971 resultados para Golgi Apparatus
Infection by Sugarcane yellow leaf virus (ScYLV) causes severe leaf symptoms in sugarcane (Saccharum spp.) hybrids, which indicate alterations in its photosynthetic apparatus. To gain an overview of the physiological status of infected plants, we evaluated chlorophyll a fluorescence and gas exchange assays, correlating the results with leaf metabolic surveys, i.e., photosynthetic pigments and carbohydrate contents. When compared to healthy plants, infected plants showed a reduction in potential quantum efficiency for photochemistry of photosystem (PSII) and alterations in the filling up of the plastoquinone (PQ) pool. They also showed reduction in the CO2 net exchange rates, probably as a consequence of impaired quantum yield. In addition, reductions were found in the contents of photosynthetic leaf pigments and in the ratio chlorophyll a/chlorophyll b (chla/chlb). Carbohydrate content in the leaves was increased as a secondary effect of the ScYLV infection. This article discusses the relation of virus replication and host defense responses with general alterations in the photosynthetic apparatus and in the metabolism of infected plants.
This study presents an automatic, computer-aided analytical method called Comparison Structure Analysis (CSA), which can be applied to different dimensions of music. The aim of CSA is first and foremost practical: to produce dynamic and understandable representations of musical properties by evaluating the prevalence of a chosen musical data structure through a musical piece. Such a comparison structure may refer to a mathematical vector, a set, a matrix or another type of data structure and even a combination of data structures. CSA depends on an abstract systematic segmentation that allows for a statistical or mathematical survey of the data. To choose a comparison structure is to tune the apparatus to be sensitive to an exclusive set of musical properties. CSA settles somewhere between traditional music analysis and computer aided music information retrieval (MIR). Theoretically defined musical entities, such as pitch-class sets, set-classes and particular rhythm patterns are detected in compositions using pattern extraction and pattern comparison algorithms that are typical within the field of MIR. In principle, the idea of comparison structure analysis can be applied to any time-series type data and, in the music analytical context, to polyphonic as well as homophonic music. Tonal trends, set-class similarities, invertible counterpoints, voice-leading similarities, short-term modulations, rhythmic similarities and multiparametric changes in musical texture were studied. Since CSA allows for a highly accurate classification of compositions, its methods may be applicable to symbolic music information retrieval as well. The strength of CSA relies especially on the possibility to make comparisons between the observations concerning different musical parameters and to combine it with statistical and perhaps other music analytical methods. The results of CSA are dependent on the competence of the similarity measure. New similarity measures for tonal stability, rhythmic and set-class similarity measurements were proposed. The most advanced results were attained by employing the automated function generation – comparable with the so-called genetic programming – to search for an optimal model for set-class similarity measurements. However, the results of CSA seem to agree strongly, independent of the type of similarity function employed in the analysis.
Lämminilmakuivaus on viljan kuivaamisen menetelmistä ylivoimaisesti käytetyin. Siinä kuivurissa olevan viljakerroksen läpi puhalletaan lämmintä ilmaa, kunnes viljan kosteuspitoisuus laskee tavoitetasoon. Viljan jyvistä irtoaa aina pölyä niiden hangatessa toisiaan vasten. Viljankuivaamoiden pölyisyyttä on normaalisti pyritty vähentämään poistamalla leijuvaa pölyä viljan liikkeen epäjatkuvuuskohdista. Pölyä kulkeutuu kuitenkin kuivaamon ulkopuolelle myös kuivaukseen käytetyn ilman mukana. Poistoilman pölypitoisuus ei tavallisesti ole korkea, mutta kuivaamiseen käytetyistä suurista ilmamääristä johtuen pölyä voi kertyä poistoilmakanavan ympäristöön huomattavia määriä. Tämän diplomityön tavoitteena onkin viljankuivurin poistoilman pölypitoisuuden vähentämiseen soveltuvan pölynhallintajärjestelmän kehittäminen. Selvityksessä tarkasteltiin ensinnäkin kuivurin poistoilman pölypitoisuuteen liittyvää kansallista ja kansainvälistä lainsäädäntöä sekä raja-arvoja. Lähdemateriaalin perusteella kartoitettiin pölypitoisuuden vähentämiseen soveltuvia menetelmiä sekä kilpailijoiden toteuttamia ratkaisuja. Myös muita pölynhallintajärjestelmän edellytyksiä selvitettiin. Teoreettisessa tarkastelussa teknistaloudellisesti parhaaksi osoittautunut pölynhallintaratkaisu jalostettiin prototyypiksi. Sen toimintakykyä testattiin erotustehokkuuden mittaamiseen soveltuvan koelaitteiston avulla. Testitulosten perusteella kyseinen pölynhallintajärjestelmä todettiin toimivaksi ja pienellä jatkokehittelyllä myös kaupalliseen käyttöön soveltuvaksi. Testitulosten hyödyntämismahdollisuuksien lisäksi diplomityössä esitetään myös muutamia jatkokehitysehdotuksia.
