979 resultados para Evaluation Studies


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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This is the first report on the parasitoid Palmistichus elaeisis, genus Eulophidae, found in the field parasitizing pupae of defoliating eucalyptus. Lepidopterous pests occur in eucalyptus plantations in Brazil, reaching high population levels. Due to the complexity of pest control in eucalyptus forests, alternative control methods have been proposed, for instance biological control through use of parasitoids. Natural enemies play an important role in regulating host populations because their larvae feed on the eggs, larvae, pupae or adults of other insects. The parasitic Hymenoptera are important agents in biological control programs against forest pests, and may provide economic and environmental benefits. The generalist endoparasitoid Palmistichus elaeisis Delvare and LaSalle, 1993 (Hymenoptera: Eulophidae) can develop in its host’s pupae, which overcome the host’s physiology and can therefore be used for biological control of agricultural and forest pests. This study aimed to evaluate the impact of P. elaeisis as a pupal parasitoid of S. violascens in providing a potential alternative to chemical control of the pest and creation of an alternative host. The experiment was developed in the Laboratory for Biological Control of Forest Pests, Universidade Estadual Paulista "Julio Mesquita Filho”. Parasitoids used in this test were originally collected on pupae of E. eucerus. (Lepidoptera: Riodinidae) in eucalyptus plantations at Lençois Paulistas, São Paulo state, Brazil, in 2011. Thereafter, a laboratory culture has been maintained, using pupae of Spodoptera frugiperda (J. E. Smith) (Lep.: Noctuidae) as hosts. S. violascens eggs were collected in a eucalyptus clonal plantation in Sao Paulo state (Brazil). Larvae were reared under ambient conditions on Eucalyptus urophylla S.T. Blake (Myrtaceae) leaves. The following parameters were determined: parasitism level, numbers of emerged and non-emerged parasitoids and duration of egg-adult cycle. The S. violascens pupae were dissected to evaluate the non-emerged parasitoids. The parasitism level reached 100%, with a 100% emergence rate. It was verified that 113.2±0.8 parasitoids emerged per individual pupa versus only 0.7±0.1 that did not emerge. The P. elaeisis egg-adult cycle was 20.3±0.6 days in S. violascens pupae. This opens new perspectives for utilizing this parasitoid in biological control programs against caterpillars important to forestry. Sarsina violascens in Brazil.


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The United States National Ice Center (NIC) provides weekly ice analyses of the Arctic and Antarctic using information from ice reconnaissance, ship reports and high-resolution satellite imagery. In cloud-covered areas and regions lacking imagery, the higher-resolution sources are augmented by ice concentrations derived from Defense Meteorological Satellite Program (DMSP) Special Sensor Microwave/Imager (SSMII) passive-microwave imagery. However, the SSMII-derived ice concentrations are limited by low resolution and uncertainties in thin-ice regions. Ongoing research at NIC is attempting to improve the utility of these SSMII products for operational sea-ice analyses. The refinements of operational algorithms may also aid future scientific studies. Here we discuss an evaluation of the standard operational ice-concentration algorithm, Cal/Val, with a possible alternative, a modified NASA Team algorithm. The modified algorithm compares favorably with CallVal and is a substantial improvement over the standard NASA Team algorithm in thin-ice regions that are of particular interest to operational activities.


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In the past 50 years, the range of the nine-banded armadillo (Dasypus novemcinctus) in the south has been rapidly expanding. As their range expands, armadillos increasingly come into conflict with suburban landowners. When foraging, armadillos often uproot ornamental plants. Their rooting also destroys gardens, lawns, and flower beds. Their burrowing can damage tree roots and building foundations. Most armadillo damage is a result of their feeding habits. Armadillos dig shallow holes, 1- 3 inches deep and 3-5 inches long, as they search for soil invertebrates. A recent survey of Georgia county extension agents by scientists at the University of Georgia found that 77.6% of all agents reported receiving complaints or requests for information on armadillos. Armadillo related inquiries made up 10.1 % all inquiries for all agents across the state, surpassing even the white-tail deer (Odocoileus virginianus). Armadillos are often assumed to destroy nests of ground-nesting birds. Armadillo diets have been studied in several states including Alabama, Louisiana, Texas, Georgia, Arkansas, and Florida. According to these studies, vertebrate matter, especially bird eggs, made up an minor portion of their diet. The armadillo’s diet often consists of more than 90% insects, grubs and earthworms. Based on these studies, it seems that claims of armadillos being significant nest predators are unfounded.


