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OBJECTIVES: We studied the value of ultrasound (US) to define shoulder pathology and guide local steroid injection in comparison with a standard injection in the management of the acute painful shoulder. METHODS: Seventy consecutive patients with acute shoulder pain were assessed clinically and by US. Patients were randomized to receive either a standard subacromial infiltration of 7 mg of betamethasone or a US-guided injection according to the US diagnosis. Follow-up evaluations were performed by an independent assessor who was blinded to the results of the initial US and clinical assessments. RESULTS: Sixty-seven patients completed the study. Both groups showed a significant reduction in both daytime and night pain compared to baseline. The US injection group had significantly less pain at rest at 2 and 6 weeks (NRS: 1.6 vs 3.3, P<0.005; 3 vs 4.2, P<0.04). The percentage of good responders was significantly higher in US group at 2 weeks, (81% vs 54%, P<0.005) and 6 weeks (64% vs 38%, P<0.05). At 2 and 6 weeks, responder rate and activity pain scores as well as Constant score were in favour of US, though did not reach statistical significance. CONCLUSION: Local steroid injection for shoulder pain leads to significant improvements in pain and function for up to 12 weeks. An US examination to define the origin of shoulder pain as well as to guide injection provides significant additional benefits for up to 6 weeks. We recommend routine US examination as part of the management of acute shoulder pain.
BACKGROUND: A simple prognostic model could help identify patients with pulmonary embolism who are at low risk of death and are candidates for outpatient treatment. METHODS: We randomly allocated 15,531 retrospectively identified inpatients who had a discharge diagnosis of pulmonary embolism from 186 Pennsylvania hospitals to derivation (67%) and internal validation (33%) samples. We derived our rule to predict 30-day mortality using classification tree analysis and patient data routinely available at initial examination as potential predictor variables. We used data from a European prospective study to externally validate the rule among 221 inpatients with pulmonary embolism. We determined mortality and nonfatal adverse medical outcomes across derivation and validation samples. RESULTS: Our final model consisted of 10 patient factors (age > or = 70 years; history of cancer, heart failure, chronic lung disease, chronic renal disease, and cerebrovascular disease; and clinical variables of pulse rate > or = 110 beats/min, systolic blood pressure < 100 mm Hg, altered mental status, and arterial oxygen saturation < 90%). Patients with none of these factors were defined as low risk. The 30-day mortality rates for low-risk patients were 0.6%, 1.5%, and 0% in the derivation, internal validation, and external validation samples, respectively. The rates of nonfatal adverse medical outcomes were less than 1% among low-risk patients across all study samples. CONCLUSIONS: This simple prediction rule accurately identifies patients with pulmonary embolism who are at low risk of short-term mortality and other adverse medical outcomes. Prospective validation of this rule is important before its implementation as a decision aid for outpatient treatment.
Publicado en la página web de la Consejería de Igualdad, Salud y Políticas Sociales: www.juntadeandalucia.es/salud (Consejería de Salud / Profesionales / Nuestro Compromiso por la Calidad / Procesos Asistenciales Integrados)
Friedreich's ataxia (FRDA), the most common autosomal recessive ataxia, is characterised by progressive ataxia with dysarthria of speech, loss of deep-tendon reflexes, impaired vibratory and proprioceptive sensations and corticospinal weakness with a Babinski's sign. Patients eventually also develop kyphoscoliosis, cardiomyopathy and diabetes mellitus. The disease is a GAA repeat disorder resulting in severely reduced levels of frataxin, with secondary increased sensitivity to oxidative stress. The anti-oxidative drug, idebenone, is effective against FRDA-associated cardiomyopathy. We provide detailed clinical, electrophysiological and biochemical data from 20 genetically confirmed FRDA patients and have analysed the relationship between phenotype, genotype and malondialdehyde (MDA), which is a marker of superoxide formation. We assessed the effects of idebenone biochemically by measuring blood MDA and clinically by serial measurements of the International Cooperative Ataxia Rating Scale (ICARS). The GAA repeat length influenced the age at onset (p <0.001), the severity of ataxia (p = 0.02), the presence of cardiomyopathy (p = 0.04) and of low-frequency hearing loss (p = 