963 resultados para Executive cognitive functions


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Neuropathological and radiological evidences implicating cerebrovascular disease in the pathogenesis of certain types of geriatric depression have led to the relatively recent description of vascular depression, an age-related mood disorder. Its clinical and radiological presentation, the frequent coexistence of cognitive disorders including impairment in executive function and resistance to antidepressant therapy distinguish it from other types of depression. This article presents an overview of the existing literature on the epidemiology, pathophysiology, clinical features and therapeutic particularities of vascular depression. (C) 2010 Elsevier Masson SAS and European Union Geriatric Medicine Society. All rights reserved.


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Rats were treated postnatally (PND 5-16) with BSO (l-buthionine-(S,R)-sulfoximine) in an animal model of schizophrenia based on transient glutathione deficit. The BSO treated rats were impaired in patrolling a maze or a homing table when adult, yet demonstrated preserved escape learning, place discrimination and reversal in a water maze task [37]. In the present work, BSO rats' performance in the water maze was assessed in conditions controlling for the available visual cues. First, in a completely curtained environment with two salient controlled cues, BSO rats showed little accuracy compared to control rats. Secondly, pre-trained BSO rats were impaired in reaching the familiar spatial position when curtains partially occluded different portions of the room environment in successive sessions. The apparently preserved place learning in a classical water maze task thus appears to require the stability and the richness of visual landmarks from the surrounding environment. In other words, the accuracy of BSO rats in place and reversal learning is impaired in a minimal cue condition or when the visual panorama changes between trials. However, if the panorama remains rich and stable between trials, BSO rats are equally efficient in reaching a familiar position or in learning a new one. This suggests that the BSO accurate performance in the water maze does not satisfy all the criteria for a cognitive map based navigation on the integration of polymodal cues. It supports the general hypothesis of a binding deficit in BSO rats.


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The progressive development of Alzheimer's disease (AD)-related lesions such as neurofibrillary tangles,amyloid deposits and synaptic loss within the cerebral cortex is a main event of brain aging.Recent neuropathologic studies strongly suggested that the clinical diagnosis of dementia depends more on the severity and topography of pathologic changes than on the presence of a qualitative marker. However, several methodological problems such as selection biases, case-control design,density-based measures, and masking effects of concomitant pathologies should be taken into account when interpreting these data. In last years, the use of stereologic counting permitted to define reliably the cognitive impact of AD lesions in the human brain. Unlike fibrillar amyloid deposits that are poorly or not related to the dementia severity, the use of this method documented that total neurofibrillary tangles and neuron numbers in the CA1 field are the best correlates of cognitive deterioration in brain aging. Loss of dendritic spines in neocortical but not hippocampal areas has a modest but independent contribution to dementia. In contrast, the importance of early dendritic and axonal tau-related pathologic changes such as neuropil threads remains doubtful. Despite these progresses, neuronal pathology and synaptic loss in cases with pure AD pathology cannot explain more than 50% of clinical severity. The present review discusses the complex structure/function relationships in brain aging and AD within the theoretical framework of the functional neuropathology of brain aging.


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BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Both personality changes and behavioural and psychological symptoms (BPS) may be associated with mild cognitive impairment (MCI) in later life and help identify incipient dementia. We wished to investigate the links between personality and BPS in MCI. METHOD: We studied premorbid personality traits as estimated 5 years back and their changes in 83 control subjects and 52 MCI patients using the revised NEO Personality Inventory for the Five-Factor Model completed by a proxy. Information on BPS was obtained using the Neuropsychiatric Inventory (NPI). Analyses were controlled for current depression and anxiety. RESULTS: Premorbid neuroticism and openness to experience were associated with the total NPI score. The changes in neuroticism, extraversion, openness to experiences, and conscientiousness were associated with apathy and affective symptoms. CONCLUSIONS: Personality changes and BPS occur in MCI. The occurrence of affective BPS and apathy is associated with both premorbid personality traits and their changes.


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Guba and Sapir asked, in their joint paper [8], if the simultaneous conjugacy problem was solvable in Diagram Groups or, at least, for Thompson's group F. We give an elementary proof for the solution of the latter question. This relies purely on the description of F as the group of piecewise linear orientation-preserving homeomorphisms of the unit. The techniques we develop allow us also to solve the ordinary conjugacy problem as well, and we can compute roots and centralizers. Moreover, these techniques can be generalized to solve the same questions in larger groups of piecewise-linear homeomorphisms.