The aim of this work was to develop and validate simple, accurate and precise spectroscopic methods (multicomponent, dual wavelength and simultaneous equations) for the simultaneous estimation and dissolution testing of ofloxacin and ornidazole tablet dosage forms. The medium of dissolution used was 900 ml of 0.01N HCl, using a paddle apparatus at a stirring rate of 50 rpm. The drug release was evaluated by developed and validated spectroscopic methods. Ofloxacin and ornidazole showed 293.4 and 319.6nm as λmax in 0.01N HCl. The methods were validated to meet requirements for a global regulatory filing. The validation included linearity, precision and accuracy. In addition, recovery studies and dissolution studies of three different tablets were compared and the results obtained show no significant difference among products.
During mitotic cell division, the genetic material packed into chromosomes is divided equally between two daughter cells. Before the separation of the two copies of a chromosome (sister chromatids), each chromosome has to be properly connected with microtubules of the mitotic spindle apparatus and aligned to the centre of the cell. The spindle assembly checkpoint (SAC) monitors connections between microtubules and chromosomes as well as tension applied across the centromere. Microtubules connect to a chromosome via kinetochores, which are proteinaceous organelles assembled onto the centromeric region of the sister chromatids. Improper kinetochore-microtubule attachments activate the SAC and block chromosome segregation until errors are corrected and all chromosomes are connected to the mitotic spindle in a bipolar manner. The purpose of this surveillance mechanism is to prevent loss or gain of chromosomes in daughter cells that according to current understanding contributes to cancer formation. Numerous proteins participate in the regulation of mitotic progression. In this thesis, the mitotic tasks of three kinetochore proteins, Shugoshin 1 (Sgo1), INCENP, and p38 MAP kinase (p38 MAPK), were investigated. Sgo1 is a protector of centromeric cohesion. It is also described in the tension-sensing mechanism of the SAC and in the regulation of kinetochore-microtubule connections. Our results revealed a central role for Sgo1 in a novel branch of kinetochore assembly. INCENP constitutes part of the chromosomal passenger complex (CPC). The other members of the core complex are the Aurora B kinase, Survivin and Borealin. CPC is an important regulatory element of cell division having several roles at various stages of mitosis. Our results indicated that INCENP and Aurora B are highly dynamic proteins at the mitotic centromeres and suggested a new role for CPC in regulation of chromosome movements and spindle structure during late mitosis. The p38 MAPK has been implicated in G1 and G2 checkpoints during the cell cycle. However, its role in mitotic progression and control of SAC signaling has been controversial. In this thesis, we discovered a novel function for p38γ MAPK in chromosome orientation and spindle structure as well as in promotion of viability of mitotic cells.
