929 resultados para Estradas rurais


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The objective of the present work is to verify the effects of Rural Social welfare in the family agriculture of the microrregião Serra de São Miguel-RN. The study based on available bibliography on the theme, in secondary data and in a rising amostral accomplished in three municipal districts (Encanto, São Miguel and Riacho de Santana) of the microrregião. The universe of the study was the establishments of the family agriculture appeared in the Agricultural Census of 2006, in those municipal districts. The unit of considered analysis was the rural family, with the interviews being applied close to the farmers' families with and without retired rural. The sample was of 94 present families in the family establishments. The results demonstrate that the Rural Precaution reaches a significant covering degree in the rural area of the researched municipal districts, with an average of 1,57 beneficiaries for home in the families with retired. The data of the research attest that the family agriculture in the microrregião Serra de São Miguel-RN it has few favorable conditions for his/her development, once, besides the shortage of lands and of the climatic factor of the area, the returned public politics the family farmers' totality - like PRONAF and PAA -, it has been unable to give effective answers for the improvement of the life conditions in the rural way, have seen the minimum amount of families reached by those politics, be in function of the drawing or of the atmosphere where they are done. In this context, he/she stands out the importance of the Rural Precaution that, in function of the application of the constitutional devices that you/they guaranteed his/her universalization, it has been the only relevant public politics that, in fact, it has been reaching her/it all their beneficiary potentials. Given the general situation of the family agriculture of the microrregião and of the specific characteristics of the researched family establishments, the hypothesis was corroborated that the rural retirement doesn't contribute directly to the increase / making possible of the family agriculture. In spite of 57,4% of the families with retired have declared to use resources of the retirement in the costing of the rural activity carried out by the family, the annual medium value of the expense just located around 7,02% of the annual value of the retirements gained by the families in the year of 2010. Data the low levels in that the social reproduction of the great majority of the family establishments of the microrregião, the maintenance of the families is operated represents the main destiny of the resources precautions. It was also confirmed the hypothesis that the Rural Precaution constitutes the main monetary contribution of the families with retired. For more than 93% of the families with retired, the retirements doing 50% or more of the total of the family monetary income, and in the composition of the rural income of the families with retired and pensioners, the originating from income the rural retirements are equal to 65,24% of the total of the annual income obtained by the families. It is ended, because, that the rural precaution, given to the adversities for the development of the family agriculture, of the operational inefficacy of the public politics and of the few opportunities of generation of existent income in the local savings, it is the main responsible for the reduction of the poverty and, consequently, for the improvements of the conditions of life of the families of and with seniors in the rural way of the microrregião Serra de São Miguel-RN


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Cet article étudie le livre de visites de l'ancienne école mixte de la Fazenda Ponte Alta/Bela Vista, liée au groupe scolaire de la ville de Bariri, dans l'état de São Paulo (SP). À partir des registres de vingt ans d'activités (1928-1948), nous retraçons les exigences des inspecteurs primaires et si ces exigences provenaient (ou non) de professeurs et de la communauté paysanne pour ébaucher un cadre socio-historique de l'enseignement des premières lettres dans la zone rurale de l'intérieur de l'état de São Paulo. Il en résulte que le discours qui défendait l'égalité de chances pour les populations urbaines et rurales négligeait généralement le besoin de promouvoir l'égalité de conditions pour que la communauté rurale puisse profiter des chances qui lui étaient promises.


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As the space and the city are objects of desires, interests, seduction, sedition, appropriations, battles, victories, defeats, require to be analyzed historically. This research investigates and discusses the construction of public spaces in Jardim do Seridó City, backwoods of Rio Rio Grande do Norte, in the first decades of twentieth century, when the municipality was chaired by Heráclio Pires Fernandes, who ruled from 1917 to 1930 and was graduated from the University of Pharmacy of Recife, where he contacted the architectural, political and artistic influences circulating in the capital of Pernambuco. In the first decades of the twentieth century, the space of Jardim earns statements and practices, against the discourse of modernity, which sought to justify the title of Veneza Seridoense . At the time, the city had undergone several transformations in its public spaces through the construction of the Butchery, the Market, the Public Roads connecting the city to other urban centers, the building of the Bridge of the Pedra Lavrada Farm, the Elementary School Antônio de Azevedo , the creation of the Music Band Euterpe Jardinense , the Literary and Recreative Guild, the pavilion, the paving, tree planting, lighting, streets naming and listing of the annual painting of households, the arrival of automobiles, mail and telegraph. The construction of these new sceneries and the arrival of equipments generated impacts in the daily life of the population and were received differentiated ways by individuals involved in the process, which shows the tension between old and new, the relationship between history and space


