio. Ao mesmo tempo, software livre está a ganhar popularidade mas existem sempre alguns preconceitos sobre a qualidade e maturidade deste tipo de software. O objectivo deste trabalho é apresentar SOA, os principais produtos SOA comerciais e open source e realizar uma comparação entre as duas categorias para verificar o nível de maturidade do SOA open source em relação às soluções SOA proprietárias.


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In an immersive virtual environment, observers fail to notice the expansion of a room around them and consequently make gross errors when comparing the size of objects. This result is difficult to explain if the visual system continuously generates a 3-D model of the scene based on known baseline information from interocular separation or proprioception as the observer walks. An alternative is that observers use view-based methods to guide their actions and to represent the spatial layout of the scene. In this case, they may have an expectation of the images they will receive but be insensitive to the rate at which images arrive as they walk. We describe the way in which the eye movement strategy of animals simplifies motion processing if their goal is to move towards a desired image and discuss dorsal and ventral stream processing of moving images in that context. Although many questions about view-based approaches to scene representation remain unanswered, the solutions are likely to be highly relevant to understanding biological 3-D vision.


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An evolutionary perspective on human thought and behaviour indicates that we should expect to find universal systems of perception, classification, and decision-making regarding the natural world. It is the interaction between these evolved aspects of the human mind, the biodiversity of the natural world, and unique historical, social, and economic contexts within which individuals develop and act that gives rise to cultural diversity. The palaeoanthropological record also indicates that language is a recently evolved phenomenon. This suggests that linguistic approaches in ethnobiology are likely to provide only a partial understanding of how humans perceive, classify, and engage with the natural world.


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This paper describes a novel methodology for observing and analysing collaborative design by using the concepts of cognitive dimensions related to concept-based misfit analysis. The study aims at gaining an insight into support for creative practice of graphical communication in collaborative design processes of designers while sketching within a shared white board and audio conferencing environment. Empirical data on design processes have been obtained from observation of groups of student designers solving an interior space-planning problem of a lounge-diner in a shared virtual environment. The results of the study provide recommendations for the design and development of interactive systems to support such collaborative design activities.


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The ability of Staphylococcus aureus to colonize the human nares is a crucial prerequisite for disease. IsdA is a major S. aureus surface protein that is expressed during human infection and required for nasal colonization and survival on human skin. In this work, we show that IsdA binds to involucrin, loricrin, and cytokeratin K10, proteins that are present in the cornified envelope of human desquamated epithelial cells. To measure the forces and dynamics of the interaction between IsdA and loricrin (the most abundant protein of the cornified envelope), single-molecule force spectroscopy was used, demonstrating high-specificity binding. IsdA acts as a cellular adhesin to the human ligands, promoting whole-cell binding to immobilized proteins, even in the absence of other S. aureus components (as shown by heterologous expression in Lactococcus lactis). Inhibition experiments revealed the binding of the human ligands to the same IsdA region. This region was mapped to the NEAT domain of IsdA. The NEAT domain also was found to be required for S. aureus whole-cell binding to the ligands as well as to human nasal cells. Thus, IsdA is an important adhesin to human ligands, which predominate in its primary ecological niche.


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Natural killer (NK) cell recognition of influenza virus-infected cells involves hemagglutinin (HA) binding to sialic acid (SA) on activating NK receptors. SA also acts as a receptor for the binding of influenza virus to its target host cells. The SA binding properties of H3N2 influenza viruses have been observed to change during circulation in humans: recent isolates are unable to agglutinate chicken red blood cells and show reduced affinity for synthetic glycopolymers representing SA-alpha-2,3-lactose (3'SL-PAA) and SA-alpha-2,6-N-acetyl lactosamine (6'SLN-PAA) carbohydrates. Here, NK lysis of cells infected with human H3N2 influenza viruses isolated between 1969 and 2003 was analyzed. Cells infected with recent isolates (1999 to 2003) were found to be lysed less effectively than cells infected with older isolates (1969 to 1996). This change occurred concurrently with the acquisition of two new potential glycosylation site motifs in RA. Deletion of the potential glycosylation site motif at 133 to 135 in HA1 from a recent isolate partially restored the agglutination phenotype to a recombinant virus, indicating that the HA-SA interaction is inhibited by the glycosylation modification. Deletion of either of the recently acquired potential glycosylation sites from HA led to increased NK lysis of cells infected with recombinant viruses carrying modified HA. These results indicate that alterations in RA glycosylation may affect NK cell recognition of influenza virus-infected cells in addition to virus binding to host cells.