The overall aim of this study is to seek new knowledge and deeper understanding of the body as a phenomenon from a caring science point of view. By means of a hermeneutic definition, the body is studied on a contextual as well as an ontological level in order to create a deeper understanding for human beings in relation to health and suffering. The study focuses of the body as a perspective of human beings. It is important for the knowledge growth in caring science to create a deeper understanding for the body, thus making it possible to understand patients in nursing care. The overall methodology is a hermeneutic definition which covers a contextual and an ontological concept definition. In the three empirical studies, Giorgi’s phenomenological method was used. The first empirical study comprises twelve students’ statements about experiences of their body in different situatons in life. The second study is composed of interviews with fifteen patients who had been afflicted by illness and been subjected to surgical treatment. In the third empirical study, ten patients who had been cared for in perioperative nursing care were interviewed. In the data analysis, the essential meaning of the body as a phenomenon is described, along with its variations and nuances. In the ontological determination of the body, an etymologic and semantic analysis is carried out, as well as a qualitative analysis of ideas, where the material is comprised of chosen texts on the body from different perspectives. In the concluding analysis the results were synthesized. The result of the first empirical study shows that a body is expressive and manifests movement in its striving for dignity. The body harbours language and inherent powers to cope with the unexpected, as well as feelings of anxiety, fear and powerlessness. The second study shows that the body is experienced as mysterious when it is afflicted by illness, but it is also found mysterious as an opponent to man and life. A battle is fought between the illness that breaks down the body, and human beings fighting to keep their unity whole. The body appears as a prison and a host for a threatening illness. The body bears a feeling of powerlessness when it is changed by illness and suffering. In a care and treatment context, the body is objectified by the patient and the caregiver. It is the illness that forces the patient to sacrifice parts of the body in order to once again become whole in the unity. The third study shows that the patient in a perioperative nursing context delivers him-/herself over to the hands of the caregiver, who defends and protects body and life. The patient experiences a sense of well-being when the caretaker receives him/her and protects the body from dangers. Suffering is alleviated when the patients are allowed to talk about what has happened in their body. The result of the semantic analysis shows that the body as a concept is described as bending around the human soul and spirit. Linguistically, dimensions like corporeal, shape, totality, unity and mortal clay, are described. Different ideas about the body described it as: a material animate part of man, active and demanding, something that perceives its surrounding world and as a subjective body of senses, thoughts and language. Ideas about the body also describe it as a biological and physiological, living organism, submitted to the laws of nature, a passive apparatus and a socially constructed gender. The results of the different studies were synthesized and reflected against a caring science perspective. The research has created a deeper understanding for the body as a material abode and as an entity of body, soul and spirit.
Työn tarkoituksena oli tarkastella uutta kuvantamistekniikkaa käyttäen happikaasun dispergointia keskisakeuksisen massasuspension joukkoon laboratoriosekoittimessa. Työssä pyrittiin tarkastelemaan muodostuvan dispersion homogeenisuutta neljästä eri kuvauspisteestä sekoittimen kannesta ja kyljestä. Samalla tarkasteltiin myös sekoittimen tehonkulutusta sekä tehonkulutuksen ja aikaansaadun dispersion välistä yhteyttä. Työn yhtenä tarkoituksena oli myös tarkastella uuden kuvantamistekniikan mahdollisuuksia tämäntyyppisissä sovellutuksissa, sillä työ kuuluu PulpVision-projektiin, jossa kehitetään massa- ja paperiteollisuuden uusia konenäkösovellutuksia. Työn kokeellinen osuus koostui sekoituskokeista, joissa tarkasteltiin neljästä kuvauspisteestä kahdella sekoittimen nopeudella mänty- ja koivususpensioihin muodostuvaa kuplakokojakaumaa. Sekoituskokeiden lisäksi tehtiin tehonkulutuskokeita, joissa tarkasteltiin sekoittimen tehonkulutusta sekoittimen täyttöasteen funktiona koivu- ja mäntysuspensioilla sekä vedellä. Työn tuloksien perusteella todettiin, että koivususpensiosta havaittujen kuplien pinta-ala oli noin puolet mäntysuspensiosta havaittujen kuplien pinta-alasta. Sekoittimen roottorin pyörimisnopeuden puolittuessa suspensioon dispergoidun hapen kuplakoko kasvoi huomattavasti. Neljästä kuvausyhteestä tarkasteltuna havaittiin pienimpien kuplien esiintyvän sekoittimen alaosassa. Mäntysuspension tehonkulutuksen havaittiin kasvavan viidenneksellä, kun sekoittimen täyttöaste kasvoi 10 %, kun taas koivususpension tehonkulutuksen kasvu oli tästä vain puolet. Kuvantamislaitteiston todettiin olevan tämänkaltaiseen sovellutukseen riittävä, varsinkin kun valonlähteenä käytetään pulssilaseria.