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In Brazil, between the late nineteenth and early decades of the twentieth, polytechnic engineers assumed an important role in discussing the establishment of a modern country. The problem of drought in northeastern Brazil gave the professionals performance, within an interventional process more mounts, the conception plans and measures for the purposeful integration of the territory afflicted. With the foundation of Inspetoria de Obras Contra as Secas (IOCS), in 1909, the actions to combat drought and would be institutionalized, them, studies performed out by technical and scientific committees would be systematically applied in the Brazilian Northeast. So, This work was central objective understand the historical process inplantation of a whole infrastructure of modern character by professional technical and their consequences within the Northeast Geographic space, in specific, in the municipality of Acari in the State of Rio Grande do Norte, in the first half of the twentieth century. The politics of the government, through technical education and scientific engineers polytechnics, would emphasize, during the twentieth century, the building of dams, and irrigation canals, wells, railways, highways, between other elements, that would soon transform the physical space-northeast, specifically, the territory acariense. These works began to contribute to the setting of man backcountry their land, promote the regular practice of agriculture even in periods of drought and, the integration, especially, economic of territory acariense the other producing regions of Rio Grande do Norte and the Northeast as well as promoting the modification of the landscape of the world backcountry. These actions functioned as elements of modernity and progress that transformed the space by favoring by favoring the formation of urban networks (urban) in this space


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This paper discusses aspects of the slavery and emancipations in the village of Arez between the last quarter of the eighteenth century and the first decades of the nineteenth century. It seeks to identify the profile of the slaves and the emancipation possibilities in a peripheral region with few commercial activities, given that the most of the approaches about manumission consider towns and cities where the economic dynamics ware more pronounced, as places of higher possibilities of slaves working in diverse activities that allowed them to accumulate a reserve fund and thus buy their freedom. Therefore it was necessary to raise evidences of slavery in the case study, which was based on surveys of the eighteenth century, and the first decades of the nineteenth century and some population maps and civil records related to the early nineteenth century. The information about the manumission acts were analyzed based on writs of freedom registered in the village of Arez between 1774 and 1827 due to the absence of other documents about it. The registry books include all the documents of the Arez community; so, it was possible to observe what happened in rural localities, in the town, in the headquarters of the district and in the village of Goianinha. Based on information from the documents, it was possible to address some aspects of slavery like the predominant types of groups, the possible activities in which slaves were inserted and the profile of the freed slaves, the emancipation modes and, therefore, discuss the possible relations ship between the colonial space and manumissions and between masters and slaves


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior


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Knowledge of quality of life is a very complex and rich in cultural and subjective dimensions, understood in a broad sense and multivariate theme. Considering the rural areas from agriculture, it is observed that the production standard defines significant changes in the environmental context and the quality of life of rural workers. To explain the relationship between quality of life and Family Organic Agriculture, we sought to analyze the quality of life of the organic family farmer, after change in agricultural management. The research, based on a procedure exploratory study supported the articulation theoretically constructed, showed their relevance and allowed to delimit with greater security, the central question of work. The WHOQOL - 100 treated the instrument of research on quality of life that directed the field study with organic farmers from the town of Lagoa Seca / PB. Farmers and family members are from rural regions Almeida, Alvinho, Lagoa de Barro, Lagoa Gravatá, Oiti and Pau Ferro. The average time is 39 years farming and organic family farm is 16 years. In the analysis work was found that the process of production of vegetables and fruits is divided into 08 steps and with respect to workloads observations showed the presence of: physical loads, mechanical stresses, psychological burden and ergonomic factors. Most farmers reported symptoms were fatigue and cramps in the legs . Regarding the quality of life was noticed that the Psychological Domain contributed positively to the quality of life with mean and standard deviation (17.83 ± 12.78) and Domain Environment negatively contributing to the quality of life of this group (9.00 ± 6.82). We conclude that the practice of Family Organic Agriculture should be seen as an effective strategy in promoting quality of life and social values in between, since it presents environmental sustainability with regard to life and socio-cultural diversity of populations


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This study focuses on two issues, the process of subjectivity production and the exercise of friendship alongside political militancy in the Landless Rural Workers Movement (MST). Friendship is here understood as the social practice with the potential to question certain modes of socially formed relationships as well as their becoming a political exercise. The political militancy phenomenon is problematized based on the subjectivity production perspective. The objective of the study was to construct acartography of the subjectivity production processes with political activists of the MST and to highlight the points in which the exercise of friendship enhances the appearance of singularity in the context of this militancy. The cartography is a research method that permits the identification of macro political, as well as micro political forces that interfere in a psychosocial context, such as the MST. The participants were members of an MST group that participated in a Pedagogy course coordinated by the Department of Education of the Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte. The other participants were militants involved in political formation activities at the social base, as well as in the other levels of the MST in the states of Rio Grande do Norte, Paraíba, Pernambuco, Ceará, Minas Gerais and Paraná. The results are linked to the oscillate incorporation of the landless identity model that occurs as a group of disciplinary strategies are put in practice in the political formation activities with militants, as well as the ways of model evation are formed. This occurs to the extent that new demands and forms of invested desires beyond the land object are incorporated in the MST. Such singular processes happen in three areas of the political exercise of friendship articulation: the masses, where there is a possibility for the MST to construct a new social collectivity; gender relations, where the socially destined space for women is redimensionized and; sexual diversity, which provokes the MST to follow its potential in questioning the actual hegemonic living modes. It is therefore considered that the MST has a great opportunity to become an important mediator of contemporary social and political struggles