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Los déficits y sesgos tanto cognitivos como afectivos han sido fuente creciente de interés en el ámbito de la Neurociéncia de los Trastornos Mentales. En este proyecto, que se inicia en 2004 y finaliza a finales de 2008, se han estudiado los siguientes Trastornos Mentales: Juego Patológico (JP), Trastornos de la Conducta Alimentaria (TCA) y Trastornos Depresivos. En esta memoria nos centraremos en resumir parte de los resultados obtenidos en un estudio sobre JP y toma de decisiones (articulo en revisión y pendiente de aceptación) y otro de funcionamiento ejecutivo en JP y Bulimia Nerviosa (BN) (artículo en prensa). Resumiento el primer estudio los JP (N=32) muestran un proceso de toma de decisiones sesgado por la búsqueda de recompensa en forma de elevada toma de riesgos en comparación con Controles Sanos (CS). También se observan déficits en flexibilidad cognitiva pero no en control inhibitorio entre JP y CS. Los resultados descartan miopía conductual para lo toma de decisiones en JP, pero apuntan a un sesgo cognitivo-afectivo, en el que el control de los impulsos jugaría un papel relevante, en forma de ilusión de control, para los procesos de toma de decisiones con recompensa inmediata pero con castigo diferido, medidos por una prueba de toma de decisiones (IGT ABCD). En el segundo estudio, basándose en las vulnerabilidadades compartidas descritas entre JP y BN se comparó el funcionamiento ejecutivo de mujeres con JP y BN. Tras la administración del WCST y Stroop y ajustando el análisis por edad y educación, las JP mostraron mayor afectación, en concreto mayor porcentaje de errores perservaritvos, menor nivel de respuestas conceptuales y mayor número de ensayos administrados, mientras que el grupo de BN mostró mayor porcentaje de errores no persevarativos. Ambas, mujeres JP y BN mostraron disfunción ejecutiva en relación a los CS pero con diferentes correlatos específcos.


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In the line opened by Kalai and Muller (1997), we explore new conditions on prefernce domains which make it possible to avoid Arrow's impossibility result. In our main theorem, we provide a complete characterization of the domains admitting nondictorial Arrovian social welfare functions with ties (i.e. including indifference in the range) by introducing a notion of strict decomposability. In the proof, we use integer programming tools, following an approach first applied to social choice theory by Sethuraman, Teo and Vohra ((2003), (2006)). In order to obtain a representation of Arrovian social welfare functions whose range can include indifference, we generalize Sethuraman et al.'s work and specify integer programs in which variables are allowed to assume values in the set {0, 1/2, 1}: indeed, we show that, there exists a one-to-one correspondence between solutions of an integer program defined on this set and the set of all Arrovian social welfare functions - without restrictions on the range.


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This paper presents an axiomatic characterization of difference-form group contests, that is, contests fought among groups and where their probability of victory depends on the difference of their effective efforts. This axiomatization rests on the property of Equalizing Consistency, stating that the difference between winning probabilities in the grand contest and in the smaller contest should be identical across all participants in the smaller contest. This property overcomes some of the drawbacks of the widely-used ratio-form contest success functions. Our characterization shows that the criticisms commonly-held against difference-form contests success functions, such as lack of scale invariance and zero elasticity of augmentation, are unfounded.By clarifying the properties of this family of contest success functions, this axiomatization can help researchers to find the functional form better suited to their application of interest.


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BACKGROUND: We previously reported that myeloid cells can induce mucosal healing in a mouse model of acute colitis. Promotion of mucosal repair is becoming a major goal in the treatment of Crohn's disease. Our aim in this study is to investigate the pro-repair function of myeloid cells in healthy donor (HD) and Crohn's disease patients (CD). METHODS: Peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMC) from HD and CD patients were isolated from blood samples by Ficoll density gradient. Monocytic CD14+ cells were positively selected by Macs procedure and then differentiated ex-vivo into macrophages (Mφ). The repair function of PBMC, CD14+ monocytic cells and macrophages were evaluated in an in vitro wound healing assay. RESULTS: PBMC and CD14+ myeloid cells from HD and CD were not able to repair at any tested cell concentration. Remarkably, HD Mφ were able to induce wound healing only at high concentration (105 added Mφ), but, if activated with heat killed bacteria, they were able to repair even at very low concentration. On the contrary, not activated CD Mφ were not able to promote healing at any rate, but this function was restored upon activation. CONCLUSION: We showed that CD Mφ in their steady state, unlike HD Mφ, are defective in promoting wound healing. Our results are in keeping with the current theory of CD as an innate immunodeficiency. Defective Mφ may be responsible to the mucosal repair defects in CD patients and to the subsequent chronic activation of the adaptive immune response.


