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Characteristics of electrical breakdown of a planar magnetron enhanced with an electromagnet and a hollow-cathode structure, are studied experimentally and numerically. At lower pressures the breakdown voltage shows a dependence on the applied magnetic field, and the voltage necessary to achieve the self-sustained discharge regime can be significantly reduced. At higher pressures, the dependence is less sensitive to the magnetic field magnitude and shows a tendency of increased breakdown voltage at the stronger magnetic fields. A model of the magnetron discharge breakdown is developed with the background gas pressure and the magnetic field used as parameters. The model describes the motion of electrons, which gain energy by passing the electric field across the magnetic field and undergo collisions with neutrals, thus generating new bulk electrons. The electrons are in turn accelerated in the electric field and effectively ionize a sufficient amount of neutrals to enable the discharge self-sustainment regime. The model is based on the assumption about the combined classical and near-wall mechanisms of electron conductivity across the magnetic field, and is consistent with the experimental results. The obtained results represent a significant advance toward energy-efficient multipurpose magnetron discharges.


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Highly effective (more than 99.9%) inactivation of a pathogenic fungus Candida albicans commonly found in oral, respiratory, digestive, and reproduction systems of a human body using atmospheric-pressure plasma jets sustained in He+ O2 gas mixtures is reported. The inactivation is demonstrated in two fungal culture configurations with open (Petri dish without a cover) and restricted access to the atmosphere (Petri dish with a cover) under specific experimental conditions. It is shown that the fungal inactivation is remarkably more effective in the second configuration. This observation is supported by the scanning and transmission electron microscopy of the fungi before and after the plasma treatment. The inactivation mechanism explains the experimental observations under different experimental conditions and is consistent with the reports by other authors. The results are promising for the development of advanced health care applications.


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A new deposition technique-inductively coupled plasma-assisted RF magnetron sputtering has been developed to fabricate SiC nanoislanded films. In this system, the plasma production and magnetron sputtering can be controlled independently during the discharge. The deposited SiC nanoislanded films are highly uniform, have excellent stoichiometry, have a typical size of 10-45 nm, and contain small (∼ 6 nm) cubic SiC nanocrystallites embedded in an amorphous SiC matrix.


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Optically transparent, highly oriented nanocrystalline AlN(002) films have been synthesized using a hybrid plasma enhanced chemical vapor deposition and plasma-assisted radio frequency (rf) magnetron sputtering process in reactive Ar+ N2 and Ar+ N2 + H2 gas mixtures at a low Si(111)/glass substrate temperature of 350 °C. The process conditions, such as the sputtering pressure, rf power, substrate temperature, and N2 concentration were optimized to achieve the desired structural, compositional, and optical characteristics. X-ray diffractometry reveals the formation of highly c -oriented AlN films at a sputtering pressure of 0.8 Pa. Field emission scanning electron microscopy suggests the uniform distribution of AlN grains over large surface areas and also the existence of highly oriented in the (002) direction columnar structures of a typical length ∼100-500 nm with an aspect ratio of ∼7-15. X-ray photoelectron and energy dispersive x-ray spectroscopy suggest that films deposited at a rf power of 400 W feature a chemically pure and near stoichiometric AlN. The bonding states of the AlN films have been confirmed by Raman and Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy showing strong E2 (high) and E1 transverse optical phonon modes. Hydrogenated AlN films feature an excellent optical transmittance of ∼80% in the visible region of the spectrum, promising for advanced optical applications.


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An effective control of the ion current distribution over large-area (up to 103 cm2) substrates with the magnetic fields of a complex structure by using two additional magnetic coils installed under the substrate exposed to vacuum arc plasmas is demonstrated. When the magnetic field generated by the additional coils is aligned with the direction of the magnetic field generated by the guiding and focusing coils of the vacuum arc source, a narrow ion density distribution with the maximum current density 117 A m-2 is achieved. When one of the additional coils is set to generate the magnetic field of the opposite direction, an area almost uniform over the substrate of 103 cm2 ion current distribution with the mean value of 45 A m-2 is achieved. Our findings suggest that the system with the vacuum arc source and two additional magnetic coils can be effectively used for the effective, high throughput, and highly controllable plasma processing.