The flow of information within modern information society has increased rapidly over the last decade. The major part of this information flow relies on the individual’s abilities to handle text or speech input. For the majority of us it presents no problems, but there are some individuals who would benefit from other means of conveying information, e.g. signed information flow. During the last decades the new results from various disciplines have all suggested towards the common background and processing for sign and speech and this was one of the key issues that I wanted to investigate further in this thesis. The basis of this thesis is firmly within speech research and that is why I wanted to design analogous test batteries for widely used speech perception tests for signers – to find out whether the results for signers would be the same as in speakers’ perception tests. One of the key findings within biology – and more precisely its effects on speech and communication research – is the mirror neuron system. That finding has enabled us to form new theories about evolution of communication, and it all seems to converge on the hypothesis that all communication has a common core within humans. In this thesis speech and sign are discussed as equal and analogical counterparts of communication and all research methods used in speech are modified for sign. Both speech and sign are thus investigated using similar test batteries. Furthermore, both production and perception of speech and sign are studied separately. An additional framework for studying production is given by gesture research using cry sounds. Results of cry sound research are then compared to results from children acquiring sign language. These results show that individuality manifests itself from very early on in human development. Articulation in adults, both in speech and sign, is studied from two perspectives: normal production and re-learning production when the apparatus has been changed. Normal production is studied both in speech and sign and the effects of changed articulation are studied with regards to speech. Both these studies are done by using carrier sentences. Furthermore, sign production is studied giving the informants possibility for spontaneous speech. The production data from the signing informants is also used as the basis for input in the sign synthesis stimuli used in sign perception test battery. Speech and sign perception were studied using the informants’ answers to questions using forced choice in identification and discrimination tasks. These answers were then compared across language modalities. Three different informant groups participated in the sign perception tests: native signers, sign language interpreters and Finnish adults with no knowledge of any signed language. This gave a chance to investigate which of the characteristics found in the results were due to the language per se and which were due to the changes in modality itself. As the analogous test batteries yielded similar results over different informant groups, some common threads of results could be observed. Starting from very early on in acquiring speech and sign the results were highly individual. However, the results were the same within one individual when the same test was repeated. This individuality of results represented along same patterns across different language modalities and - in some occasions - across language groups. As both modalities yield similar answers to analogous study questions, this has lead us to providing methods for basic input for sign language applications, i.e. signing avatars. This has also given us answers to questions on precision of the animation and intelligibility for the users – what are the parameters that govern intelligibility of synthesised speech or sign and how precise must the animation or synthetic speech be in order for it to be intelligible. The results also give additional support to the well-known fact that intelligibility in fact is not the same as naturalness. In some cases, as shown within the sign perception test battery design, naturalness decreases intelligibility. This also has to be taken into consideration when designing applications. All in all, results from each of the test batteries, be they for signers or speakers, yield strikingly similar patterns, which would indicate yet further support for the common core for all human communication. Thus, we can modify and deepen the phonetic framework models for human communication based on the knowledge obtained from the results of the test batteries within this thesis.
This work investigates the Bullwhip Effect, which is one of the most important phenomena in contemporary supply chain management. The author uses most recent theoretical apparatus to analyze operational activities of a leading FMCG company British American Tobacco Eastern Europe. This paper investigates and describes the process in BAT supply chain management and considers the impact of the Bullwhip Effect together with the potential risks threatening company's operations. Emergence of the Bullwhip Effect leads to supply chain inefficiency. This paper contains methodological supply chain risk mitigation recommendations, description of a real case study and an analytical study of internal and external supply chain processes
This thesis presents a three-dimensional, semi-empirical, steady state model for simulating the combustion, gasification, and formation of emissions in circulating fluidized bed (CFB) processes. In a large-scale CFB furnace, the local feeding of fuel, air, and other input materials, as well as the limited mixing rate of different reactants produce inhomogeneous process conditions. To simulate the real conditions, the furnace should be modelled three-dimensionally or the three-dimensional effects should be taken into account. The only available methods for simulating the large CFB furnaces three-dimensionally are semi-empirical models, which apply a relatively coarse calculation mesh and a combination of fundamental conservation equations, theoretical models and empirical correlations. The number of such models is extremely small. The main objective of this work was to achieve a model which can be applied to calculating industrial scale CFB boilers and which can simulate all the essential sub-phenomena: fluid dynamics, reactions, the attrition of particles, and heat transfer. The core of the work was to develop the model frame and the required sub-models for determining the combustion and sorbent reactions. The objective was reached, and the developed model was successfully used for studying various industrial scale CFB boilers combusting different types of fuel. The model for sorbent reactions, which includes the main reactions for calcitic limestones, was applied for studying the new possible phenomena occurring in the oxygen-fired combustion. The presented combustion and sorbent models and principles can be utilized in other model approaches as well, including other empirical and semi-empirical model approaches, and CFD based simulations. The main achievement is the overall model frame which can be utilized for the further development and testing of new sub-models and theories, and for concentrating the knowledge gathered from the experimental work carried out at bench scale, pilot scale and industrial scale apparatus, and from the computational work performed by other modelling methods.
