999 resultados para France -- 1804-1814 (Empire)


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The Mid Miocene marine formations of Salles area (former "Sallomacian" stage) have been studied again from numerous outcrops and cores. The deep structural framework influences notably of the characteristics and distribution of the deposits, which are neritic. The stratigraphy is stated precisely thanks to the planktonic fauna and floradetailed examination (probably Serravallian zones NN6 - N12). Several paleobiofacies are reconstituted from the rich invertebrate faunas, which give also paleoclimatic data.


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Trabalho de Projecto submetido à Escola Superior de Teatro e Cinema para cumprimento dos requisitos necessários à obtenção do grau de Mestre em Teatro - especialização em Artes Performativas (Escritas de Cena).


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Climatic reconstructions based on palynological data from Aquitaine outcrops emphasize an important degradation phase during the Lower Serravallian. Climatic and environmental changes can be related to sea-level variations (Bur 5 / Lan 1, Lan 2 / Ser 1 and Ser 2 cycles). Transgressive phases feature warmer conditions and more open environments whereas regressive phases are marked by a cooler climate and an extent of the forest cover. From Langhian to Middle Serravallian, a general cooling is highlighted, with disappearance of most megathermic taxa and a transition from warm and dry climate to warm-temperate and much more humid conditions. Conclusions are consistent with studies on bordering areas and place the major degradation phase around 14 My. The palynologic data allow filling a gap in the climatic evolution of Southern France, as a connection between Lower and Upper Miocene, both well recorded. These results document, on Western Europe scale, latitudinal climatic gradient across Northern hemisphere while featuring a transition between Mediterranean area and northeastern Atlantic frontage.


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Com INLAND EMPIRE (2006) David Lynch realiza uma obra inteiramente metacinematográfica, provando que este género transversal à História do cinema é passível de coexistir com uma poética arrojada, de pendor moderno, segundo a divisão que Gilles Deleuze faz da Sétima Arte. A produção teórica sobre esta vertente fílmica de Lynch é em termos internacionais muito escassa e em Portugal virtualmente inexistente, justificando que se proceda um trabalho de investigação nestes moldes. Ademais, INLAND EMPIRE não é um exemplo isolado na obra do cineasta, mas sim o ponto culminante de uma carreira que tem vindo a prestar cada vez mais atenção à temática meta-espectatorial. A abordagem de Lynch tem a particularidade de congregar num único trabalho o desejo de manifestar o vidente espelhando igualmente o filme, o que permite abordar INLAND EMPIRE como reflexividade na óptica do espectador. Trata-se de encenar uma alegoria do vidente, mas equacionando produção com recepção. Deste modo, o presente livro adopta o mecanismo da enunciação como base da reflexividade institucional e narrativa em duas secções teóricas distintas versando, respectivamente, a (re)duplicação especular e a mise en abyme. A cada um destes capítulos corresponde uma análise prática directamente relacionada com os factores teóricos apontados. A obra culmina com um areflexão sobre as implicações do cinema digital para a execução de alegorias cinematográficas e a sua influência em INLAND EMPIRE, que já foi inteiramente produzido com esta tecnologia.


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Tese apresentada para cumprimento dos requisitos necessários à obtenção do grau de Doutor em História e Teoria das Ideias, especialidade Pensamento, Cultura e Política


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Portugal was one of the first and most enduring European colonial powers of modern times: 1415 and 1975 mark the beginning and the end of a long empire cycle that left impressive imprints in many places. Since it started, the overseas expansion and the exploration of the colonial resources were closely articulated with state-building and the preservation of national independence. A forerunner at the Great Age of Discoveries, but a latecomer in the era of industrialization, in the 19th and early-20th centuries Portugal was a peripheral country, and the economic gap with the rich and industrialized core of Europe was wide. During this period, however, the country faced the critical challenge of ruling vast and geographically scattered overseas territories, and of preserving them from the greed of strong imperialist powers. This article starts by outlining the major developments in the Portuguese colonial policy over a century, since the 1820s until 1926. The independence of Brazil (1822) was a crucial turning point, which brought about a shift towards Africa. The First Republic (1910-1926), pervaded by a nationalist ideology, gave a new impetus to the efforts towards a more effective colonisation. Symptomatically, a Ministry of Colonies was then established for the first time. Second, it describes and analyses the transformation of the central office for colonial affairs – from a small ministerial department to an autonomous ministry -, stressing the increasing bureaucratic specialisation, the growth of the apparatus and its staff, and the introduction of new criteria for the selection and promotion of permanent officials (namely a higher profile given to careers in local colonial administration). Finally, it presents a collective biography of both the politicians (Cabinet ministers) and the administrators (directors-general) who ran the Colonial Office for a large period of the Constitutional Monarchy (from 1851 to 1910) and during the First Republic, thus enabling to assess the impact of regime change on elite circulation and career patterns.


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La légende des Trois Maries, les demi-soeurs nées du trinubium de sainte Anne, fut largement diffusée à partir du XIIIe siècle par la Légende dorée de Jacques de Voragine. L’émergence précoce du culte et de l’iconographie des Trois Maries à Paris, à partir du milieux du XIVe siècle, a été favorisée par la rencontre entre un miracle de guérison, en ordre religieux: les Carmes, en quête de légitimation et une reine de France: Jeanne d’Evreux, dont la descendance fut exclue de la succession au trône. L’iconographie des Trois Maries, dont Jean Venette, auteur carme, raconta l’histoire dans un long récit versifi é, est attestée dans les manuscrits et sur d’autres supports.


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The parasitic inspection of 745 jaraqui fillets (Semaprochilodus insignis Schomburgk, 1814) from the rio Negro, Manaus (AM) - Brazil, show a low prevalence of metacercaria cysts of Clinostomum marginatum Rudolphi, 1819. From the collected samples since 1981 to 1983, only showed the cysts.


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Between 2008 and 2009 a preventive excavation supervised by the Unit of Archaeology of the University of Minho was conducted in an area with approximately 5000 square meters allowing the identification of a wide sector of the Via XVII necropolis, which is one of the five roman necropolises known to have existed in Bracara Augusta. The findings enabled us to define a typological framework related with incinerations, to understand the internal organization of the necropolis and recover the ritual marks of the funerary practices between the first century BC and the second century AD.


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v.1 (1854)


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v.2 (1855)


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v.3 (1856)