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This contribution sheds light on the role of crystal size and phase composition in inducing biomimetic apatite growth on the surface of nanostructured titania films synthesized by reactive magnetron sputtering of Ti targets in Ar+O2 plasmas. Unlike most existing techniques, this method enables one to deposit highly crystalline titania films with a wide range of phase composition and nanocrystal size, without any substrate heating or postannealing. Moreover, by using this dry plasma-based method one can avoid surface hydroxylation at the deposition stage, almost inevitable in wet chemical processes. Results of this work show that high phase purity and optimum crystal size appear to be the essential requirement for efficient apatite formation on magnetron plasma-fabricated bioactive titania coatings. © 2006 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.


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The distribution of flux of carbon-bearing cations over nanopatterned surfaces with conductive nanotips and nonconductive nanoislands is simulated using the Monte-Carlo technique. It is shown that the ion current is focused to nanotip surfaces when the negative substrate bias is low and only slightly perturbed at higher substrate biases. In the low-bias case, the mean horizontal ion displacement caused by the nanotip electric field exceeds 10 nm. However, at higher substrate biases, this value reduces down to 2 nm. In the nonconductive nanopattern case, the ion current distribution is highly nonuniform, with distinctive zones of depleted current density around the nanoislands. The simulation results suggest the efficient means to control ion fluxes in plasma-aided nanofabrication of ordered nanopatterns, such as nanotip microemitter structures and quantum dot or nanoparticle arrays. © World Scientific Publishing Company.


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The series expansion of the plasma fields and currents in vector spherical harmonics has been demonstrated to be an efficient technique for solution of nonlinear problems in spherically bounded plasmas. Using this technique, it is possible to describe the nonlinear plasma response to the rotating high-frequency magnetic field applied to the magnetically confined plasma sphere. The effect of the external magnetic field on the current drive and field configuration is studied. The results obtained are important for continuous current drive experiments in compact toruses. © 2000 American Institute of Physics.


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Pseudorandom Generators (PRGs) based on the RSA inversion (one-wayness) problem have been extensively studied in the literature over the last 25 years. These generators have the attractive feature of provable pseudorandomness security assuming the hardness of the RSA inversion problem. However, despite extensive study, the most efficient provably secure RSA-based generators output asymptotically only at most O(logn) bits per multiply modulo an RSA modulus of bitlength n, and hence are too slow to be used in many practical applications. To bring theory closer to practice, we present a simple modification to the proof of security by Fischlin and Schnorr of an RSA-based PRG, which shows that one can obtain an RSA-based PRG which outputs Ω(n) bits per multiply and has provable pseudorandomness security assuming the hardness of a well-studied variant of the RSA inversion problem, where a constant fraction of the plaintext bits are given. Our result gives a positive answer to an open question posed by Gennaro (J. of Cryptology, 2005) regarding finding a PRG beating the rate O(logn) bits per multiply at the cost of a reasonable assumption on RSA inversion.


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A simple, fast and low-cost atmospheric-pressure chemical vapor deposition technique is developed to synthesize high-yield carbon nanocoils (CNCs) using amorphous Co–P alloy as catalyst and thiophene as nucleation agent. The uniform catalyst pattern with the mean particle size of 350 nm was synthesized using a simple electroless plating process. This uniformity of the Co–P nanoparticles results in a high yield, very uniform size/shape distribution and regular structure of CNCs at the optimum growth temperature of 800 ◦C. The yield of CNCs reaches ∼76%; 70% of the CNCs have fiber diameters approximately 250 nm. The CNC coil diameters and lengths are 450–550nm and 0.5–2mm, respectively. The CNC nucleation and growth mechanism are also discussed.


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In this work, we report a novel donor-acceptor based solution processable low band gap polymer semiconductor, PDPP-TNT, synthesized via Suzuki coupling using condensed diketopyrrolopyrrole (DPP) as an acceptor moiety with a fused naphthalene donor building block in the polymer backbone. This polymer exhibits p-channel charge transport characteristics when used as the active semiconductor in organic thin-film transistor (OTFT) devices. The hole mobilities of 0.65 cm2 V-1 s-1 and 0.98 cm2 V -1 s-1 are achieved respectively in bottom gate and dual gate OTFT devices with on/off ratios in the range of 105 to 10 7. Additionally, due to its appropriate HOMO (5.29 eV) energy level and optimum optical band gap (1.50 eV), PDPP-TNT is a promising candidate for organic photovoltaic (OPV) applications. When this polymer semiconductor is used as a donor and PC71BM as an acceptor in OPV devices, high power conversion efficiencies (PCE) of 4.7% are obtained. Such high mobility values in OTFTs and high PCE in OPV make PDPP-TNT a very promising polymer semiconductor for a wide range of applications in organic electronics.