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The construction industry is one of the greatest sources of pollution because of the high level of energy consumption during its life cycle. In addition to using energy while constructing a building, several systems also use power while the building is operating, especially the air-conditioning system. Energy consumption for this system is related, among other issues, to external air temperature and the required internal temperature of the building. The facades are elements which present the highest level of ambient heat transfer from the outside to the inside of tall buildings. Thus, the type of facade has an influence on energy consumption during the building life cycle and, consequently, contributes to buildings' CO2 emissions, because these emissions are directly connected to energy consumption. Therefore, the aim is to help develop a methodology for evaluating CO2 emissions generated during the life cycle of office building facades. The results, based on the parameters used in this study, show that facades using structural glazing and uncolored glass emit the most CO2 throughout their life cycle, followed by brick facades covered with compound aluminum panels or ACM (Aluminum Composite Material), facades using structural glazing and reflective glass and brick facades with plaster coating. On the other hand, the typology of facade that emits less CO2 is brickwork and mortar because its thermal barrier is better than structural glazing facade and materials used to produce this facade are better than brickwork and ACM. Finally, an uncertainty analysis was conducted to verify the accuracy of the results attained. (C) 2011 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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Comprehensive two-dimensional gas chromatography (GC x GC) is a powerful technique that provides excellent separation and identification of analytes in highly complex samples with considerable increase in GC peak capacities. However, since second dimension analyses are very fast, detectors with a rapid acquisition rate are required. Over the last years, quite a number of studies have discussed the potential and limitations of the combination GC x GC with a variety of quadrupole mass spectrometers. The present research focuses on the evaluation of qMS effectiveness at a 10,000-amu/s scan speed and 20-Hz scan frequency for the identification (full scan mode acquisition-TIC) and quantification (extracted ion chromatogram) of target pesticide residues in tomato samples. The following MS parameters have been evaluated: number of data points per peak, mass spectrum quality, peak skewing, and sensitivity. The validated proposed GC x GC/qMS method presented satisfactory results in terms of repeatability (coefficient of variation lower than 15%), accuracy (84-117%), and linearity (ranging from 25 to 500 ng/g), while significant enhancement in sensitivity was observed (a factor of around 10) under scan conditions. (C) 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The expansion of sugarcane growing in Brazil, spurred particularly by increased demand for ethanol, has triggered the need to evaluate the economic, social, and environmental impacts of this process, both on the country as a whole and on the growing regions. Even though the balance of costs and benefits is positive from an overall standpoint, this may not be so in specific producing regions, due to negative externalities. The objective of this paper is to estimate the effect of growing sugarcane on the human development index (HDI) and its sub-indices in cane producing regions. In the literature on matching effects, this is interpreted as the effect of the treatment on the treated. Location effects are controlled by spatial econometric techniques, giving rise to the spatial propensity score matching model. The authors analyze 424 minimum comparable areas (MCAs) in the treatment group, compared with 907 MCAs in the control group. The results suggest that the presence of sugarcane growing in these areas is not relevant to determine their social conditions, whether for better or worse. It is thus likely that public policies, especially those focused directly on improving education, health, and income generation/distribution, have much more noticeable effects on the municipal HDI.


