998 resultados para Gaseous diffusion plants.
若尔盖高原湿地位于青藏高原东北部地区,平均海拔3,400-3,600m,是长江和黄河的自然分水区,区内发育了大面积的草本沼泽以及高寒沼泽化草甸、高寒湖泊。由于它所处的位置海拔高、气候波动较大,并处于我国三大自然区的交错过渡带,因而被认为是我国最为典型的脆弱湿地生态系统之一。由于地处偏远、自然环境条件恶劣等多方面的原因,针对若尔盖湿地的科学研究资料一直以来还非常缺乏。本文对国内外近年来在湿地生态系统甲烷排放过程、研究方法,以及关于湿地生态系统甲烷排放的影响因素进行了综述,并采用静态箱-气相色谱法,从湿地环境格局、湿地甲烷排放等方面,对若尔盖高原典型高寒湖泊湖滨不同类型湿地甲烷排放特征进行了研究,并进一步探讨了影响若尔盖高原高寒湖泊湖滨带甲烷排放的因素。得到如下结果:1.若尔盖高原花湖湖滨湿地在植物生长季(6 至8 月),甲烷排放平均速率为0.315 mg·m-2·h-1;不同月份间甲烷排放速率存在差异,分别为:-0.054、0.471、0.493 mg·m-2·h-1。不同类型湿地甲烷排放速率亦表现出差异,两栖蓼(Polygonum amphibium)湿地、滩涂和藏嵩草(Kobresia tibetica)草甸甲烷排放速率分别为:0.464、0.477、0.005mg·m-2·h-1。2.若尔盖高原花湖湖滨湿地甲烷排放速率与土壤10cm 温度显著相关。土壤温度是影响若尔盖高原花湖湖滨不同类型湿地甲烷排放的重要因素之一。随着土壤温度的升高,土壤微生物活性增强,使土壤中的氧消耗加快,氧化还原电位下降,有利于产甲烷菌的生长,从而增加土壤的甲烷产生量。3.地表水位与若尔盖高原花湖湖滨湿地甲烷排放速率相关性不显著。地表水覆盖,使得湿地土壤缺氧状况得到加强,增强了土壤中产甲烷菌的活性,促进甲烷形成,再通过植物、气泡或扩散的形式释放出土壤。但水层的加深,也使土壤中已产生的甲烷在通过气泡或扩散形式穿越水层时,被氧化的量增加,从而减少了甲烷向大气中的排放。4.植被高度以及植被地上生物量与若尔盖高原花湖湖滨带甲烷排放速率的相关性不显著。植物主要通过凋落物以及根系分泌物的输入为产甲烷菌提供基质,并作为土壤与大气之间的甲烷气体交换的传输途径;与其他环境因素共同影响湿地生态系统甲烷排放。The Zoige wetland on the eastern fringe of Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau, with averagealtitude between 3,400 and 3,600m, is the watershed of Yangtze River and YellowRiver. There are large area of peatland, subalpine meadow and lakes in this region.Due to its high elevation, transitional topology and high fluctuation of climate, theZoige wetlands represent one of the most fragile wetland ecosystems in China. And asa result of remote location and harsh environment conditions, the researches on theZoige wetland are relatively rare, especially the researches on the methane emissionfrom littoral zone of alpine lakes. Variations of methane emission rates as measuredby the method of static chamber – gas chromatography (GC) were detected fromlittoral zone of alpine lake on the Zoige Plateau. Relationships between methaneemission rates and environmental factors were analyzed. It is concluded that:1.The average methane emission rate in the littoral zone of Huahu Lake, ZoigePlateau is 0.315 mg·m-2·h-1, with evident spatial and temporal variations. The littoralzone has different methane effluxes with -0.054, 0.471, and 0.493 mg·CH4·m-2·h-1in June, July and August respectively. Different types of wetland have differentmethane emission rates, with value of 0.464, 0.477, and 0.005 mg·CH4·m-2·h-1 forPolygonum amphibium wetland ( PA ), Shoal ( S ) and Kobresi tibetica meadow ( KT ), respectively.2. The soil temperature at 10cm is significantly correlated with the methane effluxesin littoral zone of Huahu Lake, Zoige Plateau, and which is one of the most important factors influencing the methane emission from this region. The activities of soilmicroorganisms rise under higher soil temperature and increases oxygen consumptionand decreases Eh, which is in favor of the methanogensis, and enhances theproduction of methane in soil.3. The correlation between the standing water and methane effluxes from littoralzone of Huahu Lake is not significant. Because of the standing water, the anaerobicconditions of wetland soil have been enhanced, and are favor to the decomposition oforganic matter. And the anaerobic conditions strengthen the methanogensis’ activities,thus the methane production, which release to the atmosphere by diffusion, ebullitionand aerenchymal plants. With the water level’s increase, more methane produced insoil which is transferred by ebullitions or diffusion are oxidated, thus reduce themethane release to the atmosphere.4. The height and aboveground biomass of vegetation are not significant related tothe methane effluxes from littoral zone of Huahu Lake, Zoige Plateau. The vegetationprovides substrates for methanogensis by litter and root exudates; act as thetransportation way of methane between soil and atmosphere; influence the methaneemission of wetland ecosystems with other environment factors.