0.009). Multilinear regression analysis showed (p = 0.006) that ICARS was dependent on the two variables of disease duration (p = 0.01) and size of the GAA expansion (p = 0.02). We found no correlation to bilateral palpebral ptosis, visual impairment, diabetes mellitus or skeletal deformities, all of which appear to be signs of disease progression rather than severity. We discuss more thoroughly two underrecognised clinical findings: palpebral ptosis and GAA length-dependent low-frequency hearing loss. The average ICARS remained unchanged in 10 patients for whom follow-up on treatment was available (mean 2.9 years), whereas most patients treated with idebenone reported an improvement in dysarthria (63%), hand dexterity (58%) and fatigue (47%) after taking the drug for several weeks or months. Oxidative stress analysis showed an unexpected increase in blood MDA levels in patients on idebenone (p = 0.04), and we discuss the putative underlying mechanism for this result, which could then explain the unique efficacy of idebenone in treating the FRDA-associated cardiomyopathy, as opposed to other antioxidative drugs. Indeed, idebenone is not only a powerful stimulator of complexes II and III of the respiratory chain, but also an inhibitor of complex I activity, then promoting superoxide formation. Our preliminary clinical observations are the first to date supporting an effect of idebenone in delaying neurological worsening. Our MDA results point to the dual effect of idebenone on oxidative stress and to the need for controlled studies to assess its potential toxicity at high doses on the one hand, and to revisit the exact mechanisms underlying the physiopathology of Friedreich's ataxia on the other hand, while recent reports suggest non-oxidative pathophysiology of the disease.
The importance of amoxicillin serum profiles for successful prophylaxis of experimental endocarditis in rats was assessed. Animals with catheter-induced vegetations were challenged intravenously with large inocula of Streptococcus sanguis and received one of the following amoxicillin dosages: single or multiple bolus injection of 40 mg/kg; 40 mg/kg administered as a continuous infusion over 12 h; or either 9 or 18 mg/kg administered over 12 or 24 h, respectively. The regimen producing a single transient high peak serum level failed to prevent experimental endocarditis; in contrast, a second injection 6 h after the first resulted in successful prophylaxis. Likewise, the three regimens of continuous, relatively low-dose regimens prevented infections. Thus, the most important parameter for successful prophylaxis was the duration of inhibitory concentration of the drug in the serum. The total dose of antibiotic, the peak serum levels, or the area-under-the-curve values were not predictive of successful prophylaxis.
Boletín semanal para profesionales sanitarios de la Secretaría General de Salud Pública y Participación Social de la Consejería de Salud
Para justificar el proyecto, durante la fase de elaboración del plan de trabajo, se examinaron diversas webs de sociedades protectoras de animales, haciendo un análisis exhaustivo de las que se consideraron más representativas. Tras la realización de un análisis de varios proyectos similares al que planteaba la propuesta del enunciado, se detectaron diversas deficiencias en las webs analizadas. Con el proyecto se ha conseguido como productos la aplicación web y los documentos de Planificación del Trabajo, Diseño y Análisis de Proyecto y los manuales entregados con la Implementación.La aplicación web ha resultado finalmente un producto amigable e intuitivo que cumple todos los requisitos expuestos en el enunciado así como todas las funcionalidades que se detallan a continuación en las síntesis de cada una de las fases de trabajo.
L’estudi té per objectiu conèixer la reincidència penitenciària de la població excarcerada de les presons catalanes l’any 1997, fent el seguiment durant 5 anys en tot el territori Espanyol. La població total es composa de 3.898 persones, de les que la mostra estudiada ha estat de 1.555 persones. S’ha treballat amb els expedients informàtics dels interns que composen la mostra, identificats amb codis numèrics per garantir la privacitat de les dades. A part d’actualitzar la taxa de reincidència penitenciària (la última datava de l’any 1994 i es referia a les dades de 1987), l’estudi també descriu e les relacions significatives entre determinades variables individuals i d’historial delictiu i penitenciari, i el fet que es reincideixi o no. També identifica el perfil més comú de les persones reincidents front a les que no ho són. I, finalment, es desenvolupa un model predictiu de la reincidència mitjançant l’aplicació de tècniques d’anàlisi multivariat.