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The occurrence of white matter (WM) abnormalities in psychotic disorders has been suggested by several studies investigating brain pathology and diffusion tensor measures, but evidence assessing regional WM morphometry is still scarce and conflicting. In the present study, 122 individuals with first-episode psychosis (FEP) (62 fulfilling criteria for schizophrenia/schizophreniform disorder, 26 psychotic bipolar I disorder, and 20 psychotic major depressive disorder) underwent magnetic resonance imaging, as well as 94 epidemiologically recruited controls. Images were processed with the Statistical Parametric Mapping (SPM2) package, and voxel-based morphometry was used to compare groups (t-test) and subgroups (ANOVA). Initially, no regional WM abnormalities were observed when both groups (overall FEP group versus controls) and subgroups (i.e., schizophrenia/schizophreniform, psychotic bipolar I disorder, psychotic depression, and controls) were compared. However, when the voxelwise analyses were repeated excluding subjects with comorbid substance abuse or dependence, the resulting statistical maps revealed a focal volumetric reduction in right frontal WM, corresponding to the right middle frontal gyral WM/third subcomponent of the superior longitudinal fasciculus, in subjects with schizophrenia/schizophreniform disorder (n = 40) relative to controls (n = 89). Our results suggest that schizophrenia/schizophreniform disorder is associated with right frontal WM volume decrease at an early course of the illness. (c) 2012 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.


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The influence of antimalarials on lipids in systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) has been identified in several studies but not in many prospective cohorts. The aim of this study was to longitudinally determine the effect of antimalarials on the lipoprotein profile in SLE. Patients and methods: Fasting total cholesterol (TC), triglycerides (TG), high-density lipoprotein (HDL) and low-density lipoprotein cholesterol (LDL) plasma levels were determined at entry and after 3 months of hydroxychloroquine (HCQ) treatment in a longitudinal evaluation of 24 patients with SLE. Results: a significant decrease in TC (198 +/- 33.7 vs. 183 +/- 30.3 mg/dl, p = 0.023) and LDL levels (117 +/- 31.3 vs. 101 +/- 26.2 mg/dl, p = 0.023) were detected after the 3 months of HCQ therapy. The reduction of 7.6% in TC (p = 0.055) and 13.7% in LDL levels (p = 0.036) determined a significant decrease in the frequency of dyslipidemia (26% vs. 12.5%, p = 0.013) after HCQ therapy. Conclusion: This longitudinal study demonstrated the beneficial effect of antimalarials on lipids in SLE since this therapy induced a reduction of atherogenic lipoproteins. Lupus (2012) 21, 1178-1182.


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The use of standard reference electrodes, such as Ag/AgCl or saturated calomel electrodes, in potentiometric and amperometric studies involving miniaturized electrochemical systems, or those operating under positive hydraulic pressure, is often impractical. Placement of the reference electrode in the direct vicinity of the working electrode is often prohibited by the dimensions or layout of the electrochemical cell, while the alternative strategy of locating the reference electrode in a separate compartment often leads to electrolyte leakage and contamination of the system. In the present study, we have investigated the functionality of a pseudoreference electrode comprising a platinum wire, one end of which was maintained in intimate contact with the internal solution of an Ag/AgCl reference electrode while the other was connected, via a BNC connector, to a platinum probe located within the electrochemical cell. Linear and cyclic voltammetric studies, involving both aqueous and nonaqueous electrolytes, were carried out using the pseudoreference electrode and an electrochemical cup-type cell with three electrodes or an electrochemical flow reactor. In all cases, the functionality of the Pt//Ag/AgCl system was similar to that of a conventional Ag/AgCl reference electrode. Variations in the electrolyte did not alter the potential or voltammetric profile recorded when using the pseudoreference system, although peak currents were generally improved and potential values shifted by approximately +350 mV in comparison with the Ag/AgCl electrode, therefore, the system pseudoreference can be applied in any electrochemical system due to the constant potential difference. It is concluded that the pseudoreference electrode can be used with advantage to obtain potentiometric and amperometric measurements in both simple and complex electrochemical systems.


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Oat hull hemicellulosic hydrolysate obtained by diluted acid hydrolysis was employed as fermentation medium for Pichia stipitis cultivation. A comparison between the use of treated hydrolysate with 1% activated charcoal to reduce the toxic compounds generated during the hydrolysis process and untreated hydrolysate as a control was conducted. In the cultures using treated hydrolysate the total consumption of glucose, low xylose consumption and ethanol and glycerol formation were observed. The medium formulated with untreated hydrolysate showed morphological cell modifications with consequently cell death, no ethanol formation and formation of glycerol as byproduct of fermentative process, probably as a response to stressful conditions to yeast due to presence of high concentration of toxic compounds. Thus, further studies are suggested in order to determine the best conditions for hydrolysis and detoxification of the hydrolysate to improve the fermentative performance of P. stipitis.