Offset printing is a popular printing method that is especially suitable for large and fast print jobs. Newspapers, magazines and books are typical examples of products printed with offset method. In high volume printing production high efficiency is essential. Offset printing uses tacky inks that cause serious stress to the paper surface. Dusting and linting are terms that describe how loose and weakly bonded particles are removed from the paper surface in the printing process. The removed particles accumulate in the process causing deteriorating print quality. This forces the printing operators to stop production for washing and cleaning. Time and money are lost. Dusting and linting tendency of paper can be decreased by improving the surface strength of paper. In the present work a method to increase the surface strength of paper was studied. In the literature part offset printing method and challenges related to offset printing are presented. A review of new methods for surface sizing of paper is also presented. The experimental part presents trials where an apparatus for improving paper surface strength was tested and developed in mill scale. Laboratory work supporting the actual mill scale operations is also presented. The acquired results provide a solid base of information to make decisions on how to proceed with research in the present field of study.
Cyanobacteria are a diverse group of oxygenic photosynthetic bacteria that inhabit in a wide range of environments. They are versatile and multifaceted organisms with great possibilities for different biotechnological applications. For example, cyanobacteria produce molecular hydrogen (H2), which is one of the most important alternatives for clean and sustainable energy. Apart from being beneficial, cyanobacteria also possess harmful characteristics and may become a source of threat to human health and other living organisms, as they are able to form surface blooms that are producing a variety of toxic or bioactive compounds. The University of Helsinki Culture Collection (UHCC) maintains around 1,000 cyanobacterial strains representing a large number of genera and species isolated from the Baltic Sea and Finnish lakes. The culture collection covers different life forms such as unicellular and filamentous, N2-fixing and non-N2-fixing strains, and planktonic and benthic cyanobacteria. In this thesis, the UHCC has been screened to identify potential strains for sustainable biohydrogen production and also for strains that produce compounds modifying the bioenergetic pathways of other cyanobacteria or terrestrial plants. Among the 400 cyanobacterial strains screened so far, ten were identified as high H2-producing strains. The enzyme systems involved in H2 metabolism of cyanobacteria were analyzed using the Southern hybridization approach. This revealed the presence of the enzyme nitrogenase in all strains tested, while none of them are likely to have contained alternative nitrogenases. All the strains tested, except for two Calothrix strains, XSPORK 36C and XSPORK 11A, were suggested to contain both uptake and bidirectional hydrogenases. Moreover, 55 methanol extracts of various cyanobacterial strains were screened to identify potent bioactive compounds affecting the photosynthetic apparatus of the model cyanobacterium, Synechocystis PCC 6803. The extract from Nostoc XPORK 14A was the only one that modified the photosynthetic machinery and dark respiration. The compound responsible for this effect was identified, purified, and named M22. M22 demonstrated a dual-action mechanism: production of reactive oxygen species (ROS) under illumination and an unknown mechanism that also prevailed in the dark. During summer, the Baltic Sea is occupied by toxic blooms of Nodularia spumigena (hereafter referred to as N. spumigena), which produces a hepatotoxin called nodularin. Long-term exposure of the terrestrial plant spinach to nodularin was studied. Such treatment resulted in inhibition of growth and chlorosis of the leaves. Moreover, the activity and amount of mitochondrial electron transfer complexes increased in the leaves exposed to nodularin-containing extract, indicating upregulation of respiratory reactions, whereas no marked changes were detected in the structure or function of the photosynthetic machinery. Nodularin-exposed plants suffered from oxidative stress, evidenced by oxidative modifications of various proteins. Plants initiated strategies to combat the stress by increasing the levels of alpha-tocopherol, mitochondrial alternative oxidase (AOX), and mitochondrial ascorbate peroxidase (mAPX).