Synthetic combinatorial peptide libraries in positional scanning format (PS-SCL) have recently emerged as a useful tool for the analysis of T cell recognition. This includes identification of potentially cross-reactive sequences of self or pathogen origin that could be relevant for the understanding of TCR repertoire selection and maintenance, as well as of the cross-reactive potential of Ag-specific immune responses. In this study, we have analyzed the recognition of sequences retrieved by using a biometric analysis of the data generated by screening a PS-SCL with a tumor-reactive CTL clone specific for an immunodominant peptide from the melanocyte differentiation and tumor-associated Ag Melan-A. We found that 39% of the retrieved peptides were recognized by the CTL clone used for PS-SCL screening. The proportion of peptides recognized was higher among those with both high predicted affinity for the HLA-A2 molecule and high predicted stimulatory score. Interestingly, up to 94% of the retrieved peptides were cross-recognized by other Melan-A-specific CTL. Cross-recognition was at least partially focused, as some peptides were cross-recognized by the majority of CTL. Importantly, stimulation of PBMC from melanoma patients with the most frequently recognized peptides elicited the expansion of heterogeneous CD8(+) T cell populations, one fraction of which cross-recognized Melan-A. Together, these results underline the high predictive value of PS-SCL for the identification of sequences cross-recognized by Ag-specific T cells.
En la investigación llevada a cabo nos hemos aproximado, desde un punto de vista cualitativo, a los recursos de formación para la inserción sociolaboral dirigidos a personas inmigrantes en la ciudad de Barcelona. Dicha formación forma parte de los recursos del sistema de bienestar español, caracterizado como mediterráneo (Esping-Andersen, 1990; Ferrara 1996; Moreno, 2002); y responde a los lineamientos de las políticas de integración dirigidas al mencionado colectivo. Para llevar a cabo el trabajo hemos adoptado la perspectiva metodológica de Antropología de las Políticas (Shore y Wright, 1997). La construcción del marco teórico bebió de los aportes que enfatizan el papel político de los Estados-nación en relación con los procesos migratorios (Sayad, 2010), señalando que la inmigración, lejos de ser un proceso que les “sucede” a las sociedades de recepción, es un fenómeno conformado por éstas (Geddes, 2006). La profunda transformación en los modos de la cohesión social (Castel, 1997) en las sociedades de recepción de personas inmigradas constituyen el contexto en el cual actúan las políticas de integración. A través de las condiciones de acceso a los recursos de formación para la inserción sociolaboral, mediante los contenidos impartidos y las maneras en que lo hacen, se configuran los inmigrantes “deseados” e “indeseados” funcionando como “fronteras organizativas”. Los resultados del análisis, indican que se espera que las personas inmigradas sean sujetos disponibles y activos, donde la formación emerge más que como un derecho que favorece y consolida la cohesión social o la “integración”, como un recurso que hay que “merecer”. Paralelamente a dicha emergencia, la formación se perfila como un dispositivo que antes que servir para la promoción social es un débil sustituto del empleo, fatigosamente anhelado por las personas que llevan a cabo los procesos formativos.
The genetic characterization of unbalanced mixed stains remains an important area where improvement is imperative. In fact, with current methods for DNA analysis (Polymerase Chain Reaction with the SGM Plus™ multiplex kit), it is generally not possible to obtain a conventional autosomal DNA profile of the minor contributor if the ratio between the two contributors in a mixture is smaller than 1:10. This is a consequence of the fact that the major contributor's profile 'masks' that of the minor contributor. Besides known remedies to this problem, such as Y-STR analysis, a new compound genetic marker that consists of a Deletion/Insertion Polymorphism (DIP), linked to a Short Tandem Repeat (STR) polymorphism, has recently been developed and proposed elsewhere in literature [1]. The present paper reports on the derivation of an approach for the probabilistic evaluation of DIP-STR profiling results obtained from unbalanced DNA mixtures. The procedure is based on object-oriented Bayesian networks (OOBNs) and uses the likelihood ratio as an expression of the probative value. OOBNs are retained in this paper because they allow one to provide a clear description of the genotypic configuration observed for the mixed stain as well as for the various potential contributors (e.g., victim and suspect). These models also allow one to depict the assumed relevance relationships and perform the necessary probabilistic computations.