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A survey of Microsporum gypseum was conducted in soil samples in different geographical regions of Brazil. The isolation of dermatophyte from soil samples was performed by hair baiting technique and the species were identified by morphology studies. We analyzed 692 soil samples and the recuperating rate was 19.2%. The activities of keratinase and elastase were quantitatively performed in 138 samples. The sequencing of the ITS region of rDNA was performed in representatives samples. M. gypseum isolates showed significant quantitative differences in the expression of both keratinase and elastase, but no significant correlation was observed between these enzymes. The sequencing of the representative samples revealed the presence of two teleomorphic species of M. gypseum (Arthroderma gypseum and A. incurvatum). The enzymatic activities may play an important role in the pathogenicity and a probable adaptation of this fungus to the animal parasitism. Using the phenotypical and molecular analysis, the Microsporum identification and their teleomorphic states will provide a useful and reliable identification system.


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The demand for "welfare friendly" products increases as public conscience and perception on livestock production systems grow. The public and policy-makers demand scientific information for education and to guide decision processes. This paper describes some of the last decade contributions made by scientists on the technical, economical and market areas of farm animal welfare. Articles on animal welfare were compiled on the following themes: 1) consumer behavior, 2) technical and economical viability, 3) public regulation, and 4) private certification policies. Most studies on the economic evaluation of systems that promote animal welfare involved species destined to produce export items, such as eggs, beef and pork. Few studies were found on broilers, dairy cows and fish, and data regarding other species, such as horses, sheep and goats were not found. Scientists understand that farm animal welfare is not only a matter of ethics, but also an essential tool to gain and maintain markets. However, it is unfortunate that little attention is paid to species that are not economically important for exports. Studies that emphasize on more humane ways to raise animals and that provide economic incentives to the producer are needed. An integrated multidisciplinary approach is necessary to highlight the benefits of introducing animal welfare techniques to existing production systems.


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Evaluative research into the capability of decentralized management of epidemiological vigilance (EV) was conducted in the operational, organizational and sustainable dimensions in the state of Bahia, Brazil. The quantitative approach was used in the construction of a baseline, with primary data obtained through an online questionnaire answered by thirty-eight municipal EV managers. In the qualitative approach to analyze the context and assess the management capability of municipalities in two case studies, techniques adapted to the analysis of discursive practices were used. This was done through semi-structured interviews with managers of regional and municipal government, health workers and representatives of the municipal health council. The case studies showed that the municipality with enhanced management capability is that in which the manager has the greatest potential of using the resources of his position, in addition to his ability to control, negotiate and coordinate with other actors. Due to decentralization of EV, considering the shared nature of management between the three spheres of government, there is a marked variation in the management capability of municipalities, determined by social, economic, political inequalities and management mechanisms adopted.


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Introduction: The ankle sprain is one of the most common injuries in athletes. Direct evaluation of the ligament laxity can be obtained through the objective measurement of extreme passive inversion and eversion movements, but there are few studies on the use of the evaluation of the passive resistive torque of the ankle to assess the capsule and ligaments resistance. Objective: The aim of this study was to compare the inversion and eversion passive torque in athletes with and without ankle sprains history. Method: 32 female basketball and volleyball athletes (16.06 +/- 0.8 years old; 67.63 +/- 8.17 kg; 177.8 +/- 6.47 cm) participated in this study. Their ankles were divided into two groups: control group (29), composed of symptom-free ankles, and ankle sprain group, composed of ankles which have suffered injury (29). The resistive torque at maximum passive ankle movement was measured by the isokinetic dynamometer and the muscular activity by electromyography system. The athletes performed 2 repetitions of inversion and eversion movement at 5, 10 and 20 degrees/s and the same protocol only at maximum inversion movement. Results: The resistive passive torque during the inversion and eversion was lower in the ankle sprain group. This group also showed lower torques at the maximum inversion movement. No differences were observed between inversion and eversion movement. Conclusions: Ankle sprain leads to lower passive torque, indicating reduction of the resistance of the lateral ankle ligaments and mechanical laxity.