997 resultados para Gant, Tony


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Two ionic liquids, 1-ethylpyridinium docusate (IL1) and tri-n-butyl(2-hydroxyethyl)phosphonium docusate (IL2), were designed and synthesized with the explicit intention of imparting a combination of plasticization and antimicrobial efficacy when incorporated into medical grade poly(vinyl chloride)s (PVCs). The glass transition (T-g) of PVC can be reduced by >20 degrees C on addition of 15 wt% IL2. Both IL1 and IL2 leached to varying extents from the base PVC resins rendering the surface of the PVCs hydrophilic. The antimicrobial activity of both ILs is related to the presence and concentration of both cationic and anionic component of the ILs leached from the PVC and inversely proportional to the extent of PVC gelation. Blends of the PVCs with IL1 displayed antibacterial activity against almost all Gram-positive bacteria tested, including coagulase-negative Staphylococci (CoNS) and methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA), but not with IL2 at low concentration in contrast to our previous study when high concentrations of IL2 were used. The more hydrophilic IL1 when added to PVC retards biofilm formation.


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This discussion paper outlines an approach to developing and evaluating an educative programme primarily delivered by lay `citizen trainers’ in educating student nurses, and student midwives to the impact of and experience of extended and extensive civil unrest within their communities (`the Troubles’ ). This is drawn from experience within the Northern Ireland `Troubles’ and all of the citizen trainers were directly affected physically/psychologically. The programme was intended to both educate but primarily to help facilitate student nurses and student midwives to better understanding to experience and context and to more effective care delivery to those affected by/damaged by `the Troubles’. Evaluation of the teaching and learning by the students was significantly positive.


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It has frequently been argued that multinational companies are moving towards network forms whereby subsidiaries share different practices with the rest of the company. This paper presents large-scale empirical evidence concerning the extent to which subsidiaries input novel practices into the rest of the multinational. We investigate this in the field of human resources through analysis of a unique international data set in four host countries - Canada, Ireland, Spain and the UK - and address the question of how we can explain variation between subsidiaries in terms of whether they initiate the diffusion of practices to other subsidiaries. The data support the argument that multiple, rather than single, factor explanations are required to more effectively understand the factors promoting or retarding the diffusion of human resource practices within multinational companies. It emerges that national, corporate and functional contexts all matter. More specifically, actors at subsidiary level who seek to initiate diffusion appear to be differentially placed according to their national context, their place within corporate structures and the extent to which the human resource function is internationally networked.


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Title: Evaluating the integrating of life and social sciences teaching to first-year nursing and midwifery students

Objectives: To evaluate an integrated teaching and learning approach to first-year nursing students, combining the life, social sciences and public health with a more integrated and clinical focused approach to teaching delivery

Background: Historically within the School of Nursing and Midwifery the life sciences and social sciences had been taught as separate modules with separate teaching teams. This had reflected in a somewhat dis-integrated approach to student learning and understanding without clear clinical focus on application. With focus upon student learning the teaching teams engaged with a stepped, incremental and progressive movement towards developing and delivering a more integrated structure of learning, combining the life sciences, social sciences and public health teaching and learning within the one extended first-year module. The focus was particularly on integrated understanding and clinical relevance. This paper discusses both the approach to developing the integrated model of teaching and the evaluation of that teaching.

Results: The module, combining life, social science and Public health teaching was positively evaluated by the students. Evaluations are compared and contrasted from to nursing student intakes.


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Throughout the European Union, the EC Habitats Directive requires that member states undertake national surveillance of designated species. Despite biological connections between-populations across-borders, national assessments need not be co-ordinated in any way. We conducted a trans-boundary assessment of the status of Eurasian otters (Lutra lutra) aimed at providing consistency across a single biogeographical unit, i.e. the island of Ireland, comprising two states, i.e. the Republic of Ireland and the United Kingdom (Northern Ireland). Our aim was to ensure consistency with previous assessments conducted separately in each state, and permit each Government to fulfil their separate statutory reporting commitments. The species range increased by 23% from 1996–2006 and 2007–11. The population estimate of 9400 [95%CI 8700–12,200] breeding females during 2010/11 was not significantly different from 8300 [95%CI 7600–9800] breeding females established as a baseline during 1981–82. Modelling of species-habitat associations suggested that available habitat was not limiting and no putative pressures recorded at sites surveyed negatively affected species occurrence. Thus, under the statutory parameters for assessing a species’ conservation status, i.e. range, population, habitat and future prospects, the otter was judged to be in ‘Favourable’ status throughout Ireland and in both discrete political jurisdictions. Thus, we provide a trans-boundary test case for EU member states that share habitats and species across ecoregions, ensuring conservation assessment data are standardised, synchronised, spatially consistent and, therefore, biologically relevant without compromising legal and administrative autonomy within separate jurisdictions.


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Chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL) follows a variable clinical course which is difficult to predict at diagnosis. We assessed somatic mutation (SHM) status, CD38 and ZAP-70 expression in 87 patients (49 male, 38 female) with stage A CLL and known cytogenetic profile to compare their role in predicting disease progression, which was assessed by the treatment free interval (TFI) from diagnosis. Sixty (69%) patients were SHM+, 24 (28%) were CD38+ and ten (12%) were ZAP-70+. The median TFI for: (i) SHM + versus SHM- patients was 124 versus 26 months; hazard ratio (HR) = 3.6 [95% confidence interval (CI) = 1.8 - 7.3; P = 0.001]: (ii) CD38- versus CD38+ patients was 120 versus 34 months; HR = 2.4 (95% CI = 1.4 - 5.3; P = 0.02); and (iii) ZAP70- versus ZAP70+ was 120 versus 16 months; HR = 3.4 (95% CI = 1.4 - 8.7; P = 0.01). SHM status and CD38 retained prognostic significance on multivariate analysis whereas ZAP-70 did not. We conclude that ZAP-70 analysis does not provide additional prognostic information in this group of patients.