The restriction of the one dimensional (1D) master equation (ME) with the mass number of the projectile-like fragment as a variable is studied, and a two-dimensional (2D) master equation with the neutron and proton numbers as independent variables is set up, and solved numerically. Our study showed that the 2D ME can describe the fusion process well in all projectile-target combinations. Therefore the possible channels to synthesize super-heavy nuclei can be studied correctly in wider possibilities. The available condition for employing 1D ME is pointed out.
In present paper, a new Micromegas detector is developed, and its time and energy signals are obtained in the figure form. The rising time of fast time signal is less than 2 ns due to the very fast collection of avalanche electrons, and the rising time of the energy pulse is about 100 ns, which is corresponding to the total collecting time of the electrons and ions in the avalanche process. The counter plateau, energy resolution and the gas gains of the detector have been compared with other groups' experimental results and the Garfield simulation result.
Equilibration and equilibration rates have been measured by colliding Sn nuclei with different isospin asymmetries at beam energies of E/A = 35 MeV. Using the yields of mirror nuclei of Li-7 and Be-7, we have studied the diffusion of isospin asymmetry by combining data from asymmetric Sn-112 + Sn-124 and Sn-124 + Sn-112 collisions with those from symmetric Sn-112 + Sn-112 and Sn-124 + Sn-124 collisions. We use these measurements to probe isospin equilibration in central collisions where nucleon-nucleon collisions are strongly blocked by the Pauli exclusion principle. The results are consistent with transport theoretical calculations that predict a degree of transparency in these collisions, but inconsistent with the emission of intermediate mass fragments by a single chemically equilibrated source. Comparisons with quantum molecular dynamics calculations are consistent with results obtained at higher incident energies that provide constraints on the density dependence of the symmetry energy.
Adoption of a sintered stainless steel fiber felt was evaluated as gas diffusion backing in air-breathing direct methanol fuel cell (DMFC). By using a sintered stainless steel fiber felt as an anodic gas diffusion backing, the peak power density of an air-breathing DMFC is 24 mW cm(-2), which is better than that of common carbon paper. A 30-h-life test indicates that the degraded performance of the air-breathing DMFC is primarily due to the water flooding of the cathode. Twelve unit cells with each has 6 cm(2) of active area are connected in series to supply the power to a mobile phone assisted by a constant voltage diode. The maximum power density of 26 mW cm(-2) was achieved in the stack, which is higher than that in single cell. The results show that the sintered stainless steel felt is a promising solution to gas diffusion backing in the air-breathing DMFC, especially in the anodic side because of its high electronical conductivity and hydrophilicity. (C) 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Ca-alginate beads were prepared with either external or internal calcium sources. The structures of both beads were investigated with the aid of scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and confocal microscopy. It was shown that the beads with internal calcium source had a looser structure and bigger pore size than those with external calcium source. The attempts to interpret the difference were carried out by determining the Ca content within the beads at various times, which indicated that it was the different gelation mechanisms that caused the difference of structures of both beads. Furthermore, it was also found that the diffusion rate of haemoglobin (Hb) within the beads with an internal calcium source was faster than that of the beads with an external one, which was consistent with the observation of their structures.