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The first mycetome was discovered more than 340 yr ago in the human louse. Despite the remarkable biology and medical and social importance of human lice, its primary endosymbiont has eluded identification and characterization. Here, we report the host-symbiont interaction of the mycetomic bacterium of the head louse Pediculus humanus capitis and the body louse P. h. humanus. The endosymbiont represents a new bacterial lineage in the -Proteobacteria. Its closest sequenced relative is Arsenophonus nasoniae, from which it differs by more than 10%. A. nasoniae is a male-killing endosymbiont of jewel wasps. Using microdissection and multiphoton confocal microscopy, we show the remarkable interaction of this bacterium with its host. This endosymbiont is unique because it occupies sequentially four different mycetomes during the development of its host, undergoes three cycles of proliferation, changes in length from 2–4 µm to more than 100 µm, and has two extracellular migrations, during one of which the endosymbionts have to outrun its host’s immune cells. The host and its symbiont have evolved one of the most complex interactions: two provisional or transitory mycetomes, a main mycetome and a paired filial mycetome. Despite the close relatedness of body and head lice, differences are present in the mycetomic provisioning and the immunological response.—Perotti, M. A., Allen, J. M., Reed, D. L., Braig, H. R. Host-symbiont interactions of the primary endosymbiont of human head and body lice.


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BACKGROUND: In order to maintain the most comprehensive structural annotation databases we must carry out regular updates for each proteome using the latest profile-profile fold recognition methods. The ability to carry out these updates on demand is necessary to keep pace with the regular updates of sequence and structure databases. Providing the highest quality structural models requires the most intensive profile-profile fold recognition methods running with the very latest available sequence databases and fold libraries. However, running these methods on such a regular basis for every sequenced proteome requires large amounts of processing power.In this paper we describe and benchmark the JYDE (Job Yield Distribution Environment) system, which is a meta-scheduler designed to work above cluster schedulers, such as Sun Grid Engine (SGE) or Condor. We demonstrate the ability of JYDE to distribute the load of genomic-scale fold recognition across multiple independent Grid domains. We use the most recent profile-profile version of our mGenTHREADER software in order to annotate the latest version of the Human proteome against the latest sequence and structure databases in as short a time as possible. RESULTS: We show that our JYDE system is able to scale to large numbers of intensive fold recognition jobs running across several independent computer clusters. Using our JYDE system we have been able to annotate 99.9% of the protein sequences within the Human proteome in less than 24 hours, by harnessing over 500 CPUs from 3 independent Grid domains. CONCLUSION: This study clearly demonstrates the feasibility of carrying out on demand high quality structural annotations for the proteomes of major eukaryotic organisms. Specifically, we have shown that it is now possible to provide complete regular updates of profile-profile based fold recognition models for entire eukaryotic proteomes, through the use of Grid middleware such as JYDE.


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SHP-1 is a Src homology 2 (SH2) domain-containing tyrosine phosphatase that plays an essential role in negative regulation of immune cell activity. We describe here a new model for regulation of SHP-1 involving phosphorylation of its C-terminal Ser(591) by associated protein kinase Calpha. In human platelets, SHP-1 was found to constitutively associate with its substrate Vav1 and, through its SH2 domains, with protein kinase Calpha. Upon activation of either PAR1 or PAR4 thrombin receptors, the association between the three proteins was retained, and Vav1 became phosphorylated on tyrosine and SHP-1 became phosphorylated on Ser(591). Phosphorylation of SHP-1 was mediated by protein kinase C and negatively regulated the activity of SHP-1 as demonstrated by a decrease in the in vitro ability of SHP-1 to dephosphorylate Vav1 on tyrosine. Protein kinase Calpha therefore critically and negatively regulates SHP-1 function, forming part of a mechanism to retain SHP-1 in a basal active state through interaction with its SH2 domains, and phosphorylating its C-terminal Ser(591) upon cellular activation leading to inhibition of SHP-1 activity and an increase in the tyrosine phosphorylation status of its substrates.


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Background: Activation of the platelet integrin alpha(2)beta(1) is closely regulated due to the high thrombogenicity of its ligand. As a beta(1) interacting kinase, ILK represents a candidate intracellular regulator of alpha(2)beta(1) in human platelets. Objectives We investigated the regulation of ILK in human platelets and the role of ILK in regulating alpha(2)beta(1) activation in HEL cells, a megakaryocytic cell line. Methods: An in-vitro kinase assay was used to determine the effect of platelet agonists on ILK kinase activity together with the contribution of PI3K and PKC on ILK activation. Interaction of ILK with beta(1)-integrin subunits was investigated by coimmunoprecipitation and the role of ILK in regulating alpha(2)beta(1) function assessed by overexpression studies in HEL cells. Results: We report that collagen and thrombin modulate ILK kinase activity in human platelets in an aggregation-independent manner. Furthermore, ILK activity is dually regulated by PI3K and PKC in thrombin-stimulated platelets and regulated by PI3K in collagen-stimulated cells. ILK associates with the beta(1)-integrin subunits immunoprecipitated from platelet cell lysates, an association which increased upon collagen stimulation. Overexpression of ILK in HEL cells enhanced alpha(2)beta(1)-mediated adhesion whereas overexpression of kinase-dead ILK reduced adhesion, indicating a role for this kinase in the positive regulation of alpha(2)beta(1). Conclusions: Our findings that ILK regulates alpha(2)beta(1) in HEL cells, is activated in platelets and associates with beta(1)-integrins, raise the possibility that it may play a key role in adhesion events upon agonist stimulation of platelets.