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An overview of research and public policy debate on academic selection in Northern Ireland. The chapter examines the outcomes of the major investigation of the effects of the selective system of secondary education published in 2000, including a consideration of comparative evidence collected in Scotland. The paper outlines the debate which followed the publication of the Burns Report and presents the current state of play in policy and practice.


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Higher education in the UK is in a state of flux and this is having particular impact on the humanities. On the one hand the pressure to support a STEM agenda is seen by some as forcing higher education down a narrow economic agenda, while government requirements for assessing the social and economic impact of research has raised concerns about excessive utilitarianism and a downgrading of ‘disinterested enquiry’. This paper argues that these concerns may be misplaced. The research impact agenda has the potential to promote more socially engaged research and more democratic engagement in the creation and dissemination of knowledge. In the US concerns about the democratic role of higher education more often seem to focus on the student experience. By contrast, in the UK concerns about citizenship education and democratic participation more often focus on high school students, perhaps because university students are more likely to have a formal role in institutional governance. The paper concludes that the papers in this forum have a very American feel, but the issues they address resonate on a much wider scale.


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The purpose of this paper is to examine the role of a university in a society emerging from decades of political violence and to show ways in which public engagement can help promote democratic practice and contribute to the strengthening of peace. Our understanding of the concept of public engagement follows the UK National Coordinating Centre for Public Engagement definition:

'Public engagement describes the myriad of ways in which the activity and benefits of higher education and research can be shared with the public. Engagement is by definition a two-way process, involving interaction and listening, with the goal of generating mutual benefit .'

The case study is provided by the example of Queen's University Belfast. We will begin by examining some of the history and context of the university, then discuss the political and social context of Northern Ireland, before going on to examine some of the publicly engaged work being carried out by Queen's and consider how this might be taken forward.


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This chapter examines a case study of a university-community civic engagement project involving a homework club in an area of significant educational and social disadvantage. The chapter gives voice to community leaders who talk about the role of the initiative and their relationship with the university.


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The adaptor protein-2 sigma subunit (AP2sigma;2) is pivotal for clathrin-mediated endocytosis of plasma membrane constituents such as the calcium-sensing receptor (CaSR). Mutations of the AP2sigma;2 Arg15 residue result in familial hypocalciuric hypercalcaemia type 3 (FHH3), a disorder of extracellular calcium (Ca<inf>o</inf><sup>2+</sup>) homeostasis. To elucidate the role of AP2sigma;2 in Ca<inf>o</inf><sup>2+</sup> regulation, we investigated 65 FHH probands, without other FHH-associated mutations, for AP2sigma;2 mutations, characterized their functional consequences and investigated the genetic mechanisms leading to FHH3. AP2sigma;2 mutations were identified in 17 probands, comprising 5 Arg15Cys, 4 Arg15His and 8 Arg15Leu mutations. A genotype-phenotype correlation was observed with the Arg15Leu mutation leading to marked hypercalcaemia. FHH3 probands harboured additional phenotypes such as cognitive dysfunction. All three FHH3-causing AP2sigma;2 mutations impaired CaSR signal transduction in a dominant-negative manner. Mutational bias was observed at the AP2sigma;2 Arg15 residue as other predicted missense substitutions (Arg15Gly, Arg15Pro and Arg15Ser), which also caused CaSR loss-of-function, were not detected in FHH probands, and these mutations were found to reduce the numbers of CaSR-expressing cells. FHH3 probands had significantly greater serum calcium (sCa) and magnesium (sMg) concentrations with reduced urinary calcium to creatinine clearance ratios (CCCR) in comparison with FHH1 probands with CaSR mutations, and a calculated index of sCa × sMg/100 × CCCR, which was ≥ 5.0, had a diagnostic sensitivity and specificity of 83 and 86%, respectively, for FHH3. Thus, our studies demonstrate AP2sigma;2 mutations to result in a more severe FHH phenotype with genotype-phenotype correlations, and a dominant-negative mechanism of action with mutational bias at the Arg15 residue.


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Presentation on the outworkings of the selective system of secondary education in Northern Ireland and a commentary on themes emerging on the conference held to mark the 50th anniversary of comprehensive schooling in Scotland. The two main challenges identified were: (1) how to deal with the consequence that not all children arrive in school with the same experiences or support, that is, dealing with the consequences of social disadvantage; and (2) not all post-school outcomes are seen to have the same value, so post-compulsory schooling risks becoming a selective mechanism for entry to more desirable outcomes


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Presentation as part of the Economics Panel at the annual conference of the Anchor Institutions Task Force. The presentation highlighted the economic contribution of Queen's University to the City of Belfast, the wider region and more globally. Impact was seen as covering direct and indirect financial factors, the social and economic impact of our research, and the social and civic contribution made through our teaching and the volunteering work of students.


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The Axe Valley has long been known for its Palaeolithic finds, particularly from the site at Broom. While research has continued at Broom, other sites have also been investigated in the valley as part of the English Heritage-managed and ALSFfunded project ?Palaeolithic Rivers of South West Britain? (PRoSWeB). This project was completed in March 2007. Since then, research focussing on the Quaternary geology and Palaeolithic archaeology of the southwest region has been continued at selected locations by Prof. Tony Brown (University of Southampton), Dr Laura Basell (University of Oxford) and Dr Phil Toms (University of Gloucestershire), with assistance from Dr Ramues Gallois and Dr Richard Scrivener (formerly British Geological Survey).