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Coiled bodies (CBs) are structural constituents observed in nuclei of most eukaryotic cells. They usually occur in the nucleoplasm as well as in contact with the nucleolar surface. In this work we studied the hepatocyte nuclei of hibernating dormice in order to investigate possible modifications of CBs along the seasonal cycle. CBs were abundant during hibernation and rapidly disappeared upon arousal from hibernation. Moreover, CBs were frequently found to be integrated into the nucleolar body. Immunocytochemical analyses showed that CBs contain nucleoplasmic as well as nucleolar RNA-processing factors, suggesting an "ambiguous" role for this organelle in the nuclear functions.


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The aim of this study is to test the feasibility and the efficacy of a cognitive and behavior therapy manual for auditory hallucinations with persons suffering from schizophrenia in a French-speaking environment and under natural clinical conditions. Eight patients met ICD-10 criteria for paranoid schizophrenia, 2 for hebephrenic schizophrenia and 1 for schizoaffective disorder. All were hearing voices daily. Patients followed the intervention for 3 to 6 months according to their individual rhythms. Participants filled up questionnaires at pre-test, post-test and three months follow-up. The instruments were the Belief About Voice Questionnaire--Revised and two seven points scales about frequency of hallucinations and attribution of the source of the voices. Results show a decrease of voices' frequency and improvement in attributing the voices rather to an internal than to an external source. Malevolent or benevolent beliefs about voices are significantly decreased at follow-up as well as efforts at coping with hallucinations. Results should be interpreted with caution because of the small number of subjects. The sample may not be representative of patients with persistent symptoms since there is an over representation of patients with benevolent voices and an under representation of patients with substance misuse


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AIM: In normal aging, subjective cognitive decline (SCD) might reflect personality traits or affective states rather than objective cognitive decline. However, little is known on the correlates of SCD in mild cognitive impairment (MCI). The present study investigates SCD in MCI patients and healthy older adults, and explores the association of SCD with personality traits, affective states, behavioral and psychological symptoms (BPS), and episodic memory in patients with MCI as compared with healthy older adults. METHODS: A total of 55 patients with MCI and 84 healthy older adults were recruited. Standard instruments were used to evaluate SCD, episodic memory, BPS and affective states. Premorbid and current personality traits were assessed by proxies using the NEO Personality Inventory Revised. RESULTS: Patients with MCI generally reported SCD more often than healthy older adults. SCD was positively associated with depressive symptoms in both groups. With regard to personality, no significant relationship was found in the healthy older group, whereas agreeableness was significantly negatively related to SCD in the MCI group. No significant association was found between SCD and episodic memory. CONCLUSIONS: SCD is more prevalent in patients with MCI than in the healthy elderly, but it does not reflect an objective cognitive impairment. SCD rather echoes depressive symptoms in both patients with MCI and healthy subjects. The negative association of SCD with agreeableness observed in patients with MCI could indicate that MCI patients scoring high on the agreeableness trait would not report SCD in order to prevent their relatives worrying about their increasing cognitive difficulties.


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This study aims at evaluating how minor and serious delinquency relates to cognitive and emotional functioning in high-risk adolescents, taking problematic substance use into account. In 80 high-risk adolescent males (13-19 years), the frequency of minor and serious offences committed over the last year was predicted, in multiple regression analyses, from problematic substance use, intellectual efficiency, trait impulsivity, alexithymia (inability to express feelings in words), and cognitive coping strategies. Both minor and serious delinquency were more frequent in adolescents with more problematic substance use and higher intellectual efficacy. Minor delinquency was further related to a tendency to act out when experiencing negative emotions, and difficulties in focusing energy on instrumental action when under stress; while serious delinquency was predominantly and strongly related to rigid and dichotomous thinking. The results underline the heterogeneous nature of delinquency, minor offences being primarily associated with emotional regulation deficits, while major offences are related with a lack of cognitive flexibility.