Kaasukaarihitsauksessa suojakaasuna käytetään yleensä argonin ja hiilidioksidin tai argonin ja heliumin seoksia. Suojakaasu vaikuttaa useisiin hitsausominaisuuksiin, jotka puolestaan vaikuttavat hitsauksen laatuun ja tuottavuuteen. Automaattisella suojakaasun tunnistuksella ja virtausmäärän mittauksella voitaisiin tehdä hitsauksesta paitsi käyttäjän kannalta yksinkertaisempaa, myös laadukkaampaa. Työn tavoite on löytää mahdollisimman edullinen ja kuitenkin mahdollisimman tarkasti kaasuseoksia tunnistava menetelmä, jota voitaisiin hyödyntää MIG/MAG-hitsauskoneeseen sisäänrakennettuna. Selvä etu on, jos menetelmällä voidaan mitata myös kaasun virtausmäärä. Äänennopeus kaasumaisessa väliaineessa on aineen atomi- ja molekyylirakenteesta ja lämpötilasta riippuva ominaisuus, joka voidaan mitata melko edullisesti. Äänennopeuden määritys perustuu ääniaallon kulkuajan mittaamiseen tunnetun pituisella matkalla. Kaasun virtausnopeus on laskettavissa myötä- ja vastavirtaan mitattujen kulkuaikojen erotuksen avulla. Rakennettu mittauslaitteisto koostuu kahdesta ultraäänimuuntimesta, joiden halkaisija on 10 mm ja jotka toimivat sekä lähettimenä että vastaanottimena. Muuntimet ovat 140 mm:n etäisyydellä toisistaan virtauskanavassa, jossa suojakaasu virtaa yhdensuuntaisesti äänen kanssa. Virtauskanava on putki, jossa on käytetty elastisia materiaaleja, jotta ääniaaltojen eteneminen kanavan runkoa pitkin minimoituisi. Kehitetty algoritmi etsii kahden lähetetyn 40 kHz:n taajuisen kanttiaaltopulssin aiheuttaman vasteen perusteella ääniaallon saapumisajanhetken. Useiden mittausten, tulosten lajittelun ja suodatuksen jälkeen tuntemattomalle kaasulle lasketaan lämpötilakompensoitu vertailuluku. Tuntematon kaasu tunnistetaan vertailemalla lukua tunnettujen kaasuseosten mitattuihin vertailulukuihin. Laitteisto tunnistaa seokset, joissa heliumin osuus argonissa on enintään 50 %. Hiilidioksidia sisältävät argonin seokset puolestaan tunnistetaan puhtaaseen hiilidioksidiin asti jopa kahden prosenttiyksikön tarkkuudella. Kaasun tilavuusvirtausmittauksen tarkkuus on noin 1,0 l/min.