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4-Hexylbithienopyridine has been prepared as a novel electron-accepting monomer for conjugated polymers. To test its electronic properties, alternating copolymers with fluorene and indenofluorene polymers have been prepared. The copolymers displayed reduction potentials about 0.5 V lower than for the corresponding fluorene and indenofluorene homopolymers, indicating much improved electron-accepting properties. Analysis of the microscopic morphology of thin films of the copolymers by AFM shows that they lack the extensive supramolecular order seen with the homopolymers, which is attributed to the bithienopyridine units disrupting the π-stacking. LEDs using these polymers as the emitting layer produce blue-green emission with low turn-on voltages with aluminum electrodes confirming their improved electron affinity. The indenofluorene copolymer displayed an irreversible red shift in emission at high voltages, which is attributed to oxidation of the indenofluorene units. This red shift occurred at higher potentials than for indenofluorene homopolymers in LEDs, suggesting that the heterocyclic moieties offer some protection against electrically promoted oxidation.


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Accurate three-dimensional representations of cultural heritage sites are highly valuable for scientific study, conservation, and educational purposes. In addition to their use for archival purposes, 3D models enable efficient and precise measurement of relevant natural and architectural features. Many cultural heritage sites are large and complex, consisting of multiple structures spatially distributed over tens of thousands of square metres. The process of effectively digitising such geometrically complex locations requires measurements to be acquired from a variety of viewpoints. While several technologies exist for capturing the 3D structure of objects and environments, none are ideally suited to complex, large-scale sites, mainly due to their limited coverage or acquisition efficiency. We explore the use of a recently developed handheld mobile mapping system called Zebedee in cultural heritage applications. The Zebedee system is capable of efficiently mapping an environment in three dimensions by continually acquiring data as an operator holding the device traverses through the site. The system was deployed at the former Peel Island Lazaret, a culturally significant site in Queensland, Australia, consisting of dozens of buildings of various sizes spread across an area of approximately 400 × 250 m. With the Zebedee system, the site was scanned in half a day, and a detailed 3D point cloud model (with over 520 million points) was generated from the 3.6 hours of acquired data in 2.6 hours. We present results demonstrating that Zebedee was able to accurately capture both site context and building detail comparable in accuracy to manual measurement techniques, and at a greatly increased level of efficiency and scope. The scan allowed us to record derelict buildings that previously could not be measured because of the scale and complexity of the site. The resulting 3D model captures both interior and exterior features of buildings, including structure, materials, and the contents of rooms.


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STAC is a mobile application (app) designed to promote the benefits of climate-aware urban development in Subtropical environments. Although, STAC is primarily tool for understanding climate efficient buildings in Brisbane, Australia, it also demonstrates how other exemplary buildings operate in other subtropical cities of the world. The STAC research and development team applied research undertaken by the Centre for Subtropical Design (Brisbane) to profile buildings past and present that have contributed to the creation of a vibrant society, a viable economy, a healthy environment, and an authentic sense of place. In collaboration with researchers from the field of Interaction Design, this knowledge and data was collated, processed and curated for presentation via a custom mobile application designed to distribute this important research for review and consideration on-location in local settings and for comparison across all other global subtropical regions and projects identified by this research. This collaboration adopted a Design-based Research (DBR) Methodology guided by the main tenets of research and design iteration and cross-discipline collaboration in real-world settings, resulting in the formulation of contextually-sensitive design principles, theories, and tools for design intervention. Combined with significant context review of available technology and data and subsequent case study analysis of exemplar design applications.


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1. In March 2009, the Australian Government, through IP Australia its administrator of Intellectual Property Rights (IPR) acquired by registration or grant, issued two consultation papers for comment by interested stakeholders. 2. The Consultation Papers have invited written submissions directed towards the object of the paper, namely encouraging discussion on certain proposed changes and their impact on business and innovation. 3. I understand the invitation to make written submissions is predominantly in the areas raised by the Consultation Papers and the questions posed. However, I have made a brief reference to several other areas of concern with the current Australian patent law, which in my opinion inhibit innovation and therefore come under the wider agenda of the government to work toward a stronger and more efficient IP rights system. 4. In this regard, the Consultation Papers indicate that if the IPR are less likely to be invalidated and more likely to be enforced, this confidence will reflect in a greater investment in research leading to innovation. 5. This submission relates to the Balance Paper.