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Este trabalho foi realizado na região de Jales-SP, com objetivo de analisar economicamente o cultivo da pinha. Para estimar a matriz de coeficientes técnicos, os custos de produção, os indicadores de lucratividade e os dados foram levantados com cinco produtores de pinha, no ano de 2001-2002. Apesar do custo superior do sistema de produção tecnificado quando comparado com o convencional na cultura da pinha, o sistema tecnificado apresentou-se mais rentável para os produtores rurais da região de Jales, com um lucro operacional por hectare de R$5.301,07 (US$2.031,06) e para o convencional de R$1.720,48 (US$659,19). Isto se deve principalmente por proporcionar benefícios, como antecipação da colheita para períodos de melhores preços, melhoria na qualidade e na quantidade dos frutos.


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This discourse analyzes the technical assistance concerning the rural settlement, which is seen as a demand of the social movement that claims for agrarian reformation, and is a goal of II PNRA, launched in may 2004, as a essential national public politics on process of building and consolidation of settlement and familiar agriculture, proposing the return of technical assistance service and rural extension in Brazil, which were started in the and of 1940 s. We analyze, in particular, the technical assistance program, social and environmental agrarian reformation, on model settlement, a program created, especially, to the rural settlements, coordinated by INCRA. Based on the documental analyze and local study, it is noticed that the experience of technical assistance implemented on model settlement shows the non continuation and fragility on technical assistance actions to rural workers. This context goes against the lately technical assistance governmental apparatus, which ensures to make settlements stronger, to support and to get important the familiar agriculture system. This way, technical assistance execution, trough the tertiary service, follows the neoliberal strategy and, the State, besides decreases the estimate to public politics, takes its actions control from the State to the shared control through partnership and transferring of responsibility, expressing its historic lack of attention to the worker class demands. In spite of workers resistance, expectative and hope, the lack of these services, as well as the other politics deficiencies, which are necessary to the settlements, are endangering its activities and threatening its survival in the settlement


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior


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The following dissertation studies the insertion of peasant women in the conflict for land since the occupation process, dispossession and construction of the settlement New Horizon II, in the municipal district of Maxaranguape. It analyses their participation in the conflict Valley of the Hope", that resulted in the settlements New Life II and New Horizon II in the municipal district of Maxaranguape. The analysis exposes the reasons which took the peasant women, after the land conquest, to go back into domestic space and/or to assume positions of lesser relevance in the political organizations of the settlement. In the conflict Valley of the Hope, the women had a fundamental role, facing the police violence, being front line of the conflicts against the repression forces, risking their lives and the life of their families. After the conquest of the land, transformed into the New Horizon II Settlement, there are a lot of changes in the participation of the women. We can observe that, despite the protagonism of the families, in special of the women in the Valley of the Hope conflict, these female workers still experiment unequal social, economic, political and cultural conditions in relation to the men, expressing the gender inequalities which are found in the daily life of the settlement: in the community, in the domestic and agricultural task. The conflict for the land in the Valley of the Hope and the conquest of the settlement did not necessarily mean the incorporation of the emancipation of the peasant women. However, the political participation in the development of the conflicts allowed to the women the self discovering and the beginning of an emancipation process as gender. There are signals of continuities and ruptures of the present culture, almost always stimulated by the organization of the agricultural female workers


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Analisa a inserção da população jovem em assentamentos rurais, tomando como referência o Assentamento Hipólito, no município de Mossoró, no Estado do Rio Grande do Norte (RN). O contato com alguns jovens assentados levou à inquietação frente à problemática situação por eles descrita, em relação aos seus cotidianos e às suas perspectivas, o que aponta para o entendimento de que faltam políticas públicas, ou estas não estão sendo adequadas para a população em estudo. As políticas de juventude são, além de recentes, ainda muito escassas; sobretudo, quando se trata da juventude rural. Nessa perspectiva, procura rastrear a trajetória dos jovens no referido Assentamento, visando a uma melhor percepção da inserção social destes na condição de assentados, com a atenção voltada para as suas relações com o seu meio, e com o poder público (local, estadual e federal), as condições de vida, as perspectivas de futuro e as ações governamentais, frente às suas demandas. Os resultados dessa análise apontaram para a ausência de políticas públicas condizentes com a realidade dessa parcela da população, reforçando, mediante a precariedade das condições de vida em que se encontra, o argumento de que a luta pela terra não se encerra com a conquista desta. Pois a consolidação dessa posse vai depender da luta posterior em prol de melhores condições econômicas e sociais. Reforça ainda a necessidade de reconhecer a capacidade potencial dos sujeitos coletivos, na avaliação de seus problemas e necessidades, e fomentar a participação social e política dos trabalhadores, na conquista de seus direitos e na construção de sua cidadania. E ainda que a participação efetiva da juventude é fundamental a qualquer processo de transformação social. Portanto, os jovens rurais são atores inegavelmente importantes quando se pretende entender a dinâmica dos assentamentos rurais no seu contexto maior