The spindle assembly checkpoint as a drug target - Novel small-molecule inhibitors of Aurora kinases
Cell division (mitosis) is a fundamental process in the life cycle of a cell. Equal distribution of chromosomes between the daughter cells is essential for the viability and well-being of an organism: loss of fidelity of cell division is a contributing factor in human cancer and also gives rise to miscarriages and genetic birth defects. For maintaining the proper chromosome number, a cell must carefully monitor cell division in order to detect and correct mistakes before they are translated into chromosomal imbalance. For this purpose an evolutionarily conserved mechanism termed the spindle assembly checkpoint (SAC) has evolved. The SAC comprises a complex network of proteins that relay and amplify mitosis-regulating signals created by assemblages called kinetochores (KTs). Importantly, minor defects in SAC signaling can cause loss or gain of individual chromosomes (aneuploidy) which promotes tumorigenesis while complete failure of SAC results in cell death. The latter event has raised interest in discovery of low molecular weight (LMW) compounds targeting the SAC that could be developed into new anti-cancer therapeutics. In this study, we performed a cell-based, phenotypic high-throughput screen (HTS) to identify novel LMW compounds that inhibit SAC function and result in loss of cancer cell viability. Altogether, we screened 65 000 compounds and identified eight that forced the cells prematurely out of mitosis. The flavonoids fisetin and eupatorin, as well as the synthetic compounds termed SACi2 and SACi4, were characterized in more detail utilizing versatile cell-based and biochemical assays. To identify the molecular targets of these SAC-suppressing compounds, we investigated the conditions in which SAC activity became abrogated. Eupatorin, SACi2 and SACi4 preferentially abolished the tensionsensitive arm of the SAC, whereas fisetin lowered also the SAC activity evoked by lack of attachments between microtubules (MTs) and KTs. Consistent with the abrogation of SAC in response to low tension, our data indicate that all four compounds inhibited the activity of Aurora B kinase. This essential mitotic protein is required for correction of erratic MT-KT attachments, normal SAC signaling and execution of cytokinesis. Furthermore, eupatorin, SACi2 and SACi4 also inhibited Aurora A kinase that controls the centrosome maturation and separation and formation of the mitotic spindle apparatus. In line with the established profound mitotic roles of Aurora kinases, these small compounds perturbed SAC function, caused spindle abnormalities, such as multi- and monopolarity and fragmentation of centrosomes, and resulted in polyploidy due to defects in cytokinesis. Moreover, the compounds dramatically reduced viability of cancer cells. Taken together, using a cell-based HTS we were able to identify new LMW compounds targeting the SAC. We demonstrated for the first time a novel function for flavonoids as cellular inhibitors of Aurora kinases. Collectively, our data support the concept that loss of mitotic fidelity due to a non-functional SAC can reduce the viability of cancer cells, a phenomenon that may possess therapeutic value and fuel development of new anti-cancer drugs.
Lipider är viktiga biomolekyler, eftersom de bygger upp alla cellulära membran. Glykolipider, dvs. lipider som innehåller socker, är dessutom betydelsefulla som signaleringsmolekyler vid olika processer. Det är essentiellt att regleringen av syntesen, nedbrytningen samt transporten av lipider i cellen är noggrant koordinerade, och faktorer som kan påverka lipidmetabolismen är därför viktiga att undersöka. Denna avhandling har undersökt två olika lipidbindande proteiner, glykolipidtransportprotein (GLTP) och ceramidtransportprotein (CERT). GLTPs biologiska funktion är ännu oklar, dock vet man att GLTP har förmåga att binda olika glykolipider samt överföra dessa lipider mellan olika lipidmembraner. CERT har däremot visats kunna transportera ceramid från det endoplastiska retiklet (ER) till Golgi-apparaten, för produktion av sfingomyelin. I detta avhandlingsarbete undersöktes lokaliseringen av GLTP i celler med olika metoder, bl.a. konfokalmikroskopi, samt olika centrifugeringsmetoder. Genom att överuttrycka GLTP i celler och därefter analysera halten nysyntetiserade glykolipider, kunde även sambandet mellan GLTP-uttrycket och dessa lipider undersökas. I avhandlingen identifierades ytterligare en specifik aminosyrasekvens hos GLTP. Denna sekvens visades kunna binda till VAP-A, ett integralt ER protein, med en tidigare fastställd viktig funktion vid regleringen av lipidtransporten. I avhandlingen analyserades även hur ceramidtransporten mellan två olika membraner, medierad av CERT, påverkas av egenskaper i ceramidens omgivning. För att undersöka detta användes artificiella modellmembraner samt fluorimetriska metoder. Sammansättningen och packningen hos lipidmembranerna visades ha en stor betydelse för den CERT-katalyserade ceramidtransporten. Sammanfattningsvis antyder resultaten från avhandlingen att det existerar flera faktorer som kan påverka aktiviteten av GLTP och CERT, vilka i sin tur har förmåga att reglera lipidmetabolismen.